All the usual disclaimers apply.

As always, I'd like to thank the wonderful and glorious beta skillz of vjgm. I love you my Yoda! Thanks for holding my hand and encouraging me to push myself. You are the awesomest of awesome!

Readers, I adore you all! This, however, is the final installment of The Acclimation Diaries. I've had so much fun running around inside Edward's head. I thank you all for all of your support, your rec's and your reviews. I'm sad to see this fic end, but I'm so excited to start the new fic that is rolling around in my wee lil head, so keep your eyes peeled for that!

Again, I can't begin to thank you all enough for reading! You all kick serious ass and rock the hardest!


Bella's neck arched as she moaned in pleasure, that familiar, tight sound she made when she was reaching the pinnacle of her orgasm. The single most beautiful sound I'd ever heard.

I sucked back the pooling liquid in my mouth as my own release barreled down on me like freight train and my eyes latched onto the artery pulsing in her neck, throbbing at me, the blood within it singing out to me as she breathed my name.

My lips peeled back over my teeth, the bitter venom dripping onto my tongue as I opened my mouth with a hiss.

Hot, decedent ambrosia flowed down my throat in waves as my climax erupted from my body.

Oh God, so good, I thought as I swallowed pulse after pulse. Sealing my lips over the wound I pulled out one mouthful of blood…and then another…and another. Curling my fingers in her hair, pressing her cooling skin to my hungry mouth, sucking and drinking every last magnificent drop until I stood, trembling over her lifeless body, my eyes glowing red with Bella's blood.

With a shuddering gasp I broke from the vision to see Bella sleeping soundly in the bed before me.

"I'm sorry Edward, but you had to see that," Alice said quietly from the doorway.

I blinked repeatedly, trying to wash the horrible vision from my mind, wiping at the corners of my mouth with my hands because I could still practically feel her blood about to dribble down my chin.

"I know you both wanted it that way and God help me Edward, I wish I could see a way around it to make it happen, but no matter how I look at it, the outcome is always the same, I'm sorry."

"Why are you sorry, Alice?" Bella asked sleepily as she rubbed her eyes, catching just the tail end of Alice's explanation.

Alice sat on the edge of our new bed and held Bella's hand as she went over the details of the vision for her.

I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to push the offending premonition away. The next thing I knew, Bella's arms were wrapped around my waist and she pressed her cheek to my chest as she held me tight.

I wanted this for her so badly, to be able to giver her, her fairytale transformation.

But this wasn't a fairytale, this was real life and sometimes, real life situations weren't always the most romantic.

As much control over myself as I had around Bella, even when we made love, I was always teetering on the edge of loosing it all together. Adding the element of Bella's blood to the mix shattered my self control into a million jagged pieces.

This could not happen.

We talked with Carlisle and set a plan. A calculated plan.

Carlisle would push the Morphine and then, at Bella's request, the family members that could tolerate being in the room would remain present as the transformation process began.


Three days later, before Bella and I headed out to the airport, I stood in Charlie's driveway watching him hug his only child and I realized that I didn't know exactly how much he really knew about my family. Quite frankly, I didn't want to.

As it was, our laws indicated that I should have killed him on the spot for even hinting that there was something different about my family.

Charlie peered over Bella's shoulder as he was hugging her goodbye. Our eyes connected and a silent exchange took place in the span of three point two seconds.

One final plea from him to care for Bella as she deserved to be cared for and a respectful nod from me conveyed that I would. Bella would see her father again if I had to fight off the whole of the Volturi alone to make it happen.

Bella leaned over the back of the chair, waving to her father as the "Welcome to Forks" sign began to disappear in the rearview mirror of my Volvo. When any traces of town were no longer visible, Bella settled into her seat and began to weep, all the way to the airport.

She was quiet for most of the flight to Fairbanks, her warm body pressed against mine as she looked out of the window to the world below.

I smoothed through her hair, carefully untangling a small snarl and kissed the top of her head. Was she having second thoughts?

Closing my eyes and taking a deep breath, I bit the proverbial bullet.

"Bella, we don't have to…"

Her delicate hand stroking my cheek stopped me mid sentence.

