Reviews for Code Geass: Grim Dawn
ewertondragon10 chapter 3 . 6/8
I really liked how they are going to fight enemies.

Lelouch and Cornelia are now more friends now.

I liked the chapter.
Marche V chapter 3 . 5/31
I do enjoy some good Lelouch and Cornelia interactions. More the platonic and intimate variety rather than shipping them together but a treat nonetheless.
Tamult chapter 3 . 5/30
Good show as always. As usual, Lelouch and the more vulgar lines just don't fit well together, but I can't complain since no way would seem proper. Only wish we had a bit more back and forth with some dialogue or something. But nothing really concrete to say on what best would be done.
Qrow454 chapter 2 . 4/27
Nunnally is being a little bitch. She is an hypocrite. She was okay with killing all of her extended family along with some million unrelated people in Pendragon and she was the one killing soldiers with Flejia. I don't like her in general (except in Nightmare of Nunnally) for being liability.
randyr2015 chapter 1 . 4/24
Love it hope you keep updating
ewertondragon10 chapter 1 . 4/5
I liked it so much I want to see how Lelouch and his allies will deal with Demons.
Guest chapter 1 . 4/4
Plz let this continue. And plz let it be a harem.

Harem for Lelouch:

C.C, D.S, Leila, Kallen, Cornelia, Anya, Monica, Kaguya, Tianzi, Marrybell, Milly & Oldrin
SomebodyLost chapter 1 . 4/4
This is very good. I hope that you continue and finish this! Or I hope that the commissioner has more money to pay you...

Anyway, well done. Thanks for writing.
Dude chapter 1 . 4/4
Hey can you give lelouch a stronger like soul lazenca from korean anime hey atleast it gives hime experience in close combat or any kinds of robots not those shit of knightmares of his
Vegito is King chapter 1 . 4/3
This story has an interesting premise. Involving aliens in Code Geass allows for more sci-fi technology to be developed after all. Hopefully, the aliens don't become the focus and the Code Geass characters do. I am glad Tamaki and Ohgi died since they were in my list of hated characters with Ohgi being the second. Maybe Suzaku can get his wish and die as well, a fitting end for a backstabbing, traitorous, asshole.

The main focus should be Lelouch and his relationships with friends, comrades, and lovers. I don't particularly like pairing him with Kallen or CC because he was betrayed and hurt by both. In my opinion I believe Leila would be the most suitable and compatible lover capable of talking strategy and tactics with Lelouch and being an anchor for his humanity by showing love and compassion.

I also have problems with Nunnally. The world can be changed in gentle ways is a bullshit belief of hers. Becoming the Viceroy and establishing the SAZ is spitting on the Japanese people's pride and neglecting the other countries and the fact that Britannia is an oppressor. She is also stupid because even though she has that mind reading ability through touch she did not use it on Schneizel.
That hypocrite turned her back on Lelouch and instead of remaining outside of the war she actively participates and kills hundreds with the Fleijas. She tries to Kill Lelouch instead of capturing him to put him in prison. That conflict hasn't happened yet in this story but if she remains with a positive view on Schneizel and Cornelia despite the atrocities they committed and has a negative view of Lelouch then she should remain on the sidelines to spare us her useless words.
darkkrt chapter 1 . 4/3
is this a refrence to anothther series or just au
BrotherCaptainSheperd chapter 1 . 4/3
Bah! Let the world burn! Lelouch has Kallen, Cornelia, that Sumaragi girl, The Chinese Empress and CC. Harem completo! He just needs to ensure Britannia survives since doing that will ensure the survival of his loved ones.