Hey, I'm back with a new chapter! Before I post this, let me just say thank you for my first 900 reviews, 1000 favorites and 1000 follows! Man, it's been years since I joined this site. Didn't think I'd enjoy this so much. Thanks for all the support you guys give, really appreciate it.

Now that that's out of the way, let's get back to the story. Last time, the Justice League were looking for Lex Luthor, who found a very powerful android named AMAZO, who was fooled by Luthor to fight the Justice League. Despite their valiant efforts, AMAZO has beaten half the heroes while absorbing the power of Superman. If that wasn't bad enough, J'onn is doing a self-searching journey.

Well, now that you guys are caught up, let's get started!

Chapter 21: Tabula Rasa Part II

Superman flew across above Metropolis as he fought the android. He only knew a handful of people that could match him punch to punch, so it was shocking for him to see an android not only match him in strength but overcoming him.

The android not only have his superpowers, but it also acquired the powers of Wonder Woman, Flash, Hawkgirl and Green Lantern.

The android suddenly fired a green beam that sent Superman through a building, making a big hole. As the android landed in front of the hole, Superman pushed the rubble off him and looked at the robot. AMAZO walked towards Superman, the mace crackling with electricity. Once it was front of him, it lifted the mace and swung at Superman's head, but he quickly dodged the mace and flew up before flying back towards AMAZO, fists raised.

AMAZO flew up towards Superman, swinging its mace, deflecting Superman's punch. Superman was about to swing another punch, but AMAZO was faster, smashing the mace on Superman's face that sent him halfway across the street before he landed on a crouch.

Superman glared at the robot before flying towards it. AMAZO swung its mace, but Superman ducked before punching the robot on the stomach before at the head. He was about hammer fist the robot when AMAZO slammed his mace on Superman's gut, following a swing to the chin that sent the Man of Steel towards a building.

Superman, dazed, was about to climb out, when AMAZO appeared in front of him and started battering Superman with the mace.

"Hera, help us," Wonder Woman said in a weak tone, watching the fight.

"She better," Green Lantern said grimly. "No one else can now."

AMAZO stopped his barrage, looking at the rising dust he caused. Suddenly, lasers blasted through the smoke, sending him flying. AMAZO looked at Superman as the mace disappeared. Its eyes suddenly glowed red before unleashing lasers, which Superman quickly countered with his.

The two flew around the air, trying to overpower one another. AMAZO suddenly stopped before using Wonder Woman's bracelet to deflect the laser while using Green Lantern's ring to fire a beam towards Superman, who quickly ducked to avoid getting hit.

AMAZO used that opportunity to fly towards a building, and was about to grab its buttress, when it suddenly felt itself get rammed by an invisible force. Surprised, AMAZO looked around but saw nothing, before a flash of light appeared in front of it, blasting him to the roof nearby.

As it landed on the roof, Batman grappled upwards, landing in front of the robot as Superman flew up.

"Stay back," Batman said, looking at Superman. "I'll take it from here."

Superman nodded before flying in a safe distance as AMAZO stood up and looked at Batman, scanning him.

"You don't have any powers," AMAZO said in a scoffing tone, wondering what this human could do to him.

"I have this," Batman said, pulling out a chunk of Kryptonite from his utility belt.

AMAZO gasped as he backed away from the glowing rock, feeling himself getting weaker. Meanwhile, an invisible Phantom flew down to the roof nearby, helping Hawkgirl up, who noticed what was happening. Soon, they saw AMAZO crawling desperately away from Batman, trying to get away from the stone.

"It's a package deal," Batman explained, pushing the Kryptonite closer to the weakening android. "You get our strengths, but you also get our weaknesses."

In a desperate attempt, AMAZO jumped off the building, right towards the river below. It landed with a splash, disappearing in the currents.

Once the android was gone, Batman put the Kryptonite back in his belt as Hawkgirl walked towards him, with Phantom turning visible.

"You always keep that thing with you?" Phantom asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Call it insurance," Batman said.