"Edward," she began softly, "I want to do this, and I've always wanted this. Yes, I'm scared, but to be perfectly honest, I was more terrified of getting married that I have ever been about this."

I chuckled lightly and shook my head at the absurdity that I'd just heard. Only Bella.

After we landed at the main airport and crossed the tarmac, we entered another hanger where Emmett stood in front of a Mooney Acclaim Type S with "Bite Me" painted on the side, clad in his old, brown leather, flight jacket and barnstormer style flight cap and goggles that he insisted on wearing every time he flew.

"'Bout time you guys showed up, I was getting ready to take off without you," Emmett said, flashing his dimples at Bella with a wink.

Nice outfit, Em," Bella said, stifling a giggle and reaching up to give Emmett's goggles a flick.

"Hey, these are originals, vintage man," Emmett whined, adjusting his antique eyewear, "and, they're fucking cool."

Bella was trying desperately to hold in her laughter until I grabbed the goggles and snapped them against Emmett's head and she burst into hysterics.

"Ass," Emmett hollered and attempted to retaliate, which I heard him thinking about, naturally, and was able to avoid a swift blow to the head.

As we settled into the small plane, I could see Bella starting to fidget, of course she was nervous.

"How far is it from here?" she asked through the headset as we taxied out onto the runway.

"Its two hundred nineteen miles from here to Chalkyitsik and this baby flies at two hundred forty-two indicated airspeed which calculates out to approximately two hundred seventy-eight miles per hour so we're looking at a flight time of about forty-seven minutes, give or take," Emmett rattled off.

"Wow, Emmett, I'm impressed," Bella said, sitting back into her seat.

"Two degrees in Aeronautical Flight Operations and a Masters in Mathematics and Computer Engineering from MIT, I should hope so," he said with a laugh, pulling back on the yoke and easing the plane up into the air.

The flight was impossibly smooth and we landed on the small gravel runway in just under forty-nine minutes.

From there we piled into Emmett's Jeep and made our way to the sprawling, rustic, log cabin style home our family kept at the edge of the Yukon Flats, literally in the middle of nowhere.

"You made it!" Alice squealed as she launched herself down the front porch stairs at breakneck speed, even for a vampire, and pulled Bella into an embrace as if she hadn't seen her in decades.

"It's only been two days, Alice," Rosalie snarked, rolling her eyes and shaking her head at the spectacle Alice was making.

"Ignore her," Alice chirped, "she's had her nose out of joint ever since we started getting the room ready."

Before we left Forks, we'd gone over our options as to where Bella's transformation should take place.

The first option was the simplest choice but I threw that out for obvious reasons, as far as I was concerned. Our room. I didn't want to walk into our bedroom and have the memory of Bella writhing in pain burned into the walls, because that's how it would be for me.

Emmett suggested the garage, just to irritate Rose, but in the end we decided on the downstairs guest room.

The rest of the family traveled three days ahead of us in order to prepare. They stripped the room bare, save for a small bed in the center. The less there was in the room when Bella woke up, the easier it would be for her.

One thing we all remembered, with great clarity, was how overwhelming one's senses were upon awakening, a sensory overload if you will.

We also decided that we would waste no time, Bella and I were both eager to get the process underway, figuring the sooner we started it, the sooner it would be done.

But now, as we walked up the front steps, I felt the impact of what I was about to do weigh down on me and I came to a halt on the stairs.

Jasper stopped mid stride and gripped the railing for a moment, cracking the wood.

"Whoa, man, are you okay?" he asked.

"This is really happening Jazz," I said, swallowing thickly and raking my hand through my hair.

"Yep," he nodded simply. He didn't ask or even think to ask if I felt I was doing the right thing, we all knew that I was. "You want some help?" Jasper asked instead, offering up his empathic talents to ease my nerves.

"No," I said, shaking my head. I wanted to feel this.

I needed to feel this.

"Save it for her," I said quietly, "she's going to need it more than me."

"I'll do what I can, I promise."

I really wished that he could be in the room with us, when it happened, but there was just no way to make that happen.

Everyone had a place to be tonight.

