Reviews for Valyrian Steel
Imafantotally chapter 17 . 7/14
I really like your version of Jon Snow that doesn’t bend the knee to the foreign invader who claim she’s NOT. The Queen is kinda like Robert Baratheon, focused on getting the Throne but not ruling it. Can’t wait for the Alarra and Jon reunion, will the twins claim Viserion & Rhaegal?
Twyla5200 chapter 17 . 7/11
Just completed another reread and I just love it so much. I adore that Larra is consciously making decisions that are better for her instead of following along the path that she was forced onto. And I NEED to see Jon and Larra reunite. I can’t even imagine how you’d write it. Will he find out she’s alive before they reunite or not? What would his reaction be to getting a letter with the news that she’s home? Idk, Gah! Love this story.
bridget237 chapter 17 . 7/5
Ahh I’m in deep with GoT and ASoIaF fanfics and decided to re read yours. What an amazing mistake, epically beautiful and instantly draws you in. I’d forgotten the details of fierce Larra and her story, of Jon subtlety drawing respect in any room he’s in, Sansa strong as steel, Bran actually using his knowledge, absolutely beautifully brilliant! It’s got me seriously yearning for more. Thank you for this, hope we get an update soon! Stay safe:)
Isabelnecessaryonabicycle chapter 17 . 6/21
I love this story, it's really a breath of fresh air. Now I really can't wait for Larra and Jon to reunite! And for Arya and Gendry to make their first appearances! I really like the direction you've taken and I can't wait for what you've got planned. Anxiously waiting for your next chapter! :D
OctoberOpal chapter 4 . 5/16
As for a pairing with Sansa, I do think Podrick would be a funny choice. Though sometimes I think of Podrick as too much of a lackey and would merely be an accessory to Sansa than a husband. Not that Podrick is bad or bland or can't change. His loyalty would put her at ease so in time she wouldn't always have to feel unsafe in her own home. He's just a boy, but I bet he could rise to the occasion and be a real champion for her. Also, the ladies loved him so much that they had him for free so she could actually enjoy her bed again after Ramsay.

I must say, long have I shipped her and the Hound. However, I think they're too cynical at this point.

I think you should leave her to be the Virgin Queen. After all that she's been through, Sansa would want her own autonomy. A life that is hers and hers alone. Also, in being told to "love no one but your children" by Cersei, Sansa will reject this by saying "the North are my children".

And it's not like Sansa HAS to have a cold bed for the rest of her life. It would take a VERY long time for her to invite another man to touch her and by that time, she's probably dead set on her decision not to marry. Podrick will likely be her Queen's guard besides Brienne, sooo...

I think she would enjoy having a niece/nephew to groom. To be what an ideal Cersei would have been to her.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/10
Will you be updating soon?
innerseeker chapter 17 . 5/1
This fic is just so amazing and litty I literally can't. I. Just. Can't. I'm officially accepting this as canon, anyone who thinks otherwise; fight me.
badwolffor3ver chapter 17 . 4/27
love it! cant wait for the next one
Nola chapter 17 . 3/28
Just wanted to say I do hope you plan to continue this story. It is the only one I continuously come on this site looking to read.
ThePersonWithTheReallyLongName chapter 1 . 2/29
I'm really interested how Alarra is going to influence everyone's reactions to key events that are unchangeable to subtly change the course of GoT history. I really hope theres some Larra/Gendry that goes down- he's one of my favorite characters and it's so hard to find a Gendry story that isn't Gendry/Arya, and he deserves a happy epilogue with a lady that will. run his hold. I hope they end up being great friends if nothing else.
Both being bastards and both being thrown into worlds they never thought they would need to navigate.

Anywaythank you so much for writing this. Much like everyone else, I hated how everything ended in the show and I get the feeling that this is going to help us heal as a collective fanbase.

Good luck with all your endeavors.
HeneverforgaveHeneverforgot chapter 17 . 2/12
This story is amazing. You’ve captured all the characters beautifully. And your character Alarra is brilliant. I can’t wait for the next update
Moshi chapter 17 . 2/8
This chapter showed what a good king is, what a ruler is meant to be and Jon upstaged Daenerys in spades. Dragons plant no trees except when they have learned the value of the forest. Daenerys’ own people might just happily turn on her.
Nbc chapter 17 . 2/7
Great chapter on Valyrian steel, so can you please put up the next chapter to the story now please
Cashy7183980 chapter 17 . 2/9
Thank you!
pistonsfan75 chapter 17 . 2/8
Very well done, intriguing chapter! I couldn't stop reading it. Jon did more for the natives of Dragonstone and Dany's people than she ever did.
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