
Prince Manor 2010:

Remus sat under a pavilion on the edge of the lake where the large cozy Prince manor stood. He was clad in a swimsuit and smiled as Dora, clad in a pink one piece swimsuit that matched her short spiky hair walked up to him and snuggled next to him. With the death of Voldemort and the routing of all his followers and the official end of the war ten years ago life was looking up for everyone now. The Weasley family now had a large manor of their own as they were fast becoming quite a wealthy family due to the talented children and the fact that Molly, now needing something to do besides spoil all her grandchildren now worked as editor of the Quibbler.

Remus had been surprised when he had found out shortly after the war that Severus's mother was still alive and working at Hogwarts. She had to have visited him in secret as he had done all he could to keep her safe and in fact she was the librarian of Hogwarts Ima Pince. There was a reason she was so uptight and over protective of the books, she had been offered the job soon after Severus graduated and had taken on the task of lovingly restoring the books with the help of four house elves she insisted were kept on hand to protect "her" books. She was a tall woman and looked much like her son, minus the hooked nose he shared with his father.

After the end of the war she had insisted that Severus come back to Prince manor, her father had died of "too many women" as Eileen put it. He had been too proud as many purebloods were to get treated for syphilis, a disease that was as rampant in magical circles as muggle. There were muggle treatments but he refused them and so ended up suffering and dying at an early age as a result. Her own brother had died at the wand of Alastor Moody in the last war and she was glad to be rid of him, he was a foul evil man. She came out now clad a long jean skirt and lavender buttoned up shirt, her still black hair was done up in a bun and she sat down gracefully by her son who was wisely staying under the pavilion set up by the lake.

"Such lovely children." Eileen said looking out over the children in the lake ranging in age from Tarus the eldest at twelve to little Hugo and Helga at four years of age, "we are all so lucky, I am blessed to have my son back."

"I am glad to be here, after all the mistakes I madeā€¦"

"Well you did so much to make up for that." Eileen said, "marrying such a talented and lovely witch in Charity, and look at Alexander, he is such a dear boy to Ester and Elizabeth."

"I know, and I am glad to see Alex and Tarus do get along, I would love to see Tarus in Slytherin, his father would not know what to do."

"Yes well I doubt Sirius would mind now." Remus said smiling, "not with Rita being a Slytherin herself."

"I could have been one but I was chosen for Hufflepuff." Dora said, "it's not true you know that the leftovers are sent there, in fact only those that are really hardworking get there, I was lucky."

"Yes you were and I am so lucky to have you and Teddy, Robert, Diana and Eva." Remus said, "four wonderful children, one who has your gift."

"And three natural Animagmus." Dora said.

"Yes there is that, poor Padfoot the first time he was confronted with three pups at once that was a funny moment." Remus said smiling.

There were lots of children after the war to replace so many lost and more. Harry had indeed married Ginny but they had just started their family a few years prior with James Sirius Potter now five, Charlus Severus Potter three and little Lily Harriet Potter barely two now only James was here today as his brother and sister were home sick with colds. Hermione had dated Ron for a time but in the end she had married Neville and they had two lovely children, the twins Hugo and Helga. Ron had married Fleur's younger sister Gabriel while Bill had married Fleur, they both had children, Bill and Fleur had Victoria and Vincent and Ron and Gabriel had a boy Thomas. Draco was here even, he had his boy Arbaxas Cygnus Malfoy and a daughter Nymphadora Rose Malfoy, unlike Dora this Nymphadora actually did like her name though most people just called her Nymph for short.

Remus watched as Lucius and Sirius came up, both clad in swim trunks, Sirius in bright red and Lucius in green, Narcissa was clad in a green one piece swimsuit and simple wrap that showed off her lovely figure though Severus was watching Charity who was clad in a blue one piece playing with the children. A gleam in Severus's eyes told Remus that someone was going to end up in the lake and he had his wand out a shield charm around him and watched as Severus waited for Lucius to get distracted before he sent him flying into the lake. Lucius came up sputtering and with a roar had his wand out and was charging up to the pavilion to take on Severus who was standing managing to look very intimidating even though he was clad only in a black pair of swim trunks. It was Dora who put a stop to a full on battle in the only way that Dora could.

"Wow did it just get hot in here or what?" Dora asked.

"Why do you ask?" Narcissa replied then looking over at the barely clad men, "well yes you do have a point."

"Remus has the cutest little butt ever." Dora said getting the poor werewolf to blush and hide his head in his hands. "However, do forgive me for looking but both Severus and Lucius have really cute butts too."

"Yes that they do." Narcissa said. "Nice and small and firm."

"Nice packages as well." Dora said getting both men to forget the duel and turn to face them identical looks of shock on their faces, "wow they do keep in good shape, very fine figures of manhood, I could eat them both up!"

"I need a swim." Severus said walking away quickly to the lake.

"I will join you." Lucius said,

"As will I." Remus said.

Soon the men were gone down to the lake and the women had the pavilion all to themselves, which is what they wanted. The children gathered together to watch as the men faced off in the lake and a fine prank war began, Harry had come along with Ron , the Weasley twins and Neville and soon they had taken sides against Severus, Lucius, Sirius and Remus. Ginny, Hermione, Angelica and Alica (the wives of Fred and George) went to the pavilion to relax and watch their husbands make fools of themselves. After an hour or so the men, tired, wet and a bit battered and bruised came up with the children to have tea. The women just rolled their eyes but did nothing to heal them up, after all this was totally their fault!

Later that night Remus lay next to Dora both naked, she had a content smile on her face and had taken most of the bedclothes and he was wore out in a good way. He smiled at his wife, his love and knew he would always love her so very much. Tough times would come and go but the worst of the troubles were over for now. The world would go on and life for all would continue to get better and better. For now Remus could think of nothing better and more pure than laying by his wife after a lovely session of lovemaking (which one way silencing charms so they did not wake the children). His life was full and complete and he was a very happy wizard indeed.


Fate stood on the edge of her viewing pond looking down at her latest success. She had, yet again been able to save the human race and was grateful for all she was allowed to do. She could only tweak things here and there, take a nail from a horse so the right side won a war, make a mad dictator feel the need to take his own life. That sort of thing, so when she got a chance like this it made her so very happy. Remus was still a werewolf, that had not change but he was able to fully control himself what with the Wolfsbane and Lithium, maybe it was time to nudge that dark potions master to a cure?

Mercury walked up and smiled, he liked working with humans, though most never knew that he, a dark serious man was the messenger at all. All the better for him, he could get his messages out without being mobbed and speaking of which he took the one that Fate handed him and headed back to earth and dropped it off for one Lily Harriet Potter, she would find it years later just before she started Hogwarts. After all someone in the Potter family had to keep up the champion side. In her case it would involve a dragon, a Ruenspoor egg and the gift of healing. But that is a tale for another day entirely.

The End

So now really, this is the end of this long tale, I had so much fun doing this and have enjoyed all the reviews. I got to reading this and realized I had to include an epilogue on where everyone was at. So there you have it, a happily ever after.