"You know those things can kill you," Phantom said in a deadpanned expression.

"Only in long exposures," Batman said, pulling out his grappler and grappling off the building.

"And they say I'm scary," Hawkgirl said with a smirk as she and Phantom flew after Batman, regrouping with the rest of the League.

Ivo's Estate…

Luthor was in the living room, which was converted into a lab, where he was repairing his robotic suit. As he repaired his suit, there was a knock on the door. He stopped his work and walked towards it, expecting his new, robotic muscle.

"Well?" he said as he grabbed the door. "Did you take care of-?"

He stopped when he saw that it wasn't the ten-foot AMAZO, it was Mercy Graves.

"Well, this is a surprise," Luthor said with a smirk as he let his guest in. "But not an unexpected one. To what do I owe this pleasure?"

He grabbed her chin, which she just responded with an emotionless look before she removed his hand.

"I'm just here to warn you that three of your friends came to see me," she said, causing Luthor's smirk to drop, replacing a frown.

"Did you tell them anything?" he asked.

"No, but it's only a matter of time before they figure out about Ivo, and about this place," Mercy said.

Luthor walked away from in anger, pushing a device out of his way, before grabbing a specialize case. He then pulled his suit apart, folding it before placing it in the case.

"Well?" he said, looking at Mercy. "Don't just stand there."

Mercy just looked at him before walking towards the suit, folding it and handing it to him, like she was trained to do it.


Phantom and Green Lantern flew through the river, looking for the android, with Hawkgirl flying above the river. After flying through the surprisingly clean river, Phantom and Green Lantern flew out as Hawkgirl landed next to Batman, Flash and Wonder Woman.

"No sign of Big, Tall and Shiny," Phantom said as he and Green Lantern powered down their shields.

"I scanned downriver," Superman said, descending towards them. "No trace."

"How do you lose something like that?" Phantom asked. If it was a Ghost, he would understand, since even the biggest Ghost monsters can turn invisible.

"We still need to deal with Luthor," Batman said with a frown.

"…GL, let's follow up on the lead with Ivo," Superman said, turning to his green-themed compatriot. "The rest of you keep looking for the android."

"What about J'onn?" Wonder Woman asked, worried for their alien friend.

"Good question," Batman said, also wondering about the Martian.

"We're not sure what's going on with him," Superman said to Wonder Woman. "See if you can find him."

"Of course," Wonder Woman said.

"Let me help," Phantom said. "We might find him faster with another pair of eyes."

Wonder Woman nodded before she flew off, followed by Phantom. Superman and Green Lantern flew towards a different direction, leaving Batman, Hawkgirl and Flash.

"Has anyone checked the sewers yet?" Batman asked, looking at the two.

"You know, I think Supes and GL could use some backup," Flash said before he quickly ran off, causing Hawkgirl to look at him with deadpanned eyes.

Meanwhile, J'onn was sitting on the rock in the middle of the forest, surrounded by the calm and quiet. He sat there, just thinking about his life, and he felt like he was stuck.

"I should not be surprised by their anger," J'onn said with a lost look. "But the sheer selfishness and violence, as well as the cheap attempt to hide their true feelings…Though you shouldn't care about any of that."

He turned to the wolf that was staring at him. How J'onn envied the wolf, since it follows its instincts, not its desires, unlike humans.

"At least you're honest…What am I fighting for? Who am I fighting for?"

He looked up into the night sky before the wolf suddenly heard something, scaring it away. J'onn looked and saw several lights coming towards him. He quickly hid behind the rock he was sitting on, peeking over it. There, he saw adults, dressed in jackets, looking worried.

"Jennifer!" one of them called as the adults separated, looking over every tree and rock. "Jennifer!"

J'onn just stayed behind his rock, watching and listening.

"Any sign of her?" the one leading the search asked, looking hopeful.

"Not yet," one of them said sadly.

"…Then we keep looking," the one leading them said sadly before walking to the next area.

