Sam watched Kensi pace, her pacing made him more nervous than he thought. "It's fine Kensi he's coming back today nothing to worry about. It's not like he's going on active duty right away. Right?"
Kensi glared but answered. "No its just desk work but still." Kensi paced back and forth waiting for her always late partner to return to work. It had been a long 2 months of recovery for the both of them. Deeks had stayed in the hospital for 3 weeks due to his back injuries. He had to stay on his side which made Deeks increasingly restless and annoying to the hospital staff. Turing the first few nights he demanded to be turned on his back claiming he couldn't sleep on his side but after the first night on his back Deeks compliantly laid back on his side without further complaint even though his ribs were cracked. Deeks arms were also extremely weak, to weak to support himself, he couldn't even lay on his front because his ribs were broken and he was bruised in so many areas he wasn't finding any comfort in any position. His discomfort caused Kensi to pace his hospital room trying anything and everything to help her partner and yet she kept failing.
Mean while at the hospital Deeks couldn't eat, his ribs were so cracked breathing and swallowing hurt him and so an IV and a feeding tube was inserted in his arm by the end of day 2 since their captors had never bothered to feed them. By 2 weeks his complaints grew and he demanded to be released but with a lot of protests and almost near outbreak of hysteria from herself truly he agreed for one more week.
Kensi herself found it increasingly difficult to hold things for very long, her arms were still tired and sore from being hung by them for so long but her knife wound cleaned up nicely. Kensi's wrist were still wrapped, both Deeks and the doctor said she had mangled them pretty bad but Kensi's worst struggle yet was leaving Deeks. Every time she left the room either for food or a short break she felt a rising anxiety in her chest her heart constricted and she found herself running back to his room to find her sleeping partner breathing and snoring away. Before she knew it she would find herself sitting here in her new home the plastic chair by his bed side within seconds. Every time she left she felt like she was back in the warehouse whenever he wasn't in her sights he got hurt.
Even in her dreams she was always too late to save him and his beautiful struggle for breath never really happened. It took her a while to be ok with leaving him alone and even longer after he discovered this fear for Deeks to let it go but after his hospital release she couldn't help but stay with him at his apartment. Whenever he went to bed she would sit by his bed side or wait in the living room reassured by his snores. It was after day 3 when he realized she never left and only brought a change of clothes in the car that he started trying to make her a bed on the couch. But every time he bent over his back pulled and one of the wounds would open and freely bleed.
Simple tasks also became increasingly difficult for Deeks as well, putting on jeans were out of the question so he stuck with sweat pants. One morning she had found him in his boxers sitting on his bed facing away from her she could see his shoulder shaking his chest was bare to her as well, she could see all the lines on his back but only a few had opened up and bleed slowly. From then on she always helped him in the morning to dress but sometimes he would just stay in the same sweats for days since showering had left his options for the time being as well.
One incident still left her reeling was when they were in the kitchen on a late Tuesday both finally laughing it had felt like a million years since their last real laugh when everything went wrong. He insisted on helping her in the kitchen not wanting it to burn down and she had laughed and let him stay. Not long after that he made a move to put something on the table only to knock a cup off the counter without thought Deeks bent down trying to catch it when his world exploded in pain and he collapsed on the ground in a heap writhing and twitching making little sound. Kensi had called out to him and was by his side in seconds she watched horrified as his shirt started turning a shocking red. The back of his shirt, it was like watching someone paint her partner or more like start dumping a red bucket of paint on him slowly. Each wound had reopened, cleaning it almost caused Kensi to puke and cry out in frustration. But Deeks didn't say a single word while she cleaned his wound's his shoulder's were tight and taunt, dripping sweat and his little intake of breath every once in awhile was the only indicator to his pain that he tried so hard hiding.
That had happen 3 weeks ago today, now her partner was about to return and all she could do was worry about was he wasn't ready yet. She had only returned 3 weeks ago herself but her main absence was because of Deeks. She didn't want to leave him alone so long by himself but Hetty said she looked way too ill to stay at work so every time Kensi left she went to Deeks who was never surprised to see her anymore. Their routine now involved and revolved around the other neither wanted to think about when Deeks was fully recovered both just enjoying the time they have now wit their partner.
"Why are you so worried Kens?" Sam's voice interrupted her thoughts of the past. Glancing his way she could see he was concerned for both her sanity and for Deeks well being and it made her smile a bit. Both the guys had been acting more gentle around her not saying certain things that would upset her or reeling in their happiness when she came into work. Even though each time they tried to get her to laugh with them she could only muster up a small smile then she went back to worrying about what Deeks was doing at home by himself. Every once in a while Kensi would catch them staring at her wrists that were finally uncovered but were scarred horribly. Each glance left them looks of anger and sadness on their face as if they were responsible. Kensi now always tired to be in long sleeves trying to cover them up trying to cover up the past.
