Author has written 66 stories for Harry Potter, and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.. About Me Hello :) I am a student and lover of biology. I also enjoy all parts of science, science fiction, fantasy, magic and stories in general. I enjoy stories because they are fun and allow me to understand my own and other's thoughts and feelings about things better. I also enjoy exploring other aspects of fictional worlds which may have been less explored in the original story. For example the muggle born families from Harry Potter which I look at in Unusual Forms of Symmetry. I tend to leak some of myself into my stories (example #Caterpillar Hero and @Living Things) which is why I think fanfiction is a good way to work on your writing. You are working with preset characters and settings so it is easier to see if you are biasing their actions or the situation based on your own perspective. In the words of Bill Nye (the Science Guy) "Everyone you meet knows something you don't." So feel free to call me out on any mistakes or problems with my stories. Actually, any feedback is great if you have time (and appreciated :D I appreciate you) I am super grateful to the wonderful Notapepper (who writes awesome FitzSimmons FF) for their help with my stories. :D. You rock! (seriously). My Profile Picture My profile picture is of an animal called a Glaucus atlanticus or a blue sea slug. It is a really cool looking animal but its behaviour is even cooler. It eats the Portuguese man-o'-war, (which sort of look like jellyfish but aren't and have poisonous stingers) and then stores the poison from the stingers to use as a defence mechanism against predators. Some Information on my Stories New Info Working on a new AU Fitzsimmons story, Better Worlds, which I will maybe have up on the weekend or early next week. Older Info I have written a series of FitzSimmons stories in the same alternate universe but not in chronological order. The chronological order of the stories is Blue Bumble Bees, W.A.V.E.S., Alone in The World, Carnivorous Plants, Monster Goo, Shapeshifters, Traps, Loch Ness Monster and then Altered. You could put Pawns at the beginning, but it isn't necessarily part of this universe. That's up to you. I have started hiding Fringe references (or not so hiding) in my stories so feel free to look out for them if you read them ;). If you aren't a fan of Fringe don't worry, the are not essential to plot. Notes # I like people who like biology and I have a soft spot for insect and plant lovers (not that I don't have a soft spot for anyone else). Also I love butterflies. @ I have never killed anyone but I do sometimes struggle with what happens to living things after they die. I'm sure a lot of peole do though, it is one of the great mysteries of the universe right? (Also I really loved the scene in the finale of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. where Fitz and Simmons talk about what happens when you die. It was so beautiful. Even if you do not watch the show I highly recommend looking it up if you can.) |
amandajoyce118 (93) | notapepper (28) otherpartyfavors (13) | starbrightnights (10) xfmoon (178) |