Author has written 10 stories for Final Fantasy XII, Final Fantasy VII, Hetalia - Axis Powers, and Hunger Games. I'm Puel. I'm a grad student in the big city, and someday I will be forced to get a real job. I'm mostly writing for The Hunger Games now, though I have works in progress for a few other fandoms. I'm making an effort to crosspost more of my stories, but I'm rather lazy, so the most reliable place to find my fic is still my livejournal. This account won't host my NC-17 fic, or the stories I co-author with my girlfriend Mithrigil. Check out the timeline of our fics here -- a lot of the individual Hetalia stories I've written make more sense as part of our timeline. All reviews are welcomed, unless they're flames or personal attacks. I always try to respond to everyone who reviews me, but it's a little harder with anonymous reviews to do that. Questions? Stop by my livejournal and ask them. |