Disclaimer for this chapter and all to follow: The characters Stephenie Meyers created intrigue me just as much, sometimes more than, her story. They creep into my imagination and do crazy things. Always fun to imagine in various scenarios and a blast to create new fiction with different versions of each character. This is another of such creations. The characters represented in the following chapters, along with the general theme, belong to SM. Ever grateful for her imagination and ability to draw us into the world of Cullens.
Unlike my first published story (Breakable - The Truth Hurts), with all human characters and different coupling, this one is closer to the Twilight theme. All characters are human/non-human, as they are in the series. My story follows Edward (because he's so fun to write!) as he tries to break free of the monotonous life he's led. The best way to do that? We all know what will convince Edward life isn't always so dreary but when the girl he's waited for his life over turns out to be more trouble than he'd ever imagined, he must decide whether to move on, alone, or stand beside her to face her problems. My leads are darker and far more troubled than the originals. This story is intended for readers 18+ for language, violence, mature themes and there's always a risk of slipping on a lemon.
Please join me inside the thoughts of Edward...
Forever Grey
Seated in the noisy cafeteria, I stared blankly at the poster-filled wall. I'd already read the abundance of flyers advertising the numerous clubs available to sociable, peppy students. Numerous times. None are of interest as I'm not one of those students.
The self-promoting, colourful posters screaming 'CHOOSE ME!' in various fonts and hues for the upcoming student election, I simply find sickening. I'd seen more than enough of these elections to know it didn't matter who won. It's a popularity contest. Nothing more. Not one of these people have an intelligent thought in their head anyway.
If only people knew that Damien wants their vote so he can coax funding for the football team to go to the Nationals in Montreal. Laurie has her eye on the young male teacher who works with the students on the council. Dave just wants to get laid. And what's her name, the girl who does the newspaper; she wants more authority to turn the school entirely eco-friendly. At least she's not entirely selfish or depraved. She'll get my vote. If I bother.
I exhaled with force trying to distract myself from the noise and static settling back in. I'd effectively shut it out moments ago, but it was back. The joys of reading minds. I don't want to. It just happens. I can, with great effort and ultimate concentration, tune out for short times. I'm happiest then. If that's what happy is. I don't remember to be honest.
The thoughts come to me as static noise - no other way to describe it, really. Everyone's 'voice' mixes with others and until I focus in on just one, it's simply an annoying drone. A constant drone, at lunch especially. Unable to bear any more for today, I stood to leave, drawing the attention of my 'sister' and her boyfriend. Alice smiled and squeezed my hand briefly. I didn't need to tell her I was going to the car for a reprieve. She already knew.
Alice is my twin sister. Her boyfriend, Jasper, lives with our family after being orphaned by a horrible accident claiming both his parents two years prior. Sailing mishap on an anniversary getaway. Tragic.
And entirely untrue.
It's a similar story to mine and Alice's. Our parents were lost in a fire, many years ago. Gosh, I barely remember them. The Cullens, our parents' good good friends, took us in as they'd cared for us since birth and were better equipped to take in twins than any family member. So kind and generous.
Also untrue.
Alice is not my twin, though she is very much like a sister to me. And Jasper, a brother. The part about them being boyfriend/girlfriend, well that's true. Also that the Cullens are our kind surrogate parents. Very much true. They are far too young in standard years to be our true parents however, thus the elaborate stories behind our adoptions.
I almost made it to my BMW without anyone in particular's thoughts invading my own. We'd been in this dreary little Canadian town for a month now and people had already learned to ignore us. Good. Because if someone thinks of me, it's as if they're screaming my name and then I can't help but listen in. Like I said, I don't want to. As I also said, I 'almost' made it free and clear. As it happened, parked beside mine was a beat-up Honda containing two students on a make-out session. I must have caught the guy's attention because their pawing halted and I was hit with:
'What a dick! Guy thinks he's so cool with that car his daddy bought him. You're not cool, asshole. You're just a freak.'
Yep. I'm a dick because I have a nice car. Whatever. Troglodyte. I would agree with the freak part, however.
Ignoring them as best I could, I climbed in behind the wheel, starting it up to listen to some music. The girl's thoughts hit me.
'Yum. Wouldn't mind that for lunch. Too bad he's such a snob.'
Yep. A dick and a snob too. Smiling to myself, I couldn't resist peeking over. Her eyes shot away from mine and I laughed aloud. If only she knew...I wouldn't mind her for lunch either.
My name is Edward Cullen. And I am a vampire.