
I do not own the characters of Harry Potter, these belong to that wonderful author JK Rowling and the various publishing companies used to publish her works. I am however borrowing them, no not to make money but for fun and fun only. :)


After the attack on Godric Hollow and the deaths of James and Lily Potter the Wizarding world is celebrating the "death" of Voldemort. As Harry Potter is treated in St. Mungos, witness see Sirius Black confront Peter Pettigrew, when the dust clears, both Peter and Sirius Black are presumed dead. Where then does one old, cranky Auror with one leg and eye come into this? Read to find out… IOne bit of a warning though, there will be a small, very small bit of corperal punishment in this fic but hardly any at all. There will be more real torture than that so don't flame me for that!

Chapter One: An Orphan and Adoption:

Remus Lupin walked into St. Mungos and up to the ward where the baby boy still was being healed up. He could not let the boy go to the muggles, he knew what Dumbledore wanted to do and would not allow it. He was all the boy had yes he was a werewolf but he loved the boy as his own and he was not going to let him go. Sirius had betrayed them all, James and Lily were dead because of him and Peter, poor brave Peter was dead but at least he had destroyed Sirius before he died. Harry was not going to lose anything more, not when Remus Lupin was around, this boy was going with him and that was final. He walked into the nursery ward and found Harry asleep in a crib, he walked up, wrapped the baby boy up and scooped him up into his arms. He turned to face a lime green clad healer who glared at him.

"What do you think you are doing?" She asked.

"He is going with me, as the last guardian of the boy he is my responsibility." Remus said holding out his wand. "I am going now, with Harry."

"Sir just wait, the headmaster…"

"Oh tell the headmaster to sod off, this boy is going with me." Remus snapped.

He wrapped Harry up securely and walked out of the hospital. No-one stopped him as he walked out to the streets of London. He had no idea as to where he would go with the baby boy but one thing was for sure, the boy was not going to go with those muggles. It was not that he did not like muggles, he did, however he did not like Harry's aunt and uncle, he saw them as selfish horrible people and his Harry was not going with him. He sat down on a park bench and held the baby in his arms and cried silently as he realized all he had in the world was Harry and he knew that he really had no way to provide for him. But he would, he would work hard to provide for his Harry, his baby boy, all he had left of his friends.

"You gonna sit there an' cry or take care o' the boy?" Came the gruff voice of Alastor Moody, his horribly scarred face concealed by his large cloak.

"I will not loose him, nor give him up." Remus said still crying. "He is all I have left!"

"Come with me boy, I have a house, not much but you can stay there with Harry."

"What of, of D-Dumbledore?" Remus said.

"Hang him, you want to take care of the boy I will see to it you can." Moody said his normally hard heart softened by sobbing werewolf and the now cries of the hungry boy. "Come boy, we do' want the wee one catchin' cold."

Remus got up and held Harry closely and let Moody grab him by his arm and Apparated them to where his house was. Remus saw a two story stone house with a detached garage on the back of the property. A wooden fence surrounded the backyard, side yard and ran along the driveway ending with a large gate that ran across the driveway. There was a white picket fence around the front yard and it was not what Remus was expecting for a house that Alastor "mad-eyed" Moody to live in. Then again he did not know much about Moody, he had seen him a few times at meetings but never expected him to be so caring as he was now.

"Come on, we will talk inside." Moody said.

"You live here?" Remus said awed.

"Yea inside boy." Moody said waving his wand so that Remus could enter.

Remus would find out that the house was well protected, one could not Apparate into the house, or yard, what was more was the fact that unless you knew who lived here (as Remus did) from Moody telling them anyone with magic thought it was a muggle house. It was well warded against hexes, jinx and curses and if someone who had magic managed to get past the sidewalk they would not get far. Only those with magic who were invited in by Moody could come here, it was very nearly as secure as Hogwarts.

"House has four bedrooms, two bathrooms, one up one down. Kitchen, parlor, dining an' family room, I have a basement an' kin get chains for ye when ye transform." Moody said. "Yea I know you are a werewolf, do' bug me, no' yer fault."

"You are very kind sir." Remus said then realization dawned on him. "Wait you said you will get chains when I transform, you want me to stay here with Harry?"

"Yea, boy needs a safe place." Moody said. "An' he needs you boy."

"Dumbledore will say he needs to be with blood relations." Remus said starting to cry again. "He will take him."

"No' needed, he is safe here, I am no' gonna let him get taken." Moody said. "More important he is taught how t' defend himself. Voldemort will come back, he is no' dead."

"I know, thank you sir." Remus said drying his eyes. "You are a good man."

He followed Moody through his spotless home and up to where he would sleep. He was right next to Harry and before he went to his room he transformed the bed in Harry's room to a crib and tucked the boy in. Casting a spell to warn him if Harry had nightmares he collapsed into his bed and fell asleep at once. He slept well despite all he had been through and woke early and went straight to Harry who was up and wanting out of his crib. He reached up with his small hands for Remus and Remus picked up the baby boy and after giving him a bath, changing him and dressing him in the only outfit he had for the boy now he took him down to breakfast.

"Good morning sir." Remus said transfiguring a chair to a high chair for Harry and setting him into it.

"Morning Remus." Moody said. "Harry sleep well?"

"Yes, no nightmares, the charm did not go off." Remus said.

"We kin go shopping fer him today." Moody said. "Needs quite a few things."

"Yes sir." Remus said.

He stopped talking as a small elf came into the room and the mystery as to the spotless house was answered at once. It was clad in a spotless pillowcase and after speaking to Moody for a moment it scurried into the kitchen and came back with breakfast for Harry first. Remus helped Harry with his breakfast and when Harry was done he tucked into his breakfast. He was impressed at how much coffee Moody drank and wondered if that contributed to the old Auror's nervous personality. When breakfast was done and Harry was changed again there was a knock at the door. Only one person with magic could get through the defenses and Remus paled at who was here. He knew who stood on the other side of the door, the headmaster of Hogwarts Albus Dumbledore.

