Chapter Eighteen: The End of An Evil:

Voldemort could not understand how things had ended up this way. He was suppose to end up well on his way to ruling the world, not end up like this. How had he gotten captured in the first place? How had a young girl barely in her teens and still in school manage to capture him, Lord Voldemort? Maybe he should have thought more on house elves and goblins, but he knew the Weasley family was poor, how could they of all people capture him like this? He had not been aware how much danger he was in when he lost his inner circle, or how he was unable to gain new followers at all.

He had woke up in this plain dungeon room, to add insult to injury he was clad in a prison uniform, a tunic and trousers of wide black and gray horizontal strips and nothing more. He was cold, used to his charmed warm silk and wool robes he was not in a good mood. The fact he had a mithril collar connected to a chain to a pole angered him. He was not fully grasping the fact he was captured and finished and he was going to die permanently. He looked up as the door to the room opened and the dimly lit chamber was filled with golden light. He looked up in surprise as Ginny Weasley, clad in long green robes, her long flaming red hair flowing behind her shoulders and her brown eyes hard with anger.

"Hello Tom." Ginny said coldly wand out setting a dark blue rune circle around him, "time to chat."

"Ah Ginny, good to see you." Voldemort said trying to turn on the charm, "very clever girl to capture me, you are quite strong."

"Well I had help, goblins don't like it when anyone tries to cheat death. More so when one does so with a great evil like a Horcrux."

"I will see they die, I will destroy…"

"No Tom you will not." Ginny said pacing before him, "you know there are many tortures I could use on you, so many ways I could make you scream for mercy. But I will not, seeing you defeated and helpless is the perfect revenge for me."

"Whatever did I do to you my dear?" Voldemort said, one could not say he did not know how to charm people, "I would not ever mean to harm you."

"Liar, I know all about you, all about your evil thoughts and desires, and all your lies. How you grew up in a poor but good orphanage, how you were treated well there. Yet you choice to be evil, to hurt others. No more Tom, no more, Harry will get his chance to fulfill the prophecy."

"Ah you know of that?" Voldemort asked standing up getting Ginny to raise her wand, "tell me of it."

"It says you lose." Ginny said walking to the door, "enjoy your stay, I will see that you get fed, would not want you to starve now would we?"

Ginny was not being nice, no she was playing mind games of course and Voldemort had to be kept on his toes. In a few days he would face Harry who had his right to kill him and then he would die. Ginny would be there to see him dead, he had after all ruined many lives, she still had nightmares about Voldemort to this day. He would pay, but she would show she was the better person and not torture him, or harm him. She left the room and Alastor Moody entered, he had a score to settle with the dark lord and smiled menacingly at the evil dark lord who had to quickly mask his fear.

"Not so brave when it is just you are ye boy?" Moody said, leaning on his staff, "I don't take kindly to torture, didn't enjoy what your lot did."

"You deserved it, we are at war." Voldemort snapped back.

"I agree we are at war and in war some must die, but I do not hold to torture boy, never had and never will. But I can make others talk, oh yes I am very good at that, that why you sent your thugs to sort me out as you did? Not very nice to do to a fellow Slytherin is it heir of Salazar as you claim to be is it?"

"You did not belong in his house, you betrayed him…"

"No ye did, Salazar was a hard an' harsh man, none will deny it but he was a good man, he was. He believed in pure of heart, pure of soul, aye he was against the muggleborn but at that time most could not read much less write and it was hard to collect them from their families at first. But ye did not study that did you, you took the parts you saw fit your twisted view and used them."

"I do not need to hear from you Moody." Voldemort snarled.

"Ye are no longer the only heir, strange that it went to a Gryffindor but it did, young Harry Potter by rightful conquest will be, you will die fer your crimes boy." Moody said coldly. "Enjoy yer stay, I would ask if ye wanted a priest or religious leader…"

"Save your breath, I have no need of priests and fakers when I am lord of all the earth!"

"Ye are delusional boy, good bye." Moody snapped.

