Ban blinked at her for a moment as if he hadn't heard anything she had said before stammering out, "W-What?" Surely he hadn't heard Akane right. There was no way that his best friend, comrade/leader would threaten his woman. Nuh-uh, no way, not happening.
Ban would be honor bound to kick his little blond ass if he had dared to.
"You heard me," Akane snapped at him as she glared. "I know that I didn't fucking stutter."
Ban blinked his eyes at her for a moment, but said nothing more about what had caused her upset. Deciding that it was best for the moment to get her out of the tavern and get her some fresh air among other things. "Tell you what, Akane- Come into town with me and do some shopping. Take your mind off of the captain and what he did while I wasn't paying attention and I'll handle him when we get back. Sound fair?"
"Only if you get my stuff back and punch the little asshole through a fucking wall."
Ban kept himself from smirking at her words and simply nodded his head in agreement as he stepped back away from the door and waited for her to move towards the door. Noting that she sort of was skittish around him and didn't take her eyes off of him until she passed through the open door and then came to a stop and waited on him.
Her actions might have been amusing, if they didn't bother him so damned much.
After all, he didn't want her to be skittish around him. She was his woman fro crying out loud! He wanted her to accept him and his attentions and be comfortable in the knowledge that he would care for and protect her with his immortal life.
Stepping outside of the bedroom, Ban very gently took hold of her delicate hand in one of his own and began walking, while tugging her along behind him as he navigated the hallway down the stairs to the tavern where he noted his captain had meandered back to after his little...visit with his woman.
Meliodas looked up as the two entered the room, and smiled that innocent-unassuming smile of his and waved at them as Akane let out a soft growl and started to take a step towards the group when Ban acted quickly and yanked her back to his side, where he then wrapped an arm around her waist and lifted her until her feet came up off of the floor and just kept on walking until they were both outside, and a fair distance away before he finally placed her back on her feet again, but maintained a hold on her slender wrist just to keep her from running back to the tavern and jumping the Captain.
"O-Ow! Loosen your grip- your hurting my wrist." Akane suddenly said as she tried to tug her arm from his steely grasp, Ban looked down at her for a moment. Noting the pained look on her face and carefully loosened his grip enough to keep it from being painful, but not enough for her to slip free of him as he muttered a quick apology to her for forgetting his own strength for a moment.
Akane fell silent after that and merely let him lead her along the dirt road through a heavily wooded area that reminded her of the nightmarish movie series, Saw, and Wrong Turn, and felt her heart begin to accelerate a little bit in fear as she imagined him dragging her even further away from the place that they had just left for the sole purpose of killing her.
"W-Where are we going?" She asked, trying to keep her rising panic from her voice as images of a painful and gruesome death danced through her head.
Dear god- is this going to be exactly like those movies? She wondered. Had she fallen into some weird hellish dimension where she was going to be raped, carved up like a turkey and eaten alive while she screamed?
"I told you before, we're going into town. I need to pick up some things for dinner later and I'm sure that you'd like to look around and maybe see if you can find anything else that you need that the Captain and I weren't able to provide you with. Things like clothing, ribbons for your hair, trinkets, shoes, maybe some books..." Ruby colored eyes flickered towards her pale face, internally frowning as he noted the panicked expression on her pretty face as he slowly said yet couldn't seem to hide his vexation, "You seem like the wordsy type. Ya know, educated... What in the world is wrong with you now?"
Akane looked close to tears, her skin was so pale it was practically chalk white, her eyes were wide and frightened. All of which weren't a normal nor a natural reaction to anything that he'd just said. Which meant that something else was scaring the ever loving hell out of his woman.
But the question was, what was it?
Releasing her wrist for a moment so that he could try wrapping his arms around her and make an attempt at comforting her until she calmed down- he was taken by surprise when she hauled off and punched him in the face with such force that he was sure that she must have broken at least three of her fingers. And possibly fractured the bones in her hand and wrist before she went tearing off into the woods as if some sort of monster was after her.
Ban rubbed the area that she had struck for a moment, deciding to give her a decent head start before he hunted her down and demanded some sort of answer from her about her less than lady-like behavior.
Sighing, he wondered why he didn't just turn and walk away before his mind quietly reminded him that he was a bandit. A possessive one at that. It didn't matter if he was laying a claim to a person or a treasure- once something or someone was in his grasp he never let them go.
Still, it bothered him why Akane had reacted so violently now when she had seemed, civil yet slightly wary of him before. Scowling slightly he figured that enough time had passed for her to have gotten a fair distance from him, and decided that it was time to hunt her down and see what was up.