Note: This story is a work of fiction. It has many content of adult nature. If you do not want to read such content, please close your browser window or press the convenient back button.

TAGS: incest, monster cock

Prince Lelouch vi Britannia felt that his life was officially over.

That was not an exaggeration. Here he sat, despondent and brooding, in his own quarters in the quaint but sumptuous Aries Villa, contemplating quite a number of unhealthy dangerous things. His pulse was agitated, his thoughts racing a thousand miles a second. In one moment, he had seized his portable computer interface and had typed up the foreword to an extremely long-winded Last Will and Testament, before discarding it with a nervous shudder. In the next moment he had buried himself underneath the covers of his bed, thinking to suffocate himself, but found that he couldn't even manage to hold his breath beyond five seconds.

His eyes kept returning to the place of wall beside his unused fireplace. He frowned at it, threw wads of paper at it, even insulted it like it was one of his more snobbish half-siblings. Then, he retreated back to his bed, as if it were his very last refuge, his final bastion.

He was already a young adult, damn it! He wasn't on the cusp of puberty, nor even trapped in the ravages of puberty! He had already cast that awkward phase aside long ago! He had already had these useless feelings of hedonistic lust during the earlier part of his days at the university, and he was rightly proud to have carried himself admirably with the sheer stoicism of the perfect gentleman, unlike his peers. Sure, there had been a fling or two, as things usually went, but nothing evolved into anything serious. And he had then graduated from university with all the highest honors, with his reputation clean and unblemished.

Then why, Lelouch asked himself, would such a brilliant man have committed such a completely stupid and reckless thing? Had he lost his mind?

It had all started on that day when Clovis had visited, and had given him the seed that blossomed into such a stupendously horrid idea in his brain.

No, on second thought, to be fair to his half-brother the Third Prince, it was clear and logical that such a disaster had its roots further back, in the distant past. At least in this case, Lelouch could still marshal his considerable faculties to distance himself and look at things with an objective eye.

Things had never been the same for Lelouch ever since he had spied his half-brother Arius making love to the Consort Felicia, who was his own mother. It had even been a delicate time for Lelouch, as he had also just learned that the interplay between man and woman went much beyond just "kissing". It was a savage, animalistic thing that nevertheless brought great pleasure. Yet it had always been taught that such dalliances were exclusively between people who were not related. The "mixing of blood" was a grave sin, outlawed in the Empire.

What didn't help Lelouch in this case were the intense rumors circulating around Court that a certain pair of half-siblings had also been engaging in sinful intercourse. Whispers of "incest" and "taboo" only served to fire up Lelouch's youthful imagination. When the Knights of Round had acquired decisive evidence, leading to the exact identities of the culprit being known, the last thing on Lelouch's mind was his father the Emperor's harsh reprimand of disowning his children: no, it was in imagining those two in a sexual position.

Seeing the incestuous mother-son couple getting it on so fiercely made Lelouch's intentions to bring them down falter, as he was greatly fascinated to seeing something so taboo. And from then on, a seed had been planted in his mind.

He would never look at his mother the same way again.

It wasn't helped that the consort Marianne was considered one of the more beautiful of all the Emperor's consorts. Chosen for her flawless beauty, independent spirit, and prodigious skill with a Knightmare, she cut a striking figure in Court. Her slender, toned frame was accentuated by delicious curves that had been rounded by motherhood, with a generous bosom and luscious hips that lent much to the imagination. And her personality was unique: cold and domineering in public, seeing almost everybody as if they were enemies in her Knightmare's interface; and in private a sweet, doting mother who did her very best to spoil him and Nunnally.

Lelouch's feelings of devotion towards his mother had been corroded when he saw that incestuous couple. It was child's play to hide his feelings, and never once let it slip that he saw his own mother as "attractive", not even to Nunnally. It was equally easy to hide his masturbatory sessions where he jerked it off liberally to the recorded evidence of Arius and his mother, as well as (to his eternal shame) racy, candid pictures of his own mother, which had been confiscated from would-be papparazi.

Still, he would have managed even then. It would only have been his dirty little secret, which he vowed to carry to the grave. However, Clovis had then come along. He had heard that Lelouch had used the many subterranean tunnels and secret rooms in Pendragon Palace as a reference point for his graduate thesis.

"Of course, such knowledge is an open secret to us of the Blood, who have been taught of those since birth," Clovis opined with a shrug. "But did you know that such secret places are everywhere in the capital? For example, in mine own estate, and even the Aries Villa, Lelouch. I thought you would be interested to know that."

"Really? I hadn't given a thought to that."

"I had not had time to explore my own estate—Area Eleven demands my full attention—but maybe you can? I have let my staff know. They shall let you in and help you plumb its secrets."