Jasper, who was the more unstable around humans than any of us, would wait outside in the other room for the initial bite, under the watch of Esme and Rosalie, who was already being far more involved in this than she ever wanted to be. Carlisle would be monitoring Bella from a medical stand point, checking her vitals and Morphine levels. Emmett would be keeping watch over me, making sure I could stop. And Alice would be there for Bella, as her best friend, keeping watch over the future to make sure all was going as it should.

As we walked in Alice whisked Bella off upstairs and I stood in the middle of the foyer, the door to the downstairs bedroom was open a crack, and soft light spilled out. Moving at a measured, human pace I crossed the entire length of the downstairs.

I pushed open the door and it seemed heavy, metaphorically speaking.

There, in the center of the room, was a small metal bed with simple cotton sheets.

I know this bed.

I walked over and ran my hand over frame, feeling the thick white paint under my fingers.

"It was the bed you lay in while you transformed," Carlisle said from the doorway.

"Where did you find it?" I asked, touching the crisp cotton pillowcase.

"It's been in storage out here, I couldn't bear to part with it," he said, walking over to the end of the bed and fingering the metal at the foot. "It's a bitter sweet memory, I suppose. But it was the place where you left this world to join mine, you were my first, and I just thought…"

"It's perfect."

There weren't words to describe how touched I was by this gesture, this effort to make this moment, special.

Esme stepped through the doorway, holding Carlisle's medical bag. "She's ready."

The entire family entered the room, sending their reassuring thoughts to me.

Don't fuck it up, or I'll have to kill you. I've grown attached to her damn it, Rose thought with a wink as she stood closest to the door next to Jasper. And don't worry about Jazz, I've got him covered.

I got your back man, you start going uber vamp on her and I'll snap your neck, Em smiled, whacking me on the back, indicating that he was kidding. Mostly.

I'll do what I can Edward, Jasper nodded in my direction.

Good luck son, I know you'll do wonderfully, this is what was meant to be, I truly believe that, Esme thought with a tight hug.

Alice, never one to hide her feelings or her thoughts, was the last family member to enter.

"Oh Edward, this is so exciting, I can't wait until…" She rambled, her thoughts poured out of her head almost as fast as the words flew out of her mouth.

"Alice!" I said, trying to get her to stop before she showed me something about Bella's transformation. All I wanted to know what that everything was going to be alright, I wanted everything else to be a surprise.

"Sorry, Edward," she said with a slight frown. "I'm just so excited!"

Finally, Bella stepped into the room wearing a long, white lace gown with a soft blue, satin ribbon weaved around the waist. Her hair was swept back into a neat French braid and secured with a ribbon that matched the one in the gown.

She looked like a vision, some ethereal virgin on her way to the alter to sacrifice herself.

"Do you like it?" Bella asked, picking at the lace. "I know it's not what you would expect to see me wear; you probably expected to see me walk in, in a pair of old sweat pants and a tee shirt." She looked down and fiddled with the shiny blue bow, "I just thought that this was a special occasion and I wanted to look pretty for it."

"You look beautiful, you always do," I said with a smile.

Jasper casually reached out a hand and touched Bella's shoulder, and she stopped fidgeting. "Thank you," she said with a smile, stretching up on her toes to kiss Jasper's cheek.

"I'm sorry I can't be in here when it happens, I want to be, but I know that I can't," Jasper explained.

Bella nodded her thanks and understanding to him.

"Yeah, well, it's no secret that I don't want to be here. I still think you are making a huge mistake, no matter what Alice says," Rose declared.

"I appreciate your honesty, Rosalie, thank you," Bella responded and started to walk toward the bed.

Rosalie jumped in front of her and wrapped her arms around Bella's neck. "You should also know that I truly hope you become an amazing vampire, make Edward happy for all eternity and prove me wrong," Rose whispered into Bella's ear.

Tears spilled from Bella's eyes. "Thank you, Rose," she said, returning the embrace with all her human strength.

Once Jasper, Rosalie and Esme were seated in the next room, Bella sat on the bed and faced me. Cradling her face in my palms I kissed the top of her head, her warm soft forehead, each eyelid, her pert nose, both rosy cheeks and her upturned mouth.

