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![]() Author has written 7 stories for Avatar: Last Airbender, and Twilight. I love AVATAR, tWILIGHT, tEEN tITANS, AND vAMPIRE dIARIES. lOVEz kATAANG, eDWARD CULLEN-i hate jacob!! Stupid dog. Someone should LA PUSh him off of a cliff LOLZ-, Starfire and both salvatore brothers!! AANG: http:///albums/f62/otilu/aang1.png RIP MICHAEL JACKSON(-cry- I love that man) Blood Soulmates' Outfits Parent/Teacher Conference Katara: http:///kataras_parent_teacher_outfit/set?id=9671914 Fair (also the Aang's Mansion outfit for Azula, Toph and Mai) Mai: http:///mais_fair_outfit/set?id=9655038 Toph: http:///tophs_fair_outfit/set?id=9654558 Azula: http:///azulas_fair_outfit/set?id=9670835 Katara: http:///kataras_fair_outfit/set?id=9671469 Suki: http:///sukis_fair_outfit/set?id=9673161 Ty lee: http:///ty_lees_fair_outfit/set?id=9672981 Meadow Katara: http:///kataras_pjs_meadow_outfit/set?id=9672504 Girl's Day Out Mai: http:///mais_girls_day_out_outfit/set?id=9690706 Toph: http:///tophs_girls_day_out_outfit/set?id=9691886 Azula: http:///azulas_girls_day_out_outfit/set?id=9691369 Katara: http:///kataras_girls_day_out_outfit/set?id=9693409 Suki: http:///sukis_girls_day_out_outfit/set?id=9689917 Ty lee: http:///ty_llees_girls_day_out/set?id=9690378 Date: Chapter 14 Katara: http:///kataras_date_outfit/set?id=9689630 Toph & Azula: http:///azula_tophs_sabotage_outfits/set?id=9794400 Meet the twins Ruby: http:///rubys_club_outfit/set?id=10424159 Onyx: http:///onyxs_club_outfit/set?id=10423432 Spending the night at the mansion Toph's 1st outfit that Katara borrowed: http:///katara_1st_stolen_outfit/set?id=10629531 Toph's 2nd dress that Katara borrowed: http:///kataras_2nd_stolen_outfit/set?id=10610159 Katara's stolen underwear: http:///kataras_stolen_underwear/set?id=10629904 Katara's borrowed pajamas: http:///kataras_borrowed_pajamas/set?id=10630011 Day of Ash's Arrival Onyx & Ruby: http:///ruby_onyxs_outfits/set?id=10707217 Dinner Ty lee's school outfit: http:///ty_lees_school_outfit/set?id=11435826 Ty lee's dinner outfit: http:///ty_lees_dinner_outfit/set?id=11641960 Suki's dinner outfit: http:///sukis_dinner_outfit/set?id=11642059 Mai's borrowed dinner outfit: http:///mais_dinner_outfit/set?id=11641782 Katara's dinner outfit: http:///kataras_dinner_outfit/set?id=11641904 Azula's coming back/dinner outfit: http:///azulas_coming_home_outfit/set?id=10714487 Toph's coming back/dinner outfit: http:///tophs_coming_home_outfit/set?id=10714633 Heartless Outfits Valentine's Arrival Outfit: http:///valentines_arrival_outfit/set?id=9674802 Valentines Power Reveal outfit: http:///valentines_2nd_outfit/set?id=10424459 Avatar: The last airbender I love Avatar. I have every episode on dvd and all of the games. I also have a collection of books and action figures( it's not like i play with them, but they're cool to have). I like the ships Kataang, Sukka, Maiko, and sometimes Tokka. It's a really cool show and i can't wait for the movie to come out next year. I'VE EVEN SEEN THE TRAILER. Go to youtube and type in the last airbender trailer. It's not much, but it really leaves you wanting more. Kataang vs. Zutara Kataang is the best avatar shipping known to man. I ship canon couples, but I can actually handle Tokka. Zutara makes me want to puke, though. I'm a serious avatar freak with an obsession with Aang's hair. No offense to Zutarians, but I just don't understand how you can see a pairing with two people who belong together, like Kataang and still ship something completely opposite. Katara+Aang=Perfect They are so cute. Blue to Gray. Water to Air. Katara to Aang. Kataang vs. Zutara poem Kataang is awesome And Zutara is bogus Don't act surprised, you should already know this Katara and Aang are kind and caring Zutarians should be ashamed to consider themselves a pairing Zutarians walk around like their pairing makes sense Maybe they should give it up and take Mike and Bryan's hints Kataangers have a right