I do not own Warhammer or Percy Jackson and the Olympians I only own my OCs.
Hello readers both new and old. I welcome you to the Archives of The Slims. Today he is looking at a favorite for (looks at phone) 34 people. Wolfgang Rose of the Warhammer universe. This time his butt has fallen into the ungodly world of Perry Jackson.
Now, you should be warned major possible spoilers for A Preservers OP. Although they may not appear as much.
"Survivals is the first thing we are taught. Pain and instinct are our teachers" Wolfgang Rose Grade two Preserver
My eyes slowly opened to see the heads up display of my helmet, the blue sky, and some trees on the edge of my vision. I looked to the side to see trees and some bushes about fourteen feet away from me and a few deer that had taken some interest in me.
Wait deer? Deer have been extinct for over ten thousand millennia. The only reason I knew what I was looking at is because I had seen them in pictures while I was flipping through a book about ancient Terra when I was young.
I tried to pull myself up but my lower torso was not willing to cooperate, and responded in the form of pain and soreness. I used my right hand to search my belt for a stimpak to get myself going. Luckily I found one and jammed it into the side of my torso.
I hissed as the needle went into my side and deposited its healing chemicals. The effects were almost instantaneous as the pain in my torso faded and I was able to pull myself back up. I started to walk/limp deeper into the forest. I had to be on some penal world that happened to have deer on it, even though the chance of that happening are incredibly low.
I only made it a good twenty yards before I had to lean on a tree to rest. I took this moment to check my gear to make sure I had everything.
Deliverance, my large white six-shot revolver, was still in its holster on my right thigh. Litany, my plasma Desert Eagle, was still in its holster on my left thigh. I reached around to feel for my Devastator Shotgun to find it still folded to my back buckle. However I was missing Wit's End, my railgun, and my multi-purpose assault rifle, Mercy. Luckily I had a tracker on all my weapons so if I got within ten miles of them I would know.
I then ran a status check on my equipment, moment's later status of my equipment appeared on my heads up display.
Suit reactor… Online
Grappling hook… Destroyed
Shield generator… Online
L.R.E.F. generator… Offline
Helmet tactical uplink… Online
Better than what I hoped for but I still did not like not having my L.R.E.F. The L.R.E.F. stood for Light Reflecting Energy field and as the name implies the L.R.E.F. covers the user in an aura of light reflecting energy allowing the user to become invisible.
Damned thing got me out of a lot of bad situations in the past. Not having it limited my options for an escape should a operation go south. That and my grappling hook was straight up gone, meaning I lost some of my maneuverability.
I tried to push myself back up but it was then my legs gave way and I fell down to the ground. I checked for another stimpak but I could not find one, so I get to lay here until my legs feel like working again. So I laid there and waited for my body to fix itself.
The wind started to blow making the trees shake with in turn caused all the leaves on the tree to start making noises as they crashed into one another. Now that I think about it, I guess it wasn't all bad, I mean, I have been working for a long time. I haven't taken the chance to just sit down and relax for a while, and I guess I could use a little sleep.
My eyelids started to become heavy as sleep had overtaken me.
"Wolfgang~" A female voice cooed.
I grumbled and rolled over trying to push my face back into my pillows.
The same voice chuckled and started to blow into my ear. This sent a tingle up my spine. A soft arm warped around my waist and then said hand pulled me into the body of the voice. I felt two mounds of flesh press up against my back and a soft leg wrapped around mine.
"If you don't wake up you're going to miss out~"
"Mmmm." Was the only thing I could get out.
"Wake up boy." The same voice said but somewhat aggressively.
I was taken back by the sudden aggressiveness.
"Wake up boy." The voice said again but this time she sounded totally different.
My eyes opened to see a girl in silver clothing pointing a silver tipped arrow at my head. She had her foot on my chest to keep me down.
The girl herself looked to be tall, had dark brown eyes, a slightly upturned nose, and copper-colored skin. If I had to peg her age I would say around her late teens but then again I could be wrong.
I turned my head to look around to see more young girls in silver clothing all with bows and silver tipped arrows. All of them were looking at me hatred written as clear as day on their faces. I myself was in no danger since that arrow couldn't pierce my armor especially with that silver head.
My armor was made out of xuclium a special metal only found on my home planet of Reach. Although it being nearly impossible to work with, xuclium was hella strong. Even the mighty bolter couldn't hope to pierce it unless someone shot the same spot over and over again, but even then it would be like trying to get through a solid brick with a dull knife. You could do it but It would take a lot of time.
