Jeff: You bet your sweet guest-reviewing ass it does.

NeroSyrix: The idea of making him really angry at them didn't occur to me until I had already written out half of this chapter, so as much as that would make sense, I'm too far gone. Plus, let's be real, cheating would probably not be the first thing on Lincoln's mind when he discovered them like that.

Sometimes life just doesn't make sense, and you're confronted by something so odd that you don't even know what to say - probably because there's nothing to say. That was the mood of the room when Lincoln stumbled in and got a good look at his girlfriend having sex with her parent. So many feelings splashed around in Lincoln's brain; everything, from confusion to disgust.

The fact that there were two pretty women, naked and doused in pheromones, in front of him didn't exactly help.

"Lincoln..." Stella started.

"Is this what you wanted to tell me about?"

Stella shivered at the lowness of his voice – it sounded deathly. She paused to pick her words carefully. "Well… yes. And no. It's-"

"It's what?"

Stella had no idea what she could even say to him. She realized how stupid she had been to not plan for this. She desperately looked to her mother for help. Her mother looked down at her, nodded, then leaned in to whisper something in her ear. Lincoln didn't even bother trying to listen in. She was probably speaking foreigner.

As soon as Stella's Mom stopped chattering in her daughter's ear, Stella slowly got out of bed, eyeing Lincoln with nervous trepidation, like he was a hibernating bear ready to wake up and maul someone. She reached down to the ground and grabbed some of her clothes, and put on as much as she could as quickly as she could. Not enough to be decent, but enough to not be completely nude. Licking her lips, she tested the waters by taking a closer step towards Lincoln. He didn't react in any way, so she walked over to him. He lowered his head as she came closer, and by the time she was by his side, she felt like a giant towering over a defeated man.

Strong guilt came with that.

As her parent had instructed, Stella took the young man's hand in her own. She expected him to flinch and pull it away, but all he did as she took his limp hand was look into her eyes. Stella gasped. She had expected anger to fill his pupils, but all that was in his eyes was… well, it would hard to describe it with any other word than "lost."

He was lost. Because of her. And it was up to her to make things right.

Leading him by hand, Stella brought him to the bed, ignoring how he violently flinched. When she seated him, she glanced at her mother for confidence, then looked back at Lincoln. "Lincoln, there's something I've been meaning to tell you this entire time," she started, "and I guess now's… it's not the best time for it, but the best times for it are gone. Um… heh, this is actually pretty hard to say-"

"Lincoln, Stella is a nymphomaniac," her mother blurted.


"N-Nymphomaniac?" Lincoln repeated weakly.

Stella looked back to him, shame dancing in the corners of her eyes. Biting down lightly on her lip, she nodded. "It's true," she whispered. "I'm a… nymphomaniac. Nympho for short. Er… that's what I've been wanting to tell you this whole time."

Hearing his girlfriend admit to him that she was a nympho was probably one of the strangest things that ever happened to Lincoln. It was almost stranger than walking in on her having sex with her mom. A part of Lincoln rejected it, but it still simmered in his mind. It helped that his everyday life was so full of the unorthodox. Things that were unusual were easier for him to digest.

Still, he needed a real explanation. He glared at the two women, who both grinned sheepishly at him.


Lincoln listened with a dumbfounded expression as the two women explained their situation. When they started, he had no idea how they could possibly even hope to explain everything away, but they did, and the explanation they gave was almost as unbelievable as... well, everything else in the past ten minutes.

If Stella and her mother were to be believed, then all of this was happening because of a strange genetic trait that ran in their family. A lot of families had distinctive features that were passed down through the generations – certain eye colors, certain talents, certain diseases, the like – but what afflicted Stella, her mother, and presumably all the women in their family line was nymphomania. A strong type of inherited nymphomania, which caused severe pain when not, ahem, tended to. In their family, sex was a necessity to just be functional. It didn't even really matter who the sex was with. It could be with boys or girls… or family members…

"So the reason you two were having sex," Lincoln said, "is because you have to or you'd go insane? Am I getting this right?"

Stella and her mom both nodded.

"And this isn't the first time you've done it with each other, right?"

