Sorry about the delay. I got in a little trouble at school. So this is the final chapter of All Night Party. I want to thank all of my reviewers. ALL OF YOU ROCK!!! Don't worry you'll be reading more about these kids in a sequel soon. It's called Young Heroes. Here's what you've been waiting for….the last chapter……….right after the disclaimer!!!!!! To celebrate I'll let Kuzon do it.
Me: Kuzon can you please do the disclaimer?
Kuzon: Why don't you do it?
Me: Because I want you to do it.
Kuzon: What if I don't want to do it.
Me: It's not like you have anything better to do.
Kuzon: Actually, I was about to play a prank on Ilah. And then blame it on Kedai.
Me: Wow that's evil!!
Kuzon: I know….cool right!!
Me: Umm….I don't own avatar.-runs away from Kuzon-
It was noon the next day that all of the teenagers were cleaning.
"I can't believe we have to clean this entire house", Kedai complained for the 10th time that day.
"Well believe it and get started", Karrina said, tossing him a broom . All of the cactus juice wore off after a good night sleep. "You guys even got me in trouble", she told them as she picked a paper cup up off of the floor and threw it in the garbage.
At the moment all of the adults were relaxing in the lounge and the kids were in the playroom.
"More punch, please", Zuko called from the lounge.
"That's your dad", Bonzu said to Lena.
"Fine", Lena grumbled as she walked to the kitchen.
"Well, at least the party was pretty fun", Kaenaki said sweeping.
"Except for our parents finding out", Zalia added.
"And the fight", Autumn added.
"And my girlfriends", Kedai added.
"And Kuzon", Yue added.
"And Karrina", Ami added.
"And someone stole my bottle of cactus juice", Bonzu added lastly.
"Wait, the was your cactus juice?", Autumn questioned.
"Yeah, I got it out of my dad's cabinet. Kaenaki asked me to bring it", Bonzu said.
"No, I didn't", Kaenaki told him.
"Yeah you did", Kyoshi said. "We got two letters. One telling us about the party and one telling us to bring cactus juice".
"Bonzu, you left the invitation at home, but didn't you bring the cactus juice letter", Yue said.
"Yeah", Bonzu told them taking out a letter from his sleeve. He handed it to Kaenaki.
The letter read….
Dear Bonzu, Kyoshi, Ami, and Yue,
Please bring one bottle of purified cactus juice to the party and sit it down on the table.
Thank You,
Love Kaenaki
"This isn't my handwriting", Kaenaki said after reading the letter out loud.
"Well, who's is it", Bonzu asked.
"Kuzon". Everyone burst out laughing. They could all truly say they would remember this weekend.
Author's Notes:
So did you like it? Please Review. This is the final chapter of All Night Party, but there will be sequel with all of the kids in it. And there may also be a series of oneshots about them.
Love Kataang-girl14