It was at this time the girl on top of me took this time to speak. "Why art thou here boy?" she said spitting out the word boy like it was an insult.
It was then I noticed she said it in perfect English.. well older English. Which was only spoken on Reach because it had died out in the rest of the universe. To be on a plant where it was spoken the same as on my home plant was befitting to say the least.
"Don't know I woke up not too far from here before I passed out." I said using my neural link with my helmet to filter my voice.
She seemed to be surprised by the filter but quickly hid it. "Where were thou before then."
That's when it hit me.
I started to laugh… a lot.
All the girls looked like they had just seen a ghost.
"She's dead! Hahahaha! There free, all of them! I can't believe we pulled that off! God damn!"
Angry eyes put pressure on me. "Who did thou kill?!" she demanded.
"Hahaha! What does it matter? She is off with an all expense paid ticket straight to oblivion!"
She then grabbed the upper part of my chest plate and pulled me up a little before throwing me back down. "I will not ask again boy! WHO DID THOU KILL?!"
I then grabbed her foot with my left hand and pulled. She fell over but I rolled out of the way and sprung back up onto my feet.
The other girls started to shoot their arrows at me but I got behind a nearby tree to avoid them. Once they stopped to knock their next arrow I took off into the woods. Jumping over fallen trees, swinging from branches, dropping down from ledges, anything to keep my speed so I could escape them.
Another arrow hit a tree beside me as I ran by.
'These girls are persistent. Time to lose them.' I thought as I stopped at an edge overlooking a large river.
The silver clad girls came out of the forest behind me pointing their bows at me. I turned to face them, just as anger eyes came out of the bushes with them.
"Hope you girls can swim." I said falling back into the water below.
Moments later I hit the water and I sunk like a stone. Luckily the water was not clear so they would have no idea that I was just lying on the floor of the river. Since my armor was air tight and my helmet recycled my oxygen I could stay under here until I became hungry.
After a good ten minutes I stood up and started to walk up river. The current was pushing against me so I was moving slow. I walked for a good twenty minutes before I started to exit the river.
Like a monster, my head slowly came out of the lake. As to be expected I was soaking wet and all my gear would need a thorough cleaning. Take care of your gear and it will take care of you, but out here in the wilderness and with a group of girls after me. Staying here would be asking for trouble.
First, I will need to find civilization and find out just how far behind these people are in technology. From there, I will need to find out a way to send a single to a nearby fleet to get someone to pick me up. With no gear on me to help me find civilization that meant one thing. Pick a direction and walk.
After walking for what felt like hours I stumbled across a cement road with a yellow line going down the middle of it, most likely to mark the lanes for the vehicles that traveled along it. This meant that this planet's population had most likely made use of the combustible engine, but that left one glaring question.
If the inhabitants of this planet did make use of the combustible engine then that would mean that weaponry in the form of guns would also most likely be present as well. So if that was true then why did those young girls in the silver clothing used bows and arrows? It could be possible that I had come into contact with a wondering low tech tribe, but that did not explain the hostility they had towards my gender. This was evident by the way they spat out my gender.
However if this was a tribe of man hating women then they would die out in a generation. Unless… they kept male slaves as to reproduce or kidnapped men just to have sex with them and killed them when they were done. If that was true then what of the male babies, what would become of them? Would they just leave them behind to die by some animal that came along or did they kill them themselves?
My anger started to boil as I thought it out. Such a tribe would be a blight on a planet, a threat that would have to be eliminated if necessary. When I get off this planet I would have to send for another Preserver to gain a secondary opinion on this tribe. If he agrees with me then a Sons of Liberty kill team would be sent to destroy all traces of such a tribe.
I pushed the memory of them to the back of my mind. I could worry about them later right now I need to find civilization and get off this planet. Everything else was secondary.
I made my way up the road hoping that I would get out of this forest and into an open plain so I could spot a city. Just then I spotted a green side on the side of the road in the distance. I ran up to it to see if it would give me a sense of direction.
Once I got close I instantly made out the words in white.
Highway 495 one mile.
Highway, by definition a main road, especially one connecting major towns or cities.
So this planet was at the point of making highways, which means I meant be able to hijack a factory and have it build a deep space transmitter with the schematics in my helmet. Then set the device to self-destruct, so they can't get the advanced technology, get out of there, and wait for a warship to pick me up.
Once they pick me up I can finally get back to Reach and join in the celebration, and reunite with my team.