Lelouch had declined to commit, only promising to look it up when he had the chance. However, his curiosity was piqued by Clovis' off-hand comment about Aries Villa. It was his childhood home, but he hadn't even seen its every secret yet.

In hindsight, he would've been better off not indulging his curiosity.

There was a secret passage, alright, and it led to a common tunnel that led down to a cellar, from where an entrance to the underground sewers could be reached. The common tunnel itself was fed by several passages, all leading from each of the rooms in the villa, accessible by secret mechanisms. For instance, rearranging the furniture in Nunnally's room revealed the entrance.

Hypothetically then, one could go into the tunnel, then head up the passage to someone else's room. With relevance to Lelouch's current predicament, however, he had discovered that out of all the rooms, only his mother's quarters had a defect, wherein someone inside the passage could peer into her room. Which was what Lelouch did, the first time he discovered it. Yet again, in hindsight, it was something he shouldn't have done.

Marianne had been there, his first time. She was partly undressed, her back turned to him as she examined herself in front of her vanity. Lelouch had held his breath, surprised by this shameless peek into his mother's privacy. Then his mother began to strip, ostensibly to change into other clothes. For Lelouch, it was like he was once again in his most private fantasies.

It was one thing to see glimpses of her naked flesh in the pictures, it was quite another to see her bare herself completely, unfolding before him like a ripe fruit as he could only stand and watch. His desires flared up when she turned around, and he could see her mammaries in full, two plump orbs that jiggled when she moved. Then she stripped off the rest of her, and for a long moment Lelouch beheld his mother in her full nakedness, causing him to finally go into full arousal.

Seeing Marianne in her full glory caused the bindings on Lelouch's sanity to snap: on that day he masturbated furiously into his trousers as he watched his mother secretly. From then on, nothing was the same. He had gotten addicted to being a voyeur, and jacking it off to the sight of his mother's body. He'd memorized Marianne's daily routine. Everyday he would sneak off into the secret passages and watch her, finding pleasure in the mere sight of her. Even when she just sat or lay there, reading or watching news on the terminal, Lelouch would still find something arousing about his mother, and would start stroking his cock regardless.

The Big Mistake that happened today, then, was nothing short of a disaster. He'd been just in the middle of jacking off, his trousers around his knees, when he felt something tickle his thigh. In hindsight, it was only his belt, which had been stuck in an awkward position, but sheer reflex had made him jump and bump against the secret door with a loud thump. Lelouch instantly froze, and saw that his mother had too.

Then Marianne had lunged, grabbing a dagger from her drawer in record timing before turning to face the secret entrance. Lelouch didn't even have time to pull up his pants before hurtling into the common tunnel, his legs running as fast as he was able.

"So you DARE to spy into a woman's room, cur? I'll have you—" Marianne's voice echoed into the passage. Then Lelouch heard something that felt as if his mother had really hit him with her knife. "—Wha, Lelouch?"

Unable to face his shame, he continued on into his room, where he quickly closed his secret door and tidied himself, before locking the main door to the hallway and jumping into his bed. His hands felt cold, his mind awhirl.

This all, then, was the root his current predicament.

There came a knock at the door. He froze, expecting the worst. It was the servant, who wanted to know if Lelouch would have his meals at the dining hall or in here. He shooed the servant away, telling them that he wouldn't be leaving his room for the time being and to tell Nunnally and his mother that.

A long time passed, or so it seemed to Lelouch. The shame had thus paralyzed him, that he gave up on even planning a way to explain himself. His mother had caught him red-handed with his pants down. There was no other explanation for that.

A noise caught his attention. He looked and saw, with disbelief, a rope descend into view outside his window, before his mother slid down them, looking like a civilian rescue worker come to liberate him from his predicament. She knocked pointedly at his window, causing him to scramble to open it, before he hesitantly took her hand and guided her inside.

Then, remembering what had happened, he made to flee, but was instantly caught within Marianne's embrace, his head literally cushioned within his mother's bosom. He inhaled deep of her raw scent, so familiar to him, a smell that comforted him despite all the guilt he felt.

"I know," his mother said. "I know, dear. There's no need to be afraid, Lelouch. You only did what any healthy young male did."

He blinked. "B-but it's—"

"And we are royalty, my dear," she continued. "Much of the same rules of the outside don't apply to us. Especially not to the wife and son of the most powerful monarch on Earth."

"Wait, but mother that's—"

"Of course, we have to keep this our secret. Can't have us go the way of those fools who got caught by Bismarck, now can we?"

"Mother," he said insistently, taking her attention. "Do you even realize what you're saying?"

She shrugged. "It's nothing, dear. It's just sex. You've had sex before, right?"

