Reviews for Ten Guidelines for Dating Earth Boys
aceofqueens chapter 2 . 7/28/2013
Where to begin...

The premise of the opening of this story makes no sense.

Starfire is mad at Robin because he wasn't ready for her to touch his genitals. WHAT? So, Robin is supposed to be the "bad guy" for not being comfortable with a certain sexual action yet? Granted, normally it's the other way around; that is, a girl is asking a boy to stop. However, it doesn't really matter either way. People are entitled to the right to ask for someone to stop doing something to them. (It's even protected by the U.S. constitution, by the way.) Disagreeing with that statement is basically condoning rape. You understand this, right?

This is such a case of reverse-sexism (female towards male). If Robin had touched Starfire and she didn't like it and wanted to stop, I can bet Robin would STILL be made to look like the bad guy.

Starfire has no right to be mad at him. He could have handled it better, sure, but ultimately it comes down to him not being ready for it. Someone please show me the fault in that.

Also, it's really selfish of Starfire to pout about it, just because she didn't get what SHE wants. It's all about HER. That, and she doesn't even try to understand what she did wrong. A normal, sympathetic, kind person would feel guilty and would genuinely want to know why they upset the person they love. You make Starfire a psychopath.

Perhaps the most troublesome thing to me is the:

Guideline #1 - Be patient with your Earth boy. After all, they are not the smartest creatures in the universe.

you have written at the top. This is obviously going to be sexist hate speech. I am going to check 's rules right now.

I'm so glad real world relationships aren't like this at all. God, that would be a terrifying world.
HyruleanWeeb chapter 5 . 12/23/2011
Jason and Todd... I see what you did there. Very clever
HyruleanWeeb chapter 5 . 12/23/2011
Jason and Todd... I see what you did there. Very clever
Faith-o-saurus chapter 9 . 8/3/2010
Love it. Hope you continue!
Abyss-lurker chapter 9 . 7/9/2009
Very good story ] loved it
Abyss-lurker chapter 1 . 7/9/2009
I think I laughed myself into insanity when I read this chapter o.O very good stuff
Sarah Zitter chapter 9 . 5/24/2009
I love this story can you please continue with this story. Plus when can Robin and Starfire start having um the will you know please. Plus when can Robin turn to Nightwing and then let Starfire and him live in a one room in teen titans tower please. Pluse can they get married later on please. Please e-mail me back at sarah. I would like to hear from you please. Have a beautiful day.


Sarah Zitter
xOxSuchACalamityxOx chapter 9 . 11/18/2007
Just started reading and just thought I'd tell you what a great job you're doing. -

Please, press on!
Invasion 4 Two chapter 9 . 9/9/2007
That was a damn good story! Hey, mind finishing it? 'Cuz I know that that can't be the end. If that was the end, can you write a sequel? I am the worlds BIGGEST Robin and Starfire fan, and I gotta say that this blows most of the stories I've read, out of the water! Please write more!

-Lil' Strawberry Queen
ohfuckthis chapter 9 . 8/10/2007
CUTE! but let me tell you- I need a manual to earth boys...cause mine is worse than Robin...-shakes head-
XxStarRobinxX chapter 9 . 4/6/2007
update soon!
Angrier Teenage boy chapter 3 . 2/28/2007
AH I take these thinking with the wrong head cracks very personaly so enough with it
Angry Teenage Boy chapter 2 . 2/28/2007
OHH you did not say boys are clueless beacuse my friend,girls are the ones who cmplicate things
famksantiago chapter 9 . 1/21/2007
Aww.. mushy.. hehehe..

Great story. I definitly love the part were Cyborg comes in and 'spys' what they are doing. Great chapter and all.

OverTheRainbow84 chapter 9 . 11/28/2006
u might just wanta rate this a little higher
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