Reviews for Playing House
Joker640 chapter 23 . 9/8
Please write more
Quatermain chapter 23 . 8/8
And here I am, after the second run through this heart-wrenching vacation. "When you are able to answer that question for yourself – when you needn't even ask anymore – then all my waiting will be over, hmm?" That was so perfect to end this story.
Quatermain chapter 21 . 8/8
"The ocean does not speak to the moon of love, Clarice, yet its every action demonstrates the depths of its devotion. The moon rules over it utterly. It cannot escape her pull – nor does it wish to." Damn, I hope will be able to use that line for my own partner in the future. Sooo good.
Quatermain chapter 9 . 8/8
Damn, I always hate this chapter. Not because it is bad, not at all, but because of the frustration. The dance was so romantic... It went so nicely... But then Clarice's conflicted moral had to come up. It was so good yet so frustrating.
Quatermain chapter 23 . 5/7
Heck, that was an emotional final chapter! So much! The goodbye... so bittersweet. Seriously, if the final sequel doesn't have a happy ending, I will be heart-broken for quite some time :( [I was about to say "for my entire life" but thought the better of it, I should not let a story affect me way too much I guess]
Quatermain chapter 21 . 5/7
Forget my previous review - now this is the best chapter! I really, really enjoyed the words from Dr. Lecter here!
Quatermain chapter 17 . 5/7
I think this is the most significant and particularly meaningful chapter so far. The discussion about Dr. Lecter's endgame. The way he phrased his almost-regret that the timing of his escape was not optimal. And that he wanted Clarice to be his queen. So awesome!
Quatermain chapter 16 . 5/7
"Working with other people is exhausting. They interrupt with questions all the time, and they leave tasks half-finished, and they employ shoddy logic," will probably become my lifetime motto. Lol.
Quatermain chapter 12 . 5/7
Oh, come on! It was almost like the entire world was throwing circumstances to stop my favorite couple from loving each other! First, Clarice's thoughts, and now this? Some street thugs? Come on! Oh great story by the way, I definitely enjoy getting absorbed into your words!
Quatermain chapter 10 . 5/7
Oh, well, I'm disappointed and not disappointed at the same time. At this point, I think I'm quite aware that Hannibal Lecter in fanfiction stories is often conjured from people's wishes of an ideal partner - strong, wise, always courteous, won't take advantage of you in any situation rofl. I'm a boy with freudian issues, but I think taking Hannibal Lecter as a reference figure - minus the cannibalism - will do me some good, maybe? Anyhow, I enjoy how the story progresses so far!
Quatermain chapter 9 . 5/7
Nooo the chapter started out so good, please Clarice's guilty conscience don't ruin it!
Quatermain chapter 3 . 5/6
Talking about territorial gestures... I wonder, why was I the one that got angry when that young imbecile tried to get a shot on Frau Bell? Great opening chapters so far!
SilenceintheGraveyard chapter 23 . 3/30
Absolutely wonderful! I must admit, I didn't enjoy it /quite/ as much as the first installment; though the way you crafted the relationship is delicious, and the tension exquisite. Perhaps, as our dear Doctor suggested, it is because of the lack of glass between them; that physical barrier that is a different flavor of "what if?" than the metaphorical barriers between them in this story. I did really like the tension of literal glass between them. But, this sequel absolutely measures up in terms of character development, tension (of many kinds), and the desire it invokes to shatter that glass.
Guest chapter 23 . 7/5/2018
I love this! please keep going, I'm so captivated by this story!
drakos4 chapter 23 . 5/25/2018
Marvellous story, beautiful writing and do much potential yet forvthe future!
I sense another sleepless night ahead of me as it is already 11 pm and there is a sequel to the sequel
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