The characters belong to Eoin Colfer but revenge is mine.

Special Assignment

The Chairman's office was shrouded in stygian gloom, hiding the mahogoplast panelling and the intelliplant files crowding the shelves; the sunstrips were dimmed and the only light was coming from the giant plasma screen behind the desk.

"Funny, really," remarked one of the two LEP officers standing before Cahartez, "he looks almost trustworthy these days. You wouldn't think a human, even an Irish one, could be so dangerous to fairies."

The Chairman swung his sim-hide chair to face the screen which Major O'Dendron was watching so intently, and scowled. There was no sign of the avuncular benevolence his PR department made sure was a feature of his public appearances.

"Appearances can be deceptive, Lliri. Since he became involved with the fairies we've had more than a score of casualties."

In response to his remarks, the screen changed, bringing up a casualty list. The faces of both officers turned the colour of new-born stinkworms.

"D'arvit," whispered the second officer as she read the list aloud in shocked tones.

"Arctic Incident:
1 rogue LEP officer, 3 goblins

Earth Probe Incident:
LEP Commander Root
Goblin Triad General Scalene

Hybras Incident:
unspecified number of demons missing, presumed lost

Atlantis Incident:
8 Atlantean prisoners
2 Atlantean prison guards
unconfirmed number of Atlantean civilians
14 LEP marines …"

The Officer's voice shook as she came to the last name,

"LEP Commander Vinyáya."

A profound silence filled the room as the three fairies contemplated the appalling loss; Vinyáya had meant so much to them.

Finally, one of the fairies managed to speak. "There was a human too, wasn't there?" queried O'Dendron.

"Indeed there was," agreed Cahartez grimly. "Nowadays it seems his crimes not only affect fairies, and the number of his victims is increasing with every incident. Perhaps now you see why his activities have to be terminated? We cannot tolerate this rate of attrition. That's why you and Houx Féroce have been given this mission."

He watched closely as both fairies blanched, then stiffened with resolve – although it was clear to the Chairman that they did not relish their assignment.

"Come now, ladies," he said, forgetting political correctness in an attempt to sound jovial. "It's not as if we're going to follow his example and dole out wholesale death and destruction – we're fairies for Frond's sake! You only have to perform a very selective wipe on Mr. Colfer."

That'll serve him right! How could he kill off Vinyáya?