"Ever since Stella had her first period and became a woman," Stella's Mom said proudly.

"Gross." Lincoln rolled his eyes. "Assuming I even believe you, how would this even happen? How is this even possible? Is this genetic or… what?"

"Some in our family say that it's a curse from a long time ago, when one of our ancestors was cursed by a gypsy they refused to bed. But others say it's a strange strand of DNA that causes stronger feelings of arousal than the rest of the populace. In either case, it is what it is."

"I-I guess," Lincoln uncomfortably said. He then focused on Stella. "And this is what you've been trying to tell me? That you're… like this?"

"Yes." Stella rubbed her arm, ashamedly trying to avoid his glare. "I'm sorry. I should've told you sooner. Or maybe I shouldn't have even dated you at all. I just thought that, when I stared going out with you, I might be able to be normal. Have a normal relationship, a normal life. But I guess that was all just me playing pretend."

"Stella, I-"

I what? Go on, Lincoln, tell her. Tell her I what.

The condescending voice in his head was right – what was he even supposed to say to that? She should have told him sooner. She shouldn't have lied to him this entire time. Seriously, they had been dating for months, how did she never bring up the subject of sex? Shyness? Could nymphos even feel shyness?

This might be my fault, though, Lincoln figured. Looking back, he could kinda see that Stella had dropped subtle hints that she wanted him to sleep with her. Like that time she walked in on him using the bathroom… the boy's bathroom. At school. Then stayed for a little too long. And then she made a comment about how he had a nice dick.

Okay… maybe she wasn't too subtle about it. Lincoln felt like an idiot.

"Okay, even if I do believe that you have this sorta problem… why each other? Like… don't you get how gross that is?!"

"Oh, spare me, Lincoln Loud," said Stella. "You have, what, ten sisters? Five of them older than you? They're pretty attractive. You're telling me you never had thoughts about them."

His cheeks reddened. He shook his head to deny it, but he knew he was lying. He wasn't proud to admit it, but sometimes he peeked in on Lori when she was changing, and sometimes he accidentally stumbled into Luna and Luan's room and accidentally found his hand in one of their underwear drawers… b-but that was completely different! Even at his most depraved, he never thought about putting his dick in any of them. And if his sisters were bad... his stomach violently turned when he pictured sticking it in his own mother…

"Look, I know this is a lot to handle," Stella said consolingly, "and I know a lot of this is my fault for not being honest with you, but… this is just who we are. I know you're grossed out, and I can remember what that's like… but honestly, that's why we brought you on this trip with this."

The boy's eyebrows twitched. He suspected that he knew what she was going to say next, but couldn't be too sure…

"My mom and I brought you out here to this cabin because… well, I think you have some idea of what two kids in love in the woods do," Stella said with a cautious smile. "My original plan was to tell you about my condition and see how you'd react… and if things went well, and we… did it, then I'd also tell you about my mom and-"

"Are you saying that you want me- er, us to have s-sex?"

"Straight to the point. I like that," said Stella's Mom.

"Yes, that's what I'm saying," affirmed Stella.

Lincoln shook his head. "No way," he said. "I can't do that. Not after everything. And especially not with someone else in the room."

"But there has to be someone else in the room," Stella's Mom said. Then she put on a smirk, coy and teasing. "That's the way a threesome works, after all."

"A what?" Lincoln felt like he had just been jolted by electricity. A threesome? Th-there was no way he was going to do that! Even if the other two involved were both incredibly attractive and beautiful and were clearly down for anything…

"Oh, fine," Stella's Mom uttered with a roll of her eyes. "Maybe we're not there yet, but Lincoln, your girlfriend is offering you a chance to finally lay with her. Are you really going to let this chance pass? Or are you going to be a man and take it?!"

"I… I… I'm still trying to wrap my head around the idea that you two have sex with each other!"

The adult woman smirked.

"You know what they say, Lincoln Loud… seeing is believing..."

Lincoln understood what she was getting at, loud and clear. His moral conscience tried to oppose it, tried to convince him to leave them behind and walk back to Royal Woods (on foot if he had to). He doubted that they were going to tie him down and rape him if he refused. But... he didn't refuse. There was something about the seductive look Stella's Mom gave him that kept him frozen in place. He was curious, and that perverse sense of curiosity kept him still, even as Stella and her mom wrestled his pants off of him.

