
I do not own the characters of Harry Potter, these belong to that wonderful author JK Rowling and the various publishing companies used to publish her works. I am however borrowing them, no not to make money but for fun and fun only.


A new defense professor is needed at Hogwarts like every year, yet when an American Defense Master comes to teach at Hogwarts, Defense lessons will never be the same. AU 5th Year.

So yes this is an OC who comes to teach, but in a very realistic way. My OC is not some super-powered man, he is very, very good at magical defense. This is realistic, I would think that most Americans if they were magical would be good at one form of magic above all others, defense. There will be religious themes, and no slash at all, pairings will remain canon.

There is the matter of the fact that many teens reading this probably will not like him much. He will come across as authoritarian at times, and a bit tough with the students. However he is fair and cares deeply and only wants them to thrive and grow. It might show he is being mean but he is not at all, until you teach or have to lead you don't really understand what goes into that. He is based off my husband who is a warm caring and loving man, but has earned and expects respect.

In this fiction, Ilvermorny is a community not just a school. They are an isolationist institution that is allowed their own laws and such but does not effect mainstream magical Americans (the progressives). There are four wand maker families that make wands for both communities. The Ilvermorny Americans stayed put in the New England area and very few headed west. Think of them as magical Amish if you will and magical Amish that for a long time were the only face of America outside America.


Chapter One: The Proposal:

Alvin Stone was a happy man, he had a good job he had been hired a few weeks prior for, a wonderful wife and a nice home inherited from a great aunt. He was happily married to a wonderful woman from the Breckenridge family of Leadville Alley. They had two children, twins and they were lucky indeed to even have them, adoption was a wonderful thing after all. Mary was unable to have children, cancer had taken that away from her years ago, whoever said cancer could not attack a magical, well that was not true, cancer could and though a magical could fight it off better than a non-magical it still could kill, and (in the case) of Mary take away the ability to have children. So they had gotten lucky and adopted two wonderful children, as magical as they were and already at five showing signs of strong magic.

Alvin was an average height man standing at five foot ten, he had a strong healthy build though not overly so. He had olive skin and short black hair with a goatee and Asian features, in fact he looked Japanese though his father had been adopted from Burma just before the Japanese invaded to take it over when he was barely two years old. Mary his wife was four inches shorter than him with a full figure, dark brown hair and green eyes. Their children looked like both of them even though they were adopted from a desperate mother who only wanted the best for her children and could not give it. She had said she would keep in touch but as soon as the adoption was done she had vanished. She had remained clean through her pregnancy, never touching drugs, alcohol or cigarettes but both Alvin and Mary believed drugs had worked their way back into her life.

They had planned on staying in America where Alvin would start to teach at Yarrow Academy for Magical studies in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. Yet Alvin knew on that warm summer day things would be different when he got the call to head to Yarrow. Call it intuition or something but he knew something was going to change for him and his little family. He was clad in one of two of his three button navy suits with a set of navy masters robes to go with it. A crisp white shirt with a blue and orange tie and new black snakeskin boots completed his outfit. He made his way through the halls of the fort-like school and up to the headmistress office, an old distinguished woman with snow-white hair plied on her head. Today she was clad in robes of deep purple and talking to an equally old man from the wall mirror near the fire. His robes too were purple but they had moons and stars all over them and he had long sliver hair and matching beard. Alvin recognized him as one Albus Dumbledore, and did not think much of him taking with headmistress Greta Red-Deer.

"Very good of you to come professor Stone." Headmistress Red-Deer said, "This is headmaster of Hogwarts professor Dumbledore."

"Pleased to meet you." Alvin said, "what brings you to Yarrow and not Ilvermorny?"

"The dark lord Voldemort is back." Dumbledore said from the mirror. "Ilvermorny refuses to help, headmistress Red-Deer has always been a champion of hunting dark lords."

"Why does that concern us?" Alvin asked, "we would make mincemeat of him if he put a toe in America, he means nothing to us."

"Their ministry wants to put in a teacher for defense." Red-Deer said, "you have been vocal about how other countries do not take defense seriously professor Stone."

"So you want me to go over there?" Alvin said looking less than pleased, "guess I owe my wife a box of chocolates, she said I would be sent to Europe, but they will be surprised to see how very different we are from Ilvermorny, will not the MACUSA want a say in this?"

"They do not rule us as you know." Red-Deer replied, "they have not since the civil war, accept for two things, wand registration and the no-maj pact."

