Reviews for Cantabile
1quintisfan chapter 1 . 2/6/2019
i have to say as a pianist this piece hits me hard with not only the spectacular way it is written or the emotions flowing from every word but the extra connection i feel from understanding every musical refrence and bringinf me that much closer. amazing work dear writer and i look forward to looking into your other works
decoris chapter 1 . 1/29/2016
I'm checking the One in a Million Community rn and I have to say this most certainly does deserve to be here! I really do love new perspectives and the angst wasnt over done, so job well done! *feels attack*
KrimsonKitsu chapter 1 . 7/16/2014
You have a magical narration. I love the simple heartbreak that runs through the entire story. Beautiful!
Torsamors chapter 1 . 7/12/2012
Beautiful. Just beautiful.
Speadee chapter 1 . 8/21/2011
This was an unique and creative way to write a fic: progressing it in steps. I like how you began the situation in the readers' POV, then switched to Italy's.

You really used their musical area expertise, scenery, and time to describe the thoughts, feelings, situations, and struggles beautifully. Good use of imagery!
chibiaries chapter 1 . 5/9/2011
Seriously, why doesn't this have more reviews?

It's beautiful, and tragic, and sad, and I love the motif of time, and clocks, and numbers that you built up through all the little snippets. Number 12 was my absolute favorite. And I also liked the bits about HRE and Germany, and how it was a false choice, but Italy still had to choose anyways.

Sometimes, the repetition of some words and sentences were a little...repetitive, but overall it was used to good effect for the piece.

And Eloquent!Italy is totally my headcanon now. I mean, he is the country famous for its art and architecture and aesthetics and all that. Perhaps he could be pretty eloquent in Hetalia canon, if he was passionate enough about the subject he was talking about.
SubstandardProducer chapter 1 . 11/29/2010

So yeah, I love this.
whitealmond chapter 1 . 11/1/2010
Ah, beautiful. I loved the tone and the description of the eyes, changing every section until the 'deepest spring'. I really felt so sad for Italy and Germany/HRE - I thought you handled the both of them are the same person aspect very well. Also, I totally didn't notice the second person POV until the end, when it suddenly struck me; I felt like there was something off but couldn't pinpoint it until I realized the 'you's, lol. Nothing wrong with second person POV, just thought the natural way the fic flowed may have had to do with my not noticing sooner.
psychotic7796 chapter 1 . 8/11/2010
Very nice story! Very deep, very emotional! I loved it, and it's nice to see Italy written a little more observant and understanding them usual. It was REALLY nice to see Italy be the brave one for once (by confessing his feelings; I'm of the belief that it takes a lot of strength and courage to speak honestly about one's feelings) because he gets overlooked as the spineless, scaredy-cat. It's nice to see it a different way. Again, I loved the story a lot!
theskybeneath chapter 1 . 7/21/2010
Absolutely beautiful. I love the pacing.
lynnthinksurcool13 chapter 1 . 7/18/2010
I. Love. This. Piece. Eloquent!Italy was FANTASTIC, but only because YOU'RE fantastic, and eloquent to boot. This was seriously amazing, I hope you know that.
Cattiechaos chapter 1 . 7/17/2010

You have a very special 'voice' that comes through in this fic - it gives it an almost timeless feel, a certain elegance and beauty. One thing I would recommend (I hope you don't mind a critique) is to change the dynamics, because even at part 5, which is about the war and living one breath at a time, was the same note as the rest of the fic. I would suggest trying out different moods and tones rather than making the entire fic beautiful and lovely as it was. Thanks for the read.

- Cattie
chandeluresinitaly chapter 1 . 7/17/2010
That was absolutely beautiful.

I-I can't even say anything else at this point.
Yuuko chapter 1 . 7/17/2010
that was so lovely, i just had to congratulate you. wonderful work, and musical influences didn't feel forced in the slightest.
candyXkyo chapter 1 . 7/17/2010
beautiful TTvTT