The sky was it's now normal combination of pink, purple and blue, the landscape was a weird mixture of a modern little town from california and an old medieval kingdom and on the road of this weird place was a man riding a live dragon whose front and hind claws were clutching a wheel each and both were being put to good use as the dragon was traversing as if it was a motorcycle.

The dragon had a collar with a name plate "NACHOS" it read, the dragon's owner was wearing a helmet, a red hoodie with a small coat of arms where the raider's heart would be, a pair of plain jeans, sneakers and a pair of fingerless gloves to grip the dragon's horns like handlebars.

The unusual motorcycle finally pulled up on a house with an excessive amount of cacti on the lawn and on pots by the windows, the man took off his helmet to reveal brunette hair, tanned skin and a beauty mark under his right eye, he hadn't reach the front door before it bursts open, Three people came running out of the house all of them excited with arms outstretched.

"BROTHER!" said a little kid around 5 years old, her skin a darker shade of brown from her brother.

"MIJO!" Said a big, burly man with a short mustache other than that he looked like the man on the front lawn.

"MY BABY!" Said a woman with puffy, brown hair that reached her waist, her green eyes leaking tears that were running her makeup down her light skin.

The man in question opened his arms wide and was thrown into the ground by the little stampede of his family, all of them roared with laughter on the floor and as soon they got their bearings enough to sit, the burly man said.

"So glad you are taking some time off Sir. Marco Royal Guard" Marco looked into his father's eyes, gave a weak smile and blushed.

"Come on in mijo, there is so much to talk about...and I think we are bothering the neighbors" a fish like person was looking at them with a frown from the house in front of theirs.

*Inside the house*

Father and son were sitting on the couch on the living room all the while Marco was bouncing his little sister on his knee, the little girl was giggling and saying "Yay! Unicorn! Faster!".

"So mijo, how is work?"

"You know it's been surprisingly quiet, the feral monsters around Mewni Creek have just disappeared, the assassinations attempts on Eclipsa and Star have gone down from fifteen every week to one or two every other month, heck even Mina has been quiet lately" Marco said with some worry on his voice.

"Ohhhh, listen to my young man, all serious and business like, and to think we both believed you would end up like a store clerk or something since you dropped out of highschool to go to another dimension...if you ever came back home that is" Marco's mother Angie entered the room sporting a huge plate of nachos and a sly grin.

"Mom! I was going to a certain kind of curricula on mewni it's just that it wasn't something recog...I really must have worried you back then, didn't I?" Marco tried to defend himself only to realize he might have been in the wrong there.

"AHAHAHAHA! Mijo no worries, not only you came back home, you brought the source of income you learned over on mewni back home" His father Rafael patted Marco's back a bit harder that intended.

"Yeah...but I promise, no more of that, I won't worry you any more" Marco stopped bouncing his sister Mariposa and grabbed her to look her on the eyes, after a little staring match Marco held the little girl into a tight hug.

"You are my family, I can't keep doing that to you guys, that's just irresponsible and selfish" Marco said with a hint of sadness.

"Mijo, just who is the father here?" Rafael said with a serious tone.


"Mijo, I love you and this family more than I will ever do anything else on my life but I'm your father my job is to worry about you, pull your ears if I think that's what you need, be there to be your last line of defense when everything else has failed and support you with gritted teeth if I think you are putting your whole life down the drain but you are absolutely sure you are doing the right thing" Rafael got a bit too passionate on that last part and now noticed his whole family looking at him with worried eyes.

"Ehehehe, what I'm trying to say mijo is that you are nineteen, you ARE irresponsible and selfish and I'm here to help you with YOUR mistakes while you are learning not to be, I'm not old enough for you to start worrying about me" Rafael sat down and put his thick arm around his son's neck.

"Ok, got it dad, when can I start worrying about you?" Marco said with a little smile.

"Let's start by not being worried about some slow time at work, I know for sure that someone that can't conceive a job with a bit of peace and quiet isn't someone I want taking care of me, specially since that peace and quiet is probably because he is just that good at his job" Rafael winked at his son, Marco gave him a wide smile, let Mariposa on the couch and stood up straight with a serious face.

"Noted, Sir!" He gave a salute and a little giggle something the entire family joined in.

"Well Sir. Knight, it's getting a bit late but let's finish these nachos first and then we go to sleep, that includes you my Mariposita" Angie gestured towards the youngest member of the family.

"YEAH! Staying up late!" Mariposa jumped from excitement and threw herself to the nachos.

"Hey! Leave some for us" Marco said while getting a handful of nachos.