He walked from the room leaving Voldemort alone with his thoughts and they were not happy ones at all. He had brought on himself the condemnation of God and deep inside he feared death not because it was the end but because he knew full well where he was going and it was not a pretty place at all. He could have been great in a good way, he could have led the world to a new age but instead he decided to tread the dark and evil paths that now would lead to his death and downfall.

Moody limped up the stairs and came to the basement of Grimmauld Place. He took a seat and allowed Molly to give him a cup of hot cocoa. He had started to trust her, part of his paranoia was due to being poisoned and captured that way and part due to old injuries sustained in his captivity with Voldemort. He had a very good reason to hate Voldemort and death eaters and one could see what part of what they had done to him in his face and missing leg.

"I didn't do a thing to him." Moody said, "just talked is all, I wanted to tear him to pieces, to make him suffer but I didn't do it."

"Well I know you are a better man than him, which is why I had no problem letting you go down there." Molly said, "I would not be as noble as you."

"Well he is pure evil, but Harry will take care of him soon enough." Moody said, "how did Ginny manage to get her hands on him anyway?"

"I found out that Goblins are noble people and not at all as I thought them to be." Molly said, "they helped and should be honored for what they did."

It had taken Ginny two weeks to find out were Riddle manor was and to gain help of the goblins and a few house elves to do what she had done. The house elves had blended into the staff of the manor and had slipped the sleeping potion to the evil dark lord. With no reliable inner circle Voldemort was very vulnerable and this was when Ginny struck and brought him down. Soon he would never again harm anyone else, ever.


Anti-climatic, that was how the capture of Voldemort felt to Harry. He had expected a battle, for the war to continue on for at least another year or so. Yet with the help of Ginny, the goblins and a few brave house elves Voldemort was now going to die, at his hand. Harry was going to allow him the honor of a last duel. It would be on Harry's terms though, and he would show no matter how evil battered and beat and good and right, good always, in the end prevailed. This was why Harry stood at the head of the great hall waiting, he was clad in dragonskin armor and green battle robes trimmed in green. Voldemort was led in, clad in black robes and allowed to stand free before Harry who glared up at him (though not too much as he was nearing his adult height).

"Hello Tom, I trust you had an uneventful stay?" Harry asked.

"You dare imprison me, the dark lord Voldemort?" Voldemort hissed.

"Yes, I did, you cannot be allowed to live." Harry replied calmly, "today you will die."

"We will see about that boy!" Voldemort snarled.

"A duel, swords only." Harry said, "unless you are below such things."

"You will die boy, and then I will destroy your world!" Voldemort snarled, "all who went against me will pay in pain, suffering and blood!"

"As do those who followed you." Severus snapped, "I have not forgiven you for the humiliation and torture and lies you did against me!"

"Let's do this, bring the swords." Harry said coldly.

Dumbledore watched as one of his former students and one of his students under him now prepared to face off. He looked to Harry, so much was put on him but he was so strong and noble just like a hero should be! He was willing to walk into danger again and again even if it meant he would die. Dumbledore felt badly for how he had left him with his aunt and uncle, he thought the boy would be loved and cared for but he was not. Yet despite that he was such a good boy, so was, he looked up as Harry gave his challenge to Voldemort.

"It's just you and me Tom." Harry said taking out the ancient sword of Potter that had been in his family for ages. "I am going to kill you and you will not be coming back ever again!"

"Oh really boy?" Voldemort hissed taking out his own sword, "you will find I am as good with sword as with wand and you will die by my blade!"

"No not today." Harry said then turning to the others in the hall, "could you give us a bit of room please?" Everyone moved back to the walls, "thank you."

"I will smite thee dead!" Voldemort said rising up in the air wand out glowing with magic.

"Hmmm, you can fly, thought that only those with fairy dust and a happy thought could." Harry said and Severus smirked in amusement, "well lets have some fun then!"

