The full moon shone brightly in the night sky, its soft light spilling into the otherwise pitch dark warehouse through the old stained glass windows. The warehouse was an old building, with rust creeping up its sides and its interior infested with mice. The place had a general dead look about it, as though it had not been used in years. The people who lived close to the warehouse had long since assumed that its owner of the warehouse had found nothing useful to do with it. They were wrong.

A dark figure appeared from the gloom and made its way towards the warehouse, walking in a brisk pace as though not wanting to be seen by anyone. Just as he entered the warehouse, the street lamp nearby went out.

Inside, the man made his way through the dark warehouse towards a small room at the other end of it. When he reached the room, he felt along the wall for the light switch, found it and the florescent bulbs blared to life, showing a desk covered with papers and two chairs, one of which was already occupied by a stranger.

"Good evening John," the stranger smiled, his bright blue eyes twinkling behind his half moon spectacles.

John observed the stranger with mild curiosity, and then nodded in acknowledgement.


"I'm sorry for the unannounced visit, though I have to say, you don't look surprised at my being here at all." Dumbledore continued pleasantly, stroking his waist length silver beard.

John made no reply, but simply seated himself in the chair facing his guest.

"And to what do I owe this pleasure?"

"You're an intelligent man, John." Said Dumbledore, getting straight to the subject. "you're methods are something I will never approve of, but there's no doubt that you're an intelligent man."

John showed no sign of pleasure. His face remained coolly unreadable.

"Thank you for saying so, Albus," he said, his voice barely more than a whisper, but crystal clear nevertheless, "But for us to sit here and flatter eachother would be a waste of both your time and mine."

"Indeed" Dumbledore smiled, "it seems that I'm in need of your help."

"My help?" John's voice sounded a little surprised.

"Yes, I'm afraid you are the only one who could help," Dumbledore said gravely.

"Care to explain?"

John Kramer stared incredulously across the table at Albus Dumbledore.

"You want me to make this person a test subject?"

"A player in your… games, as you call it," said Dumbledore with a slight smile.

"But why?" John said, "I thought you don't approve of my… methods."

"I believe they are too harsh," said Dumbledore, "but this is a special case."

"Harsh, you say?" John seemed amused. 'And yet we both know how shamefully prone humans are to forget? My methods are harsh because they need to be. We humans forget too fast the easy lessons in life. The only way they will change is through experiencing pain. Experience is a harsh teacher, Albus. First comes the test and second come the lessons."

"I take it, then, that you're accepting?" Said Dumbledore seriously.

John surveyed Dumbledore thoughtfully.

"You realize that if he fails, not even you can stop his death."

Dumbledore nodded.

"As I said before, I want to see if he's changed for good, and he's too powerful a wizard for me to see for myself." Dumbledore said.

"Very well then," John murmured, "I'll do it."

"Splendid!" Dumbledore sprang to his feet. "I shall have him-"

"I prefer to take him on my own," John interrupted, "you just need to give me his name and his residence."

John saw the expression on Dumbledore's face, and knew he was wondering how he could subdue a wizard without using magic. However, Dumbledore seemed to have reached a decision.

"Very well then," he said. "his name is Severus Snape."