to bask in all their glory Zutara's just wrong, but Maiko's a whole different story Twilight I love Twilight. I have read every book in the saga so far. I love all of the characters except Jacob. For some reason I HATE that DOG! Don't ask why because I hardly know. The only reason I can think of is because I think he's stupid for even trying to compete with Edward. Edward Anthony Masen Cullen is INSANELY HOT! Vampires are wayyyy better than Werewolves or 'shapeshifters'. HAHA They weren't even good enough to be real werewolves. LOL. More like Werewolves on crack. I wonder if Jacob can 'shapeshift' into more than a dog. Maybe he can shapeshift into nothing because that's what he is to me. I HATE JACOB BLACK!! Renesemee is too good for him. He doesn't deserve a vampire or half vampire...watever she's still from a family of vampires This or That? Twilight or New Moon? Twilight New Moon or Eclipse? Eclipse Eclipse or Twilight? Twilight(i LIKE THE GOOD OLD DAYS, WHEN JACOB WASN'T RUNNING AROUND KISSING BELLA!) Are you more excited about Breaking Dawn or Midnight Sun? Midnight Sun Midnight Sun or the Twilight Movie? MIDNIGHT SUN The Twilight Movie or Breaking Dawn? Breaking Dawn Who do you want to see Bella with most: Edward or Jacob? OH HELL NO!! EDWARD EDWARD EDWARD EDWARD. I COULD ANSWER THIS IN MY SLEEP!! I wish edward would cause jacob harm in every possible way. Who do you like more: Bella or Edward? Edward Bella or Jacob? Bella!! I hate Jacob. Bella or Alice? Bella Alice or Jacob? Alice! I hate Jacob. Rosalie or Alice? Alice!! Jasper or Alice Alice! Jasper or Edward? Edward!! YAY EDWARD!! Carlisle or Esme? Esme Emmett or Jasper? EMMETT! Emmett or Jacob? This is possibly one of the easiest questions I've ever answer. EMMETT of course. I hate Jacob. Bella or Rosalie? Bella! Esme or Charlie? Esme Charlie or Carlisle Carlisle Charlie or Billy? Charlie Jacob or Sam? I hate both of them, but if i had to chose it would be Sam. sam or Quil? I hate both, again, but i guess Quil. Quil or Embry? I don't pay any attention to these stupid mutts. These ppl don't even hold significant parts. WTF? eeny meeny miny mo! Embry. Who's the better villain: James or Victoria? Victoria Werewolves or Vampires? Vampires!! Duh. I hate the wolves. Seth and Leah are the only two I would save if I had the choice between infecting with vampire venom and keeping alive. Teen Titans Teen titans is one of my favorite television shows. It's Awesome!! I absolutly love Starfire. She's such a sweetheart. Robin is the only guy for her! Starfire loves Robin forever! Suprisingly I don't hate anything about Teen Titans. I don't have a specific hate for any character, like I do for twilight or a large amount of malice for a romantic pairing, like I do for avatar. -shruggs- Not sure why. All I know is that I love ROBIN AND STARFIRE!! YAY!! THIS OR THAT? Robin/Raven or Robin/Starfire? Duh Robin/Starfire Robin or Cyborg? ROBIN IS SUPER AWESOME!! Cyborg or Beast Boy? Beast Boy Starfire or Raven? Starfire of course. Blackfire or Slade Blackfire Info about me Name:Starts with an A. That's all ur getting. My friends call me Katara. I gave all of my friends avatar names. Some of them are on fanfiction. Eyes: Brown(but I wear contacts that make me look like a super awesome CULLEN) Hair: Dark Brown #1 Ships: Kataang & Edward-Bella & Starfire+Robin & Stefan/Elena Stories to Come: (X)= already in process Not in order. 1. After All Night Party is complete a vampire/ kataang story is on it's way. (X) 2. Sequel to All Night Party(X) 3. Twilight Story inspired by MJ's Dirty Diana 4. Avatar Real Life Reality Story 5. Twilight Story inspired by MJ's Carousel 6. Avatar Story. Kataang of course. Inspired by Beyonce's Sweet Dreams. 