Author has written 31 stories for Harry Potter. I am Snape's Nightie. I am a provincial-born Brit now living in London.I am mostly interested in the adults' relationships which JKR does not explore in the childrens' books. Because I have a very short attention span, I have several works in progress. I add a chapter at a time to whichever one I feel like writing. The pen-name comes from that wonderful night-time scene in Goblet of Fire where we get to see Snape running around in his nightwear. I like slash, especially when SS is paired with Hagrid, Kingsley, Lucius, Dumbledore or Voldemort. I still hold a candle for Snape/Lupin but it's no longer one of my favourite pairings. I love reading Snarry but can't seem to write it. Thank you for reading my stories, I appreciate your time. If you left a review, thank you for your feedback, it brightens my day! Love, SN x PS I sometimes get over-excited when posting a new story and forget my disclaimer, so here is a general one: Any fic posted under the ID of 'Snape's Nightie' will be based on the Harry Potter novels by JK Rowling. She owns the characters and situations, along with the precious few companies with permission to use them (Bloomsbury, Warner Bros. etc.) I am merely entertaining myself and hopefully those who read the stories, making no claims of ownership and no money whatsoever. Thank you. x PPS I have now got the hang of this International-Network caper and am on Live Journal - 'snapes_nightie', all one word, sadly no apostrophes allowed. http:/// There are a few bits and pieces on there if anyone is interested. |
Caligryphy (3) cruisedirector (22) | excessivelyperky (12) | ReeraTheRed (6) StarryGazer (18) |