Author has written 3 stories for Flashpoint, and Prison Break. I suppose this starts with a brief summary of who I am, what I write, and such. So here it goes! I'm a new writer who writes for the pure pleasure for myself and those who care to read. I have a LOT of my own plot bunnies in my head, and you might know how those are, they just don't stop reproducing! So in another words, I would like to get my ideas I've bundled up and write them out as best as I can to keep my head from exploding. I've read so many fantastic fan fictions on here and I finally could not hold back any longer, because even though I don't professionally write or I might not have the most functional sentences that are without grammar errors, I still believe if they can do it, why not me. I like to read fan fictions of the following TV Shows: Supernatural, Flashpoint, NCIS, CSI:NY, White Collar and Prison Break. And yes, I have so many ideas for new fan fictions for these shows its hard to know where to get started. So, now for me, personally. Surprisingly enough I think I might be even more shy online sometimes than in person, although my personality of who I am doesn't change. I'm always a very approachable person and always welcome to talk whether its to exchange ideas of plots, talk about a character/show in general, or just simple talk like, "How's the weather?" I have strong passion in art: love drawing and painting! And I have to say, although I'm a writter for fanfictions, English is not my favourite subject. In fact my most love subject is Biology, but I love science all around. I always appreciate those who write and those who read. Other sites you can find me on: LiveJournal: http:/// ArchiveOfOurOwn: http:///users/Jae_O_Rae/works |