Author has written 10 stories for Labyrinth, and Megamind. Hello. I am the Starving Artist. I use this name because I have a Visual Arts degree, and as anyone with a Visual Arts degree knows, paid employment outside of the Golden Arches (do you want fries with that?) or behind a bar is hard to come by. Well it's not so bad I guess. I'm a teacher now (put down the chair and step away from the other student!) but making art and writing are the things I love the most. I was on this site years ago under a name I've forgotten writing nerdy Star Trek fan fictions and X-Files crossovers. I re-discovered it when, quite bored, I re-kindled an old Labyrinth obsession last year and oh dear, I'm back into it again. I've only written a few pieces so far but I've been overjoyed with the feedback. You guys now are so much better than ten years ago! I've written for Labyrinth and Megamind so far and I've decided not to plan anything, just go with what feels right at the time. I've been reading Labyrinth, Megamind and Hellsing (anime) so far and again, the writing is way better than it used to be! Good for you, FanFiction community! A few things about me... I have two sons. One is named Jareth after, you guessed it, the Goblin King. And let me tell you, the personality comes with the name! I teach English and Visual Arts as my main subjects, so if I misspell anything feel free to pick mercilessly, I deserve it. I enjoy painting. My bedroom currently reeks of oil paint, and common sense tells me my remedy of using a scented candle isn't really OH&S approved, but as long as there's a few meters in between substances/flames all should be well, right? I'm not a big reader (of books anyway) at the moment, I haven't found anything new I like for a while. I've read Lord of the Rings at least 12 times (not exaggerating) and I was a big fan of Sara Douglas but other than the occasional Penguin Paperback (loving the Gothic Horror, and Perfume: Story of a Murderer was amazing!) I'm in between authors. Well that's me I guess. My stories range from K-M so check the rating before you read, and I hope you enjoy! |