Author has written 44 stories for Series Of Unfortunate Events, Adventure Time with Finn and Jake, Artemis Fowl, Ender's Game series, Hunger Games, Sisters Grimm, Fairy Dust Trilogy, Professor Layton, Homestuck, Frozen, One Week Friends/一週間フレンズ, Big Hero 6, Bartimaeus Trilogy, Gravity Falls, Haikyu/ハイキュー, Zootopia, Teen Beach Movie, and Rick and Morty. previously mochabelle33 / fluggerbutter. artist, writer, english major. i write fic for children's books, animated films, cartoons, maybe a video game here and there. my biggest focus at the moment is an as-yet unnamed series of sisters grimm pieces about jake grimm and william charming. the series begins with unbeing dead, and the latest installation is these fragile splendors, but each can be read as a standalone fic. as of august 2017 i am also currently in the process of rewriting the ongoing taxi driver, an asoue fic centering around violet and lemony and the search for the three remaining baudelaires. currently on hiatus are brazen glory and like islands in the sea. undeserving beta reader for the astonishingly sensational allsevendwarves and her hanselsa political fic disarm |