I smiled as I remembered them fondly.
I went into a jog so I could get to the city faster, the quicker I get to the city the faster I can get home.
Zoë was not happy. Not only had a male escape them she also failed to find out who he killed. From the way he laughed about this person demise he sound like she was an evil person who he had been hunting for most of his life.
Zoë had the other hunters search the area were they first found him to see if they could find a grave or a body, but they came back empty handed. Even the Wolves had no luck and since the man fell into the river he would be clean of his sent so he would be impossible to track.
The man also did not surface at anytime while the hunters ran up and down the river. That led her to the conclusion that that boy was a son of Poseidon, but that did not explain the strange armor he was wearing.
His helmet looked like a WWII gas mask made to completely cover the users head. However the glass parts for his eyes were replaced with a red… visor that looked like it had data running down it. He also wore a dark brown western duster coat that hid most of his body, except for his torso which was armored. (Basically futuristic NCR armor)
On his hips where two pistols, odd thing to have for a half-blood, one being a large white revolver and the other a more modern looking pistol.
Zoë was on her way back to camp to tell Lady Artemis of this man that escaped them. If this Half-blood was unaware of his heritage then he would just be wondering around attracting monsters left and right.
Zoë found Artemis in her tent cleaning her weapons. The goddess looked up at her lieutenant.
"Yes Zoë what is it?" She said standing up.
Zoë began to explain all that happened with the boy she encountered and her theories behind the boy.
"How old did this boy look?" Artemis said after Zoë was done with her recount.
"He stood over six feet so I would have to say late teens."
Artemis thought it over in her head. "If he started attracting monsters at twelve like normal half-bloods then he has been serving on his own for at least six years. A shame he is not a girl he might of made an excellent hunter."
"What are we going to do Lady Artemis?" Zoë asked shifting her weight.
"You said he fell into a river. That would clean him of his sent… but he would want to put as much distance between himself and the spot where he met you. He is making his way back to New York city from their he will go deeper into the country to lose us."
Artemis then look at Zoë "Tell the others we are moving, and that we have a boy to track down. We will drag him to camp Half-blood if we have to. Then I'm going to fine out why Poseidon broke his oath."
"Magnificent." Were the only Words I could use to describe the city known as New York.
It was a beautiful sight to behold. The large buildings that reached for the skies, all the cars, and people moving all around it was true beautiful to see humanity thriving in such a dark universe. Even when I got into the city I could see no indication of Warp or alien attacks, no walls, no report suspicious person signs, no propaganda, and the people looked happy.
Before I entered the city I removed my armor and placed it and my weapons in a trash can under the bridge I crossed to get here. I then hid the trash can under a nearby peer by tying it under the wooden walkway.
Luckily I was able to… acquire some civilian clothes during the night when I got here. Now I wore black combat paints, a green camo shirt, and dark gray boots. I also wore a hat to hide my neural implant, now empty without Rosa's chip.
The camo shirt was a little tight showing my built chest and muscular arms. Many of the women walking the streets had a problem with starring but it can't be help. The few scars I had on my face made me look like I was… am a soldier.
After a bit of walking I found a place called Gamers' cave which turned out to be one big hang out for gamers. They also happened to have computers for open use, so I sat myself down and went for the internet.
The words Google greeted me along with a bar below that, below that where two boxes that said Google search and I'm feeling lucky beside that. I moved the cursor over to the black bar and started to type in it World map, the screen changed to a long list of sights to go to. I clicked on the images tab and waited for the pictures to load.
My eyes shot wide at what I saw.
"Terra." I whispered in shock. Well what looked to be Terra, the terrain on this planet was less… bloated then Terra.
I went back to see if I could find the name of this planet. Much to my surprise the name of this planet was called Earth, the old name of Terra before the Emperor took it over.
I went on a searching spree of everything I had learned from my home planet of Reach wars, events, and the like. Some of them matched up, others did not. When I finished the sun was starting to set and people were exiting the building. One of the workers, a girl who looked to be twenty walked up to me.
"Sir, we are closing soon." She said kindly.
"Thank you, I will head out now." I said standing and heading for the exit.
I made it back to my gear and I put it back on. I let out a sigh of satisfaction as I felt my armor on my body again. I always felt safe in this thing, in this I knew I could take a hit; I knew that I could scrap with the worst this world had to offer.
I scraped my plan to hijack a factory and build a deep space transmitter because according to the Google the date is 2005. Meaning I am around 38 thousand years in the past, but I don't think I am in the past. More of in a different dimension.