J'onn looked at them go before noticing one stopping, rubbing his arms, shivering from the cold. Curious, he reluctantly peeked into the man's mind.

"I'm out here, freezing my butt off for a kid I don't know…but if it was my little girl, I'd be worried to death too."

"Hey guys, wait up!" the man said, hurrying towards them.

J'onn looked at the group before looking into their minds.

"That poor kid. I hope nothing bad happens to her."

"If only it was me that got lost."

"I don't care what it takes, I'll find her."

"I'll stay all night if I have too."

"She's just a little kid…she doesn't deserve this."

J'onn looked at them before he walked into the forest, eyes glowing.

Outskirts of Metropolis…

Superman, Green Lantern and Flash were travelling towards Ivo's estate after finding the address. After a few minutes, they spotted the estate.

"Race ya!" Flash exclaimed as he picked up the pace, outrunning the two, with only Superman keeping up. A few seconds later, Flash was in front of the door, followed by Superman. "I wi-!"

Flash grabbed the doorknob and turned it, causing the door to explode, sending hi flying a few feet away. Superman as unaffected as Flash quickly returned, frowning as he rubbed his head.

"Next time, you go first," Flash said to Superman as the two entered the estate, which was now on fire.

"Grab everything you can!" Superman said to Flash, who nodded and quickly grabbed the first thing he could get. "And watch out for the wind."

"What wind?" Flash asked, looking at Superman.

The answer he got was Superman taking a deep breath and blowing out the fire. Outside the estate, Green Lantern used his ring to make a giant hose, using the river to dose out the flames as Flash made a pile of boxes full of equipment and tools.

As the trio worked, they didn't notice AMAZO hiding behind a tree, watching with wide eyes as his home was on fire.

Soon, the fire was finally extinguished, and the three heroes regrouped in front of the pile Flash managed to salvage.

"Here's all the important stuff I can get. They could give us a lead to Luthor," Flash said.

"Any sings of ol' Egghead?" Green Lantern asked.

"No, the whole place is empty," Superman said, having checked earlier.

AMAZO, using his super hearing, sighed in relief before quietly flying away to look for Luthor.


In the middle of the city, in the middle of a bunch of warehouses, a sleek, black car stopped in front of a warehouse labeled 12. Luthor and Mercy opened it and entered the warehouse, which was dusty and full of old equipment.

"You'll be okay here for a while," Mercy said, looking at the old warehouse. "It still got the shielding you put in."

"You mean you didn't sell the lead for scrap?" Luthor asked as he looked at the dirty warehouse. "What would your accountant say?"

"Lex, I'm doing you a favor here," Mercy said, hiding the annoyance she was feeling from his condescending attitude towards her.

She not only helped him when he was in trouble, she managed to help him get away from the League and give him a safe hiding spot, and all he's done to her is talk down to her.

"No, you're not," Luthor said as he opened his case. Mercy just glared at him before she walked away, wanting to go back to work. Suddenly, Luthor grabbed her shoulder, forcing her to face him. "You're doing this because you want to."

"I don't know what you're talking about," Mercy said as Luthor held her close, smirking.

"Face it, Mercy, you miss me" Luthor said. "You miss this, the action, the excitement, the sense of transgression, the adrenaline pumping through your veins. Not to mention certain other things."

"…You're not good for me, Lex," Mercy said as she removed his hands off her and started walking away. "I realized that much. Just finish your suit and leave. This is the last time I'm helping you."

"Sorry, but I'll be here for a very long time," Luthor said with a smirk, causing Mercy to look at him, raising an eyebrow. "So get used to me being here."

"Are you crazy? You have the whole Justice League after you," Mercy said.

"I have a new ally taking care of that little annoyance," Luthor said, walking towards Mercy. "Soon, it'll be like old times. Maybe even better."

Mercy seemed interested at that last bit. She did help him escape, so maybe he'll finally treat her better.

Meanwhile, Phantom and Wonder Woman were flying towards the forest at the outskirts of Metropolis, having searched the city high and low, but still no sign of him.