He swallowed. "W-well, yes—"

"So what's the big deal? It's just a little exercising of our bodies. Nothing wrong with that."

"But isn't it… taboo?"

She patted his head. "It's only taboo, dear, if the blood mixes. A child born from incest is a taboo thing. That's why we're not to have our blood mix. We have birth control. This is the 21st century."

For the moment, Lelouch was speechless, as if his brilliant mind had nowhere else to go, nothing else to think. He snapped his mouth shut. "Uh, but… well, this is strange… and awkward…"

"Ah, to be young," his mother said with a laugh. A fond look came over her. She began to caress his body, sending shivers over every surface she touched. "Twenty-two years and you're already a strapping young lad. My precious baby, now a man."

"M-mother…" he said, blushing.

"Do you think I'm still beautiful?" she asked, in a whisper.

"I—I—" What other answer was there? Of course she was still jaw-droppingly beautiful! And this close he could see the evidence before his eyes, could behold her beauty, could feel the heat of her gorgeous body against his. "Of course, mother. Father is lucky to have you."

"Hmph. Well said," she said with a huff, before leaning forward and kissing him. He was again caught off-guard. She withdrew quickly. It was only a quick peck. "But enough about Charles. Mommy's in a good mood today, and you're the lucky man, my son. If you'll have this old lady of course."

Desire welled within Lelouch. He hugged her back fiercely, and ground his erection against her. She could feel that clearly, and she chuckled as she began to touch him in ways a mother should not towards her child.

"So um…" he said, still tongue-tied.

"You don't know how to begin?" she said, as if reading his mind clearly. "Really now, Lelouch, have you really had sex before?"

"O-of course!" he said, cheeks red. "But this time is rather different don't you think, mother?"

"Is that so?" she said, drawing his head against her neck. Their bodies rocked together as if slow dancing to some unheard music. "Then, let Mommy show the way, my son. Leave it to mother."

He grunted in assent.

Their lips met once again, but this time Marianne went further and touched his tongue with hers. The first outwardly incestuous act had begun, and Lelouch enjoyed every second of it. His mother moaned as their tongues danced and curled like writhing snakes around each other, exchanging their saliva freely between their mouths. Marianne's embrace tightened as they continued making out, testing each other's texture and heat as their forbidden kiss deepened.

He was so lost in this kiss that he barely noticed that they were slowly edging towards the bed. When his legs hit the side of the bed, his knees buckled and he ended up falling backward on top of it. Despite that, Marianne followed him down, and continued to press her body against his. With her on top of him, they continued to make out, even as their hands grew ever friskier. Boldly, Lelouch cupped his mother's round ass-cheeks and molded them in his hands.

Before he knew it, Marianne had undone his belt, and pulled down his trousers while maintaining the kiss. The sudden rush of cold mixed in with the heat he felt from his mother's thighs. Her hands groped over the obvious erection hidden in his underwear, her attention causing it to grow ever further. Then, she pulled even that down, freeing his cock from its tent.

"My cute baby boy," she whispered, her voice rich like velvet. Her hand closed around his cock, and began to stroke it. "My cute, strong baby boy. Now you're a man, and I love you so, so much."

"Mother," he said pleadingly. He made to move.

"Hush now," she said, placing a hand to his chest. "I told you to leave it to Mommy."

He watched as she positioned her body above him, wiggling her hips until her crotch was poised above him. As she was currently wearing her night dress, his mother had only to pull it up to make Lelouch realize she wasn't wearing any panties at all. She had a small tuft of black pubes, through which he could see a glimpse of her pink slit. Seeing it, as well as the way Marianne was moving it above his erect cock, made Lelouch apprehensive. She produced a condom wrapper from out of nowhere, and with a deft motion ripped it open and placed the condom on top of his cock.

But all his doubts were swept away when his mother made good on her promise, as she pushed her hips down to envelope his member inside her wet, hot folds. As each inch of his length sank into her, Lelouch gasped and whined at the sheer, sudden pleasure that awaited him. No girl's cunt had been as glorious, as tight and slick and wonderful, like a living organism in itself, than that of his Mother's wrapped tightly around him. And then, when he saw her face twist, as if trying to hold in her pleasure, Lelouch could hardly hold back. He thrust up violently, before exploding, his cock blasting into the condom at full speed. Marianne waited patiently as his cock convulsed within her, holding on to him like he was a sick child in need of care.

"Ah… oh my, I didn't think you were a quick shot, Lelouch…"

"Uh…that is…" he said, his shoulders slumping.

"I was just kidding," she said, lifting her hips up and expertly flicking the condom off him. In the next second she had ripped open another wrapper and had placed it on his still erect cock. "That surely was just your pent-up energy from before wasn't it? Before you were interrupted in masturbating."