"Are you ready?" I asked.

Pulling her fingers through my hair she pulled my head down and kissed the top of my head, my hard smooth forehead, each eyelid, the end of my nose, both faintly lavender cheeks and my nearly pouting mouth.

"I've always been ready, Edward, I was just waiting for you to be."

I laid Bella back on my old bed and Carlisle took her left arm. Bella winced as Carlisle administered the IV and the sweet scent of her blood from the needle puncture filled the air.

Carlisle readied the medication as I struggled to keep from trembling and swallowed back the venom that was filling my mouth already.

"First I'm going to administer a small dose of Ativan as a calming agent," Carlisle explained as he pushed the small amount of the drug into the clear tube.

I could see the slight change in the set of Bella's body and the dilation of her eyes as the medication took hold.

"Excellent," he said, noting the same changes in Bella as I did. "Now for the Morphine."

He produced a bottle out of his bag and filled a syringe with 15mg of the clear liquid.

Bella hissed initially as the mediation burned in her veins but in seconds her sluggish eyelids blinked lazily at me and she nodded.

"It's time Edward," Alice said softly, "do it now."

Bella turned her head, exposing her carotid artery, the pulse steadily slowing to a dull thud…thud…thud.

"I'm sorry," I whispered as I leaned in, the venom welling up behind my teeth.

"I'm….not…." she said groggily and smiled weakly.

My focus was tighter than it had ever been before, I was ready.

Closing my eyes, I let my lips drag over the tissue paper thin flesh of her neck and opened my mouth. Bella didn't utter a sound, or even flinch as I tossed out all of my precautions to keep my teeth hidden and sank them in.

The blood was blazing hot as it hit my tongue. There was a slight bitter taste to it, most likely from the pharmaceuticals in her system, but it wasn't enough to discourage me from swallowing what had accumulated in my mouth.

I could feel the venom seeping into her wound and entering her blood stream.

That's the moment when Bella gasped in pain and my eyes snapped open. The tendons in her neck were pulled tight and her mouth twisted in agony. That was all I needed to see.

Any desire to drain her left with that one look.

I disengaged my teeth and licked the wound closed.

Bella right hand was closed so tight around a patch of the cotton sheet that her knuckles were straining against the skin, turning it white and her left was wrapped around Alice's, squeezing with all of her might.

Standing slowly, I rounded the bed to the other side and Alice relinquished her spot next to Bella to me and I sat, taking Bella's hand in mine.

Three days, nineteen hours, thirty-seven minutes and twelve seconds.

That's how long it took.

Three days, nineteen hours, thirty-seven minutes and twelve seconds.

In that time, Bella never screamed only the odd grunt or whimper. She would stiffen and I could see her jaw clench and release and as the days progressed the catheter in her arm started to work its way out until her body had pushed it out completely as it transformed.

In that time, the family filed in and out of the room, sitting and talking with her and with me. Even Rosalie came in on occasion, always just for a moment, and stood in the back of the room silently, always reciting some sort of horrible song or projecting some kind of disgusting vision of naked Emmett to keep me out of her head.

In that time, I never left, I lay next to her, held her, sang to her, comforted her the best way that I could, the only way I could.

Three days, nineteen hours, thirty-seven minutes and twelve seconds after I bit Bella, her heart beat for the last time.

The rose of her cheeks gave way to the familiar soft lilac that colored my own face. Her skin took on a near translucent paleness and her lips stained with a light burgundy. I didn't think it was possible for her to be more beautiful than she was as a human.

I was wrong. Oh so wrong.

Her lids fluttered before they opened, revealing her deep red eyes.

Sitting silently on the side of the bed, I watched her eyes dart around the room. She didn't seem to be frightened, so that was a good sign.

Faster than I'd ever seen another creature move, she sat up and swung her legs over the side of the bed, staring out of the window in the wall. The wind blew a leaf past the glass and she gasped, taking in her first breath of air since her last fifteen minutes ago.

She placed a hand in the center of her chest and pushed the air back out before taking a short breath in again and holding it for five minutes before exhaling.