"Are you sure he'll be here?" Wonder Woman asked, looking at Phantom.

"You told me J'onn looked distraught," Phantom said as they stopped at the middle of the forest. "Whenever I feel like that, I want to be alone. And where's more alone than in a forest?"

"But this is still a big place to look," Wonder Woman said, looking at the forest.

"I've been working on something that might help us," Phantom said as he raised his arms, his body glowing green. "It's a move where I release weak, ectoplasmic pulses that bounces back to me whenever they hit a living thing. I call it Ectolocation."

Wonder Woman watched as Phantom closed his eyes and the glow around him flashing. She could feel something lightly touching her, feeling the ecto-energy.

Phantom was using the energy to see the 'images' through his closed eyes. He can see the image of Wonder Woman beside him. From below, he could see small figures hidden in the trees, grounds and bushes, probably the animals in the forest.

He then felt a group of larger figures, probably a group of people. He finally found what he was looking for, a figure flying across the trees.

"Found him," Phantom said, opening his eyes. He flew towards where he felt J'onn, with Wonder Woman behind him.

Ivo's Estate…

As Superman and Green Lantern were looking through the files, Flash was walking around the estate, looking for clues. When he got to the corner, he stopped when he saw a hand sticking out from the freshly moved dirt.

"Guys! Over here!" Flash called out to them as he walked towards the hand. Superman walked and saw as Flash dug out the body, revealing a deadly pale man.

"Professor Ivo, I'm assuming," Flash said, having been used to seeing dead bodies in his line of work. "The water washed away some of the dirt covering him,"

"I don't think he'll be telling us if Luthor's been here," Superman said with a frown.

"C'mon," Flash said, gesturing at the burial. "This whole scorch earth deal, of course he's been here."

"And he's not the only one," Green Lantern said as he walked towards the two, carrying some files. "Guess who else has been here."

He showed them a blueprint of the robot, the word AMAZO printed on top.

"Batman was right," Superman said grimly. "Ivo, the android, Luthor; they're all connected."

"Yeah, even I can see it making sense," Flash said.

"There's more," Green Lantern said, pulling out another file. "The reason why Ivo built the duplication program was so the android could evolve."

"Evolve…Into what?" Superman asked, not wanting to know the answer.


AMAZO was flying through the night air, using its scanners to look for Luthor, but so far, he found nothing, and it was beginning to worry. It suddenly spotted a bald man leaning on the wall, talking to a cellphone.

It quickly flew towards him and was about to grab his shoulders when the man turned around. The man, who wasn't Luthor, gasped and backed away in shock as the android look disappointed before flying back into the air, ignoring the people pointing at him.

Growing in frustration, AMAZO started updating its scanner, using Superman's X-Ray vision, seeing through the walls of the buildings. It suddenly noticed one warehouse and was confused by why it can't see through it.

Inside, Luthor was repairing his suit as Mercy watches. Suddenly, the power went out again, much to Luthor's frustration.

"Not again!" Luthor exclaimed in annoyance before turning to Mercy. "You had to buy the cheapest wiring you could find? How am I supposed to get any work done!?"

"Just be happy you have a place to complain in," Mercy said, annoyed by his yelling.

Suddenly, the walls burst open, surprising the two. They saw a tall, hulking figure walking towards them. Panicked, Mercy pulled out the gun attached to her thigh under her skirt and started firing, but it didn't even flinch.

AMAZO then fired his heat vision on the gun, melting it, causing Mercy to drop the weapon and backing away from the robot.

"Calm down, she's fine," Luthor said, walking beside Mercy, causing the robot to stop.

AMAZO then looked at Mercy, starting at her long, slender legs, her hourglass figure and beautiful, yet stoic face.

"She's more than fine," AMAZO said, appearing beside Mercy in a flash of silver, leaning on the table so it could be close to her. "Hello~."

"Uh…what?" Mercy said, not sure how to react to a robot flirting with her.

