Lincoln Loud, age 13, was getting ready for a rocking SMOOCH concert. All dressed up in Smooch costume.

"Alright time to rock out." He said as he left his room.

"Mom Dad, I'm ready to head out." He called as he went down the stairs. "Mom? Dad?" he called out again. He then went to the kitchen and found Luna eating pudding.

"Luna, have you seen Mom or Dad, I need to head to a concert." He said

"Sorry bro they took Lola to a particular gent," Luna said.

"Ah man, I guess I'm walking." Lincoln said as he was about to leave, Luna stops him.

"Hold on bro, I got ya." She said as she pulled out her phone.

"Yo chunk I need a ride to the SMOOCH concert." Luna said. "Thanks I knew I could count on my roddie." Luna then hangs up soon they heard a car honk outside.

"Wow that was fast." The siblings then got in and drove off. "Man this is going to be awesome." Lincoln said, Luna just watched her excited little brother bounced around as soon as they got to the concert, Lincoln jumped out and ran to the front entrance. "Pick me up in an hour! Thank you." He said as he rushed in, Luna watched as he got in and sighed.

"Oh yeah, that reminds me, a friend of mine, got me some backstage passes, if you're interested." Chunk said

"Thanks, Chunk!" She said as she took them and headed towards the backstage entrance, After the concert, Lincoln was about to leave, till he felt a hand on his shoulder he looked back and saw Luna.

"Luna I thought you went home." Lincoln said.

"Well, I thought you would want to head backstage and met the band." She said dangling the pass in front of him. Lincoln gasped in excitement and took it, the two the headed back and saw various other people waiting.

"Oh man, this is so exciting I can't wait to meet the band again." Lincoln said, just then the SMOOCH came in and everyone cheered, Lincoln was happy to see them and he got close the lead singer, Gene Simon, came up and high five him. Lincoln was so happy right now, that he didn't notice that he was handed something and puts it in his mouth as soon as he did, things started to get all fuzzy and he looked around and started to laugh, Luna noticed this and so did Gene.

"Hey what's going on with my brother?" She asked

"Oh man, he must have gotten the taste of my new drug." He said.


"It was for groupes." He justified. "Just take him, home and let it wear off and if you stay quiet about this I'll give you some free merch and tickets to our next show." He said. Luna then took them and bag of SMOOCH Stuff and left. When they got home, everyone was already in their rooms. Luna looked at the clock.

"Guess we must have been out late." She said she then helped Lincoln up to his room and placed him on his bed.

"There we go." For some so light you sure can be dead weight." She said, just then she felt a hand grab her. She looks back and saw Lincoln was awake. "Oh Sorry, bro didn't mean to wake you." She said, Lincoln then pulled on to his bed, she was next to him and saw Lincoln's eyes, he then climbed on top of his sister and had a lust-filled smile.

"You ready for a rock'n night?" He asked as he pulled up her shirt and tied it around her hands, it all so fast that Luna couldn't process it. Lincoln then looked at her chest even at seventeen she only had a budding chest but she had breast even if they are small, he then smiled and started sucking on them, Luna tries to break free, but felling her brother suck on her nipples was amazing. His tongue swirled around the aureole, making her spine tingle and her legs were twitching.

"How is he this good?" Luna thought, Lincoln then moved his hand down her stomach and onto her skirt, he then pulled it up and cupped her pussy. Luna gasped at the sudden grope, he then moves her panties aside and slides a finger into her womanhood, Luna tried her best to hold back a moan but he was too good.

"Lincoln please stop we…" She was then silenced by his kiss.

"Just relax, and enjoy it just like Lori and Leni." Lincoln said as he got in between her legs, he then slid his cock into her, Luna moaned as he started trusting into Luna.

"Oh god baby bro, keep going!" Luna called out, Lincoln then grabbed her hips and thrust deeper, Luna's loud moans filled his room, she didn't care if they woke up she was in clear bliss. Luna then freed her hands from her shirt and push Lincoln onto his back.

"You had your fun, now its time for me to take take the stage." She said as she aligned her brother's cock and took him again and started to ride him, she got on the ball of her feet and lifted herself up and down till she hits the base, Lincoln then placed his hands on her hips and watched as another one of his sisters fell to him.

"Luna i'm getting close." Lincoln, Luna soon stopped.

"Thanks for the warning." She said as she was about to get off, Lincoln pulled her back down. Confused she looked at her brother who had a smile.

"I didn't say that so you can play it safe." He said as he pulled her down. "Just like Lori and Leni, I'm going to make you mine!" He said as he started thrusting into Luna tried to stop him but she under so much bliss that she gave in, Lincoln then pushed her back to the bed spun her around and held her ass up.

"Time for the big finale!" He said saw as he trusted his cock back in and started going faster, the sounds of their sloppy sex could be heard her ass slamming into him, Lincoln soon froze and shot his cum directly into her, he held her back as his cum filled her up. Luna soon fell over and Lincoln soon followed leaving his cock in her, both breathing heavily.

-The Next Morning-

Lincoln and Luna were resting peacefully in bed both with smiles on their's faces.


Lincoln was at Ronnie Anne's places apologizing to one of his many lovers.

"I'll make it up to you I promise." Lincoln said

"You better." She said as she grabbed his collar and kissed him, but the next time he does this my chancla will get really acquainted with his ass." She said, Lincoln then left and got back into his car, he looked back and saw Lemy looking away.

"Sigh you know what this means Lem." Lincoln said

"I know."

-Loud Residence-

Lemy was sitting on the couch with a dead expression as his older sister Lyra recited verses from the bible as she did Lincoln could help but inspect her body, at seventeen she was developing nicely.

"Oh and Dad." Lincoln looked over and saw her looking at him. "You'll also be receiving a lecture later be ready for it." She said, Lincoln just smirked

"Just like always." He said, making her smile and blush.