A/N: Another update in one week? How crazy is that? Yeah, I know this is what happened last time, but we'll see how this goes! My work schedule is changing up so maybe things will get better on my end and I can write more. Thankfully I've been able to edit this chapter as well as the next one the last few days to warm up so I can post something. It's nice getting back to doing what truly makes me happiest, and of course sharing it with whoever is interested. Thank you all for all of your support and appreciation of my stories, I am in your debt! Now, onto the new chapter!

Last time on Gohan's Blonde Future, with all the other Z Fighters getting a good night's rest in the hours leading up to the battle against the Android menace, a select few were wide awake. The young Gohan learning a few highly important details about the female anatomy from his best friend, Krillin, who would have thought later that night he'd already get a second lesson. His blonde bodyguard thanking him for the respect she never truly received from other men with a kiss, Gohan could feel a new sensation rushing over him. Though sadly the same could be said of Yamcha, the womanizer giving it his biggest shot to seduce the buxom android yet, not even losing his towel in front of the wide eyed girl made her swoon. Eighteen having seen far more of the male anatomy than she'd wanted to that night heading back to her bath...the stage was set...the battle was about to begin!

The Next Day, Off the Coast of Amenbo Island:

This was it, the day had finally arrived, the fateful morning of 767 when the androids of the defunct Red Ribbon Army would bring an end to the world as everyone knew it...or...it was the day when the one android of Capsule Corp. helped save it. Flying high in the skies above the South Sea heading towards the island of Amenbo, even on a day as important as this one Eighteen was shocked at just how nonchalant most of the people flying with her were about it. The group having all left Capsule Corp. together, for the most part that is, they were making their way to the island capital of Sasebo to face the climactic threat. Those beautiful light blue eyes of hers glinting in the sunlight as she scanned across the bunch, Gohan was flying right beside her along with Piccolo just above, then there was Tien off to the side, and of course an overly jubilant Goku leading the way. Even with the deaths of almost everyone he knew predicted to start this very day, the good saiyan could not contain himself for the fight ahead of them!

"YAHOOOO! I can't believe it's actually time to fight the androids!..." He cheered joyfully, the man spinning around a few times, arms held out by either side of him like a fighter jet to direct the wind around him, "...That other super saiyan said they're stronger than anyone I've ever fought...and maybe even stronger than I am now!..."The others all giving each other concerned looks before turning their attention back to the rogue element in their otherwise composed team, Goku just went on being Goku, that wild smile of his only getting bigger the more he thought about it, "...It's amazing, really...to think that a bucket of bolts could be so strong, it's...heheh..." A large sweat drop appearing on the back of his head as he suddenly remembered about the newest addition to the gang flying behind him.

Floating down a few yards and looking back behind him, if he wasn't already scratching the back of his head then he was now that he could see the look Eighteen was giving him, "...Eheheh...Sorry about that, Eighteen...You know I know you're not a bucket of bolts, right?...Eheh..." Her blonde hair blowing around her pale white face, the girl just continued to stare back at him with that same bored look she wore whenever someone annoyed her, "...Ah, C'mon! I'm sure you've been called worse things, right? And I didn't mean it!..." Trying to put on his best 'c'mon I'm sorry' face he could as the girl kept up her uninterested stare, Goku grinned a little wider when he thought of something, "...Tell ya what, I'll even let you fight yourself when we find her, how's that?..."

Silence permeating the group for a few seconds, at last Eighteen rolled her eyes at him, the older saiyan taking that as her letting him off the hook...it was a cue he was at this point very experienced with when it came to women, "...Great! I'll just have to try extra hard to find your brother first so I can watch your fight..." That big cheesy grin of his at full strength the more he thought about it, getting to fight someone like Eighteen, only with no reason to ever hold back, "...Your brother is a lot like you, right? Strong, fast, he's just...uhh...he's..." Unable to find his words, more than one of the other men around him could think of a couple differences between the twins, though smartly they kept it to themselves. Goku's speed still dropping as he pondered over the rest of his sentence, he suddenly looked up again when he heard the lone female speak.

"If you're trying to think of differences between our physiques, I'm going to ask that you spare me that one..." Eighteen said in her usual semi agitated tone, not that she often used a different one even with Gohan, the look she was giving him doubling down what her voice said, "...But if you're referring to our power levels then we should be about the same..." Keeping her arms crossed over her chest both to keep the wind from blowing air down the v-neck as well as just for the sake of doing it, she glanced around the others while she spoke, "...I've been able to defeat Seventeen so far because of the upgrades Bulma gave me in the future, but it was not always that way..." Her face darkening a little at the memories replaying beneath those pale blue eyes, she flicked them back over to Goku, the man staring intently back at her, "...Most of our fights before were either draws or wins for him...he tends to fight...dirtier than I do..."