"Your worried his not ready to be back even for desk work?" Callen asked and she knew he wasn't being mean or stating anything mean, he wasn't even underestimating Deeks like they use to. He was generally worried if his friend wasn't ready for work than Callen didn't want him back yet. He had been through a lot recently and if Deeks needed more time Callen would have happily let him have it. Callen was honestly surprised he was coming back so soon but knowing Deeks he was probably going stir crazy sitting around his place, of course he would know.
Kensi shook her head as she glanced around the office. "No I think he's fine."It was a partial lie and they knew it she didn't question he couldn't do it she just didn't want him to over-do it. He had been doing great, healing really well but sitting at a desk doing paper work pulls your back and Deeks still couldn't completely lay on his back and sitting in that chair for hours wouldn't be good for him. No she didn't questing that he wasn't fine she question if he was rushing it and going to hurt himself when all she wanted him to do was stay still and heal.
Sam voiced his concerns as he stared at the worried partner. "Deeks will be fine if he needs to he can go home we'll watch him but damn do I hate to admit the more time he's out the more I realize we need him and his annoying jokes. It's not the same without them or him."
"Do my ears deceive me?" They all turned to the stairs and saw the shaggy blonde cop, to thin for their liking and they could see dark deep circles under his eyes but his smile and eyes sparkled with mischief and happiness as he walked over to his team. "Did Sam Hanna the burly marine actually say he needs me?" He smiled down at the marine as Sam looked uncomfortable and looked anywhere but at Deeks.
"No I don't think I did. Did I G?" Sam looked up hopefully at his partner as Callen laughed but Deeks cut in before he could answer.
"No no my back has been damaged my side, my feet, and my chest but nothing damaged my hearing." He said with a knowing smile at the annoyed agent.
"No but you did take blows to the head must be hallucinating again." Sam smirked up at Deeks as he scoffed and moved to his desk dropping everything off. He rubbed his chest as a pain reached him and Deeks quickly tried covering it up with more talking.
"Callen did I hallucinate everything that was just said by the ever so brute of our agent?" Callen laughed and looked at his partner whose eyes begged him to say no but then he looked at Deeks and for once decided to let the cop have it.
"Oh I'm pretty sure I heard him say something like that, something closer to a declaration of concern even." Callen smiled at his defeated partner.
Kensi laughed and nodded instantly going along. "Ya I definitely felt some emotions coming for Mr. Hanna over there some pretty strong ones." Deeks laughed as Sam blushed and got up grumbling at his team.
"THANK YOU" Deeks shouted in victory as he sat on the corner of his desk.
Callen laughed and shook hands with Deeks. "Its good to have you back man the quiet was nice but I prefer a more lively group of people."
Sam smiled and made his way over to the shaggy cop and shook his hand as well and looked Deeks deep in the eye beofre saying "I did not say I need you."
Deeks laughed and stared at Sam patting him on the back reassuringly. "This stage is called Denial its okay buddy.."
"Shut up" Sam snapped and walked away as the team laughed at his expense no one noting the smile also on Sam's face as he finally breathed, they would be alright after all.
"Now that your all settled" Hettys voice rang out from behind the team making only Deeks and Kensi flinch. "I have some news."
Deeks quickly cut in. "Good news or bad news? I generally prefer good news if you don't mind."
"Very well then the good news is Your paper work has missed you dearly Mr. Deeks" Hetty smiled brightly.
Deeks looked back at his desk and nearly collapsed his desk was under what look like two feet of folders. "Awe man!"
Hetty continued. "Bad news we found our inside man. Mr. Kevin Heart was found on the beach today he had washed up and some surfers found him. He had been shot in the head and dumped, he was also found not to far away from his wife's body that was still in the water. We found video of their home that after he had sold out Detective Deeks and Agent Blye he fled back to his home to salvage what he could of his life but was unfortunately was followed by some of Victor's men." The room grow silent most glances went to Deeks and Kensi but she only had eyes for Deeks.
He sat at the corner of his desk staring down at the ground shoulders tense his fist clenched at the side of his desk. "Do we know who killed them?" all eyes found Hetty again as she nodded.
"The two goons who held you both previously." Kensi and Deeks both stiffened at the mention of they're long time companions both glancing at each other almost assessing if they were ok, neither could truly lie they both didn't want this for the man and his wife. "Back to work, there's a lot of paperwork for some of you." Hetty walked away and the tense room finally became alive once Deeks shuffled off his desk and plopped down. Deeks put his arms on his desk and flinched as his back stretched he quickly tried covering it up as a cough, Kensi saw but decided against saying anything she didn't want to draw attention when she knew neither Callen or Sam had seen anything.
"Sooo" Deeks looked around smiling at his team Kensi could tell the subject bothered him still so he was doing what he did best distracting with talk. "How much do you guys love me?"
"No" three voices rang out all knowing what he wanted.
