Hey guys! Possible story idea again! I've written the prologue here for it. Trust me, the chapters will be longer than this, I swear. This is mainly to help set the plotline for the story. As this will be the first time where I've written something that is AU. It'll still be based around the Teen Titans timeline, except that it branches off after the fourth season. Meaning The Brotherhood of Evil timeline, nor Trouble in Tokyo have happened.

Granted, as I write this, I might take some ideas that were put in these two. Or other ideas from those who review or PM me on this. Those ideas might not come into play until later on into this story. But if I can, they'll most likely be put in.

So this is going to be a story about what if the Justice League came to the Tower a little after Trigon had been vanquished. And what would happen if they came to try and take Raven away for her crimes against humanity in bringing her father to their world. With lots of eventual Beast Boy x Raven in the mix of course. But not a sudden 'I love you' or 'I've matured in six hours.' Rather a gradual progression of them bonding. While on the run from the Justice League of course.

How the hell they'll do that, I haven't exactly planned that far. But I usually don't plan most of what I write. I'm not a full believer in outlines most of the time, since I usually tend to stray from what I've planned.

Overall, I'm really hoping that you guys like this story idea. I'm open to suggestions as to what to do in it. I'll even gladly accept any flames if I write anything in wrong. And I'll do my best to fix those mistakes before posting the next chapter.

Wish me luck guys. I'm really going to need it.

Disclaimer: I don't own Teen Titans. Or anything else for that matter.

Ladies and gentleman. Boys and girls of all ages. I give to you one of my most epic stories to be written. The one I have been very excited to put out here for a long time. I give you...

JusticeLeague vs. The Beast


Trigon was defeated. The end of the world was averted. Things can go back to normal now, right? If only a superhero's life could ever be so perfect. One big demon has been defeated. One girl has been freed from a demon's influence. One boy has seen his mate die and come back to life. But now the forces of good want them both for reasons unknown. Will they survive what is to come? Will they be able to find peace? Will the two of them be able to stand each other for that matter?


It was a glorious night for the fabulous Jump City. A shining beacon in the middle of the night. The city itself was surrounded by the darkness of forested mountains, desert plateaus, and the dark calm bay.

The city's inhabitants were walking around on the sidewalks, riding in cabs to homes or nightclubs, or still in their work buildings. Those ones were either cleaning the mess of the day, or doing some late night paperwork while listening to the sounds of Kelly Clarkson, Justin Timberlake, and whoever else happened to be playing on the radio, Slacker, Ipods, etc. In other words, it was just another average night for these people.

The stars were shining in a dark black sky. A full pale moon was shining it's brilliance to the people of Jump City. It wasn't drowning out the other stars in the night sky. Rather it seemed to enhance their beauty even more to the average looker.

It really was a beautiful night for Jump City. If an artist had been sitting on a high Tower in the bay, he could have easily captured the masterpiece before his eyes. So as to never forget this night of beauty. A true celebration of Mother Nature at it's finest.

It really was a stark contrast to only a few hours ago. When Jump City had looked like a devastated wasteland. It had been as if a few wars had been fought there, and a nuke had been used to clear most of the aftermath of each one.

The inhabitants, both in the city and all over the world, had all been turned to stone. A red fiery ocean of lava had replaced the oceans of water. A blood red sky, not the natural light blue, had been filled with clouds of sulfer. The smell of hellfire and brimstone had taken over every other scent on the surface.

Lastly, let's not forget the destroyed Titan's Tower. All the windows on it had been shattered. With the middle front of the Tower having collapsed in on itself making a flat pile on the ground that was a few stories high. The sides of the T had still been connected to the main frame. But both of them were sagging slightly. As if some great weight had been resting on them. Overall, it had looked like the throne for some great humongous being.

Oh wait, Titan's Tower had been a throne for one. To none other than the interdimensional demon, the destroyer of Worlds. The second lieutenant of Lucifer who had been that fallen angel of the morning. Cast off with his master in his plan to rule heaven.