7. Teen Titans story There are alot more ideas in my notebook and they are so good I can't wait to use them. The next story I do will not be one mentioned on my profile. It will be an idea from my notebook. I can't Wait!! My favorite things The color blue animals MICHAEL JACKSON Water gloves(i buy different color gloves, but buying two is a waste of money because i only end up wearing them on one hand) brown sugar pop tarts Music Writing Vampires Things I hate werewolves Jacob Team Jacob Anything to do with Jacob Non-canon pairings Copy N Paste IF YOU'RE AN AVATARD LIKE I AM, PUT THIS IN YOUR PROFILE If you support Kataang , copy and paste this into your profile! copy this into your profile if you want to LA PUSH Jacob off of a cliff!! If you think that Aang should grow back his hair, copy and paste this into your profile. If you want to kill the person who said Avatar was a load of rubbish, copy and paste this into your profile! If you don't use myspace and are proud of it, copy and paste this onto your profile. If you have ever thrown something at your television when you saw a character you despised, whether it be a piece of popcorn, a fork, or a chair, copy and paste this to your profile If you have ever have pushed on a "pull" door, copy and paste this to your profile If you have ever run into a door copy this into your profile. If there are times when you wanna annoy people just for the heck of it, copy this into your profile. I solemnly swear that anyone who flames my stories will get a flame back. FIGHT FIRE WITH FIRE! BEAT OUT THE FLAMES! If you agree (or hate flamers), copy this into your profile. If you've had at least two friends move away from you...copy and paste this onto your profile. If you spend multiple hours each day reading or writing or a combination of both...copy and paste this on your profile. Ninety-eight percent of teenagers have tried smoking pot. If you're one of the two percent who hasn't, copy this and paste it in your profile. If you have ever run into a door, copy this into your profile If you've ever tripped over air, copy this into your profile If you've ever fallen going up the stairs, copy this into your profile If you believe that all the hot guys are taken, gay, or fictional characters-cough Aang & Edward cough-, copy and paste this into your profile and add you name to the list. If you've walked under something that was about two feet above your head and ducked anyway copy and paste this is your profile There's nothing wrong with arguing with yourself. It's when you argue with yourself and LOSE when it's weird. If you agree, copy this and put it in your profile. Put this in your profile if you didn't know the Alphabet Song, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and Baa Baa Black Sheep had the same tune, and were all composed by Mozart. If you know a video game/book/movie/anime/manga character or weapon that needs to exist, copy and paste this into your profile. If you have ever forgotten your name while introducing yourself, copy this into your profile. If you have ever forgotten what you were going to say, right before you say it, copy this into your profile. If you have ever ran into a mirror, copy this into your profile If you've ever tripped where there is a WATCH YOUR STEP SIGN copy this into your profile If you've ever walked into a wall before copy this into your profile If you've ever forgotten how old you are when someone asked you, copy and paste this onto your profile. If you think the Coa-coa Puff Turkey Bird thing should go to rehab, copy this into your profile. If you have ever zoned out for more than five consecutive minutes, copy this into your profile. If you hate child abuse and want it to STOP, copy and past this on your profile. If you've ever wondered what you are like in another dimension, copy and paste this in your profile. If you love rain, copy and paste this into your profile If you think Zutarians are crazy copy this and paste it into your profile. If you want more Kataang stories on Fanfiction copy this and paste it into your profile. If you have ever read the first chapter of a zutarian story by accident and then after you found out immediatly closed out of it, copy this and paste it