I promise I do not own anything in the Twilight series. Stephanie Meyer does. I just wish I owned someone like Rob. But a girl can dream.

Anyway, new story: drum roll.

Chapter 1


I stepped in front of the mirror to see the amazing dress, Alice had picked out for me. It was a dark midnight blue dress that flowed down to my feet hugging my waist. My hair was down up and in curls and I wore beautiful diamond earrings. For once I must say Alice had outdone herself.

I smiled and turned to Alice

"It's perfect thank you." Alice giggled and hugged me.

"Anything for the birthday girl" Alice has been my best friend for decades. She was a vampire with such a big heart and though she works for me, I really consider her like a sister. My other best friend was Rosalie, the seamstress. She made me this dress though she is currently feeling ill, and I plan to visit her soon enough, and she has quite the talent.

Alice had me sit back as she planned my birthday celebration with my father, Aro. Yes. Aro is my biological father and although it was an affair with human, Aro always cared for me as I grew within 5 years to be a young woman. It was an unusual and extraordinary for the vampire clans to witness this but now that I am much older, I see my mother occasionally though she is an old woman now. Now I'm living with my father and my uncles, Marcus and Caius. I couldn't be happier.

Alice looked me over one last time and nodded

"Time to go Bella" I smiled and made my way to the door. Alice gave me a reassuring pat then made her way down the stairs to be with the other guests. I however came to the top of the stairs that descended to the main hall and as I made my way down, sweet music began to play. The crowd began to look up at me and some even clapped. I smiled at them and made it to the bottom where Aro was waiting for me, smiling himself.

"My girl. My beautiful girl. Your mother couldn't make it but she did leave you a present." My smile faltered and sadness swarmed over me. I hardly see Renee anymore but when I do, she is so beautiful even at 72 years old. It was a shame she couldn't make it, considering I knew she didn't have long to live. I have tried in the past to get Aro to change her but he says that she doesn't want it. Immortality terrified her. She wanted death. I shivered at the idea. Being half vampire I know that I will forever remain young but I do sometimes wonder if I aged, how I would look.

I put the thought aside for now and smiled again at my father.

"I miss her." Aro nodded solemnly

"I know. But tonight is all about you so try and enjoy yourself."

"I will, Aro. Don't worry." I used the time to mingle with the crowds. All of them wishing me a happy birthday or telling me about how I got my looks from my father. I blush a little and thank them and they gasp muttering 'Vampire blushing. How extraordinary' or something along those lines. I tried to be as kind and polite as I could knowing Aro was looking on. Although I really wanted to say that majority of my looks came from my mother. I don't think that would sit well with this crowd though. I got myself a drink just as Aro stood up on the stage provided on the far end. The crowd applauded and I turned to smile at him. Aro stood proudly and spoke with gentle ease

"Thank you to all of your kind words and wishes. This has been a most pleasant evening for my family and no doubt for my lovely daughter. Doesn't she look stunning?" The crowd applauded and cheered in response. I smiled bashfully as the crowd around me smiled and clapped. Aro held his hand to die down the noise

"Along the way I've also been privileged to listen to her stunning voice as well. So as a special treat from Bella and from me, I'll get her to come up here and sing for us all." I made my way to the stage as everyone around me smiled encouragingly.

I got up on stage and watched as Alec, my cousin, took his seat at the piano. I winked at him and I turned to the audience as the opening chords of Art Is Calling For Me filled the air. I took a deep breath and began

Mama is a queen and Papa is a King.

So I am a princess and I know it

The crowd started laughing and I smiled

But court etiquette is a dull dreary thing

I just hate it all and I show it

To sing on the stage that's the one life for me

My figure's just like Tetrazzini

I know I'd win fame if I sang in Bohéme

That opera by Signor Puccini

I've roulades and the trills

That would send the cold chills

Down the backs of all hearers of my vocal frills


The crowd responded well to my trills, clapping. The tune changed and I smiled

I long to be a prima donna, donna, donna

I long to shine upon the stage

I have the embonpoint

To become a queen of song

And my figure would look pretty as a page

I want to be a screechy peachy cantatrice

Like other plump girls that I see

I hate society

I hate propriety

Art is calling for me

I'm in the elite and men sigh at my feet

Still I do not fancy my position

I have not much use for the men that I meet

I quite burn with lyric ambition

Those tenors so sweet

If they made love to me

I'd be a success, that I do know

And Melba I'd oust if I once sang in Faust

That opera so charming by Gounod

Girls would be on the brink

Of hysterics, I think

Even strong men would have to go out for a drink

I long to be a prima donna, donna, donna

I long to shine upon the stage

With my avoirdupois

And my tra la la la la

I would be the chief sensation of the age

I long to hear them shouting: "Viva" to the Diva

Oh, very lovely that must be

That's what I'm dying for

That's what I'm sighing for

Art is calling for me

I extended those last trills and the song ended with a bang. The crowd roared with applause and some laughed at the song choice. I curtsied a little and nodded to Alec for the next song.

