![]() Author has written 18 stories for CSI, Psych, Young Justice, Justice League, Big Time Rush, and Rise of the Guardians. Heya! Thought now would be a good time as ever to update this thing, so here I am! The name's Jasmine, and writing is my life. My current fandoms are everything. I'm not kidding, you'll see me bounce all over the place in my fandoms. So, things about me... I've been writing since forever. I discovered fanfiction.net when I was nine and that's when I really got into writing. I'm an original fiction author and I'm working on getting my books published someday. I'm a proud TSCOW Gurl (The Supply Chamber of Whump-- you put the pieces together) and my forte is kidnapping. You'll probably see a lot of kidnapping in my stories and not a whole lot of romance. Fair warning! HEYHEYHEYHEY! I have a Twitter account! Feel free to follow me-- unless you're a weird creeper who stalks me, not just my fics. In which case, go away, you scary person. xP ANYWHO, follow me at @CinderScoria! I promise I'll try to be more frequent with my updates! I also have a Tumblr! Y'all can follow me at if you wanna! Child Abuse: Every twenty-eight seconds a child dies as a result of child abuse. Wrap your head around that. Count the seconds in your mind, close your eyes and imagine all the kids that could've been saved if their parents, or their aunts or uncles, or their grandparents or foster parents or whoever, weren't total jerks. Now imagine how half of those deaths were caused by suicide. Imagine the teenagers who have been pushed to the edge, so close to snapping, terrified that the world is how they viewed it growing up and thinking that they don't want to be part of it if everyone else was that cruel. Imagine the cops who find them in the morning, shaking their heads because it's just another one of those sad cases where the teenager overreacted - because surely, nobody could be so cruel. Imagine all the parents in jail and their kids free because the bruises they'd received were proof enough to send the offenders to prison. Imagine the kids with divorced parents, the ones who hate each other, and the verbal abuse they take from them every single moment of the day. Imagine those kids who are wishing their parents hit them, so they could go to jail too and the kids could be free. Imagine taking every word, every harsh emotion like a physical blow. Maybe it hurts worse. Listen. You don't have to be hit to be abused. If you hurt, you hurt. Get help. I was one of the lucky ones, the ones who found ways to deal before it became too much. I'm going to grow up to be the one who doesn't abuse their kid, because I was. Don't be the one who lashes out because the hurt you endured as a kid carried on into the rest of your life. You control it. Life's too short. Let them live. Disclaimer: This goes to all of my stories: I own nothing I write, only my imagination, and I am sadly not making any money off of this. -sigh- |