into your profile. If you are absolutely in love with Stephenie Meyer's fictional charater Edward, from twilight, copy and paste this into your profile If you constantly have 'I love Edward Cullen' rants, copy and paste this into your profile If you wish you were Bella Swan, copy and paste this into your profile If you hate Jacob Black, copy and paste this into your profile ( haha thats for yue again) If you are addicted to vampires and would like to become one, post this onto your profile. If you long to have a vampire for a boyfriend, post this onto your profile. If you slap anyone who tells you that Edward Cullen is not real, copy and paste this into your profile If you think Edward Cullen is hot...copy and paste this to your profile If you support the "Make Edward change Bella into a vampire" club, copy and paste this into your profile. If you have AACIBD Addicted to All Cullens Including Bella Disorder copy and paste this into your profile. If you are absolutely in love with Stephenie Meyer's fictional character Edward, from Twilight, copy and paste this into your profile. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DUDE THIS IS SOOOOOO CUTE!! :D Perfect. Love. :) Girl: Do I ever cross your mind? -The girl runs away in shock and pain and the boy runs after her and says...- "The reason you never cross my mind is because you're always on my mind. If you find this cute and touching, copy and paste it into your profile. If you think iPods were gifts from the gods copy and paste this onto your profile. If you cried when Edward left Bella in New Moon copy and paste this onto your profile. If you know someone who should be run over by a bus, copy and paste this into your profile. If you went to sleep at around 2 am reading Twilight and/or New Moon and/or Eclipse and/or Breaking Dawn copy and pastes this onto your profile. If you have your own little world, copy and paste this into your profile. If you get good grades and still know nothing at all, copy and paste this onto your profile. If you've been on the computer for hours on end, reading numerous fanfictions, copy this into your profile. If you're a proud stalker and obsessed love-struck fan-girl of Edward Anthony Masen Cullen, copy this into your profile. If your profile is long, copy and paste this on it to make it even longer. If you've ever burst out laughing in a quiet room, add this to your profile. It's true, Edward Cullen prefers brunettes. Sorry, Barbie you aren't Bella, and Edward isn't your Ken. Jacob Black glared at the children dressed as vampires and he knew it wasn't right but he lied and told them there was no candy left anyway. If you and your friend break out into song in a public area put this on your profile If you want to run over your school with a tank, copy this into your profile. (PLEASE, SOMEONE GIVE ME A TANK!) If whenever you see or hear the name "Edward", you freak out because you love him so much, copy this to your profile. If you read fics of shippings/pairings you don't support/hate, copy and paste this into your profile. Most hated ships: Zutara(Just wrong and doesn't make any sense) Any pairing with two of the same sex(example:Zuaang, Katoph,Tyzula)It's just gross. What wierdo made those? Jetara(over before it started, never had a chance) Taang(Can't see it happening) Any pairing involving Aang or Katara other than Kataang Jacob x Bella( come on!! You can't replace Edward with a smelly dog)REAL MEN SPARKLE!! Reneseme x Jacob( ewww...he couldn't date her mom so he tried the next closest thing) Raven x Robin(they may share a bond, but that doesn't mean he likes her) Favs. Fanfic Friends Sokuelover16 Avatarlover3 TophRocks13 suki-sokka23 the golden warrior Kataang1234 Fav. T.V shows 1. Avatar: The Last Airbender 2. Teen Titans 3. Vampire Diaries Fav. Books Twilight Eclipse Breaking Dawn I have issues with New Moon. IT MADE ME CRY!! It was super sad when Edward left Bella and I almost cried again when Bella was reduced to hanging out with filthy mutts(except Seth..he's a cool mutt) Vampire Kisses Vampire Diaries Moonwalk Fav. Songs All of Michael Jackson's songs(I seriously know most by heart) Falling Down-Selena Gomez You Belong with Me-Taylor Swift Sweet Dreams- Beyonce Scared of Lonely-Beyonce( sounds like Bella's feelings in NEW MOON) Smash into you-Beyonce Broken-Hearted Girl-Beyonce No air- Jordan Sparks(such a Kataang song) Crawl-Chris Brown Halo-Beyonce Never Knew I needed-Ne-yo Misery Business-Paramore Fav Avatar Quotes "Drink cactus juice, it'll quench ya, nothing quencher, it's the quenchist".