The family kept happily chatting and eating well into the night.

*That night on the bath*

Marco was just getting out of the shower, drying himself with a towel and stopping when he saw his abdomen, he went to stand in front of the large mirror on the bathroom to look at it closely, a black mark that has been there for five years now, just remembering being stabbed by a crazed unicorn on a dimension made of pure magic made him shudder but that mark would not be that bad if it hasn't been steadily growing these past years, from a spot on his stomach it grew to now reach his right pectoral and side, it also was now invading his left side.

"Everything is ok, everything is ok, everything is ok" after a small sigh Marco quickly dressed himself.

"Mijo, you done in there?" Rafael knocked on the door with some worry.

"Yes dad, wanna come in? I'm done" Marco said while tucking his pajama shirt on his pants just to be safe.

"Oh thanks mijo" Rafael entered with nothing but boxers on showing his gigant and hairy body, Marco cringed a little at the sight.

"But stay here a bit will ya, mijo?"

"What for?" Rafael smiled a little while applying shaving cream on his face.

"How are things with Star?" Rafael asked playfully, after a little awkward silence Marco finally responded.

"Everything is ok, nothing new has really happened, we still go on weird adventures if the schedule allows it, we kiss some times and some of those times is us sneaking out of some boring royal duty"

"Great! so my grandkids are coming along fine then?" This took Marco by surprise.

"Dad! There are zero possibilities that they are coming along" A blushing Marco frowned and crossed his arms.

"Wrapping your tool, smart move, you have to be sure you found the right one first, but come on mijo, five years of relationship and let's not forget how many times you just left everything behind to follow her, I think you are sure enough of the little princess" Rafael gave him a big knowing smile.

"Dad! That's not it, she hasn't even seen me shirtless yet" He shouldn't have said that, his father stopped shaving, grabbed his kid's shoulders and saw him with a piercing stare that the reminder of the shaving cream on his face couldn't deter.

"Mijo if this is being insecure about your size, let me tell you" Rafael was serious, Marco's head was going a mile a minute.

"Come on Marco! How do you get out of this?"

"I already know enough about using it ok?" Marco said nervously.

"With that Jackie girl mijo? Did you two sincerely got out of it that disappointed" Rafael went from worry to pity.

"No dad, I didn't do anything with Jackie either"

"Then how do you know how to use it mijo? Was it that Kelly I have heard about some times? And I know I've heard Star complain about some Heckapoo, also Janna hung out on your room a lot, she told me you even gave her a copy of the house key" His father was now trying to brute force his way to the bottom of this.

"No! Dad, nothing of the was...hmmm...Videos on the internet?" Marco said slowly and embarrassed, his father wasn't impressed.

"Yeah, we reallyyyyy need this talk" Rafael declared.

"Think Marco! Think! I can just confess that I have a growing black spot on my torso that I don't want Star to se...I'll just take the dumb talk, I'm going to have nightmares tonight"

*Tomorrow morning*

Marco was preparing Nachos for a ride, his whole family went to watch him.

"Did something came up Marco?" Angie asked a bit worried.

"You are leaving already brother?" Mariposa asked choking back tears.

"Nope, I'm going to stay here for three more days, I just need to run some errands, I'll be back soon"

"Would you be mad at me if I said that I wish the people on your line of work had an early retirement, we miss you a lot here" Rafael like his daughter was choking back tears and gave his son a light hug.

"Heh, hard to be mad with that last part, sadly some knights keep working almost for life, you know, unless I get irreparably injured" Marco said, he then noticed his mother gave him a glare that could put every other glare he had ever received to shame.

"Not saying it's gonna happen, what I'm saying is early retirement sounds good but not very likely" Marco said nervously while reving Nachos, when his dragon took flight he turned to his family.

"I'll be back by lunch"

*At a doctor's office*

"So Sabrina, what's your take now?" Marco was sitting without his shirt on.

Sabrina Backintosh was a lot more confident now than how she was on high school, getting away from Brittney Wong seemed to have been a great thing for her, she was now on college to become a doctor and helped her parents on their office on the outskirts of Mewni Creek, which were great news for Marco.

"The same as all the other times...I'm stumped" the tall woman looked at him with worried green eyes, her slightly long brown hair that she usually had on a pony tail was now on a prim and proper bun.

"Yep, the same thing I've been getting all along" Disappointed Marco put on his clothes once again.

"I've been trying to learn about sicknesses and poisons from Mewni since you confided that little problem of yours to me" Sabrina got near a bookshelf filled with older books.