Her lips twitched up as she raised her hand to her face and stared at it, turning it this way and that.

"Bella?" I said quietly, not wanting to startle her.

Her head whipped in my direction. "Edwar…" she started to say but clamped her hand over her mouth at the new sound of her voice.

"It's okay, your voice is perfect," I reassured her, tentatively setting a hand on her arm. I wasn't sure how she would react to touch of any kind right now.

I shouldn't have been.

She picked up my hand and examined it, stroking up my arm and to my cheek with wonderment.

"You're soft," she said, "and…warm."

"Yes," I nodded, pressing my face into her palm. Her thumb traced across my lips and I kissed it.

"Edward," she whispered before pressing her lips to mine and my mouth gave way for the first time. It felt amazing.

A giggle from the other room attracted our attention and Bella and I turned to see the entire family crowded in the doorway.

Before you get all possessive and my Bella-y, Edward, we want to see her too, Alice thought as I was preparing to tell them all to go away. We are only going to be a few minutes then she's all yours.

Alice and Esme nearly took poor Bella's head off with their tight hugs. Jasper took a read of her emotional state and gave me the proverbial thumbs up and having extremely limited physical contact with her before, pulled her into an embrace that would have crushed her former body to a pulp. Emmett challenged her to an arm wrestling match after she was done "mattress wrestling" with me. Rose smiled and nodded her approval, which was more than I ever expected to get. And Carlisle approached with a plethora of questions, as usual, but promised to hold off on asking any of them until later.

"I'm sure you both could use a hunt," he said, "there is some very large game toward the south this time of year."

"Sounds excellent, are you thirsty?" I asked as I turned to Bella.

"I think so," she answered, raising a small hand to her throat. "My mouth feels so, I don't know, weird, sort of an itchy, burning feeling."

"Come," I said with a smiled, extending a hand to her. "You said you always wanted to see me hunt."

Slipping her hand into mine we navigated the furniture in the living room and made it out of the front door, leaving nothing more than a cool breeze in our wake.

"Are you ready to run?" I asked, barely able to contain my excitement.

"You mean, me? Run? As fast as you?"

"Actually, you'll probably run faster," I grinned.

"Really?" Bella squeaked.

"Really," I answered with a wink. "GO!" I shouted, taking off southeast into the woods, with Bella hot on my heals.

The feeling was magnificent. Absolutely glorious. Running with Bella through the wilderness. Leaping over brush and dodging branches as if we'd traveled this path a thousand times.

After about twenty miles I caught wind of some game and stopped. Bella ran past me at first, but was right back in my side in less than a second.

"Do you smell that?" I asked.

We stood in the woods and I watched as Bella sniffed at the air.

"There are so many smells," she said quietly.

I took a deep breath and could sense a myriad of edible creatures. Moose, caribou, brown bear and a favorite snack of mine, lynx.

We headed toward the nearest scent, the caribou, and we silently crept up to the animal.

"Watch me, okay?" I said, lowering into a crouch.

I launched and took it by the antlers, maneuvering it to the ground with no effort at all and snapping its neck.

"Always kill it quick, Carlisle taught us that, no need for the animal to suffer," I explained. "You can feel the artery under the skin, it feels almost like a tiny water balloon, that's where you want to go in." I opened my mouth and drained the animal while Bella watched.

I looked up at her as I drank She was taking in every move my body made and sweet Jesus she was becoming more aroused by the second.

The wind blew over Bella and her head snapped to attention as the scent hit. Her eyes narrowing a split second before I smelled it too and she took off through the trees. Bear, a big Kodiak by the smell of him.

I was half a step behind Bella as she launched at the creature with such vigor that she knocked the massive animal to the ground in a spray of forest vegetation.

Moving as if she had been doing this for centuries, she twisted the giant creature's head with just the right amount of torque to break its neck without taking its head off completely, which was unheard of for a newborn.

She crouched over the body, her fingers probing through the fur around its neck before bending to sink her teeth into her kill.

I watched Bella's shoulders as they rolled toward the beast with every pull of blood she consumed; I could hear her throat swallowing and practically feel the hot liquid burn down the back of my own.