The great demon, Trigon the Terrible.

Who, however briefly, had literally made hell on Earth and it's inhabitants. In his grand goal to rule the universe. And to rule over the forces of hell itself.

Earth had been his stepping stone to his campaign to conquer the universe. Made possible by the sacrifice of his only daughter. By forcing her to turn her body into pure energy to form a portal out of his prison dimension. The one the monks of Azarath had tricked him into so long before.

He had finally gotten his first objective in conquering Earth. With no credible opposition in his way. He had been preparing to take over the whole universe. Ready to finally subject all to him. To have the power to overthrow God himself.

Everything had looked to be going his way.

Only, his daughter hadn't given up. And not all the inhabitants on the world hadn't been turned to stone as he had thought. Thanks to his daughter's protection.

To put it simply, the Teen Titans had fought back against him. And they had won.

Robin and Slade had gone into the bowels of hell to save Raven and Slade's life force. Beast Boy, Starfire, and Cyborg had stayed on the surface. They had kept most of Trigon's power and focus on them. Trigon had just been about ready to deal with them, when Slade, Robin, and a small younger version of Raven joined them in taking down Trigon. Slade being equipped with the weapon of a grim reaper.

Trigon had actually been hurt by their combined attacks. Still, he had almost destroyed them all. Even though they put up quite the fight in this author's opinion. But in the end, he lost everything he had ever worked for. Because one last thing he hadn't forseen happened.

Raven had discovered he could be fought against. That he could be hurt. That he could be beaten. But in general, she had learned that even though she received her powers through him, she had an even greater store of power of her own inside herself. And that had given her the hope she needed to transform into her pure form. Her attacks grew to such an intensity, that he had been driven back. Then she had allowed her soul self to expand, and consume him in its purity. A purity so great, that it completely eradicated all of his influence and evils from the dimensional plane. The action trapped every last bit of him back inside his prison realm where he'll stay forevermore.

With his destruction, the whole world and it's inhabitants had returned back to normal. Just about all of them had no recollection as to what had ever happened that day.

They had no idea that doomsday had barely been stopped in the nick of time. They had no idea how close they'd been to having their souls become trapped in stone for all eternity. Which, overall, was the biggest mercy that could have been given to the world.

Outside of the Titans, and Slade, hardly anybody really knew the truth of what happened today. As nobody ever wanted to bring up an experience like that ever again.

It is unfortunate to say though, that the few who did know what happened outside of it. The few who had to watch from offworld. Who had to fight off Trigon's fire demons on other worlds had been deceived. The man who led them would come to do what he considered for the best. No matter how barbaric it would seem to others in the end. Nor would he care as to the affects it would have on the person and those connected to her.

The big evil demon in the world might have been banished. Forever unable to enter their dimension again without the connection to his only daughter. And he was far too weak to ever try to contact his three sons for help. Trigon would never again be able to take his revenge on his daughter again.

But sometimes, revenge can come by way of others. As a person's fear of something/someone can lead them to become their own demons. To easily replace the evil they worked so hard to vanquish day by day in others. Especially, when someone close to him betrays him and everything he stood for.

When these fears, these demons, get manipulated by the likes of others who they considered their friends. The results, more often as not, leads to conflict.

And who says there's no conflict, like a division between the heroes of the world. And two individuals who just want to do some good, but are feared for the power they possess. With only a shrinking group of friends, and a growing list of enemies, there are so many questions that need to be answered.

But enough with that. I don't want to ruin all of the details. You fair reader will just have to read the story and judge for yourself.

It might have been a beautiful night. It might have been a perfect time to celebrate the end of Trigon the Terrible.

But the celebrations always have to come to an end. For the next big demon will always appear somewhere on the horizon.

Author's Notes:

Wow, I'm actually slightly impressed with myself. If only I could have started 'I'm Sorry' out like this. This looks like the introduction to a grand story of adventure. Excitement. Romance. Drama. Action. The whole package!

Now if only I can catch it all in my writing.

Till Next Time