"But I got nothing by investigating unicorns, no spell that has this particular effect, no feral monster or magical creature venom that causes this reaction" Sabrina took a book and started checking it fast while pacing, to suddenly trip on her own two feet, Marco cached her before she hit the floor.

"And you are still as accident prone as before" Marco said while both locked eyes with each other, Sabrina's cheeks became beet red and on a panic took the book she had on hand and hit him on the head with it.

"Ok, she is still a bit of an anxious girl"

"You have a girlfriend!" while Marco flinched with the hit, he didn't let go of Sabrina till he got her to her feet.

"You're welcome" Marco said while rubbing his head and took a deep breath.

"Why are you even checking spells and magical creatures anyways, magic no longer exist, me and Star destroyed it, remember?"

"Yeah I know, but that bruise it's just so incomprehensible that I just had to check every possibility and guess what? I came out with my hands empty anyways" Sabrina said frustrated.

"Well no worries, it doesn't affect me on my day to day life anyways, I even forget it's there some times" Marco told her something that wasn't entirely untruth.

"I know it doesn't hurt Marco, but it has grown a lot on these two years I've known about it, I'm sure it must be harrowing to see yourself on the mirror every day and see it's gotten bigger, I'm specially scared now considering that it just reached your heart now that I checked" Sabrina said with genuine worry and concern to Marco while looking him dead on the eyes and took his hand before saying.

"Marco please, just tell Star or Eclipsa, anyone who has more experience with magic than me would be good"

This time it was Marco's turn to blush "I might have had a chance to hit that back on high school"

"What the hell?" Marco screamed and jumped in surprise, letting go of Sabrina's hand like it was electrically charged.

"Marco I know you are against telling them about this but you shouldn't get like that" Sabrina said indignant.

"No! I just suddenly started to think how hot you are and got surprised!" Marco's jaw slacked in sheer horror to the words that had just left his mouth.

"Excuse you!?"

"There is obviously something very wrong with me, tell Star or Eclipsa? Got it, have a great life, I'll see you when I think you've forgiven me" Marco stiffly walked to the door while talking a mile a minute and opened the door with a kick.

"I'M SORRYYYYYYYY!" Marco screamed while running out of the office and when Sabrina heard the sound of his dragon cycle getting far away she finally said exasperated.

"What's so surprising about me being hot?"

*On the road*

"I can't believe what I just did, I have a girlfriend and I'm not even into Sabrina" Marco said angry and confused.

"Pfft, yeah keep telling yourself that"

Marco hit the brakes on Nachos hard that moment.

"Ok then little fella, who are you? And where are you?" He quickly touched his neck to inspect if he hadn't grown a second very talkative head...again.

"Wrong place but look to your left"

Marco snapped his focus to his left and found something he was not expecting, one of Mina Loveberry's minions, they had taken to use a plain dark brown robe to protect themselves from the elements since they became kind of like a guerrilla army, they just appeared out of nowhere attacked knights or monsters of high rankings and of course anyone who dared defend them.

They had been quiet for a while now and Marco had a chance to get answers now, he revved Nachos and pounced on to the unsuspecting soldier Nachos grabbing hold of the robe, but to Marco's annoyance only the robe.

"Hey there! Mr. Fancy pants leader of the guard" All of Marco's annoyance disappeared when he saw just who did he just stole the robe off.

Standing smug and proud was the crazed leader of the anti-monster movement, a woman with long purple hair made into two ponytails on either side of her head that each reached her hips, a light blue dress and a helmet with holes for her ponytails.

"MINA!" Marco screamed and Nachos took a dive straight into the woman.

"Wowie! You are mad! I wonder what little ol' me could have done to get you like that" Mina said mockingly and easily evaded the attack to the side and quickly gave a loud whistle.

"Alert your cronies all you want, without a leader they are going to be easy pickings" Marco said with Nachos preparing for another dive.

"Leader? Me? Aaaawww! You smooth talker you!" Mina said with fake embarrassment as she waited for the last moment to dodge Nachos dive but this time Marco threw himself at Mina when she dodged Nachos, pinning her into the ground.

"Yeah you! Who else has been turning good people into soldiers for your stupid hate filled campaign?" Marco said having Mina grabbed by the shoulders.

"HAH! For as much as I like the attention, you are giving me too much credit bucko! When you and your little princess merged our two words together to find each other, I found a bunch a people that never agreed to that, people whose lives were destroyed by this little love birds nest you made and surprisingly, people that were even more ready than me to kick the monsters and monster smocheers into the curb!" Mina screamed with her eyes cross.

