Author has written 81 stories for Harry Potter, StarTrek: The Original Series, Kill Bill, Stargate: SG-1, 24, X-Files, and Phantom of the Opera. Who I Am: I am a Christian and will end up putting some religious elements into my stories. I respect others of all faiths and even those who do not have faith. I care more about who someone is than what they look like or where they are from and strive to learn what I can about the wonderful cultures of the world. I am an American and believe in freedom to live how one wishes as long as it does not harm others, and believe everyone has a right to their own views. My ancestors have fought in many wars so that people have basic freedoms and we still stand for what is right not what is popular. On Bullying: I would like to post a stand against bullying here. Bullying is not funny, it is not a way to “get back at” someone you don’t like. It is bigotry plain and simple. To torment someone because of how they look or act, or how they talk or anything is not okay. It is okay to not like someone, but one has to get along with everyone, if one cannot do that, stay clear of the person one can’t stand to be around. It’s as easy as that. Share kindness not hate. Repost this to take a stand against bullying. The sorting hat says that I belong in Ravenclaw! Said Ravenclaw, "We'll teach those whose intelligence is surest." Ravenclaw students tend to be clever, witty, intelligent, and knowledgeable. Notable residents include Cho Chang and Padma Patil (objects of Harry and Ron's affections), and Luna Lovegood (daughter of The Quibbler magazine's editor). Food for Thought: Any one think that when Dumbledore says Nitwit, Blubber, Oddment and Tweak he is referring to certain house-elves in the first Harry Potter book to deliver the food? I do, for after he says that the food appears, at that moment he was not trying to be funny at all as we now know house elves have some pretty strange names. Now the way he had the students sing the school song was his being funny. Things I Love In Harry Potter Fan-Fiction: Ron and Hermione together, they remind me so much of my own parents, abet a much younger version. They say opposites attract and that is true here for sure, yet they dearly love each other for sure. Though they do fight like cats and dogs there is a deep love there one can see through the books if you look for it. In fact their relationship is like most classic romance stories, boy and girl can't stand each other, get together finally after many trials sort of thing. Oh, and it is Hermione in control in that relationship, Ron might argue with her but she is the one who would be in charge. Harry and Ginny or Harry and Luna, something about lost souls in torment getting together really works for me and these two pairings really work for me. I would have loved JKR to flesh Ginny out more in canon, she to me was very interesting and really should have been used more instead of in the background. I mean she fought off the shade of Voldemort as hard as she could at eleven years of age, and survived, she was dead, and should have died even after Harry did what he did, but she survived and went on to fight with the DA in her sixth year at Hogwarts under the thumb of the Carrows. She would get Harry, his struggles the darkness and help him when everything got too much, and she would help him and he her. Luna too is a troubled soul and I feel she really does understand Harry as well she saw her mother die right in front of her and understands that sort of grief and pain. Molly Weasley, I love her, I mean she is so sweet and loving and sure, she has a temper on her but she cares so very much, is she perfect? Nah, but who is? She is really a dear and cares so much. Besides if you have not had to take care of a lot of boys (six sons in her case) at one time you cannot understand why she has such a temper. Boys, well they are boys and they can do all kinds of things that drive parents and educators up the wall. It's part of a boy's nature to get into some mischief and most of the time they mean no harm by it, they are just living life to the fullest. Though it can be rather trying at times to have to shout to get their attention, even if you are right by their ear. :) Severus Snape, I have loved this guy since the first book, when he only took a point from Harry for cheek, well I would not be so nice, that kid would have sat detention for me and I happen to like Harry very much. Severus's humor I adore and find very amusing when he says what he says and gets away with it too, his sarcastic wit is something I enjoy very much, why more do not see that his sarcastic wit is how the British function, in fact take away sarcasm from a Brit and well, they can't function (or so I have seen with my own two eyes in a dear friend). That and he went from being a follower of evil to turning from that to do what was needed to defeat the evil one he served at one time. Yes he made a huge mistake, one he never forgave himself for and he spent the rest of his life atoning for it. Can he rub people the wrong way? Yes he can, but then he comes from a working class background and being nice and cuddly is not how he was raised, that sort of thing would get one beat up in his world. He does care, and the fact he never did turn Harry into potions ingredients for some of the stunts he pulled shows self control. That he did not AK Sirius Black shows restraint and he continued to make the Wolfsbane for Remus Lupin without poisoning it after Lupin left Hogwarts. He may not like certain people, but if he can help he will, his morals would not let him do anything else but. Things I Don’t Like In Fan-Fiction: Weasley bashing just to bash, I love the Weasley family and see them as a wonderful family, poor yes but still a great family. I think why people have a problem with them is that they are red-haired, which is a shame as red hair rocks! My mom was a red-head! That and a bias against large families at the same time and the fact that they are poor in money. Why that would make them evil or bad is beyond me, Molly is one of my favorite characters and if she were real I would be honored to call her friend. She saw that Harry was lost in Kings Cross