"It's probably something it picked up," Luthor said with a smirk. "Remember that ally I told you about?"

"That thing?" Mercy said, looking at the robot that flirted with her. "Really?"

"I'm serious. Deadly serious," Luthor said, looking at Amazo. "Just ask the Justice League. Right, my friend?"

AMAZO didn't answer, causing Luthor to lose his smirk and walked towards AMAZO.

"Right?" he asked again, annoyed.

"Why did you leave the house?" AMAZO asked, looking at Luthor in agitation. "I had to look everywhere until I found this strange warehouse and you yelling."

"First things first," Luthor said in annoyance. "Did you finish the Justice League?"

"No," AMAZO replied.

"Then what are you doing here?" Luthor said in annoyance. "Get back out there!"

"Why?" AMAZO asked, its tone changing, surprising Luthor.

"Because I'm telling you!" Luthor exclaimed.

"That's not good enough anymore," AMAZO said, shocking Luthor, as the robot no longer seem willing to listen to him. Acting quickly, Luthor decided to guilt trip it.

"You don't want to help me get rid of the League? That's fine," Luthor said, turning away from AMAZO. "I'll do it myself."

Mercy narrowed her eyes as she watched Luthor and the android talk.

"It's not going to be easy with me against eight of them, and in my condition, I could get killed," he said with a sad expression before turning to AMAZO. "But it's better this way, for both of us. You have your own life to live now. I've done all I can for you. Go and be happy."

Soon, AMAZO loss its stern look, now looking guilty. Noticing this, Luthor decided to put the cherry on top by suddenly faltering as he held his chest, groaning in pain.

"…Go…" Luthor said as he leaned on the table. AMAZO walked towards Luthor and gently put a hand on his shoulder.

"I'll do it for you," AMAZO said, not seeing the victorious smirk on Luthor's face. "I'll destroy the Justice League."

AMAZO quickly flew through the hole he made as Luthor straightened up, smirking while Mercy frowned.

"Are you out of your mind messing with it like that?" she asked with a glare. "What happens when it finds out you were playing him? He can flatten you, Lex!"

"Your concern is touching, but not entirely unexpected," Luthor said with a humorous tone. "Professor Ivo took that into account when he built it."

He then pulled out a small trigger from his pocket, opening it, revealing a red button.

"This is a kill switch," Luthor explained. "There's a bomb planted in the base of its brain. And if it turns against me, all I need to do is press this little button."

"Does it know about that?" Mercy asked.

"He doesn't need to," Luthor said, pocketing the device with a cruel smirk. "He's going to do what I want out of love. It's so much more motivating than fear. Unfortunately, love seldom last forever."

Mercy then watched as Luthor went back to his armor, his words echoing in her mind.

"That we can agree on," she whispered quietly.


J'onn was flying through the top of the trees, using his powers to look for the little girl. All he could hear was the thoughts of the group looking for her, all worried and praying for her safety.

"Please Lord, let her be alright."

"Stay strong, got to keep looking."

"She's got to be here somewhere."

"Don't give up. I will find her."

"Daddy…Mommy…I'm sorry I ran away…I'm so scared…Please find me…"

J'onn stopped and turned to look at where that thought came from, flying towards it.

In the middle of the forest, a young girl wearing yellow pajamas and holding a stuffed rabbit was crying, hugging her toy and curling besides a rock, scared of the dark trees around her. Suddenly, a shadow covered her small figure, causing her to look up.

She saw Martian Manhunter, giving a small smile and a helping hand.

"Don't be afraid," he said kindly. "I'm here to help."

The girl looked at him before slowly accepting the hand, feeling the warmth spreading through her cold hands. J'onn picked her up and flew her through the trees, before spotting the group looking for her.

"Alright, let's fan out and sear-what?" the man stopped as J'onn landed in front of them. They then saw the girl in his arms. "It's her!"

"She's safe!"

"Thank goodness!"

"We found her!"