"Please! It will take me like 10 years to get all this paper work done by myself." Deeks tried looking as pathetic as he felt which wasn't hard he felt pretty bad he was just to bored sitting at home. Deeks missed his team and just like an unknowing Sam Hanna he wouldn't admit it either but he needed this team. He missed the guys teasing and their constant support he was going crazy not seeing Kensi for a couple of hours when she went to work. Again pathetic but he couldn't help it they had become so close these last couple months that he had no doubts about his partner. Kensi looked down at her partner and could see that underneath that fake look was the real look of sadness and exhaustion she knew he wasn't ready to be back but Deeks would never listen to her. Sighing she reached forward and grabbed a stack of folders and headed back to her desk. Deeks looked up like a puppy who had just been offered the biggest bone in the world and he smiled at her. "Thanks Fern"
"Only this one time Shaggy." She started opening the folders trying to hide her grin.
"See Deeks if I liked you" Sam started collecting his things signaling to his partner. "Or needed you I would help you out but as is" Sam grabbed his bag and made his way to the gym with Callen at his heels. "I'll see you in ten years when your all caught up."
"5 now that my Fernies got my back unlike you two!" Neither answered but you could hear their laughter down the hall. "Seriously though Kensi" she glanced up at him a small smile gracing her lips. Her partner despite his dark circles looked incredible again. Kensi could picture as if it was like yesterday when he was black and blue all over his eyes out of focus from the concussions he had received his eyes a mix of sadness and acceptance now shined with new life and new hope. Kensi vowed right then and there she would keep that light in his eye and would kill anyone who tried to take it away from him again. She would not see that look of acceptance and fear there ever again. Deeks may be her knight in shining armor but she was his as well in a twisted way.
"Ya Deeks" he looked back at his desk as he spoke his voice dropping a bit.
"Thank you."
"Its only paper work Deeks" she tried brushing of his thank you even though she knew that wasn't all he was thanking her for but Deeks wouldn't have it.
"No thank you for coming back for me. For talking to me and keeping me sane there I don't know what I would have done without you there to back me." You would have died she thought sadly he would have been beaten and would have been killed in a day's time had she not been there and that thought scared Kensi more than anything.
"That's what partners do." Deeks smiled nodding and went to start his paper work while Kensi just watched him.
She pictured a world without Deeks, his desk empty and bare, his apartment no longer full of surf boards or Monty, no more complaints on stake out, no smell of the ocean when he gets in her car. She would be able eat her junk food in peace, and worse of all the laughs in her life, the smiles that had finally graced her face would die away. Back into the person who was so serious and unwanted she would become an even worse copy of her old self. Without him she could almost picture it now back in the warehouse how he faded from her how lifeless his eyes were staring at her how cold he was how…"Kensi!"
She blinked a couple of times and realized there were two beautiful blue eyes staring at her in concern and then all those images disappeared. No more Deeks lifeless and cold, broken and beaten no this was Deeks alive and well and once again looking at her like she mattered.
"You ok? You were staring at me for like 10 minutes not that I can blame you or anything but then when I tried getting your attention you didn't respond." He finished with a troubling smile at the end and she knew he was worried about her, he was always worried about her and she would always be worried about him.
"No I'm good thanks." He looked at her skeptically but let it go.
"Want to go somewhere?" He wiggle his eyebrows smiling at her.
"Deeks we have paper work and you have even triple that." she already knew protesting would be futile.
"I know but whats one more day right?! Come on lets go!" Deeks grabbed her stuff then his as well she made a swipe for them.
"Deeks give those back! Hey we're working"
"Up and at it Fern the days a wasting and your just getting wrinkly"
They ended up at the beach the smell of ocean, the beautiful sunset and her partner all in the same place, it was a good day to ditch work. "Worth it right?!" he was looking at her as she smiled so did he. They stared at each other for a long time before she answered him.
"Ya worth it." Kensi wasn't talking about ditching work but yes that was worth it, no it was worth it to try this partnership out. It was worth her effort to make sure this stayed working and it was worth it that they were alive here together. "What do you want to do now?" She asked him quietly as the water rushed up on her feet bringing more than one chill she felt.
"Well" as he stepped closer a wicked smile dashing his lips. "We could have some fun." Kensi turned and faced him they was inches apart.
"What kind of fun?" she asked scared and skeptical of his answer. Deeks bent close to her and for a moment she stopped breathing till he bent all the way down and tossed water at her in his cupped hands. The water hit her pants and shirt instantly drenching her. Kensi gasped from the cold impact from it and glared at him as Deeks laughed and started taking off. "Oh no you don't!" She ran after him kicking up water and splashing him as he scrambled to get away from her.
"I'm injured Fern you wouldn't go after an injured man would you!?" To answer his question she tossed water in his face. Laughing they both ran towards shore and back to the car getting the always handy towels out of the back of her car. She always cared them ever since they became partners, actually he just started putting them in her car encase of an emergency random surf.
"Where to next partner?" She looked at Deeks waiting for an answer.
"Ice cream and a better future." Pausing he looked at his partner smiling broadly. "Now let's go before you start eating the interior of your car cause I didn't feed you on time." She glared and smiled at him before smacking him on the back of the head. They were going to be ok after all.