They knelt before him like devout worshipers, each taking an eyeful of his penis. His embarrassment and excitement worked together send blood to his boner. As it grew hotter and larger, Lincoln watched Stella blushed and Stella's mother lick her lips. The tiger mom seemed more like a cougar mom as she reached to touch him, but at the last moment, pulled her hand away. She looked at her daughter, smiled, and said, "He is your boyfriend. You should be his first. And I believe this is your first time with a man… better that it's him."

Lincoln sighed at what Stella's Mom said. Lincoln would not have taken the news that she had slept with other men lightly. The incest thing was one thing, but doing other guys? That was a deal-breaker.

Stella seemed reluctant to touch Lincoln's cock, out of nervous more than anything. It was up to her mother, like the helpful guide she was, to put her hands around Stella's face, brush some of her stray long hairs to the side, and gently push her closer to Lincoln's groin. The hot smell of male musk burned her nostrils. It didn't repel her, though. If anything, it brought her magnetically closer.

"Ahh!" Stella opened her mouth and let the strong, clean penis enter her mouth. Her teeth scraped the shaft as it filled her oral cavity, and by the time the tip poked the back of her throat, her lips were kissing his groin. Her gag reflex activated, but her mother whispered sweetly into her ear, telling her to suppress it.

She didn't want to let her Mama down, so she did her best.

Lincoln was heaving and red-in-the-face. He couldn't believe that his dick was in Stella's mouth. The sensation was amazing; wet, warm, and tight enough to make him want to pop. His entire body tingled as short bursts of pleasure racked his nerves. His toes curled in his socks, and his hands gripped the bedsheets. The fact that they were having sex with a chaperon around didn't even bother him anymore, so long as he got more of this amazing feeling.

Stella's Mom made sure to be slow as she moved her daughter's head along Lincoln's length. Her tongue squirmed and wiggled underneath the weight of his cock, adding to the pleasure. His dick tasted like something, but Stella just couldn't put it into words. It was… fleshy. And meaty. But most of all…

It's really, really good!

She began to move independently of her mother, her mouth sliding across his wet, cum-coated rod with the speed of an ice skater. She also tried twirling her tongue around his penis, and judging from the moans she heard, it was working. Despite the perversion of it all, his moans in her ears made Stella blush and smile (as much as she could smile). After months of mommy-daughter sex, this felt… pure.

"Oh, Stella," he groaned her name. By now, his hips were starting to buck, and Stella struggled to juggle his motions and her own. There needed to be a perfect balance, and she slowed and quickened at various times to meet his rocking hips. She also disengaged her jaw to give her boyfriend more room. She felt another pair of hands grab the back of her head, and soon it was Lincoln directing her movements. He threw his head back as he pushed her in and out of his crotch. It felt natural, like she was a part of him.

His dick pulsated, and his cockhead leaked on her tongue. A special sauce for the meaty meal, she figured. She let him use her mouth while she cradled and played with his balls. Below, she spread her legs wide, allowing her mother, bent over behind her, to alternate between licking her vagina and her asshole while she viciously fingered her MILF pussy.

They came together, in a sequence that was not unlike a set of dominoes falling in order. Lincoln ejaculated in Stella's mouth, and the shock of the flash flood of warm liquid in her mouth triggered her own orgasm. As she sprayed her parent in the face, her mother came as well, soiling the rug beneath her.

Stella let Lincoln's deflating cock out of her mouth, and a steady stream of whiteness poured out onto it. "Gross," Lincoln said, but with a small chuckle. Stella giggled as well, but it was mostly from the ticklish sensation of the warm breaths on her sensitive clit.

"Stella," she heard her mother say, "don't you think it's time you finally let yourself get taken by a man?"

Stella swallowed nervously. "Like… sex?"

The older woman nodded. She planted herself on the bed. Her legs spread, and her knees sunk into the mattress as she propped herself up. Smirking gently as she watched Stella rise up from the floor and get on the bed as well, she couldn't help but also notice that Lincoln's eyes flickered between his girlfriend and her. It made her heart beat; boy or not, it was nice to be noticed by men.