She smiled, like the both of them were enjoying some private joke and not involved in some incestual intercourse, before plunging his cock right back inside her. Lelouch let out another cry as he was barraged by yet more pleasurable sensations, but since he'd just came he was able to manage. It still felt dangerous, however, as his mother's cunt was so deliciously tight and pliable, that he was sure he was going to cum soon.

Thankfully, Marianne was too distracted by savoring the feel of him inside her. He was so thick and long, and it had been a long time since she'd indulged in this carnal embrace. The way Lelouch fitted into her was like a key sliding neatly into place inside a lock, completing her like no other could. Therefore, despite her promise of guiding Lelouch through this, her inner desires had woken, and to Lelouch she appeared like a maddened creature, who pressed his body down while furiously bouncing her hips on top of his.

Lelouch could only tense and wheeze as her velvety insides continuously teased and tightened around him. It was almost like her vagina was some mechanical object she could operate on command, so fierce and precise was her assault on his member that he held on to the sheets as if he were in danger of falling.

Her frenzied state aroused similar sentiments in him, though, as the reality slowly sunk into Lelouch's mind. His mother, whom he'd fantasized about for so long, had her cunt wrapped tight around him. It was a dream come true, and that desperate need to hold on to this pleasure made Lelouch push upward with his hips, mashing their crotches together in the lewdest ways possible. A loud, nasty squelching sound now filled the room as the two of them gave in to their basest instincts.

"Mother… mother…!"

"Yes..! Oh, yes! Fuck! Yes, baby, yes, give it to me! Give it to me!"

Because of the heat they now felt, the two of them took turns taking off the other's clothes. Lelouch almost ripped his mother's dress away in his haste to sample her naked breasts. When they were finally free to dangle in front of him, he pushed his face inside the valley in-between, while using his hands to knead both breasts.

Marianne now altered the motions of her hips, gyrating them as she ground her son's cock into her inner walls. She swayed from side to side. She bucked up and down, like she were riding an unruly horse. Her random movements, so much like a trained dancer, coupled with the rhythmic tightening of her hot, slick insides caused no end of pleasure for Lelouch.

Now that he felt his climax was close, Lelouch was determined not be such a "quickshot". His previous sexual experiences wasn't even close to that, and the fact that his mother had seen it made his pride rankle. And so, he seized her body, then used her preoccupation to allow him to flip her downward on the bed, from where he mounted her from above. He positioned himself above her twitching vulva. Then, before Marianne could say anything, he buried his cock balls deep into her, all the way to his root. She moaned hotly, as if she greatly appreciated that. After a few moments of thrusting into her once more, Marianne wrapped her legs around his waist, and locked her ankles together. Then, he sealed her mouth with a kiss. The warm, slippery sensation of their tongues dancing together aroused him further, spurred him to thrust into his mother with reckless abandon.

By now he could sense that his mother's cavernous pussy was secreting plenty of its juices, which helped lubricate his every thrust. They each moaned loudly in ecstasy into the other's mouth, their bodies locked together in sinful congress. He kneaded her breasts hard, tweaking on her erect nipples, while she drew great grooves of his skin with her nails, while making sure to keep him in her with her interlocked legs.

"Mmmphh…! Mmm..! Hrmmmphh…!"

Their intertwined bodies grew slicker with sweat, allowing Lelouch to glide easier atop her body. The wonderful sensation created by the newly created friction increased the pleasure tenfold as the bed creaked under Lelouch's thrusts. His bedsheets, once pristine, were now befouled with their sexual fluids, as a steady stain spread out rapidly from where their bodies were joined. Steam rose from their sweaty bodies as the funky smell of sex surrounded them like a palpable cloud.

Lelouch's cock felt numb. He had desperately held on from cumming too early, and was now equally desperately plumbing his mother's depths, hoping to probe any pleasure nerves she might have. But he recognized it was a rapidly losing fight, and he would succumb soon. Instead, he concentrated on thrusting on a particular spot he'd discovered early on: and took care to grind himself against that spot with every thrust. Marianne's piteous whine against his mouth was all the confirmation he needed to continue his attack in that way. He began fucking her with full-blown, violent bursts of motion, causing his mother to tighten deliciously around him as she broke the kiss and screamed in ecstasy. Lelouch licked sweat from his mother's neck and bit hard there to leave a love bit as he lost himself to his rocking motion. Nothing existed for him any more than his thrusting, and his mother's body.

The single-minded devotion worked. Marianne pressed back against the bed, arcing her back as her orgasm swept through her. She threw her head back, her matted raven hair flinging drops of sweat all over. In that moment, it was as if her entire body had engulfed Lelouch. Her velvet folds pulsed and churned around him, making it impossible to hold on.

