Hello everyone!

Well I stayed home again today because I still feel kind of crappy but, I went to the doctor and I should be better really soon.

Also I know the summary really sucks so until I think of a better one you will have to just deal with it so sorry.

Anyway some things you should know is that this is a multi-chaptered fic and is set in the Avatar world but, some things have been changed. As you read the story you will see that some things are close to how the real story goes but, I have changed a lot of stuff but, it shall still be awesome and full of Kataang and Tokka fluffiness.

Oh and this story is in Katara's POV unless I state otherwise.

Disclaimer: If I owned Avatar I probably wouldn't be sitting here with everyone else filling up the Fanfiction archives with a bunch of stories.


As I walk through the halls of this Fire Nation prison thoughts race through my mind. The same thoughts that run through my mind every day. I think about how wrong this all seems and think about when I'm going to leave this horrible place. I was raised in the Fire Nation by my adoptive parents but, I was not born here. No matter how many times I am told by my so called family I know that I was born at one of the poles. I have the tan skin and blue eyes to prove it plus I'm also a waterbender but, I have never told anyone though. When your raised in the Fire Nation you are taught that fire is superior to all of the other elements and that the war is our way of sharing that greatness so being a waterbender is probably not something you would want to share with anyone around here. I know that the whole fire is superior thing is very much ridiculous but, everyone here seems to believe it to be true. As I laughed to myself about how naïve these people are I start to think back as to how I even got here in the first place.

When I was thirteen I decided I wanted to help in some way if possible so I convinced my parents to let me become a guard here at this horrid prison. I wish I could help more but, the least I can do is make sure that these prisoners are treated a little better than they normally would. I also came here to someday make a big impact on one of these prisoners lives but, however as I walk down the hall to the cell of my first prisoner of the day, I don't believe that will happen any time soon. Jet is his name, he's eighteen and rather attractive and was put in here for obviously trying to stop the Fire Nation and not succeeding. I should be proud of him for having the guts to stand up for what he believes is right and I was at first but, after a week of me coming in there and feeding him and giving him water he started making crude comments about my hips and once he even slapped my butt which caused me to punch him right in the nose. I was used to hearing these type of comments from having my curvy seventeen year old body but, I couldn't stand it and I was definitely not going to be disrespected by anyone even if this guy was attractive and had tried to stop the Fire Nation. I groaned and opened the door to the cell then walked in.

"Here is your breakfast" I said as I slid the tray through the slot at the bottom of his cell.

"Why thank you sexy guard lady Katara" Jet said with a cocky grin.

"Shut it Jet, just eat your food and I will be back at noon to give you lunch" I said as I rolled my eyes and headed for the door.

"Whatever Katara you know you just love having me as a prisoner" Jet said with that stupid grin once again.

"As if" I scoffed then walked out the door.

"Ugh, he erks me" I thought out loud.

"Who erks you?" Asked a familiar voice from behind causing me to jump and turn around.

"Oh, it's just you Zuko, spirits don't scare me like that!" As I smacked him on the arm.

Zuko is Prince of the Fire Nation but, he also believes the same as me. When he becomes Fire Lord he says he plans to end this war and bring peace to the world. I hope it happens soon but, seeing as how Fire Lord Ozai is a picture of health I doubt it. Zuko comes here a lot because he personally can't stand his father and also because his Uncle who has been more of a Dad to him anyways is being kept here.

"Sorry, so who were you talking about?"

"I was just talking about that jerk Jet" I said as we continued to walk down the hall.

"Oh, he is still bothering you after you punched him in the face?"


"Well did you hit him as hard as you hit me when we first met?" Zuko asked causing me to laugh.

When Zuko first visited this prison he still believed the whole fire is superior thing and was an absolute jerk. He came up to me in the guards break room and made a comment like the one Jet did and I also hit him right in the face. After we both apologized I talked to him more and once his Uncle was put in this prison he knew that this who nation was screwed up. Now at eighteen he is pretending to be the good prince while secretly helping prisoners escape.

"Actually I probably hit him harder but, he still hasn't learned" I said with a laugh.

"Damn, he must be really stupid then to still want to mess with you, I'm a master fire bender and I'm terrified of you!" Zuko said a little loudly while throwing his hands in the air.

"Because you should be" I said threateningly then laughing.

"So how is Mai doing?" I asked acquiring to his girlfriend and my close friend.

"She is doing good and she told me to tell you hello and to say that she is sorry she couldn't come this time."

"When you go back tell her the same and why couldn't she come anyway?"

"Well, my Dad had an army take over Omashu and he wants her Dad to come and run things down there so she was dragged along too."

"That sucks I bet she is dying of boredom."

"When is she not dying of boredom?" Zuko joked causing us to both laugh.

"So I'm heading to your Uncle cell next do you want to come in and see him?" I asked as I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a breakfast plate.

"Sure" Zuko replied as we both started down the hallway.

After walking for a few minutes we got to Iroh's cell and once I gave him his breakfast I left. I knew that Zuko and his Uncle probably wanted to talk alone and I don't mind. Iroh was put in prison because he tried to help gather up a rebellion with the Avatar to bring take down the Fire Lord on the Day of Black Sun but, unfortunately Ozai found out about it before hand and locked himself away in a secret chamber until the eclipse was over. I think Iroh is a very great man and deserves to be Fire Lord more than anyone else but, now that he is has been in this prison for about four years now it has taken a toll on him.


As I am sitting down in the break room for lunch there is some kind of big commotion going on that has caused all of the guards to leave and go check it out. I continue to eat because I know it's probably just another fight or something like that. Once I'm about finished Zuko walks in and sits across from me.

"Hey, did you hear what's going on?" He asked.

"No and personally I don't really care" I reply back as I finish my food and threw it away.

"Well you should care because there are three important prisoners coming in tomorrow and my Dad said that since you're the most trustful guard here you will be the one tending to them."

"I should care why?"

"Because this is a very important task that could help you stop the Fire Nation and you won't have to deal with Jet anymore" he whispered.

"Thank spirits!" I shouted.

"Yeah, oh and my Dad said you should go home earlier so you can get here really early in the morning to help with the prisoners."

"Okay and who are the prisoners anyway?"

"I'm not really sure all I know is that there are three of them and they're really important."

"Oh, well I guess I better be getting home then, I'll see you tomorrow" I said as I waved Zuko goodbye.

"Bye" he replied back.

I walked home and changed into some normal Fire Nation clothing and went into my room. My parents asked why I was home so early and I told them about the new prisoners but, they didn't really listen. Even though they are supposedly my parents they don't really seem to like me it's kind of like they are forced to have me here. I brushed off the thought and tried to figure out who these mystery prisoners were. There are three of them and that's all I know and I hope whoever it is I can help them and hopefully their not jerks like Jet.

I guess I will just find out tomorrow I thought to myself as I laid down to take a nap.


I got this idea from my bestest friend Myranda and she has really helped inspire me a lot when it comes to stories and one-shots so this is dedicated to her and I hope she likes how I put this idea down. Review Please!