Chapter 33

It was the second day back from Christmas holidays before Tommy and Harry left the moon, teleporting directly to Hogwarts Great Hall during breakfast. Silence fell for a moment, then applause broke out. Tommy ignored this as he greeted Severus.

"Lucius and Narcissa request you return this weekend to open your gifts, since you never returned," Severus commented.

"That sounds good. You'll come, Uncle Sev?" Tommy questioned, meeting Severus's eyes and letting him see his forgiveness.

Severus smiled. "I will."

Prince Rand teleported in and, at his appearance, Jason stood from the Gryffindor table and walked over to him. The two then approached Tommy and Harry.

"Bro," Jason greeted Tommy with a smile. "Good choice. -- Welcome to the Family, Harry."

Harry smiled shyly. Family was a much longed for dream. "Thanks."

Rand also welcomed Harry then told Tommy, "Trey and his Rangers will be returning to Father today. If you have no dispute, I would choose to stay here with you. My ties are strongest here."

"You're always welcome Rand. You're Family," Tommy responded. He hesitated, then asked, "How do you think your father will react to my found family?"

"I do not know. If it comes to the choice though, Trey will side with us."

Tommy nodded. "I hope it doesn't come to that." His gaze moved to the now quiet House tables. Just loud enough to be heard, he called, "Rangers."

The others joined them. Tommy informed them, "My brother Rand will be staying with us now." Trini smiled at this, blushing slightly. Tommy grinned at her. He motioned to Harry. "This is Harry Potter, my newest brother."

The Rangers welcomed him. Tommy continued, "He will be staying with us from now on."

Dumbledore stood and said, "Now Harry, you know it is not safe for you to --"

"Listen to you, it would seem," Tommy cut him off. He met Dumbledore's eyes and stated, "Harry is under our protection from this day forth. Your so-called protection was lacking and is unnecessary. You have no say in the matter."

"I will not allow this."

Tommy just smirked. "Try to stop me if you like. I would be most interested to see how far you manage to go in figuring out interplanetary or inter-dimensional travel. Once you get that little problem taken care of, you can work on discovering Grid level Power. Then all you'd have left is getting through my team, which is the most respected Rangering team in all recorded history, and my father's Empire, which is the largest, most Powerful, most fear and respected intergalactic government known. -- Until you can manage all of that, Harry is quite safe from your manipulations and he will not be returning to that abusive home you chose for him."

"You owe me a debt --"

Tommy laughed. "No. None of us do. Your lack of comprehension of the treaties you sign does not change the meaning of the words. 'Fiacha a bheith ort coinnioll cunamh' does mean you can call upon any indebted to you that are in any way connected with that treaty. You cannot, however, indebt someone to you by deciding to spend a little money on them. It refers to a life-debt. You have to save someone's life for that to occur. So no, you do not get to claim my new brother's life in exchange for buying my people a few trinkets. -- Really you should make sure you understand something before signing a Power binding agreement."

Tommy didn't give him time to react. He led the way back to the tables, they all sat at the Slytherin table again. Harry sat on Tommy's left, Draco on his right, Jason and Rand directly across from them. Trini sat beside Rand, Kat on her other side, Billy beside Draco and Zack beside Jason. A moment later, Severus left the head table and joined them, taking the remaining seat beside Harry. They enjoyed their breakfast in silence, content in each other's company.

"Do you think Dumbledore will give us trouble?" Harry asked after awhile.

"He might try," Tommy said. "If he does, we'll deal with him. Dad's already locating your godfather for us, he'll make sure both Sirius and Remus are safe. You're safe with us so he has no free targets."

"You've made up with your father then?" Billy questioned. "That's good." The others stated their agreement, causing Tommy to smile.

"The PC or even my father's empire are potential threats," Rand commented.

Tommy nodded. "The PC, the Tefonian Empire, their allies, my father's rivals, there's many that might see us as enemies or targets. But that's all in the future. For now though, the wars are over, we have peace, we have each other. We're safe." Tommy met each person's eyes for a moment. "I thought we were shattered when Kimmy died, I didn't think anything could ever even begin to heal that. I was wrong. I love her, I always will, but I also know she loves me. I know she wants us all to be happy in life. So I continued to try for her. -- It was a breaking point. Just instead of breaking us, we broke free."

Tommy stood and held his hand out to Jason. "Family. By Power, by Blood, by Soul. Forever."

Jason stood and took Tommy's hand. The Billy placed his on theirs. Trini followed Billy, then Zack, then Kat. Rand smiled as he placed his atop Kat's hand. Tommy looked to Harry and Harry smiled as he reached over and placed his hand on Rand's. Draco was next, then Severus. Tommy placed his other hand atop Severus's. "Family. Whatever comes."

Severus, Harry, and Draco had their breath taken away as Power flowed throughout them all.

As they released hands, Jason smirked and commented, "I don't know we'll always win in whatever comes."

"But we sure as hell refuse to lose," Tommy finished.

The End -- For now…

Please review, and watch for the sequel.