With a final gasp, Lelouch came with explosive force. Stars bloomed in his vision as he collapsed headlong onto his mother's sweat-ridden body, his stamina utterly spent in his desire to prove he was a man to his mother. He lost control over his senses, and allowed himself to drift off, carried away by coital bliss and the comforting sensation of being embraced fully by the first person who'd ever shown him love. He clung to her selfishly as he might have as an infant, and even if now it was tinged with a sensual, taboo slant, it was still a strong, primal force. For him, it was still good.

When Lelouch woke, he found the room in utter darkness. A familiar song sounded in his ears, and when he concentrated, he realized it was a lullaby that Marianne was singing. Then he realized that he was still on the bed, and that there was another naked body next to him. In the next moment, he recalled everything that had happened, including the mind-blowing sex that had just occurred. He'd had sex, with his own mother.

He felt a soft, feather-light stroking against his cheek. He and Marianne had spooned, and their bodies lay close to each other, enough for Lelouch to keenly feel her warmth. In the dark, he was all but speechless in beholding her glorious naked body: as her fine legs coiled around his, and her wonderful bosom rising and falling to the rhythm of her every breath.

Then, he looked at her face, and locked gazes with her eyes. Marianne smiled warmly, and planted a kiss on her forehead.

"Good job, my son," she proclaimed. "That was wonderful. Wasn't it?"

"Yes," he stammered. "Yes it really was."

A long, tender moment passed between them, before they both leaned in to share another wicked, incestual kiss. This time it was deliberately slower and more sensual, as they lazily tasted and licked at each other's faces while merely luxuriating in the warm, toasty afterglow.

Eventually, Marianne rose on her side and started kissing Lelouch's chest. He stared quizzically down at her, particularly when she slowly slithered down the bed, until her head was level with his crotch. Then he let out a gasp when his mother swallowed his cock up to the very hilt, locking him inside her moist, slick mouth.

"Mmm… delicious…"

"M-mother…" he said, trying to move.

"Stay, stay, let mother service you, my son. I would like to taste your seed for myself."

Neither of them got any sleep that night, nor did either of them go down for supper. Thankfully, the servants didn't seem to notice, and Nunnally was currently at a distant school. That allowed them to fornicate endlessly, giving in to their incestuous feelings for the whole night. Lelouch tasted his mother's body fully in that time, as did she with his. And for some reason, the thought of making love to his own mother had lit a fire in his body: he was just as insatiable as she was and did not lack for stamina as he normally would be—a flaw his previous hookups had indicated for his otherwise stellar technique. The couple had crossed the point from mother and son to full-blown lovers, and Lelouch did not know where this development would lead.

The next week passed in a long, raging, carnal blur. A world of bliss awaited, and neither of them were willing to leave it at just the one night. Certainly, Lelouch would have thought it "gentlemanly" to leave it like that, but as he watched his mother during the next morning at breakfast, it was difficult not to see the marked change in her demeanor towards him. The two were more conscious of each other now, blushing and looking away whenever their eyes met. During a conversation, they even spoke haltingly, like they had become strangers.

And yet, when the servants had disappeared, and they were left in private, the two couldn't keep their hands to themselves. A long, loud and lewd makeout session in the pantry hall became an impromptu blowjob from Marianne, as she went down on her son, her savage technique causing his knees to buckle from the sheer pleasure. It blew his mind as he fed her globs of his semen, which she dutifully drank in great, thirsty gulps. This invariably led to his mother hiking up her dress and letting Lelouch pound her derriere from behind, as they lost all semblance of control and mated right there amidst all the stacks and shelves of food and food supplies.

It was a happy coincidence that Court was officially not in session for that amount of time. That meant fewer visitors would come pay a visit to Marianne to ask for this or that favor, and that no annoying herald would come and remind the Consort to come to Court every morning. And with Nunnally still in school, it allowed the newborn couple their small thrills as they ran around the villa avoiding the eyes of their own servants.

One particular morning, they spent hours just soaking themselves in their great bath tub, their bodies grinding together underwater in a neverending cycle. Even when either of them climaxed, the other would just keep on moving such that there never seemed to be an end to the pleasure. The hot water eventually turned lukewarm as they splashed around inside, until their fingers and toes got all pruney. It even took a long time for either of them to leave—when Marianne climbed out of the pool, the sight of her slick bare ass was enough for Lelouch to follow suit and mount her from behind. An hour later when Lelouch was about to stand and reach for the towels, Marianne got hold of his still-hard member and tied him up with a boob-job. Two hours later, as they contemplated each other wearing only towels, they still ended up crashing together with lustful passion, throwing their towels away and making love for yet another time on the tiled floor. Eventually, they got into a spot where they were in danger of getting a cold from lying down naked on the floor, helpless, their hips and crotches sore, their legs unable to stand, until they both managed to slip into their nighties and head away from the bathroom—both extremely sated after the relentless sequential orgasms.

