
Stone City 2016:

The house seemed too quiet as Alvin settled into a chair. The last twenty years had been fun; his children were all grown now and had children of their own. Josiah had married a pretty witch from the Rivers-March family and they had three children; Vera, Chuck and Dave. Ruth had married later and so far had one child, Prudence. Yes, his grandchildren were named after Beatles songs and he did not mind. He looked only a tiny bit older, certainly not the fifty-six years of age he was. Then again, in the magical world a fifty six year old man was still in the prime of his life. Even in the no-maj world fifty-six was no longer really old for most. So, Alvin was fully in the prime of life and still looked like he was in his early thirties.

Harry Potter had indeed gone onto a life of adventure; Bill Weasley had got his hands into him and turned him into a fine curse breaker. Ginny Weasley now Potter found she loved that sort of crazy life and married him, they had four children, James Sirius Potter, Albus Fleamont Potter, Lily Evans Potter and Charlus Black Potter. Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger had married and had two children, Hugo and Rose, and Alvin knew who wore the pants in that family so to speak and it was not Ron. Hermione was far too smart and too powerful for Ron to ever get one over on her, he was working with Fred and George in their shop, he was running the English side while they were running around the world setting up Weasley Wizarding Wheezes all over the world. Bill married a part Veela named Fleur and Percy Married Penelope Clearwater. Albus had retired and was now amusing himself with speaking tours all over the world.

Severus, dear Severus had remained a dear friend, he had got married in 1998 to Charity Burbage and now had two children, and Maximilian and Miriam, both were in their last year at Hogwarts. Severus had quit Hogwarts when his contract was up in 2000 and joined a magical research team that took him all over the world. It was right up his ally and he enjoyed learning new things right along with Charity. They would run into Harry and one of his adventures every once and a while. Speaking of which Randy let Severus and Charity into the parlor where Alvin was seated.

"How was El Dorado?" Alvin asked.

"Not too bad, but then Harry did turn up and things went interesting from there." Severus replied.

"Oh is that what happened." Alvin said, "Not the place to let a niffer loose."

"Rather." Charity said, her long blond hair piled on her head, she was clad in jeans and tee shirt like Severus, "Anyway, strange to see our children going to graduate Hogwarts."

"I am a grandfather already." Alvin said, "And you are well aware of my grandchildren's names."

"I think it is sweet." Mary said walking into the room with Randy behind her with a tea tray floating and settling into a spot on the table.

"So will you continue to teach?" Severus asked Alvin.

"Yes, and I was offered the assistant principal job, and yes I am taking it." Alvin replied, "Josh Red-Deer is taking over the upper level defense classes."

"Minerva is still headmistress at Hogwarts, she has made a lot of changes, more professors and classes, but a bit more formal, she is strict but fair and I love her." Severus said.

"Yes, she is great, even with Harry's children there and the Weasley twins children."

"I forgot they had married, who was it, Fred married Angelica and George married Dean Thomas's half sister Dava."

"Yes, though their children reserve their pranks for Harry."

"Oh dear, I am surprised that the statute is still standing" Alvin said.

Randy served tea to Severus and Charity, perfectly brewed in the English way. Then he served coffee to Alvin and Mary. There were teacakes, and little chocolate cakes, there was dried fruit and nuts along with a plate of cheese, crackers and cold cuts. The meal was a blend of American and English taste and every enjoyed it. Finally, with a second cup Severus looked over at Alvin. Severus was smirking now, and that had to do with how Harry and Ginny had their children.

With the temper Ginny had the twin terrors known as the Weasley twins had really outdone themselves. Due to Ginny accidently getting a potion meant for Neville and Hannah, she ended up having four children all right. All at once and all four were now in their sixth year at Hogwarts. Fred and George had not dared show their faces for two weeks after she gave birth, then the came over to help in raising them. On the plus side for around seven years Harry was far too busy helping raise his children to get into any trouble.

"I am surprised Fred and George are still alive after leaving such a potion out where Ginny could get ahold of it." Mary said, "I mean they should have realized how fertile the women in their family can be."

"Yes, that is true." Severus said smirking, "so proud of Harry keeping up with Potter tradition after all."

"I am not sure I am amused at that." Charity said, "I have had to help in some of those adventures."

"And Albus is a Parselmouth, he let that slip when he ended up in Slytherin, dear Sinstra was amused but not most of his house. He has taken to mentoring Scorpius Malfoy."

"Good, and I heard James when to Gryffindor, Lily to Ravenclaw and Charlus to Hufflepuff, not bad at that." Charity said. "I think they might have planned that."

"Sounds like something they would do." Severus replied. "You may not realize it Alvin but you did a lot of good."

"Me? I came and taught defense, nothing more, I did not get involved in your little war or anything like that." Alvin replied.

"You showed a different side of the world, and it's helping us change. Your attachment to magical traditions and being able to live in the no-maj world, and yes, see, right there, most have stopped using muggle, it's frowned on, that was Draco Malfoy helping with that."

"Oh yes, he came over and went to Salem and studied Lore, I heard he ran for minister."

"He did not win, that was Sally Ann Perks." Charity said.

"Quiet girl, tiny, that Sally Ann Perks?" Alvin said, "Yea, I could see it, she was one tough lady in my classes."

Alvin still did not think he had changed much of anything, he had gone to teach and that was it. He had not got involved in politics and even now had few contacts in Britain aside from his friends Severus and Charity. He had his work cut out for him here and now with training students here. He was sure the changes done were because the new generation wanted to change things for the better and they had. It had little to do with him after all. Yet he was grateful for that year, he had made a good friend in Severus and had got to work in Hogwarts, that did look good on his resume.

Mary took out a device that Severus knew was the magical equivalent of an iPod, in fact it was made by Apple's magical division as Steve Jobs had a squib friend and saw one thing in the magical world as in the no-maj, a way to sell his product to others. Mary had got her dream and now all her music was on this device and stored on her computer. She hooked it up to the stereo system and began to play a song by a band Severus had barely heard of; Imagine Dragons, "I Bet My Life" played and he found he liked it. He sat back and thought on how good his own life had turned out, no dark lord to follow, no teaching, just traveling the world and researching and making potions to sell. Life was very good indeed.

The End