"Oh no." Remus groaned.

"Stay here boy." Moody growled.

Remus held Harry close and Moody went to answer the door. Moody's elf stayed in the parlor with Remus and Harry, and Remus liked the little elf at once. However he did not have time to talk to her as here came the headmaster into the room. Remus let out a dog-like whimper and held his Harry closer as he would not let Dumbledore take him. Moody did not take a seat but stood by Remus as the headmaster sat down and looked from Remus to Harry who looked with interest at Dumbledore. Remus was crying quietly again and he looked so miserable as he could not help but cry as he could not let Harry go.

"Remus he will be safer with his relatives." Dumbledore said.

"No headmaster, he stays with me." Remus begged. "He is all I have left!"

"I agree w' th' boy Albus." Moody said. "He can stay here w' Harry, I kin help raise th' boy."

"There are death eaters out there Alastor, death eaters that want to harm Harry." Dumbledore said. "He needs the blood wards to protect him."

"Not with them, it would be horrible for all concerned." Remus said holding Harry close in protection. "Please let me keep him, I will not survive if I cannot take care of him."

"We can put th' house under a Fidilus charm." Moody said. "We kin use my elf as secret keeper, I trust her fully."

"I have not heard of using an elf for that before." Dumbledore said thoughtfully.

He looked from the young man who held the dark haired, green eyed baby to the old Auror. Remus Lupin was a slender but strong young man clad in simple robes of brown. His brown hair was shaggy around his head and his blue eyes were swimming with tears. He had started to grow a small mustache which helped him not look so much like a kid. Moody was a terrible vestige of a human man, it was not his fault, he was the best at his work and was willing to go in first to get dark witches and wizards. His face was so scarred and savaged it barely looked like a human face. His long grizzled gray hair hung about his face and he had one normal beady eye and one vivid blue magical one. Dumbledore wondered if it was wise to allow these two to raise Harry but then he knew they both had hearts of gold and would do right by him.

"Well I will do it, starting now." Moody said. "Keep out unwanted visitors, shoulda done this years ago."

"Of course, I could see how unwanted visitors could be a problem to you Alastor." Dumbledore said a smile on his face and a twinkle in his eyes. "Constant vigilance as you say, very well, make the charm, keep the boy safe, Remus you will be his guardian and that means you are in charge of his money until he grows up."

"I ah what?" Remus said looking up at Dumbledore with shock.

"Well you wish to take care of the boy you will have to take care of his money and investments that his father and grandfather made, should be easy for you, after all you are the smartest wizard of your age." Dumbledore said getting up a twinkle in his eyes.

"So that is it then, Harry is mine?" Remus said wide-eyed with hope.

"Yes, take good care of him, he will need it." Dumbledore said.

"Yes sir, I intend to sir." Remus said smiling through his tears down at Harry. "You hear that Harry? You get to live with uncle Moony!"

Dumbledore left and Moody did make the Fidilus Charm with his elf that very day. After this Remus left Harry with Moody and went to Diagon Alley to get him clothes and replace the training broom that had been lost in… no he could not, would not think that way he would start crying again. He got the things he needed, broom included, some toys, some magical, a few muggle ones as Lily and James wanted Harry to be able to go from magical to muggle world with ease. He got a few books too and finally loaded down with all his purchases he headed back to Moody's house.

He found the old Auror down on the floor with the small boy playing. Yes the aged Auror was playing with the small boy and Harry was having fun. He didn't care how the old Auror looked, how scarred he was or the fact he had replaced his missing eye with a magical vivid blue one. Remus knew that Moody had actually made it himself, he had taken a normal artificial eye and charmed it so he could not only see with it but see through things. He put down the things he had bought and watched this as it was amazing to see such a tough warrior playing with a small boy.

"I see he has got you wrapped already." Remus said smiling.

"He is a cute little 'un." Moody said as Harry toddled around a chair and peaked out squealing in joy.

"Yes he is, he has so much of both his parents in him, I hope he inherits his mother's brains, he already can fly like his dad."

"Hnn, really?" Moody said looking up at Remus with his magical eye.

"Well sort of, here watch him." Remus said going for the toy broomstick.

"You didn't, in the house?" Moody growled.

"He can't go very fast or high." Remus said taking out the toy broomstick and helping Harry on it. "See?"

"Well I'll be, at his age no less!" Moody said watching the little boy zoom slowly around the parlor. "That reminds me, will it be alright if I got him a pet? A cat or something like that?"

"A cat would be fine, I like cats, no not to eat, I don't think I ever ate a cat." Remus said. "No cats and werewolves get along now I think of it."

"Fine, I will get a cat for Harry, and the chains for you boy, I know you will want them." Moody said.

"Yes, I do not want any way for me to get out and harm you or Harry." Remus said.

"Well I had a scrap with Grayback, you could not make me any uglier." Moody said trying for a joke.

Remus smiled and turned to see Harry intently stalking Abby the house elf on his broomstick. She looked up at her master and Moody nodded and she smiled and let Harry chase her. She liked the game and Harry giggled as he chased her through the house. Moody smiled and his heartened heart started to melt after so many years. Harry Potter was helping more than one person forget their pain and feel more alive as he was such a wonderful little baby boy…

Wow, new story and not completely sure where this will go fully. I was knocking around an idea of Moody raising Harry and could not leave poor Remus Lupin out of it. I felt he deserved to be in Harry's life not shoved out on the outskirts like he was in the books. Harry needed his sweet guiding hand in his life.