"Very well, time for the progressives to finally show themselves." Alvin said.

"So you will come, just for the year?" Dumbledore said a twinkle in his eye.

"Yes, just one thing, oh, never mind." Alvin said putting two and two together.

"Never mind what?" Dumbledore asked.

"Headmistress Red-Deer was at the ICW when you were told by your ministry you were loosing your spot." Alvin said, "just putting two and two together sir."

"You will go?" Red-Deer asked.

"Yes, I will go, but I teach how we teach here, no exceptions." Alvin said, "you will have a contract drawn up that states that and the pay is the same as what I get here, my family comes with me and the house elf who works for the family is to be treated the same as any other American citizen while I am over there. No exceptions, he is no slave."

"I can do that." Dumbledore said.

"Wow, you really must want me badly." Alvin said, "headmistress, how much was I going to make here a year?"

"4,500 galleons, sure you can afford that Albus?" Red-Deer said smiling.

"I can, most fortunate you had a defense instructor not attached, I like his profile and will gladly pay him that, it's just 500 galleons less than what a head of house makes but a good defense professor is something we need, I doubt the ministry thought I would come to America."

"One year though and that is it." Red-Deer said, "I don't want harm coming to Alvin here, in fact you get him for the coming school year and that is it."

"The curse." Alvin said, "So it is real, well a year should be fine, Mary is going to be thrilled."

"As for the house elf that works for you, I will make sure that he is protected." Dumbledore said, "He really is a citizen and free?"

"Yes, we have no slaves here, and neither should you, house elves need to serve, but they should do so free." Alvin said, "now about the job sir?"

With that Alvin went over what was required of him across the pond with Dumbledore. Though magical people in America had heard of Voldemort he simply was not on the radar of the nation. After all America was not a good place for some hopped up pureblood dark lord to recruit. There were very few purebloods in America, and all were accidental, the Scourers saw to that, in their own dark and twisted way. Add to that magical traditions and ways of doing magic from around the world added to a vibrant culture that was a melting pot of all the good things people brought when they immigrated (a process still going on) and America was one formidable magical power. Yet one that did not have much say on the international scene (accept in trade) and actually preferred it that way. In fact magical America was far more isolationist than the rest of America, only getting involved in the past cold war to keep the Russian mages out of America. MACUSA may have lost a lot of power, but one had to stay on their good side even now, the progressives wanted to be allowed to continue to be progressives and not labeled "being Dorcus" after all.

Alvin had an idea of the politics in Europe, and in isolationist magical England. They really did keep to themselves, the last stronghold of the pureblood faction, Germany had held that title for a long time until the second world war when Dresden was bombed in retaliation for the death camps found all over Europe from the Nazis (or so he had been taught in school). In typical pureblood fashion the Flugel Macht Strabe had been built above ground and as a result ten thousand magicals lost their lives in a cold February week in the last months of World War Two in a yearly celebration that the purebloods refused to move to the country for safety. They thought the bombs could not kill them, and they paid for that with their lives wiping out a culture that not even the witch hunts (the worst in the German states) had been able to do. So now Germany was very open and even educated all muggleborns or as Alvin knew them, first generation magical or mage on their cultures and customs to keep them alive.

Magical England was the opposite, in fact they not only did not teach magical customs but they actively seemed to ban the first generations whenever they thought they could get away with it. It was stupid but Alvin was not going to England to change people's political minds, he was going to teach and he knew that if he did talk about politics he would get kicked out of England. He would teach and that was that, besides Voldemort was not his problem and he was no threat to America at all. He was just some stupid upstart dark lord who thought he could take over the world. Alvin knew people who liked to have that sort for lunch, he was not very strong to take on a dark lord himself but he could bring the popcorn to that sort of fight and watch Raven Black-Wing take out a dark lord on her own. His cousin was one scary mage and he never wanted to cross her.

He headed out of the school and to the apparation pointed and apparated home landing smoothly in his back garden ten miles from the school. He walked into the house to find his wife calmly reading a book, listening to music he recognized it as the Moody Blues Days Of Future Passed and smiled, he did like that album. The house was very quiet and he saw the reason shortly, both children were sitting in opposite corners looking very sorry for themselves. He did not ask, he knew they probably had been fighting and so needed a time out. Josiah was a copy of his father, with soulful brown eyes and was clad in jeans and a tee shirt. Ruth had her long black hair tied in pigtails and was clad in a tee shirt and plaid skirt in pink, purple and white. The children made to move but from a stern look from their father decided staying where they were was best for them.