Calculating the probable blood volume in an animal that size with the likely amount of blood Bella could pull out in one draw I figured how many swallows it would take for her to drain the creature and I counted.

As she sucked in and swallowed for the last time I felt my insides explode.

"I want you," I whispered, hovering at the edge of the clearing where she'd taken the beast down.

Her body straightened and she slowly turned to me, a trail of blood trickling down her chin onto the lace of the nightgown, soaking into the satin of the pale blue ribbon as her chest rose and fell with her forced breathing.

I leapt through the air, landing a mere inch from her and stood.

Her eyes flickered to mine before she gripped the collar of my shirt and tore it down the middle, skimming her nose across my chest, inhaling deeply.

"I can smell your desire," she moaned, swiping her tongue across my flesh, "taste it, on your skin."

"Yes," I breathed, grasping her chin and tilting her head to the side, lapping at the quickly drying blood on her neck, loving the fact that my tongue flattened against her now instead of merely moved over it.

Bella's fingers sank into my hair, curling and pulling and I hissed at the slight pain that felt so deliciously good.

Sliding my hands down her back, I hoisted her body to mine, wrapping her legs around my waist and palming her magnificent bottom.

"Edward," she moaned as she rolled her hips against mine. "Please….please," she panted.

It had been four long days since I'd laid my hands on my glorious wife, I was not about to deny her now that she was virtually indestructible.

Kneeling and laying her back on the ground, I sat up and started to run my hands all over her torso, cupping her soft breasts with a firm grip through the thin sheath of lace.

Bella arched her body, pressing up into my touch with a sigh.

Unable to control myself any longer, I tore through the sheer fabric and practically attacked her naked flesh. Her nipples were always so exquisite, tender pink buds atop the swell of her bosom.

How many times did I have to reign in the urge to bite down on the pebbled flesh? How many nights did I lay in bed with her, blowing across them with my cold breath to watch them rise and pucker?


Now, my lips formed around the peak and I hollowed out my cheeks as I sucked. Bella's fingers danced along my spine and pressing into my skin as I tested my teeth on her sweet flesh, nibbling the very tip of her nipple, drawing a deep growl from the back of her throat.

I snapped my head up at the sound, stared down into her wild, dark red eyes and kissed her, unleashing all of the pent up desire I'd been holding back.

As I opened my mouth against hers, her tongue slid past my lips for the first time and swept across mine.

The feeling and the flavor was incredible as the lingering taste of blood fueled the feral fire in us both.

Reaching down, I ripped the rest of the gown from her body with one hand and the jeans from my own with the other.

Immediately her legs whipped around my waist, her heel pressed into my buttocks, urging me to complete our union.

"Wait," I gasped, breaking the fierce kiss we'd been tangled in.

Bella looked up at me, dumbfounded as if I'd just spoken to her in a foreign language.

"No," she shook her head, "I don't want to wait, I want you here, now."

I held her cheek in my hand, smoothing my thumb over her bottom lip. "I will never, get tired of hearing you say that," I said, placing a soft kiss on her perfect mouth. "But Bella, this is like our first time, all over again."

She smiled up at me, pushing my hair up off of my forehead. "You've been waiting for this for a while, haven't you?"

"God Bella, you have no idea," I whispered, leaning down and nuzzling against her neck. "I want to show you how I've wanted to love you, but never could. Will you let me do that, please?"

She pulled my face to hers, actually moved my head with her own strength and I could see the subtle change in the red of her eyes, the slightest softening of color as the animal blood settled into her system.

"Love me Edward."

My body trembled with excitement.

Making love to human Bella was the most amazing feeling and gave me the greatest pleasure I'd ever known. But there was always the restraint, the fear of thrusting too hard or gripping her too tight, if I wasn't one hundred percent focused on the task at hand I could have sliced right through her skin with a swipe of my tongue.

Sitting up between her alabaster thighs, I watched as slivers of sunlight peeked through the trees, lighting up bands of her iridescent flesh, one of them running right through the center of her navel.

I circled that spot with my fingertip, noting the amount of pressure I had to exert to get her skin to move. "Have I ever told you that this is one of my favorite spots on your body?" I asked, sliding my thumb over the indentation.