Stella lay flat against the bed, her hardening nipples aimed at the ceiling. The older woman straddled her daughter's face, sinking on it with a soft moan of pleasure. Stella grabbed onto her mom's hips to better position herself for what was to come. Lincoln positioned himself as well; he spread Stella's legs, and a gooey vagina met him. With a grin worthy of the Cheshire Cat, Lincoln wet two of his fingers with his tongue and used them to stroke Stella's sex. The girl convulsed, clamping her legs around his hand to keep it there forever.

"Stella, honey, you have to open up," her mother advised.

Stella's answer for her was too muffled for either of them to hear, but she reluctantly opened up her legs nonetheless. They parted like curtains, allowing Lincoln to gaze upon the main attraction. He took his cock in his hand, stroking it back to size. Then he took aim and plunged his spear into Stella, striking right at her most sensitive nerves. Her whimpers were muffled, but from the way her toes curled, Lincoln could tell she was enjoying it.

"Excellent, ah, Lincoln," Stella's Mom said, her voice breaking as Stella began assaulting her pink pussy. She wiggled her hips, smearing her tartness all over the young teen's tongue, and allowing waves of pleasure to wash over her. Stella's tongue squirmed the more the faster Lincoln fucked her, so Stella's mom did her best to ensure he's keep up his speed.

And what speed he had! His lower body turned into a blur from how fast he was rutting into her. A long, perfect tube of flesh, decorated with a long, blueish vein, flew in and out of her. The sound of Lincoln and Stella's intercourse was as wet and lewd as it looked; fleshed smacked against flesh, and lubricant generated by their own bodies made turned the smacks into splats. Stella's Mom watched the white-haired boy fucking her daughter with eyes of envy and desire. She needed to have her turn with him. But for now, she satisfied herself with Stella's warm mouth.

The girl in the middle of the threesome violently grabbed her breasts and began playing with them while she enthusiastically licked her mother and let her boyfriend have his way with her. Her body jolted with every thrust into her, and her boobs, as small as they were, jiggled. Only her hands could keep them still… and make them feel s-so gooooood!

Lincoln felt his nuts constrict again, and out of instinct picked up the pace. He grabbed her hips and held onto them as he rutted into her at a faster pace. His length slid in and out like a snake leaving then returning to the burrow. He wasn't going to last much longer, but he'd be damned if he didn't make it count…

"Stella, baby, faster," Stella's Mom moaned. She too was close to orgasm. Her meaty thighs shook like jelly as she bounced on her daughter's face. Stella's tongue-lashings were even better than usual, and they were quickly sending her over the edge. She felt a rushing tidal wave pour into her basin; just a few more licks would open it up… she brought herself down hard on Stella's face, giving the girl's tongue as much space as it needed…

Stella's Mom screamed as she finally climaxed. A riptide of pleasure shot through her body and out of her motherhood. Stella opened her mouth and drank everything that poured out of the vagina that she had once came out of. Stella was always impressed by her mother's ability to squirt, and made sure to drink it in like a dutiful daughter.

Seeing Stella's beautiful mother in the throes of orgasm proved too much for Lincoln. With what sounded like a war cry, he buried his shaft as deeply inside Stella as he could and threw himself on her. The two hugged and held each other as they rode out their collective orgasm together. The girl held him tightly as she felt gallons of his white-hot cum dirty her insides. His hips rocked weakly with every new rope of semen that his cock pumped into her. The sheer pleasure of it all made Stella's breath hitch; she could see stars in front of her eyes, and the whole room seemed dizzy and hazy, only the sights and smells of sex making their way to her messed-up brain.

The boy and older woman got off of her, leaving her a leaking, cumming mess on the bed. Her face was warped with euphoria, so much so that it unnerved Lincoln. "Is she alright?" he asked Stella's Mom.

"She's fine," she answered. "It's just… overload, I suppose is the right word. It happens. She'll be over it soon."

"Oh… good. I guess."