- Sokka "Will you go penguin sledding with me".- Aang "Why would I let go of Katara...i...i...i love her".-Aang "I like your hair",- Katara(I do too "And who'll keep us laughing at sarcastic comments all the time,like, look at Katara's hair. Whats up with that". "What what's wrong with my hair" "Nothing I was just--". -Aang & Katara "Maybe we should kiss".- Katara "Fine, I'm glad". "I'm glad your glad". "I'm glad you know I'm glad". "FINE".- Aang & Katara "Maybe we could do an activity together",- Sokka "There it is...that's want it will sound like when one of you spots it".- Toph "Yeah, what about the king of the guys who don't win". "Leave the nicknames to us, honey".- Toph & Suki "Baby, your my forever girl".- Aang Fav Twilight quotes "Do you know how to drown a blond, Rosalie. You put a mirror at the bottom of a pool"-Jacob "It's hard and cold, and throws rainbows in the sunlight". "You forgot the most important similarity, it's beautiful"-Edward & Bella "Fall down again, Bella?". "No Emmett. I punched a werewolf in the face".-Bella & Emmett Fav. Characters Katara Aang Toph Suki Mai Ty lee Bella Edward Emmett Alice Starfire Robin Raven Stefan Damon Elena Bonnie Any charater from twilight that's not JACOB!! AVATAR 'N' TWILIGHT PAIRINGS(that i like) KATAANG-(haters, back up!! DIS PAIRING IZ BEASTY!!)katara and aang SUKKA- (yue's a lame!!)suki and sokka MAIKO(emos can love too!!)mai and zuko EDWARDxBELLA(Jacob isn't a super hot ,mind reading, extra strong, singing, and sparkling vampire. Not to mention the father of Bella's child!! IS HE...yeah..i didn't think so!! I REPEAT, REAL MEN SPARLKE!!) ALICExJASPER(they're so wierd, it's cool!!) ROSALIExEMMETT(the jock and the beauty is so classic!!) ESMExCARLISE(they're the coolest parents ever ,next to bella and edward) JACOBxLEAH( I wish Jacob would fall for her. AND NOT RENESEMEE!!) ROBINxSTARFIRE(They were destined to be togetther from day one. Starfire knows she felt something from that little kiss, even if it was just to learn his language. LOL) STEFANxELENA(she's not as smart as Bella, but she came around eventually) Stories All Night Party(COMPLETE)- Aang and Katara's nine children are left with the home all by themselves. Being the fun teenagers they are, they throw a party. But with no parents there to supervise anything can happen. Blood Soulmates(in-process)- Katara is just a troubled girl. After her mother died she started failing in school and not caring about anything anymore. Soon she's just looked at as the goth screw up. But what happens when Katara meets someone she can relate to. She may have fallen in love. Soon she discovers that her perfect love is a vampire and she plummets into a dark world of fantasy. Young Heroes(in-process)- Team Avatar is kidnapped!! Now it's up to their children to save them and find out who the bad guy is. Can they do it? Are their abilities combined enough to help their parents. Sequel to All NIght Party...read that first. Heartless(COMPLETE)-A female vampire comes to visit Forks. She the special power to steal others' mates. How will she effect the Cullen house, where everyone has a mate. After Breaking Dawn. Inspired and writen by Kataang-girl14 & sokuelover16. To Judge A Book(in-process) Love to all fans Sincerely Katara...I love all of you guys who read my stories. Thanx for being so supportive and inspiring me to write what I love. LOVE YA!! =) |