Authors Note: Okay, so this is my first EVER post of a fan fiction on a show that I've recently got hooked to, Flashpoint. Honestly, I'm not sure what to expect, although feedback would be greatly appreciated. I have to warn though! This idea was a spur of the moment and this is all I've written so far. In other words, I'm not sure the frequency of the chapters, even though I do plan to stick with it, and it may take me awhile to plot out where this is all going in detail. Even though this is quiet a short prologue, I would enjoy your thoughts, correction, and just overall review. Much thanks.

Update: Alright, so quick update on a couple things I realized I should inform readers about. I decided this was going to get a bit graphic in the torture department, but nothing to extreme! Process of torture will be written in detail. So, it will be containing violence of blood and other injuries; however, I think that the rating is still fitting at 'T'. I just feel the need to give heads up that torture themes are included in this story and may not be for the lighthearted. ALSO, I forgot to bring a timeline of when this is all taking place so I decided season 3 post "Follow the Leader". This story won't contain any spoilers, but a brief, if ever so light, mention in the dialogue about "Follow the Leader". So slight you probably won't pick up on it unless you've already seen the episode!

Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters

Prologue: A Torturous Process

All the hours began to blend together in a fast blur for the members of the SRU team. Tensions were higher than ever and every second was as painful as the next.

"I'm sorry, Sergeant Parker. I don't believe we are on the same understanding. I am going to continue to torture your colleague until my demands are met. So the longer you drag your feet—will only cost your buddy more time to suffer. And don't you damn play games with me. I know how the system works, which is why I will be relentless with my tactics. You and your SRU team can continue to watch the video feed to decide whether or not I'm a man of my word," the harsh and unsettling voice cut off from the other line of the receiver.

Greg slammed his hands down on the table causing multiple things to clatter to the ground. Every day he dealt with hostage situations, none feeling any easier than the last, but the ones that involved his team, his family, were the hardest ones. Of course he wasn't the only member of this team who feels this way because they all are a unit of strong individuals who support each other like a blood-line family would.

He glanced over at Eddie, the stronghold of the team, who now visibly showed tension in his face, but refused to give up hope.

And Spike, who lost one friend and refused to lose another, now had fingers flying over the keyboard searching for any clues to the whereabouts of his comrade.

Wordy, the support you knew would always be there when you needed someone as a colleague or friend.

Then there was Jules. The biggest, toughest heart in the team that always remains pumping through the worst of conditions stopping at nothing to protect every member. Even so, this heart fluttered in ache at the thought of her partner in jeopardy.

Greg cleared his voice, "Come on SRU lets bring him back safe." Then there was him. The speaker. The motivator. The one who could talk and guide his way through these situations that challenged them all.

"We're bringing Sam home."