Author has written 10 stories for StarTrek: Voyager, Power Rangers, Banana Fish, Earth: Final Conflict, and Harry Potter.
Moving states, will write soon. Thanks.
My best friend's parent's home burned so we went there to help them get back on their feet. We're back now and, barring any other major disasters, I'll be working on my stories again. I've re-read and did some light editing to 'From Dark Paths Have We Come' and am currently working on the sequel 'Walking the Warrior's Path', so hopefully I'll have an update for it soon.
My hands healed enough to use lightly, though I'm wearing fingerless gloves for support and likely will be forever now. I'll be rereading my stories before updating and will likely try to finish one or two at a time since I'm not back to what I used to be.
I started writing fan fiction because it was suggested to me by this guy that helped me get out of my old country and it's endless wars. He thought after that oh so wonderful life anyone would need some form of therapy and since I don't make a habit of talking about myself to strangers, he suggested this. I decided that writing sounded interesting so I gave that a try and this is what came about.
For all interested, this is a basic description of Tommy’s eyes in ‘From Dark Paths Have We Come’ and the sequel 'Walking the Warrior's Path'.
Silver = dead
Fire red orbs = fire element
Sea Blue orbs = water element
Brown orbs with Green Pupils = earth / land element
White orbs = air element
Crystal blue = protective
Clear blue = annoyance / exasperation
Periwinkle = envy
Pale blue = shy / questioning / unsure
Powder blue = remorse / sympathy
Light blue = relief / optimism / hope
Sky blue = sorrow
Baby blue = anticipation
Iceberg (ice) blue = pain / suffering
Indigo = wonder
Iris blue = intense
Columbia blue = humor
Cornflower blue = boredom
Steel blue = contempt
Royal blue = nervousness / irritation / insecure / confusion
Sapphire = joy / contentment
Medium blue = disappointment
Azure = sadness / shame
Blue turquoise = surprise / amazement
Cerulean = determination
Persian blue = conditional or guarded trust
Cobalt blue = affection / compassion / friendship
Dark blue = loneliness
Navy blue = assertive / sureness
Prussian blue = submissive / nervous / worried / wary
Blue-gray = fear / terror
Midnight blue = disgust
Clear green = raw / overexposed / tired
Ice green = anger / hatred / rage / betrayal
Bottle green = overwhelming envy / jealousy
Light green = defensiveness / shock / guarded
Tea green = guilt / self-hatred / haunted
Mint green = eagerness
Moss green = depression / despair / hopelessness
Celadon = enthusiasm
Sea green = torment / agony
Shamrock = awe
Jade = intensely defensive / cutting
Spring green = sarcastic
Jungle green = apathy
Fern green = intense and dangerously protective
Bright green = anxiety / dread / frustration
Pine green = enthrallment / hope
Medium green = dismay
Persian green = depressive shame and guilt
Green turquoise = astonishment / shock
Hunter green = doubt
Dark emerald = absolute trust
Emerald = love
Forest green = alienation / isolation
Sage = aggression / coldly dangerous and calculating
Olive = defeat / near broken or broken
Dark green = mortification / hysteria / panic
Midnight green = revulsion / contempt and loathing