Reviews for Triple Point
TheLateNightStoryteller chapter 1 . 9/18/2014
I know I reviewed this on AO3 but it is so awesome it gets the review here too.
What an awesome story! I loved Simmons worrying about Fitz in the beginning and their arguement. It reminded me of the Hub and I could really picture it.
Also it was great how you put all the ways they tried to open the door, very SHIELD-like and it pulled you into the story as if it were a real episode.
Also the way they thought it was a machine unti Fitz went in was a cool twist. And you really made me feel for Donnie, poor guy, out of control. He really needs a friend.
It was great (and sad) how you made Simmons freeze. It makes sense, I mean they don't let surgeons operate on family and stuff like that for a reason right? Obviously her and Fitz are super close and I like what you did there, and how Trip ended up saving him.
All in all it is super well writen and really pulls you into the story, I could see what was happening in my head the whole time so great job.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/7/2014
this kinda hurts when you read it after the finale.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/27/2014
Wow! I love your writing. You have a lot of words. I think this should be at least 2 chapters. I don't know if you are planning to write more or this is meant to be a one-shot. I am new at this also. But the story starts as one thing and then goes to something else. If you have more coming, then its fine of course and maybe I am just impatient. Sorry. I still want to know how Simmons can help Donnie. Maybe it should be 2 one-shots?
Guest chapter 1 . 5/2/2014
reminds me of that moment in catching fire where peeta hit the force field and almost died but finnick saved him and katniss couldn't do anything but cry.

good story! :D
cwbourque chapter 1 . 4/21/2014
Wow. This is so well constructed. The only thing it's missing is the other two-thirds of the story. :) Seriously, this is exceptional writing. More than that, the technical elements and science are woven in so seamlessly with the dialogue that it's caught me off guard how well you've done at this.

Okay … you may not have done a ton of Fan Fiction before this, but I know you've done some writing. The things that move the characters emotionally and the plot points and twists … these are all things that take skill to do. Or talent. I know I've said that, but I think even I was selling you short.

Someone with your skill sets (according to your Twitter list) is absolutely perfect for writing wonderfully entertaining science fiction. I'd love to see where this story goes .. is this continued in the next title (that I have not yet read)? I hope so. If not, I'd love to hear where you take this.

The emotional connection between FitzSimmons is capture so well here. I love how even to them it's not certain exactly the nature of their relationship. They are best friends, and they know that. But both of them have danced around there being more without realizing it. The fact that you've been able to do that in a very subtle way and not "spell it out" is fascinating and true to human nature. We discover ourselves in "moments" and sometimes don't know the truth of ourselves or the relationships of those around us until something happens to push us in a direction.

Very nicely done. I'm definitely a fan and I hope you will continue to write. The more you do it, you'll get even better at it. And when you do … we (you're readers) win along with you. :)
Guest chapter 1 . 4/4/2014
I thought all of your dialogue and character actions were spot on! Nothing jarred me out of believing that this could really happen, and that's rare with fanfic! You nailed every character! I loved seeing the Fitz-Simmons-Trip love triangle with Fitz the clear winner. ;)
buildingc chapter 1 . 3/28/2014
awww fitzsimmons for the win like always! I loveddd Ward fumbling in that conversation with Triplett triyng to make it very clear that no damnit simmons was not just free for the taking!
LionRawrr chapter 1 . 3/22/2014
xfmoon chapter 1 . 3/20/2014
So adorable, and nice plot.
Guest chapter 1 . 3/14/2014
I don't have anything against Triplett per say, it's just I don't want him throwing any kinks in Jemma/Fitz's relationship.
knownhiatus chapter 1 . 3/12/2014
Dang, that was great! I can totally see that happening in an episode! Awesome work, keep it up and please update soon!
Liliththestormgoddess chapter 1 . 3/11/2014
A great start. You have the characters down and I love the interaction between FitzSimmons. Can't wait to read more.
thelooster chapter 1 . 3/10/2014
Absolutely adorable :) Loved it!
Michy's Minions chapter 1 . 3/10/2014
Absolutely Amazing as always. I just love everything you have done. I love Fitz dropping stuff as he listened in on Ward and Tripplett's conversation. I can't wait to see what they do with those three, but whatever it is they better not break up Fitzsimmons!
weasleywarrior chapter 1 . 3/9/2014
This was absolute perfection, and seriously might just be my new favorite piece of fiction for them. Wonderful job. So well done.
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