Disclaimer I don't own the characters in this story, except for the original ones. I'm not making any money from this, no copyright infringement is intended.
Warning: This is a dark story, darker than I've ever written. If you don't like stories with non-con in them, do not read this. There are a few slightly graphic parts, tame, compared to what I've seen out there. Oh, and there's minor swearing. Further explanation can be found in the Author's Notes at the end of the last chapter.
Huge thanks to my beta, Rinne, for correcting my errant punctuation. She's a peach.
This is short, it's an intro. The other chapters are much longer, I promise.
Chapter One
Special Agent Gibbs looked up from his desk as FBI Agent Fornell approached him. Gibbs felt a chill run down his spine at the grim expression on the agent's face.
Gibbs stood. "What happened?"
"We lost him, Gibbs." Fornell's voice was apologetic and angry at the same time.
Ziva and McGee stood and joined the FBI agent in front of Gibbs' desk, their expressions concerned.
"You lost him?" Gibbs growled, his face a mask of barely contained fury.
Fornell ran his hand through his hair. "Yeah, we lost him. The team monitoring DiNozzo's movements fucked up, but not before we got recording of his cover being blown."
Gibbs fist slammed down on his desk. "Damn it, Tobias, I told you I wanted our people backing him up but you insisted on doing it your way. When did this happen?"
"Yesterday morning."
Gibbs yelled, "Yesterday morning? And we're just hearing about this now?" He looked like he was going to take a swing at the smaller man, who backed up, his hands up in a placating manner.
"I'm sorry, Jethro," Fornell's voice was raised. "It wasn't my decision not to inform you right away. People higher up wanted to try to fix the situation themselves before calling in other agencies."
"You already involved 'other agencies' by getting me to agree to let DiNozzo work your undercover op for you, Tobias. You guaranteed that you would back him up and give him all the support he needed. Now you're telling me that your team 'fucked up', that DiNozzo's cover was blown and he's been missing for over 24 hours?" Gibbs' laughed bitterly.
Fornell had the grace to look ashamed. He had made those promises, and he meant them. He knew that Tony DiNozzo was a good agent, one he'd love to have on his own team, and he thought that he had his best people backing the young agent on the undercover operation. His best people turned out to be seriously lacking in the experience needed to recognize the danger signs of an operation going wrong. Upon listening to the surveillance tapes, Fornell could tell that DiNozzo was giving subtle verbal hints that had completely gone over the heads of the two FBI agents monitoring communications. Hints that any of DiNozzo's teammates would have picked up on immediately; hints that would have initiated actions to disengage the agent from the dangerous situation.
Instead, Special Agent DiNozzo was revealed to be a Federal Agent, not Anthony DeMarco, the arms specialist who dealt in stolen weapons. The events that were recorded before the wire had been discovered and disabled were violent, the brutality of Gianni Mancuso flaring instantly, overpowering DiNozzo before he could react. The static on the tape was ominous.