![]() Author has written 8 stories for Twilight. Update for Summer-- Okay, i am REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, sorry, but I'm not going to be able to update my stories for the summer! :( I know, you guys are probably really angry with me right now, but I have a lot of stuff going on, I'm in a different state, on a different computer, in a different house for the summer,and I just don't have time for fanfiction this Summer. So please dont expect any updates, and please don't send PMs chewing me out about this. If you want to, please write it in a review, because I do check those all the time. Seriously, I'm sorry. D:! BUT, if I get the time, I might come out with little silly one-shots for you guys, so you don't have to go without any stories from me. Thanks for understanding, my loves! -- EmotionallyConfuzzled (PS I changed my name, Im still the same Edward-Jasper-Love!) I'm making a new profile, because the old one sucked! I don't know what to put! :D I love reviews, I'm a really funny person, and I specialize in humor stories. Heres some funny stuff. What are your 10 favorite Twilight characters (in order)? 1. Edward Have you ever read a 5/3 fanfic? D: No, and I don't plan to. What about an 8/4? No!! D: 7/5? Sadly...yes. What if 5 walked in on 1 and 10? Oh my God. That would scar her poor little eyes forever! Would you make out with 1? Duh. What kind of question is that? Has 6 ever walked in on 7 and 9? Probably... What if you walked in on 2, 10, and 4? Holy crap! If I walked in on Jasper, Seth, and Bella?! Sick! Dont destroy the Earth! It's the only planet that has chocolate. Random Person: Go to hell! Be who you are, and say what you think, because those that matter don't care, and those who care don't matter. ~ Dr.Seuss IIIIII WILL ALWAYS LOVE NOOOODLES! Read my stories, please Okay, I really love Twilight and Edward and Jacob and Rob and Taylor...All that Jazz. Bla bla bla im a Twilight fangirl, obsessed in every way, moving on... Yeah, my address is 428 Stalker Ave. So yes, creepy stalkers, thats not my real address if you have the brain the size of a walnut and dont understand sarcasm. Type of fanfictions I won't read -Ones where Bella gets pregnant with someone other than Nessie -Bella chooses Jacob -Nessie gets preggers -Edward leaves Bella again (Come on people, thats just not going to happen!) -Edward and Bella realize they're not in love anymore (VAMPIRES DONT STOP LOVING THEIR MATE NO MATTER WHAT) -All Human (I do read some, but only if I really like them) -Poorly written fanfics -I can't think of the other ones Type of fanfictions I ABSOLUTELY ADORE -Edward angst -Cullen boys brotherly bonding time! -Edward and Jake bickering -EDWARD & NESSIE FLUFF! yAy! -All human, where Edward is blind and or abused -Emmett getting Bella drunk/high -Edward in PAIN -Again, theres more but I can't think of them I really like Post BD fluff as you can see, and agsty Edward. Don't get me wrong, Edward is by far my favorite character along with Jasper, Alice, Nessie, and everyone! I just love seeing him in pain though D: Thats sounds mean. Emotional, physical, mental, any pain you can think of. I'm just a sucker for Edward angst AND a sucker for Edward and Renesmee fluff. It's just too adorable. If you guys want to know anything more about me, just ask! ...In a review. 'Cause I read those almost every day! :D |