Good news, everybody! From Spacious Skies to Perilous Fight is up and live! Go check it out! In the meantime, have some out-of-context lines from the story (that may get changed/edited down the road):
"No one got hurt and the guy didn't make it a block before the cops nabbed him," Alfred's eyes went wistful for a moment before he returned to scraping up the last remnants of his dinner. "So it worked out okay and it makes for an interesting story."
"I think," France finally ventured, "Canada is in need of us more than ever." There was obvious concern in his eyes.
"Honestly, Birdie? That's a lot more than most of us remember. Of course," he gave Canada a thoughtful look. "You are part of this new generation that grew up way too fast. You, Australia, mein bruder Germany. You all shot up like weeds. America probably did too. Maybe even faster, now that I think of it."
"This is Jennifer Williams, I need to get a status update. Authorization Foxtrot Mike Four Whiskey Alpha Five Quebec Zulu."
Gunshots. Pain. Darkness.
"Awesome news," America's voice abruptly interrupted. He sounded tired but amused. "Why don't you take us through everything?"