Marco suddenly heard Nachos roaring a scared roar and felt something sticky on his back, a giant spider had sneaked up on them and had captured Marco and was reeling him in while Nachos was desperately trying to fly away from the arachnid.

"How's those cronies for ya?" Mina stood up and ran as fast as she could.

Marco took from his pocket a pair of black scissors with flame accents and opened them completely, using the edge of the tool he easily cut through the web and on a hurry did the same for Nacho's strand of web, freed and now aware of the creature Nachos drove the spider back by quickly diving at it and burning it's legs with her fire breath.

Marco tried to find Mina but she was out of sight, what was that all about? She hadn't been sighted in months and now suddenly she was running around alone on an empty road, let's not forget about her claiming that she was not the leader of her little guerrilla army.

Nachos flew to Marco's side and snuggled to him, she noticed the scissors on his hand and took them on her mouth, her mood noticeably down.

"Yeah girl, I miss her too, but hey she was kind enough to get you into this dimension know, and these things are amazing weapons even if they can't transform into a sword or open portals any more, let's just be happy that we have a lot to remember her by, ok girl?" Marco said while giving Nachos some reassuring pets, after which the dragon parted with the scissors no problem.

Marco could still remember when he got back home after the words merged, on his house, his parents were shocked about it but there she was on his front lawn, the dragon cycle he loved and treasured so much back with him, with a note tucked on her collar.

"Hey muscles, I don't know if you'll receive this note but you and I know what's gonna happen to me when you and the princess are done with your little plan, so I can't take care of Nachos any more, I hope she just finds a good home no matter where she ends up but I know that the one and only place she can be happy is with you Muscles so if by any hit of luck she ends up with you, please don't disappoint her, ok?

Signed: H-Poo"

Marco got misty eyed, he still had that note back on his room at the castle, he felt the back of his head only to remember that the bald spot that the mischievous, devil may care Hekapoo had left on him had long since been filled with hair again.

"Let's go girl, now it's no time to be feeling blue" Marco said while mounting Nachos, the dragon quickly took flight on the last direction they saw Mina take.

*At the Mewni Creek park*

"Ok girl, do you see her?" Marco said to the flying dragon cycle, the response he got was a disappointed growl.

"Let's land then, I made you run like a bat out of hell girl, you deserve a little rest" Marco scratched the dragon's head as they landed and once on the ground Marco noticed someone waiting on the ground.

"Ohhh! Hey there girl!" A girl with blonde hair with a seafoam green streak on a strand on the side of her head, wearing a police uniform and a seashell necklace approached Nachos on a friendly matter.

"Jackie?!" Marco was surprised, even after the merging of both worlds he hadn't seen his ex-girlfriend that much, actually he hadn't seen her in about four years and now she was petting his dragon cycle as if she had known her all her life.

"I can't believe it, Marco! Wow I didn't even recognise you, look at you! All grown up, is she yours by the way? I've seen her roaming around from time to time, kinda wanted to keep her but you know, collar" Jackie ended by jiggling the name tag on Nachos collar.

"Well yeah, she's been mine for a while now, I didn't know she went to roam around actually" Marco awkwardly blurted out.

"Awww! Someone doesn't get enough exercise? Do you? Do you?" Jackie cooed to Nachos while scratching the dragon's neck, something the biological motorcycle appreciated very much.

"Why are you here anyways, practising skate?" Marco was completely hooked on how...motherly Jackie looked with his dragon.

"You are probably thinking of those, how did those got even bigger?"

Marco was about to retaliate just like on Sabrina's office but stopped when he saw Jackie looking at him dead in the eye with a serious expression.

"Yeah about that, I think it's fairly obvious what I'm doing here" Jackie pointed at the seal on her shoulder, the ranger police force seal, thanks to the merger a lot of restructuring happened within the police, not that Marco was very aware of those with the exception of the new funny name.

"I should be asking, why are you on someone else's turf ?" She said while pointing at the insignia on Marco's chest and the latino knight's eyes went as big as saucers.

"You're right, MINA! I was chasing Mina Loveberry, I lost her on the town's outskirts and I was...just looking blindly everywhere to find her" Marco started on a panic only to end on a disappointed sigh.

"Woah! Little miss psycho was around here, shoot, I've been on patrol around this area the last 3 hours and I haven't seen a sign of either her or her pack of crazies, I'll inform this right away though" Jackie said seriously while taking her radio.

"That's more or less what I was expecting, that girl has to be great at hiding if we haven't caught her on five years"

"You tell me, we've lost a few very good men to the bitch and her goonies, with all that we should have atleast a trace" Jackie said with spite as she put away her radio.