The group swarmed around J'onn as the man leading the group took the girl from Martian Manhunter's grasp while the people happily surrounded him, thanking him for finding her. Suddenly, he phased through the ground, shocking them.

He resurfaced just a few feet away, watching as the girl was hugged by her mother, who apologized to her. There was a small smile on his face, finally realizing that he was fighting for this.

"Found you," a voice said behind him, causing him to turn and saw Phantom and Wonder Woman, both looking happy to see him.

"You're not getting away that easy," Wonder Woman said. She then walked towards him and hugged him as Phantom flew next to him, patting his shoulder.

"You feeling better now?" Phantom asked as Martian Manhunter smiled at them.

"I am," he said as Wonder Woman let go.

"Good, because we're gonna need all hands-on deck," Phantom said as the trio flew to the sky, heading towards Metropolis.


Hawkgirl scanned the skies of Metropolis, looking for the android. Batman was on the streets, driving the Batmobile through the streets. Suddenly, she caught something from the corner of her eye, a flash of silver. She turned her head and saw AMAZO, causing her to swerve and fly after him.

"Batman, I found the android!" Hawkgirl said through the comms.


"His flying over downtown," Hawkgirl said as she kept tailing it.

"Keep on it, I'll tell the others," Batman said. "And one more thing; do not engage alone."

Batman turned the Batmobile around, going towards downtown as he contacted the rest of the League.

"The android is spotted over downtown," he said to the others.

"We'll be right there," Superman said.

"You better hang back," Batman said. "I'll be using the Kryptonite again."

"Understood," Superman said as Batman ended communications.

Near Metropolis, Phantom, Wonder Woman and Martian Manhunter flew as fast as they can towards downtown.

"You better stay back, J'onn," Phantom said. "This thing can copy powers by looking. If it sees you, then there's no way we can beat it."

"But I cannot just stand by," Martian Manhunter said.

"He's right, J'onn," Wonder Woman said. "Just wait until we have an opportunity."

Meanwhile, Hawkgirl was tailing AMAZO, unaware that the android noticed her. Suddenly, he turned around and fired a green beam from its ring. Hawkgirl blocked the beam with her mace, struggling to deflect it.

AMAZO then fired a second beam, this one trapping Hawkgirl. She struggled to get free but was helpless as AMAZO swung her around before slamming her to a rooftop, causing her to drop her mace. AMAZO landed in front of her, summoning its mace as Hawkgirl sat up.

AMAZO swung the mace, but Hawkgirl dodged and leaped towards it, punching its face, but it did little effect to it. It suddenly dodged, using Flash's speed, before smacking her with the mace, knocking her unconscious.

It walked towards her its intentions clear as it raised its mace.

"Some people never learn," a voice said, surprising it. It turned and saw Batman walking towards him. AMAZO was about to strike him, when Batman suddenly raised the Kryptoinite, causing AMAZO to weaken and fall to the ground. "I guess androids don't too."

"I learn…" AMAZO said weakly as it scanned the kryptonite. "But…I also adapt…evolve."

Suddenly, AMAZO slowly stood up, no longer affected by the radiation of the glowing rock. It grabbed the rock from Batman's hand before swiping him away, causing him to slam into a wall. AMAZO suddenly turned and saw Superman and Flash quickly going towards it.

AMAZO quickly threw the Kryptonite, hitting Superman, causing it to explode into dust, covering the Man of Steel with green powder. Flash quickly ran towards him. Seeing the dust, he used his hands, spinning them around to create whirlwinds to remove the radioactive dust.

Superman then weakly pointed behind Flash, who then moved to the side, missing a hammer fist from AMAZO, though the impact sent Superman flying off the building.

"Hey! Here I am!" Flash called to AMAZO, causing the android to look at him before disappearing.

"No, here!" AMAZO turned, but Flash disappeared.

"I'm over here!" Flash exclaimed before moving again as AMAZO turned.

"C'mon slowpoke! Over-," Flash stopped when AMAZO disappeared.