"Now, Lincoln… I think there's only one way to end this properly," the cougar purred. Her hand ran over her long leg, and she grinned sultrily at Lincoln. Lincoln felt his mouth water, but before he went forward, he cast a guilty look at Stella. Stella's mother, seemingly reading his mind, said, "Don't worry, she said it was okay. She knows it's been a long time since I had a man, and she was willing to give you up for me for a night."

"Really? Huh. That's… neat."

"She's a good girl," the MILF said fondly. "I know I'm a bit too harsh on her sometimes, but she's a good girl."

They gave the good girl her room to recover. Lincoln planted himself up against the bedpost, his sweaty shoulder-blades poking the hard wood on his back. Stella's mother, never losing her smirk, straddled the boy. The lips of her cunt wiggled all over his reinflating cock, as if they were giving it a sloppy kiss. She grabbed Lincoln's shoulders to steady herself, let his penis inflate until its beady point was aimed at her belly bottom, and took his cock and stuffed it inside her. When the tip of his dick touched her pussy, she sank on it, letting it spread her walls as far as it could.

And believe me, his cock spread them far.

Sitting on his dick, she whimpered as she felt his large dick throbbing inside her. She could barely move. When her insides finally adjusted to the boy's size, she began to rock her hips and bounce on his pillar. Thin jolts of bliss ransacked her body – within moments, she became a slave to her powerful, overwhelming need to come.

He may not have been Stella's dad (what a man he was, wew) but he was surprisingly close. And watching the little shota's face twist with glee warmed her heart.

Nymphomanic or not, she appreciated the emotions in sex.

Lincoln reached up and grabbed her hips so strongly that it hurt her. She stopped bouncing in favor of letting him ravage her. His thrusts started out slow, but soon increased in both strength and speed. The bed creaked noisily as Lincoln pounded his girlfriend's mom.

He closed his eyes as he gave in to pleasure. It helped him get into the motions; their hips were humping together, their sexes colliding and striking each other with the force of pistons. He was so wrapped in the bliss of the moment that he didn't even notice Stella's Mom wrapping her arms around him and pulling him in closer. He only noticed when he felt his face press against her body. He opened his eyes and looked upwards, at which point she swooped down to seize his mouth with her own.

Her kiss was tender and laced with a sweet taste – something along the lines of cinnamon. As he tried to put it down exactly, he tongue-wrestled the middle-aged woman, never ceasing in thrusting his hips and plunging his cock into her depths.

When their kiss ended, Stella's Mom, in a ragged whisper, said, "Lincoln, lick my breasts."


"Just do it, Lincoln! Lick me!"

His mouth went down to her dark and succulent nipples. He wet his lips before he planted a careful kiss on her right boob. She moaned, her entire body quaking. Emboldened, Lincoln swirled his tongue around her nub, and began to suckle on it. His hand went to her other breast; his palm was slapped flat against it, and he played with her flesh from there.

She was close now; Lincoln could hear it in her animalistic pants and feel it from the clenching of her walls. Still keeping himself firmly inside her, he fell upon her so that he was on top of her. Before she could adjust to their new position, Lincoln went as fast as he could in fucking her. The meaty slaps of his ballsack against her ass amplified, and his burning cock rutted into her with such velocity that the women clenched her fists, bit down hard, and…

She let out a mighty scream as hit her climax. Her insides squeezed Lincoln's dick with enough strength to squeeze out his orgasm as well.

Just as he did with Stella, the youth clung to his woman as they rode out their climaxes together. But it was different now; the way she stroked his hair and let him bury his face in her chest… there was something maternal about how she held him.

Lincoln was too tired to say anything. He simply rolled off her, flopped onto his stomach, and let himself fall asleep.

"Poor things," Stella's Mom said as she surveyed the two teens, both coated in sweat and cum. She grabbed the blanket that had been thrown to the ground, covered them both with it, and kissed them both on the forehead before she left the room. She went down to the bathroom and entered the shower. As the warm water began to pour on her, she smirked to herself.

From now on, she thought, Lincoln will come with us on all our trips.

With that pleasantry in mind, she reached for the soap and started cleaning herself.

Fun fact: Back in the Mesozoic Era (the dinosaur age), days were only 23 hours.

What does this have to do with anything, you ask? Nothing. I just felt like spewing a random factoid.