Some time later, it came to the point that neither of them were willing to spend another second without being connected by the hip. Marianne therefore sent the servants away on a three-day holiday, and pretended that she would be leaving herself to another Area. Lelouch would be living alone, but he was well-known to be self-sufficient, so no further questions were asked.

It was open season when the last of the servants bid farewell. Cock and pussy were virtually inseparable save for the instances when they had to put in a new condom. Otherwise, the incestuous couple spent every hour mindlessly mashing their crotches together. Being naked all the time became the norm. They did it in the entrance hall, staining the expensive carpet with their sex juices. They did it in the parlor, as Lelouch took his mother on top of every table there, marking the places where they fucked with their combined musk. They took turns marking each other as feast tables, plucking and teasing food from the other's bodies while making sure to add in a couple of pleasurable love bites.

They went for a picnic out in the beautiful gardens and there frolicked amidst the flowers like two summer sprites mating. He delighted to see his mother laugh and swoon, to see her face twist in ecstasy brought about by him alone. They spent quite a long while in the gardens, fully naked and basking under the Pendragonian sun with only each other for company and nature surrounding them. They enjoyed making love amidst the sunset glow, and even shared one final fuck under the stars before cuddling together inside the thick blankets they'd laid out. Their bodies pressed firmly together, with the starry skies as their witnesses, lying utterly naked beside the woman he loved intensely, Lelouch felt primal joy like no other.

It was there that his thoughts started to wander. Lying there, with his mother curled up beside him, Lelouch felt like he was the master of the universe. Thus, by that same logic, was he not entitled to his mother, and so much more? A different sort of lust grew within him. It sought to reproduce, to breed, to impregnate. He would have his children.

When the three-day holiday ended, so did their many hours of pleasure. Still, their escapades continued, burning hotter than ever because of the separation; but it seemed nothing would ever equal the intensity of their passion on those days they were left alone. And as for Lelouch, his own desires rose up as to be overpowering, but he smothered that beneath the cold-blooded examination of the circumstances. He still wasn't sure if Mother would accept his proposal.

"How's my baby boy," she cooed currently, while she pressed her cheek to his cock. She wrapped her fingers around the base of his shaft and pumped it. "I've missed you…"

Lelouch sighed in pleasure as his mother's breath tickled his pubes. Even after so many blowjobs, his mother's mouth still had its own irascible technique that never got old. It was the way she alternated the rolling of her tongue around his shaft, which always seemed to be able to hit his most sensitive spots, it was the way she sounded when she sucked on him, wet and lewd; it was the way she gazed up at him adoringly while she lovingly attended to her son's penis, as if she were cleaning it as a matter of course. Many times his desire to dirty that mouth, to dominate her utterly, had caused him to facefuck her. But not today. As he threaded her hair, she giggled while flicking her lips back and forth over his bulbous tip.

She smacked her lips as she withdrew from his member, satisfied that it was ready and stiff enough to begin penetrating her. When Marianne reached for the condom as usual, Lelouch impulsively reached out to stop her.

"Lelouch?" she asked, brows raised.

He paused. "Can we not?"

"Not… used the condom? But you know full well—"

"I know," he said. "I know." He gripped her shoulders tightly. "Mother, I…"


He pulled her to her feet instantly, his manhood pressed eagerly against her flesh. Though his mother struggled, she couldn't seem to escape his grip, nor did she seem to have the heart to attack her son.

"Lelouch, please," she pleaded. "Return to your senses!"

"I love you mother," said he. "I love you so much!" He cupped her tits and squeezed. He positioned his cock between her tight, fleshy thighs until he could barely feel her glistening, puffy vulva. Marianne could only whine, like a bitch about to be bred. He was pleased; though she wasn't eager, her pussy was wet and inviting, and for the moment, that was all that mattered. Thus, without any more preamble, he thrust into her, completely sheathing himself to the root in one go.

"Augggh!" Marianne moaned loudly. Even Lelouch could not help but howl like a wounded dog, damn the consequences if the servants heard! Inserting himself in without a condom was so raw and stimulating! It was a whole new sensation entirely!

Lelouch began to thrust in and out, captured by his delusions, seeking his own pleasure, as he sought to ream and pierce his mother's cunt. It was as if he was slowly building up to some grand climax, and this was his way of doing it: by slowly boring through his mother's love tunnel like he were digging for riches.