"Here," Flash turned and saw AMAZO behind him.

Flash threw lightspeed punches, but AMAZO dodged them before grabbing Flash by the neck.

"You're way too fast for me, bro," Flash grunted before pointing behind AMAZO. "But not him."

"Oldest trick in the bo-!" AMAZO scoffed, about to punch Flash, when a green blast hit it from behind, sending it tumbling across the roof. Green Lantern landed in front of it, ring at the read. He didn't notice AMAZO summoning its mace before throwing it at Green Lantern with its super speed, hitting Green Lantern on the gut, with Flash catching him.

Green Lantern then quickly made a dome as AMAZO appeared in front of them, smashing the dome with its mace. As it kept smashing, it didn't notice the mace lifted behind it. It swung to its head, knocking it away from the two.

It turned around, the mace hitting its face, causing it to stumble again. It didn't see Phantom holding on to Wonder Woman, who kept smashing the android with the mace. She then threw the mace at AMAZO, hitting its head, before pulling out her lasso and throwing it to the android's right hand. She suddenly appeared as she pulled on the android, throwing it overhead, smashing it to the ground.

AMAZO was about to grab the lasso, before a green beam caught its left hand, turning into a trapping mechanism. It turned and saw Green Lantern, straining to keep it at place. Suddenly, AMAZO felt itself sinking. It looked down and saw its legs turning transparent, phasing through the ground. A grappler suddenly wrapped around its neck before it was pulled back by Batman, who was using a ventilation fan as a pulley.

AMAZO was soon trapped as Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Phantom and Batman held it in place. AMAZO then saw Superman flying towards it with both fists raised, his intent clear. Just as Superman was about to punch through AMAZO, a green ray hit him from below, causing Superman to scream before crashing to the ground.

Luthor then appeared, wearing his newly repaired armor, smirking at Superman before turning to the other heroes. He fired at Green Lantern, causing him to lose his concentration, freeing AMAZO's left arm. AMAZO then grabbed the grappler and pulled Batman and threw him towards Wonder Woman, sending the two of them to the ground. Flash was running towards it with Hawkgirl's mace in his hand, but Luthor shot him on the back, sending him crashing to the ground. AMAZO then pulled itself out of the floor, pulling Phantom with it.

"So you're the runt that's been making it difficult," AMAZO said, grabbing Phantom by the throat before he could get away. Phantom turned invisible before AMAZO could scan him. "Not this time."

Phantom screamed as AMAZO used the electricity from Hawkgirl's mace to electrocute Phantom, causing him to become visible. He then scanned Phantom, taking in his physiology and powers. It's eyes glowed green before dropping Phantom, who fell on his knees.

He looked up and saw AMAZO turning pure white. He fired at Ghost Ray at the android, but a hole appeared on its chest, dodging the blast.

AMAZO then fired at Phantom, sending him to the edge, groaning in pain. It then turned to Luthor, who smirked.

"Now, let's finish them!" Luthor exclaimed, a grin on his face.

AMAZO nodded before looking at Phantom, who was slowly standing up. It walked towards him, summoning the mace, this time, the tip was glowing green.

As it was about to smash the mace on to Phantom, Martian Manhunter landed between them, standing in front of Phantom.

"Stop," he said calmly. "We are not your enemies."

AMAZO looked at the Martian before at Luthor, confused since this one didn't attack him like the rest did.

"You know what to do," Luthor ordered, causing AMAZO to look at Martian Manhunter, who didn't move.

"Yes, you know," he said as he stood there, letting the android scanned him. Now, he has all the powers, strength and skills of the entire Justice League, making Luthor smirked.

"Nothing can stop you now," he said as he gestured at the beaten Justice League. "You have all their powers."

"That's right," Martian Manhunter said. "Use them wisely."

AMAZO stared at the Martian before to the one who claimed to be its friend. As it evolved, it began to think, using the deductive and reasoning skills of Batman, seeing that Luthor wasn't acting like he claimed he was. It started reading his mind without him knowing, and its eyes widened from the truth.