I get this feeling because one, demons have not come after me because of my slight connection to the Warp. Two, The Emperor has not appeared to me because we would obviously sense that I was off. And three, I have a gut feeling.
Speaking of gut feelings.
I turned around to see three women looking at me with hunger in their eyes.
"So a demigod decided that It was safe enough to wander away from your little camp and not run into any trouble." The woman in the middle said an older lady with black hair and a green dress on.
I raised an eyebrow at the demigod part.
"Just because one of your parents is a god does not mean you now own the place." The one beside her hissed, this one was in a red dress.
"Why are we bothering with talking to him let's just eat him, he barely smells like one I bet he's just a descendent of one." The last one said this one in a blue dress.
I took a quick glance around to see the few people in the area wandering off.
"What are you talking about?" I said not bothering to filter my voice.
The women all laughed together. "It's ok just take off that helmet and I'll make it quick."
Suddenly all three of the women turned into lamias. What? I jumped into a little mythology while I was at the Gamers' Cave, guess they weren't so methodical after all.
The three women's lower halves turned into a snake's and their tongues came out a little to taste the air. There tail colors matched the color of their dresses and their hair color changed to match as well.
I drew both my pistols and pointed them at the new threat. They all laughed at my weapons as I aimed at them.
"Do you think those pathetic mortal weapons can hurt us?" The blue one called humorously.
I responded by shooting her in the head, which caused it to explode sending bits of her brains all over the ground.
Deliverance fired .50 cal bullets with the force to tear off limbs with a single bullet; but since this was a revolver my wrist got all the kickback. However my whole body was augmented so I was able to withstand the kickback as if it was a normal .45.
Her lifeless body fell backwards and blood started to pool beneath her. The remaining two Lamias looked at their dead complain like I just did the impossible.
The red one then got a plasma bolt to the torso. She screamed as the hot plasma ate away at her flash. Another bolt to the head finished her of but she turned into gold dust surprisingly. The green dressed one looked at me in fear and tried to run… or slither away but I put two plasma bolts in her upper tail stopping her dead in her tracks.
She cried out in pain as the green plasma ate away at her tail. I started toward her, she saw this and put her left hand up but soon found it blown away by Deliverance. She screamed as she used her right arm to clutch at the stump that used to be her left arm.
I kicked her over so she would face me. "This is how it's going to work. I ask a question, you answer. You lie to me or give me a half assed answer then you get another bullet. cooperate and I might let you go."
Tears were falling down her face, she gave a quick nod.
"Good. First question, how many are you in this city?"
"I-I don't k-know a l-lot." She managed to get out.
Great now I have to deal with more of these things.
"Who are these demigods you claim me to be?"
"There the o-offspring of a g-god and m-mortal."
"Which pantheon?" I said pressing the barrel of my revolver against her head. The barrel was still hot so she screamed in pain as I pushed on her head.
"GREEK!" She yelled out in pain.
Suddenly my ears registered the sound of police siren going off and them getting closer. I stood up and pointed my revolver at the snake lady's head. She jerked back, trying to crawl away as I pulled back the hammer.
"Wait I answered your questions!" She pleaded as I put my finger on the trigger.
"Yes and I thank you." I said pulling the trigger.
Her head exploded coating the area around her head in blood. I reloaded my guns then holstered them, I felt a feeling of approval come into my mind as I put Deliverance back into her holster. I had my helmet hack into a nearby internet signal and bring up a map of the area. One more hack later a map of the underground sewer system.
'A perfect way to escape.'
I walked over to a manhole and pulled it open and slipped inside just as law enforcement arrived. None of them aware of the man underneath their noises.
Luckily my helmet protected my nose from the smell of this place, and the people who built this were kind enough to build a walkway into their plains so my boots wouldn't smell like shit when I took of my gear later.
After walking for a good ten minutes I willed my helmet to play my Sabaton album. I had to fight the urge to dance, so I settled for spinning Deliverance. I followed the sewer system for two miles before I came up on the other side of the city, right in front of the train station.
I pulled myself out of the manhole and walked out of the street, luckily the manhole was in an alleyway so I did not have to worry about people getting suspicious. I closed the manhole and headed over to the train station and began hacking into the system to get a ticket.
It was going good until I felt someone push a dagger against my back.
"Though you could get away?" A female voice asked me.
Special thanks to my editor: ZoDiAcKiLlEr315
God bless and shoot all the monsters.