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![]() Author has written 22 stories for Artemis Fowl, CSI, Pirates of the Caribbean, Deltora Quest, Harry Potter, Transformers, Star Trek: 2009, Sherlock Holmes, Star Wars, Merlin, Sherlock, Teen Wolf, Hobbit, Zombies, Run!, and Rowan of Rin series. Readers, I might try my hand at Supernatural and/or Criminal Minds and/or Glee ficlets in the somewhat near future. I've now started my first crossover fic. It's based on Star Wars and Star Trek XI. Updates are slow because it's now a regular crossover, meaning I actually have to come up with a plot now :) Also, school has started, which means classes have priority. But I'm graduating this year, so more time for ff! C.A.T. About me: I am (going to be) a screenwriter, hence my presence here (it's great practice!)...I enjoy humor and a healthy dose of sarcasm. Hobbies: Reading. Writing (go figure). Sarcasm, too. Likes: Harry Potter (books then movies), Star Wars (original then prequel then EU), Lord of the Rings (book and movies), Artemis Fowl, Pirates of the Caribbean, Transformers (live-action), Star Trek (TOS, TNG, VOY, XI), Sherlock Holmes (ACD canon and BBC), Criminal Minds, Community, Fringe, Glee, Supernatural, Merlin, and Chronicles of Narnia (books and movies) Favorite Quotes: I've got a bad feeling about this--just about every main character from StarWars, slight variations Give me your face! -- Optimus Prime Believe me to be -- Sherlock Holmes About my stories: Star Wars/Star Trek XI crossover: On-going, I swear (just very slowly, like an Ent) Merlin fics: Right now, I'm writing a few more of these just to keep in practice Transformers: Unlikely to be continued due to "Dark of the Moon" Sherlock Holmes: In limbo, slight chance of conclusions (more likely to see new BBC "Sherlock" material) Both AF fics are COMPLETE (for new readers, apologies for typos and errors - I wasn't even a teen when I wrote those) CSI, Deltora (the first one), POTC HOTS, Oneshot, and Promotions are COMPLETE HP, Deltora (the second one), and Stop the Presses are UNFINISHED FOREVER (insert dramatic music here) About Mary-Sues: I'll be the first to admit that some of my female characters can come off Sue-ish. I think this is because I get so focused on getting the correct characterizations for everyone in the established canon that I forget about my OCs. To be honest, I would rather receive compliments on getting a canon character correct than making a believably interesting OC. I'm sorry if it keeps people from enjoying my stories. It is something that I'm working on. Some of them are pure accidents. Alexis from my Transformers stories has been accused of Sue-ness, but she was inspired by the Armada character Alexis (hence the name and relationship to Starscream) and was also meant to serve as a more effective combination of Leo (human sidekick) and Alice (Decepticon traitor). In fact, "Dark of the Moon" had Dylan Gould, a male version of what Alexis was intended to be. Some of the earlier characters were somewhat self-insert, but I was new and thought that was okay ;) Thanks for reading! C.A.T. |