Harry had been trained by Severus and Flitwick both as they were the only two British wizards alive besides Voldemort who could fly without support. Harry proved that yet another could fly very well, thank you very much, still he had to battle a strong evil dark lord to death. Then again the body Voldemort was in was "new" and even with a few flaws it was working very well for him. Even so Harry had trained far more extensively than Voldemort had and he was a teen boy and had a lot of energy as such. He drew first blood and Voldemort hissed in pain his eyes going red and he poured magic into his sword causing it to glow red. Harry responded pouring his own magic into his causing it to turn green.

"Wicked this is like Star Wars!" Harry said, "light sabers anyone?"

"I love those movies." Flitwick said from where he stood on a transfigured pedestal so he could see the battle better, "Harry is quite good."

"Aye that he is." Moody said impressed by the battle, "very strong he is."

"He is stronger than I am." Dumbledore said smiling, "and he is a great wizard."

"Greater than us all." Slughorn added watching with pride as Harry proved he could take on a dark lord, "such a good young man, one all of us should look up to!"

While they spoke Harry and Voldemort battled on and Voldemort was beginning to get tired. He may have an advanced body but he had to use all his magic just to keep on the mortal plane and to fight Harry. All his anchors were gone and the last killing curse (against a weaker follower who had annoyed him) he had used was weakening him with every breath. Harry pressed his advantage and hacked off Voldemort's sword arm causing Voldemort to howl in pain, he had his wand and he used that to stop the bleeding and with a snarl turned on Harry.

"You know Tom I know what the power is that you don't." Harry said.

"Oh really love?" Tom snarled.

"How about the hand of God?" Harry said then at the look of confusion on Voldemort's face, "fine would you believe it if I said witches magic?"

"You will die you horrible brat!" Voldemort hissed.

"No but you will." Harry replied lashing out with his sword to slice Voldemort in half. "Go to hell, say hi to Grindlewald for me."

Voldemort fell to the floor dead and Harry walked over to make sure he was dead and when he was sure he carefully wiped his sword of Voldemort's blood on dead dark lord's robes. With that done he turned to see if there were any death eaters he could take down who might still be on the side of Voldemort and saw there were none. He realized the war was over and Ginny had got to him first and he had his arms around her and she was giving him the best gift of all as she was kissing him passionately. Lucius had thrown his wand away and now was on his knees before Harry, who grabbed him by the arm and forced him to stand.

"You do not kneel before me." Harry said, "but you will pay for crimes you have done."

"I would deserve no less." Lucius replied.

"An unbreakable vow, that you or your line will never follow a dark lord or lady again." Harry said.

"Of course lord Potter." Lucius said, "Severus please bind us." The oath was made and Draco actually felt relieved, he could not follow a dark lord or lady himself and that was fine with him, "anything else my lord?"

"Compensation to the Weasley family." Harry said, "and you know why."

"I do, one million galleons." Lucius said.

"No see here, we do not need your charity!" Molly snarled, "you cannot buy us off, we will not take your gold!"

"It is my gold or my life." Lucius said, "the ancient laws cannot be denied, and that was a million galleons to each of your children and a million to both you and Arthur Weasley."

"That is far too generous." Arthur stammered, "one million total, it is all we will take."

"Agreed." Fred added.

"Quite right by brother." George chimed in.

"One million is more than enough," Ron said having grown up and refusing to be greedy.

"So it shall be done." Lucius said.

With that done the body of Voldemort was taken and way and buried on a funeral pyre. It was the end of a dark and evil time in magical Briton, one that everyone was glad to see ended. Harry accepted the hugs and handshakes and wondered what his life would contain now that he was truly free of Voldemort. It was of course not the end of his journey, no though the war was ended there was one more surprise for the magical word. A young child would need a home and though Harry could not step forward to take the young boy Sirius could, and would and this would start the healing process for many who had lost hope on the future at all.


Sorry for the really long review, I did revise this story and finally found the way I wanted it to go. I did take out a lot I did not like and added what I did. This is the final form and there is more to come. Voldemort is gone but the world needs to heal and I do hope to continue showing at least a small part of that.

Anyway please review!