"No, I don't think you have," she giggled.

Lowering my head to her stomach, I placed soft kisses all along her taught abdomen, nibbling around the edge of her belly button as I worked myself lower, sliding my body back.

When Bella noticed where I was headed, she sank her hands into her hair in anticipation.

"This is another spot that I adore," I said quietly, turning and softly kissing the skin on the inside of her thigh, right in the bend where her leg met her hip.

"And here," I breathed, just before I washed the length of my tongue across her clitoris, just a touch, I didn't want her to come just yet.

I continued my path up her body, kissing and licking around her hip, sliding along her belly, over the swell of her firm breast, nipping along her collar bone and up the column of her fine neck.

Bella continued to breathe deeply, through her open mouth, her tongue dancing just behind her teeth.

"Can you taste my scent, love?" I asked.

"Yes," she whimpered, taking a deep pull of air through her clenched teeth.

I traced the scar on her throat with my nose as I skimmed my hand down her body, gripping her leg just under the knee and hitching it over my hip, pressing my tip against her entrance.

Suddenly I was overcome with a sense of freedom of really being able to love Bella the way she deserved to be loved, wholly and completely, with every ounce of myself.

"Bella, thank you for choosing me and allowing me to love you until the end of time," I whispered against the soft skin of her neck, the emotion of the moment catching in my voice.

She gently ran her fingers through my hair as she slid her foot up the back of my leg.

"Thank you for waiting for me," she murmured.

I tossed aside the last shred of control that I was holding onto, one little slice of myself that was still worried that I might hurt her and pressed into her, feeling an ever so slight resistance, a friction that was never present before.

Taking a deep breath I withdrew and pushed forward a little harder with a groan of pleasure.

I kept this pace, letting my body adjust to this most delightful sensation as I probed for the spot that made her toes curl and her entire body tremble with ecstasy.

I pulled back and thrust with more intensity, plunging deeper eliciting a familiar sound from the back of her throat and I felt her muscles begin to tighten around my length.

"There it is," I whispered against her skin.

I moved within her again, a little harder, a little deeper. Her nails bit into my flesh as she raked them down my back and I growled, wrought with the delectable feeling of pleasure with pain.

She started to grunt and moan, undulating her hips into mine as her body started to quiver.

"Yes, Bella," I panted, pushing myself harder as her toes began to curl against my back. "God," I muttered through clenched teeth, "I can't wait to feel you come."

No sooner did those words leave my mouth, and she was.

Bella gasped once before she stopped breathing all together. Her back arched, her hands dug into the earth and her eye fluttered back in her head.

I began to thrust wildly, and every muscle in my body strung tight over my bones. I knew I was on the edge of my own climax, but it had never been like this. It felt as if every cell, every molecule in my being was going to come.

When Bella finally released her breath it was a long, slow sigh and that sound seemed to be the catalyst to my unraveling.

Every single particle that I was made of exploded with sheer and utter pleasure like I'd never felt before. The colors of the rainbow, including a few colors that I'm certain were not there before, flashed before my eyes.

As the tides of our pleasure began to ebb, I rolled onto my back. I pulled my Bella, my wife, into my arms and held her. Tight. I could feel my body conforming to hers and I pressed her body tighter to mine in total and complete bliss.

All of the pieces of my life over the past one hundred and eight years fell into place. All of the mistakes I'd made, every time I chose left over right, lead me here.

This is what I was put on this planet for.


*~The End~*

Chapter End Notes:

Again, thank you SOOOO much for taking the time to read and as usual, reviews are always GREATLY appreciated!

I hope you enjoyed this ride through Edward's mind with me, it was a blast! I could say something profound and junk, but I know you all just want your final Treatward.

You're sitting at your computer, finishing up the last chapter of The Acclimation Diaries. You turn off your computer and as you turn around Edward is standing right behind you, grinning asking you which chapter was your favorite, so he can act it out with you.

You are all the greatest! Stay tuned to 2.0, add me to your favorite authors or author alerts and get an email when the new fic begins! Until the next adventure kittens!

Miss Kitty, out.