The mood suddenly changed a sad, slow tune came out and I began Need by Hana Pestle.

I'm not quite sure how to breathe

without you here

I'm not quite sure if I'm ready to say goodbye

to all we were

be with me

stay with me

just for now

let the time decide when i won't need you

my hand searches for your hand

in a dark room

i can't find you

help me

are you looking for me

can i feel any more

lie to me, I'm fading

i can't drop you

tell me i don't need you

As I sang I looked into the crowd and saw four men enter the room. I didn't really get a chance to look at them properly but I did see one of them with green eyes gazing up at me with wonder. I looked at him, drawn to him as I continued singing

my hand searches for your hand

in a dark room

i can't find you

help me

are you looking for me

etch this into my brain for me

tell me how its supposed to be

where everything will go

and how i'll be without you by my side

my hand searches for your hand

in a dark room

i can't find you

help me

are you looking for me

my hand searches for your hand

in a dark room

i can't find you

help me

are you looking for me

The last chords faded out and there was a moment of silence as the crowd watched me in awe before the applaud rose again. Loudly. I gave a final bow and Aro came over, kissing me on the forehead. He raised his glass as did everyone else

"To Bella. May you continue to live a rich, full, happy life. Happy birthday. Cheers." The crowd echoed and touched my glass to Aro's before hugging him and stepping off the stage. He and I walked into the crowd and he smiled

"I'm very proud of you. You know how to enchant an audience." I shrugged

"I do what I can." He rubbed my arm and I suddenly remembered the men I saw at the door. I opened my mouth to ask Aro about them but not before I heard that voice
"May I have the privilege of a dance with the birthday girl?" I looked up into the eyes of Felix. Felix and Demetri looked after me, Alec and Jane. They were our bodyguards. But I never really liked Felix from the start. I got a very uncomfortable energy around him despite the fact I knew he was assigned to protect me. Sometimes I would catch Felix staring at me intensely for long periods of time. I wasn't stupid. I know he has some sort of crush on me but he knew the place. His job and more importantly the rules Aro put in place. The bodyguard may never be involved with the person he or she is protecting. That certainly wasn't an except for Felix. Not that I found him that attractive anyway. He was very tall and not unfortunate looking but he just wasn't for me.

He lead me to the area cleared for dancing and pulled me to him, wrapping an arm around my waist and took my right hand in his left. Being tall that he is, my head reached his abdomen and I found it very unusual. I put my other hand on his shoulder and we began swaying around the room. He took a deep breath and spoke deeply

"Bella you look absolutely exquisite tonight. And your voice was....well breathtaking to say the least." I craned my head up to look at him and smiled

"Well thank you Felix." He skillfully lead me around the dance floor with people looking on. I just tried to focus on the moves and going along with Felix's long legs around the dance floor which took up a lot of attention. Then again, he was unnaturally tall. How many times must I say it? At one point Felix looked down at me grinning

"I have a present for you." I looked at him and smiled politely

"Felix, that wasn't necessary-" Felix cut off

"Nonsense. I'm a gentleman. A lady such as yourself deserves all the best. And I insisted you have something as a token from me." I smiled thinly and tried my best to sound enthusiastic

"Great. Thank you Felix." Just what I needed. A token of affection from Felix. Why doesn't he just drop to his knee and propose while he's at it. Felix came to a stop with the music, took my hand and kissed the back of it tenderly.

"Thank you for the dance." I curtsied as taught as I spoke. Felix chuckled softly

"Pleasure's all mine, Isabella." He bowed his head a little just as Aro came over to me smiling at the pair of us.
"I must interrupt Felix, however there is someone Bella has to meet." Felix smiled back, nodding. I took a deep breath as Aro lead me away from Felix. It was all over. Now I can deal with everyone else for the rest of the night. Aro placed his hand on the small of my back as he lead me through the crowds

"Bella, you remember when I told you I was looking for new bodyguards to replace my previous ones.." I shivered slightly. How could I forget?