"How much longer?" He asked his wife.

"Two minutes, they were fighting." Mary said, "How was your day."

"Good, and you were right, we are going to England for a year." Alvin said, "this will prepare me for teaching at Yarrow, if I can handle inbreed purebloods who probably barely know what a wand is let alone a staff I can handle anything."

"Can we get up dad?" Josiah asked.

"No, you still have time, your mother has set it." Alvin replied.

"But dad!" Ruth whined.

"I will add time." Mary warned them.

"Listen to your mother." Alvin replied, "So England, a year, and you called it."

"I did, not a seer just had a feeling, and it will be different." Mary said, "is it true electricity does not work at Hogwarts?"

"Oh it works, but Tesla is not liked over there, or here really, accept in the progressive magical world, he was a great mage and all." Alvin said with a grin.

"But daddy Mr. Tesla is still alive!" Ruth said.

"That is true, and no stone for him either." Mary said, "Well I guess we have lots of warm clothes to packā€¦"

"I will do that." Came a squeaky voice, "I work for an ungrateful family, always trying to take my work from me!"

Everyone turned to see the family house elf standing glaring at them. He was very short, like all his race and frail looking, this was just how a house elf looked. His skin was healthy, more green than anything and he was clad not in the rags those in slave lands were but in a simple gray tunic and trousers, simple shoes, a cap on his bald head and a belt at his waist. This was not clothes, no it was a uniform and one of the things house elves in America demanded. They were not slaves, had not been since the civil war, after that war, fearing that they would not have work they had worked hard on several binding agreements to make sure that they could still bind to a family and serve them. They had rights, they had to be given at least ten hours off a day, they could vote and held seats in the magical assembly in DC. The Stone family house elf was called Randy and he had served the Stone family for a very long time, he had signed a seven year contract seven times in fact!

"Very well, find out the climate in Scotland and make sure we are packed accordingly please." Mary said.

"I will do that, you are taking your music collection?" Randy asked.

"Mom can't live without that." Josiah said, a brave thing for a five year old to say but he said it with such a wide innocent face he only got a glare in return, "I love you mommy."

"I love you too son, but you take after your father in some things." Mary said.

In the end Randy was able to pack well for the family. Warm clothes, (warmer than what was needed even here in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado), books and workbooks for the children's education and of course the vast music collection. Mary was grateful she could take all one thousand of her vast cd album collection as well, the special trunk just for that made that possible. She wished (and not for the first time) there was a way to store music, all of her music on one device so she could play it from there and carry it with her. Steve Jobs was hinting at such a thing but she could not see how that could come about. So trunks were packed, relations visited and finally the little family was off for England and whatever adventure awaited them.


So a few things different here, no, Dumbledore did not fly across the pond and half of America to speak to Alvin. If the Marauders could have a magical two way mirror of sorts who is to say that is not a common way to communicate over vast distances? If magical America was real it would be as diverse as the rest of the country is in what was used and the like. Yes Ilvermorny exists, the Stones, like many American mages belong to the progressives, they vastly outnumber the Ilvermorny magicals by quite a lot. Yet everyone outside America knows of the Ilvermorny magical community, but nothing of the progressives.

With the progressives, younger sons created the magical population in American at the first and daughters looking for their own fortunes, then, later, those persecuted and hunted for who or what they believed in. Many were looking for a better life and found it in America, the same story as most of our ancestors in fact would follow in the magical world. Scourers were a problem for a long time but those lines have died out. Though Ilvermorny cannot and will not ever trust a no-maj (as they call them) ever again. The progressives on the other hand see they have no choice but to "hide in plain sight", if a Scourer did try to rile up non magicals, they would have a harder time of it as nearly all progressives are highly trained in defensive magic and use it for good.

As stated before, Alvin is not super-powered at all. He is an average American male mage and like most of magical America sees dark lords as an annoyance. There are tools to protect the mind and wards and the like to block the most determined dark lord, all from a dark chapter in the history of America. It was not just the Scourers that were a problem, there were dark lords and ladies roaming the lands. The civil war wiped out the Ilvermorny community and it has not recovered population wise, which opened the door for the progressives to move right on in.

Anyway enough rambling, please review to let me know what you think!