"Yeah,the same happened to a few knights of mine, thankfully a lot less lately...and that scares me" Marco sat on the grass.

"You think she is planning something?" Jackie sounded worried as she sat besides him.

"I don't know, when I found her she just mocked me till she got tired of it but two interesting things happened, one she claimed that she wasn't the leader of her little cult, that the people from our original world actually surpassed her and second she whistled to get a giant spider to try to eat me and Nachos, if it was a trained spider or a feral one that she just alerted to my presence I don't know"

"Sounds scary that there were people here that are crazier than Mina and I don't know about the spider, I don't really see a group bound together by the hatred of everything that is a monster just turn around and start working together with them, but who knows adding hypocrites to their resume wouldn't feel all that out of place"

"Say, I need to be somewhere at lunch but can we talk this over a snack? Maybe we could even catch up? If you are already off patrol that is" Marco said hopefully but Jackie just saw him confused.

"Lunchtime was three hours ago dude" Marco was getting tired of getting surprised today, he took his cell phone from his pocket and indeed lunchtime was three hours ago.

"Oooooohohohoho! Are you kidding me?! Sorry Jackie, I have to go, NACHOOSSSSS!" Marco on a panick, hastedly scrambled to stand up and reach his dragon, Jackie giggling all the while.

"Aussi mignon que je me souvienne" Jackie's big green eyes seemed to sparkle.

"What was that?" Marco stopped dead on his tracks while mounting Nachos, Jackie cleared her throat and stood firm and serious.

"Sir. Marco, I will be expecting you here tomorrow at the same hour for a full report on Mina and any criminal activity the royal knights have, in turn also expect a full report from the Ranger Force, I hope there is no inconvenience with our two groups working together" Marco dismounted his dragon and mimiqued the officer's pose.

"Yes ma'am, I'll be sure to prepare accordingly for all the respect your position deserves, it would be a pleasure, nay an honor for my knights to finally work together with such a fine organisation that is the ranger force and your cute freckled face" Marco was considering visiting a therapist for that voice on his head, until he noticed Jackie barely standing because of how much she was laughing...yep he said that out loud again.

"And here I was trying to sound so official and stuff Ahahahaha! Ok Sir. Marco see you tomorrow, I'll be sure to bring the report and my cute freckled face with meeeehehehahaha!" Marco was laughing awkwardly, barely containing his embarrassment, until Jackie finally calmed down.

"I thought it was funny but contain that tongue a little will ya, as far as I remember you are still taken aren't you? Well see ya" Jackie said on a peppy tone and left the place on a brisk pace, Marco couldn't muster the will to even move until she was out of sight. With a heavy sigh the leader of the royal guard mounted his dragon and went on his way.

*At Marco's home that night*

"Just what is wrong with me today, HEY WHOEVER IS THAT VOICE! COULD YOU SHUT UP?!" Marco screamed that last part on to his pillow, that seemed like a good catharsis for him, from how hard he screamed Marco was now on his knees on the floor of his room, panting a little to regain a bit of breath...until he felt an itch, specifically on his torso.

"Oh no" with dread Marco stood up and ran to the bathroom, locking the door behind him and removing his pajama shirt as fast as he could and there it was the black mark but it was smaller, way smaller, there were no traces of it on his stomach or side it was now a mark right on top of his heart and he was sure that if he could see his heart the mark would be fully covering it.

As if on cue the mark disappear completely like water going down the drain.

"This can't be good" Marco said in horror.

"On the contrary my dear friend, I think this might be the best thing that has ever happened to you" Marco's heart suddenly turned a neon purple that could be seen through his skin, the light started to slowly rearrange itself until it looked like an eye and a set of lips, but the eye seemed off almost like a...suction cup.

"Monster arm?! How the hell do you even exist now?" Marco hit the sink on a rage.

"Awwww, you remember me I'm flattered but monster arm doesn't fit me now, does it? How about I go from now on by...Greedy Heart" The sickly neon purple face on Marco's chest gave him a wicked smile.

*Author's Notes*

Ok that was chapter one, way more fun to write that I hoped.

Anyways I really disliked the ending for SVTFO, well the last two seasons really and since I recently begun to write fan fiction I said, Why not put my money where my mouth is and give it a try?

And while I enjoyed a lot the first two seasons what I liked the most was the joke on the community about "Marco's Harem" so expect that without Star, I have some ideas of how the story is going to go but I'm not sure on my level of commitment to fan fiction, so I hope to give you something enjoyable and not leave you hanging.