Marianne could only sniffle as she bit into her fingers to stop herself from mooning loudly like some heifer. Frankly, it seemed that the feel of his raw cock within her had excited some primal animal instinct, and now she sought to rival his thrusts with her own ready squeezes and strokes of her inner folds, as if she was daring him to give him all he had. And Lelouch's mind was only too happy to reciprocate by increasing the pace of his thrusts, as lewd juices started raining down from Marianne's cunt.

"Ahn...! Ahhh! Noooo!" she cried, as her mind exploded into a million sparks. Her orgasm rocked her whole body, reverberating down to her tight pussy folds. Lelouch resisted the urge to cum, resisted the memory of being milked by her masterful cunt. He rode her wave with the aim of surpassing it, of using the momentum of his passion to create a full-blown climax at the end of it, and he could not waste it on small victories. His body therefore responded to his indomitable spirit, granting him a burst of stamina that was usually unheard of for a guy of Lelouch's physique.

Therefore, he reached down to rub over the surface of her trimmed cunt, palming over her clitoris to tease and flick it until she was practically howling into her skirt from the sheer amount of pleasure exploding from her sore, used pussy. Her butt cheeks turned red and raw from the relentless slapping contact of his crotch against hers.

"Mother! Mother!" he cried, burying his cock in as deep as he could go. This sinful embrace, coupled with his essentially forcing himself on her, practically meant Lelouch could not hold on for much longer. Therefore, he quickened his pace, even as his balls seized upward and a delicious tingle came hurtling through his spine. Hot, white semen erupted from the tip of his cock and flooded his mother's womb, coating it liberally with his incestuous seed. Marianne screamed and hugged him closer, squeezing his entire body as the warm sensation of being inseminated filled her and spread throughout her whole body.

Panting, Lelouch could only bury his face against his mother's flesh as his cock continued to pulse inside her, sending gallons of his seed into her womb. Marianne sighed as her orgasm subsided, patting her son's head absently as she felt wave after wave of his cum splash into her.

After his orgasm ended, Lelouch had no idea what to do. His slightly softening penis was still sheathed within his mother, and their bodies were still pressed together. Yet he was tense, as if he were waiting for the blow to come.

It did: a short bop on the head.

"You idiot boy," she said in a hushed whisper. She took his chin and made him look into her eyes. "You foolish boy. Do you know what you've done?"

He closed his eyes. "I…"

Then his mother leaned in close, and whispered huskily into his ear: "Whatever you did, do it again."' His eyes lit up and saw that his mother had a coquettish look on her face. Her pussy squeezed pointedly around him, causing his member to rise back to full mast.

"Mother!" he cried, kissing her.

Displaying, for that series of instants, a stupendous amount of muscular power and stamina far beyond what he was normally capable of, Lelouch carried his mother by her legs while her arms clung around her neck, out to the halls and all the way back to her room. Their lips remained locked with the other's in a passionate haze, his penis continued to grind into hers.

In that brief moment, Lelouch thought of nothing more than of making this lovely woman his and his alone. Though a rational part of him pointed out the many difficulties involved, he nevertheless fucked Marianne with the thought of ultimately making the woman who'd birthed him his wife.

When they came to the bed they never once disengaged from their mating position. Marianne leaned back against the pillow, posing like a motherly queen, her arms outstretched to take him in and embrace him as Lelouch began to dive into her cunt with renewed vigor. The two of them gasped and whined, so filled with love and pleasure like lovers reunited at last. It was the most intimate coupling they'd ever begun so far, and it was all because it built up to something quite lovely and romantic. Their bodies moved together with primal instinct—no longer having the hesitant traces of knowing something was taboo. No, this was the natural coupling of man and woman, of cock and cunt, of two beings becoming one. He slid in and out of her hot and velvety birth tunnel with a prolonged groan, while she moaned every time his thick stiffness breached the area of her cervix to kiss her womb. Neither of them lasted long: they came together in a grand climax, as the two held each other's bodies tighter than ever, Marianne's heels locking behind his butt and Lelouch's face practically buried between her twin melons. It was the most intimate, soulful thing they'd ever done, and they weren't even close to being done.

For however much he pumped her, and no matter how much she milked him, they were still not satisfied. They remained locked in a trance of sexual awakening, seeking every ounce of pleasure from the other and for themselves in an endless cycle of climax and rhythm. They were as two souls spiraling around each other, their hearts beating in unison, their bodies locked together in the breathless desire to breed. Every precious second of that moment was bliss, and they were mutually determined to keep the moment going.

