![]() Author has written 4 stories for Naruto, and X-overs. I am Dez Guardius, the younger, albeit more sane, brother of Sokar and Broli. Since Sokar is overwhelmed with work and Broli has been booted off, it has fallen to me to make fanfiction for myself, and my brothers should the occasion rise. My favorite pairings are as follows: Shinji/Rei Shinji/Misato (with the shit he's been through, he should get her) My favorite games: Bloody Roar (in general) My favorite manga: Naruto My favorite shows: Yu-Gi-Oh! 5d's I am over eighteen as of July. I know it seems like jumping between ages, but I really haven't done much to my profile since when I first made it. So, oficially, I am over eighteen... XP Figure out how over. Favorite Lines/Classic Lines: "Screw the balance." - John Constatine, Constantine They were trying to suppress me, even though I was only trying to entertain kids. Now I know how fire feels." - Wooldor Sockbat, Drawn Together "I hope I give you the shits, you fucking wimp!" - Spoon, Dog Soldiers "Where I walk, I walk alone. Where I fight, I fight alone." - Akuma, Street Fighter Alpha the Movie "You get me killed, I'm gonna kick your ass." - Ritchie, Virus "Ryan. Tried licking your own balls yet? I forgot, you don't have any." - Cooper, Dog Soldiers "Shut up and take my money!" - Fry, Futurama "This is Feral. Bring me Chopper Back-up!" - Commander Feral, Swat Kats, the Radical Squadron My Lines: "Blasted, damned (insert word here)..." "Damn it to hell with that shit." "(insert PG13/R rated film here) is a production of the Children's Television Workshop." "A good friend will stick by you. A better friend will get you out of jail. A best friend will be sitting next to you in jail going, 'That was kickass!'" "Whatever, I stopped caring a while back." "Thou shalt not burn Barney dolls, the real thing is better." "Checkmate, Game over, Sayonara ya sonuvabitch." On a final note, here's what the story schedule is looking like: Wrath of the Dragon (semi-permanent hiatus) Windows of the Soul (incomplete; under rewrite) Well, that's it for me. Ja ne!! |