"You lied to me!" AMAZO said, pointing accusingly at Luthor, who backed away in shock. "Everything was all a lie! You used me!"

"I don't know what you're talking about," Luthor said, trying to calm AMAZO down.

"I've read your mind, Lex," AMAZO said, causing Luthor's eyes to widen before he smirked.

"Then I guessed you know what this is," he said, pulling out the trigger. "And I'm willing to use it."

AMAZO went to grab it, but Luthor pressed the button, causing AMAZO's head to blow up, shocking the rest of the heroes. Luthor looked at the headless android with a smirk, before the head suddenly regrew, shocking him.

"That won't work on me," it said, eyes glowing green.

Luthor attempted to fly away from AMAZO, but before he could get a few feet away, AMAZO raised its hands, which glowed green. Soon, Luthor's body was covered in green energy, shocking him as he felt himself being pulled towards the android.

Once he was within its grasp, AMAZO started destroying Luthor's armor. The heroes all stood up and watched as the android turned against its master.

"Would be nice if we let them waste each other," Flash commented.

"Yeah, but that's not our style," Hawkgirl said as they walked towards the android, but Martian Manhunter stopped them.

Luthor struggled as AMAZO tear off his suit, from his gauntlets, to his boots. It was then going to grab his chest plate, the only thing keeping him alive. Phantom, despite what Luthor did to them, couldn't let that happen.

"Stop!" Phantom said, appearing in front of AMAZO before he could kill Luthor. "That's enough, you've beaten him."

"No more….please," Luthor begged and whimpered, curling around the chest plate, the thing keeping him alive.

"Why are you helping him?" AMAZO asked, looking at the young hero. "He wanted to destroy you and your friends."

"Because I'm not like him," Phantom said, causing AMAZO to look at him curiously. "And neither are you. You have all these amazing powers. Don't waste it on revenge. Don't become like him."

AMAZO stared at Phantom before at Luthor, who looked so small and frail to him. It then turned to the Justice League, who just looked at it, watching what it will do.

"You're right," it said, looking at Phantom. "I'm not him. I'm something more than him."

AMAZO then looked up into the stars, scanning them. Soon, its body released a white, cosmic glow before floating into the heavens, disappearing until it was nothing more than a twinkle like the million stars above them.

"…Where will it go?" Wonder Woman asked as they all looked at the night sky.

"To a place where gods belong," Martian Manhunter replied, causing a scoff. They all turned and saw Luthor, who no longer looked afraid now that the android was gone.

"Please," he said as the Justice League looked at him. "Just because that pile of scrap has all your powers, doesn't mean it's a god."

"Then why do I have a feeling that when he comes back, you'll be praying on your knees," Superman said as he grabbed Luthor, who just glared at him.

Phantom looked at the stars, wondering what that android will do in the space beyond them.

"You okay, kid?" Flash asked, looking at Phantom.

"Yeah," Phantom said, before smirking. "I'm just worried how many alien girls that android's gonna fight off after it uses your flirting methods."


A Few Days Later…

Mercy was in her office, having heard what happened to the android and the capture Luthor. Suddenly, her phone started ringing, causing her to pick it up.

"They're only giving me one phone call, so you better pay attention! I need the best lawyers you can get! I don't care what you pay them with, just make sure I get them! And doctors, I need them as well-!"

Mercy put the phone down, ending the call, not a sign on her face showing what she was feeling, except for the small smirk she has.

And boom! Finally done with the chapter. Sorry it took a year, but you know what they say, slow and steady wins the race! I'm near my goal of 1000 reviews! Already reached 1000 favs and follows! Thank you all for the love and support of this story!

Hope you enjoyed that little Infinity War Easter Egg I did, as well as the small Endgame Easter Egg. Fans will know what I mean, hehehe.

Well, another year is ending. Hope you guys had a good one. Next chapter, into the world of dreams! See you later, and Happy Holidays!