Lelouch lost himself, going on auto-pilot almost as his body took over in ravishing his mother's body. In, out, long thrusts to the hilt, short thrusts to tease the G-spot. He might've already reached the point of his exhaustion ages ago, and yet his spirit continued to make love to his mother even when his body was failing. And it didn't help that his mother continued to respond eagerly to his touch, rocking her hips and clenching around his arousal like a gorgeous, insatiable succubus.

Frankly, it was still astonishing to him to have the literal Britannian goddess of the battlefield in bed with him. Her cold and brusque image in public was a far cry from this buxom woman thrashing beneath him, moaning sweetly, her cheeks flushed and red, her bosom ripe and open to his hands, her legs locked slovenly around him, and her womb filled to the brim with his cum. She was, in his opinion, the greatest woman he would ever meet, and here he was, attempting to impregnate her, to make of her a mother yet again, sired by her own son.

"M-Mother… love… love you..!" he cried, muffling his voice in between her breasts as he plowed into his lady love again and again.

"Yes! Oh, Lelouch, you bad boy. You bad, bad boy, give it to me! Fill me up! Give me a baby, aaaahhh~!"

Their climax was a divine experience they would probably never have again. Marianne's body shook, her arms and legs instantly plastering him tighter against hers, more than they were doing already. At the same time, Lelouch felt a swooping sensation run through his spine as his balls rose and constricted. In that precise moment the two lovers felt like they were tipping over an edge, and frozen in time. Then their eyes met, and an unknown message passed between them. No words needed to be said. The warmth and tenderness they felt for the other was everything.

Then, the moment passed, and they fell into the raging waves of their passion, exploding like a million suns. Marianne sobbed, tears falling down her cheeks. Lelouch kissed her again and again, his mouth tasting salt and sweet in equal measure. His manhood gushed out his fresh seed over and over, filling her fecund womb with the baby-making batter. For the hundredth time, her pussy muscles contracted around his pulsing member, milking him climax for all he could give her.

And then—the moment passed, and they both collapsed on the bed in a sweaty tangle of limbs. Marianne's hair was a mess, smeared with his semen and her sweat, Lelouch's head lolled between her breasts, his stamina finally spent after all those hours of breeding. They breathed as one; their hearts beat as one. His mother sought out his hand, then clasped it against hers, holding on to him like he were her last resort. Slowly, the exhausted lovers drifted off to sleep, their barely mumbled words of love hanging in the air between them, as tangible as the air they breathed.

For a while afterwards, Lelouch thought his unthinkable ambition had somehow pushed her away. The next morning, he woke to hear from the servants that the Lady Marianne had gone away in the early morning, and had not informed them of her destination. Yet Lelouch had his ways, and he was able to discover from his people that his lover had gone without a word to Area Seven, which was coincidentally where her husband the Emperor was.

Thankfully, he was reassured of her intentions when she sent him a note by traditional mail containing the two simple words: "Await me." And Lelouch did, throwing himself into his blossoming work as nobleman of the Empire, and accepted a teaching position at his old university.

He would be able to look at her from afar, and as Imperial Consort she would always be in the public eye. He could not, therefore, miss the news broadcasted over the national airwaves that he would soon be having a little brother or sister, and that Lady Marianne would be returning to Pendragon within the next month or so to give birth. And so she did, returning home to the Aries Villa, accompanied by Nunnally, who had recently graduated. He was no longer living there, as his work called for him to live closer to it.

However, just as he was about to return to pay a visit, news came of her labor, and Lelouch had to rush to the hospital where they'd taken her. There he'd comforted a worried Nunnally, and then waited long and hard for news of his lover's safety.

When the birth was done, and they were allowed inside her chamber, Lelouch was left speechless at Marianne's appearance. She had somehow grown even more beautiful, lit up by a glow of motherly grace as she fed her new child with her breast. As Nunnally cooed and gushed over the baby, Marianne lifted her head and their eyes met. And then, just as in that fateful night, a million words passed unspoken between them. And yet it was easy to discern the one most important thing: that their love persisted, and their love yet endured.

"Hello again, you two. Nunnally, meet your new younger sister," she said.

Lelouch's eyes widened, his mind quickly grasping the way Marianne looked at him pointedly, with a small smile on her face. His gaze went to the child, and saw a tuft of raven hair. He gasped, his legs buckling.

"She's so cuuute…" Nunnally proclaimed. "What're you going to call her, Mama?"

"I don't know yet. It's all so sudden." She glanced at Lelouch, then winked. "I still have to wait for her father's input."

An anonymous commission, thanks for reading.

Note that this is an OPEN STORY, which is markedly different from my usual commissions. They are almost always prompt-based. They are therefore rated cheaper, and anyone is allowed to continue the story through their commissions.

If you'd like to commission a continuation, or commission another story entirely, feel free to contact me here or "RHoldhous" on archiveofourown.