and knew a little boy needed help, and she did help by asking where platform 9 3/4 was. She knew but she saw a small scared boy who did not and so helped him out. Mpreg, go take biology, women have kids, not men! If one does use it, it needs to be considered part of the darkest of dark arts as it takes away from the gift most women have to have children. Any underage relationships, don’t do it, not cool and not something that would ever be done in the books, the adults and teachers are not going to risk their reputations or very lives doing this. Bashing of people who express religious views in fan-fiction. You have a right to not read such stories and if you do no bashing of them. It's rude, I have read plenty of fictions have far different beliefs than me and do not take to them to task for it, I in fact find it delightful to see different faiths showcased. Best Loved Fan-Fiction I Recommend: The Best Revenge AU. "Yes, the old Snape retrieves Harry from the Dursleys formula. I just had to write one. Everything changes, because the best revenge is living well. T for Mentor Snape's occasional naughty language. Supportive Minerva. Over three million hits!" The Best Revenge: Time of the Basilisk AU: "The continuation of Book I. Not all of Tom Riddle is gone. A mysterious journal and a new Defense teacher pose challenges for Harry and his guardian. T for Mentor Snape's occasional naughty language. Supportive Minerva." To Shape And Change AU Time Travel. "Snape goes back in time, holding the knowledge of what is to come if he fails. No longer holding a grudge, he seeks to shape Harry into the greatest wizard of all time, starting on the day Hagrid took Harry to Diagon Alley. No Horcruxes." Return to Childhood "School is out for the holidays. Severus has a slight problem, he is now little and Albus wants to send him to the burrow to learn how to be a child." Make A Wish "Harry has learned the prophesy and he does not believe that a schoolboy can defeat Voldemort, so he decides that if he is going to die then he is first going to live." Now for something by a dear friend on this sight: Things that Professor Snape is no longer allowed to do at Hogwarts: By excessively perky 1. Not allowed to sing “Black Powder and Alcohol” to the students. Especially not allowed to substitute ingredients that will result in napalm and methamphetamine instead. 2. Crucifying toads. Bad idea. 3. Not allowed to collect blood and/or hair samples from students or staff for potion-making. This includes Mrs. Norris. 4. Not allowed to train Hagrid’s pets into attacking Gryffindors. 5. May not call any members of the Ministry of Magic untrustworthy, corrupt slime. Not even Fudge. Ok, especially not Fudge. 6. Even if I still have the receipt for the last bribe I gave him from Lucius. 7. Must never tease Trelawney about what she puts in her incense. 8. May not sell any Weasley into slavery. 9. Gozer does not live in my supply cabinet. You’d be surprised what does, though. 10. The Forbidden Forest is not full of yummy candy, and it is wrong to tell first-years that it is. 11. I cannot trade McGonagall to the Death-Eaters for McNair, Avery, and a DE to be named later. 12. “Poppy” is Madam Pomfrey’s nickname, and not what she dispenses. 13. May not conduct psychological experiments on staff members or students. 14. I should not confess to crimes that took place before I was born. 15. While under Vertaserum. 16. 'To conquer the earth with an army of flying monkeys" is a bad long-term goal to give Lord Voldemort. Or Dumbledore, for that matter. 17. Rodents are not entitled to burial with full military honors, even if they are "casualties of war". Not even Pettigrew. 18. Not allowed to add 'In accordance with the prophesy' to the end of answers I give to a question Dumbledore asks me. Only Trelawney gets to do that. 19. Not allowed to purchase anyone's soul on school time. 20. Must wash my hair even if it tampers with my 'Sampson like powers'. 21. Must not taunt the Hufflepuffs. 22. Not allowed to appeal to mankind's baser instincts in Death-Eater recruiting posters. God only knows why. 23. Not allowed to put up Death-Eater recruiting posters on school property, not even in the Slytherin Common Room. 24. May not make posters depicting the leadership failings of my chain(s) of command. Neither Dumbledore nor Voldemort have any sense of humor that way. 25. It is better to beg forgiveness than to ask permission, no longer applies to Professor Snape. 26. There are no evil clowns living under my bed. 27. Except Peeves. 28. Nerve gas is not funny, not even at a Dark Revel. 29. Must not tell any Death-Eater that I am smarter than they are, especially if it's true. 30. Visiting Irish wizards are not after 'Me frosted lucky charms'. Now Flitwick, on the other hand, has a right to be worried. 31. Potions Class should not end in tragedy. 32. I may not produce or perform in “Hogwarts: The Full Monty”. Nor may I encourage any student or staff to do so. 33. Not even Madam Hooch. 34. May not use Harry Potter as a body shield if Voldemort invades the school. 35. May no longer decorate the Great Hall for any function. 36. May not give Professor Sprout any plant named “Audrey”. 37. May not feed Longbottom to “Audrey”. 38. May not bring Moaning Myrtle as my date to the Yule Ball. 39. May not put banned substances on the Gryffindor Quidditch brooms just before a match (see attached list). 40. May not encourage Fred or George Weasley to booby-trap the Sorting Hat. 41. May not bring Longbottom to any Death-Eater function in the hopes he will ‘fix’ Voldemort’s latest potion. 42. Even if the resulting explosion will leave a smoking crater a quarter-mile in diameter, thus resolving at least two of my major problems. 43. May not send a charmed rubber rat across the floor of the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom in hopes that Lupin will chase it. 44. Or send Sirius Black a flea collar in Extra Large. Though he could use it. “Dances with wolves, sleeps with fleas”. 45. When asked to give a few words at a ceremony or staff meeting, ‘Romper Bomper Stomper Boo' is probably not appropriate. Besides, that’s Dumbledore’s job. |
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