James, Victoria and Laurent were trusted by Aro to protect him and his family however the price got raised after several decades and James kept changing his deal with Aro. To which Aro wasn't pleased. Then it got worse and Victoria and Laurent stood by James, wanting more money and just more from Aro, whatever form it came in. Aro was quick to dispose of them. I was very unfortunate to be in that room as it happened.


I stood with Aro, Marcus, Caius and Jane laughing at Alec's jokes and his impressions of fellow vampires. Felix, Demetri and several others were standing around on guard.

In that moment, James, Victoria and Laurent stormed into the room. We all turned to them with shock. Aro stood with a grim face

"James so nice of you to come to work on time." James sneered

"Aro, I am done. You have not met my demands." Aro shrugged

"And what demands would that be?" Victoria came and stood by James, linking her arm with him

"Double or nothing Aro. We think that's reasonable." Aro sighed and wove his fingers together in front of him

"That was not discussed in your contracts. You get paid what was discussed and signed by you." Laurent stood to James other side

"Well we've changed our minds. If you don't give us double we quit right here and now and don't think what information we possess won't be valuable for your enemies."

I gasped at them angrily

"How dare you blackmail my father!" I snapped at them. I stepped forward but Aro held his hand up

"Bella, stay back." Alec came over and wrapped an arm around me assuringly. I watched helplessly.

Aro came down from his throne and stood facing the three traitors. He took a breath and spoke neutrally

"I'm afraid I cannot comply with your requests. Once I sign a contract with my bodyguards, I need to know I can trust them to stick with what was arranged between us. Should anyone breach the contract, they would be severally punished. And I'm afraid you have done just that. You have been close bodyguards to my family for some time and I can only assume you do hold a lot of personal information which we cannot see leave this room after this point." James snorted and turned to the other bodyguards in the hall.
"Listen to me, you are being rid of your potential with this man. You can all have so much more power if you join us and roam this world, claiming anything you want. The world is there for us to do with it what we will. Come with us and you shall have it all."

The room was filled with quiet sniggers and chuckles from the men around the hall. Aro smiled back as well.

"As you can see James, my men know whose side they belong to. They know their role in this house. They do their jobs and remain loyal to me. You severally underestimate my capabilities and that of my bodyguards. Now I must see to it you pay for your insolence!" Aro looked around the room.

"Gentlemen." Suddenly in a flash, Laurent fell to his knees, an arm from one of the guards, Corin, pushed through his chest. His limbs being torn in front of my eyes. Victoria was sucked dry by some other vampires before she was dismantled and James was covered in bruises and blood. Aro's grin said it all. He wanted him to really suffer, being the leader of this small group.

"Felix. Demetri." The two picked up James, each grabbing an arm and brought him to Aro who looked down at him grinning

"I tried to reason with you for some time James, now you leave me no choice. Hold him still" He ordered. What happened next, haunted me for a long time and still does. As Demetri and Felix held him, Aro grabbed James' head and ripped it off his head. I gasped and turned into Alec for support. I heard the thud of James' collapsed body and I gasped for air. Alec hissed

"Bella, calm yourself. Your blood is pulsing so much, its distracting for all of us." I took deep breaths and tried to relax. Alec rubbed my back for a few moments before whispering

"It's okay. You can look now." I turned out to see Aro come toward me, his men back to their original spots, his eyes much redder, blood-hungry.

"Bella my dear, I know this is the first time for you to witness something like this but understand it happens from time to time. Now you know what goes on. But this is absolutely my highest punishment for any bodyguard who disobeys my rules. Now that you understand I ask you learn to control your blood levels, that only stimulates the blood lust in us and I assure you we don't to kill any more than we have to." I nodded gently. Aro came over and hugged me as I stepped into his arms and whimpered of shock of the event.

"Don't worry. I shall have them replaced. All will be fine again."

End of Flashback

I turned to Aro nodding

"I remember, Aro." Aro lead me to point where a group of men stood.

"Bella, this is the Cullen family." He introduced. As I looked through them all my gaze fell upon them again. Those green eyes.

First chapter, plenty more to go. Tell me what you think. :)