Goku gently rubbing his chin for a few seconds, he nodded a couple times before returning his gaze to Eighteen, concern more than evident in his changed expression, "...So you're saying he would do things during the fight just to mess with you?..." He asked, watching as the blonde titled her head just enough to confirm what he was asking though she clearly didn't want to say exactly what the things in question that had happened to her were, "...I see...so he's not just strong, but he will exploit any opportunity to win that he can..." The faces of the others also becoming more serious at this revelation, Goku crossed his arms over his chest, thinking about what the girl had said even more.

Flashes from his sparring match with the blonde going by in his head, every mistake he made was punished by a series of devastating blows, "...But when we fought you didn't do anything like that..." Her knee going into his jaw, her foot into his stomach, or a hard punch nearly breaking his arm, all of them had been painful and knocked him through a loop, but even still they were responses to openings, not cheap shots, "...No matter how small you didn't let a chance to get in an attack slip by..." Sometimes just the tail ends of her short blonde hairs skirting by his face as he felt a tightly clenched fist shove straight into his stomach Goku could now recognize how his own faults had led to her scoring blows, "...So, Eighteen...I've got to ask, how come you don't fight the same way your brother does? If he usually won when you two fought?..."

The blonde simply staring back at him for a while, her blue eyes then turning to look at Gohan, she kept them on the boy for a few seconds before turning back to Goku, "...Because that isn't winning..." She said with a sense of conviction, her words easily earning her a smile from the others around her as well as the rogue saiyan, "...And Seventeen wasn't always the monster you all saw the other day..." Goku's eyebrows rising up at that revelation, Eighteen went on, flicking away some errant hair that was flying into her eyes as she kept up her current speed, "...For a while after we started our rampage we were best friends...sure, he liked to tease me, but it was friendly..." The winds rushing around them all picking up from one side the blonde looked down as she thought about it, how everything seemed to go sour so fast, "...Then he started turning into an asshole after I—"

"HEY EVERYBODY! LOOK WHO JUST JOINED THE CREW!..." Eighteen's words trailing off into nothingness as everyone looked up, all they saw was the brief image of a blue haired woman waving at them from inside her flying car as she sped by the Z Fighters on her way to a small mountain overlooking the island itself. Goku and Gohan turning to each other with uneasy expressions, sometimes it was hard admitting you had just been passed by a woman who couldn't even fly, but in the end Bulma was Bulma so it was never a shame being outmatched by her. Each of them glancing at the rest of the team, they all nodded before taking off, a flurry of white energy enveloping all of them aside from Eighteen. Flying at a much faster pace, in no time they were closing in on where Bulma had set down, the grinning faces of Krillin and Yamcha already standing by ready to greet them.

Gohan setting down first, he immediately bolted over to where Krillin was, the two guys sharing a smile at being reunited once more, "Hey, Krillin! Haha!..." The smaller saiyan happily giving his buddy a high five as he got to him, "...So did you end up collecting all those diamonds for Bulma? You only could have had a few hours..." He asked, a proud nod coming from the bald man confirming that he did indeed get everything done that he needed to, Bulma actually having been given all items she wanted in record time, "...Awesome! I really didn't think you'd be able to do it, but you did anyway, haha!..." Laughing along with the orange clad fighter, it was only then that the remainder of the Z Fighters landed.

"Yeah, I got everything, alright...though admittedly it was all the toasters I had to get a hold of that were the real problem..." Gently rubbing the back of his head a bit at the thought of all the stores he'd had to clean out just to get enough, a quick glance behind his friend only made his smile that much larger, "...And speaking of hot machines..." Raising his eyebrows at the sight of Eighteen setting down a few feet behind the younger saiyan, Krillin couldn't pass up the chance to give her a once over, the blonde beauty looking just as ravishing as she always seemed to, the strong breeze up on the small mountain causing her thin t-shirt to billow up and expose a thin layer of soft belly, "...Man, and I thought she looked good inside, out here in the sun her hair is literally shimmering!..."

Krillin's mentioning of the android bodyguard hitting Gohan's ears, the boy quickly averted his eyes rather than turning with the older man, a thin layer of pink coating his cheeks, "...Uhhh...about Eighteen, Krillin..." He tried to speak up, he hadn't meant for it to happen, not that the boy ever could have thought it would happen, the blonde's thin pink lips pressing against his cheek, the smell of her perfume slipping into his nose, "...Last night...after you left, I...well I kinda..." His face only getting that much darker the more he tried to speak, Gohan swallowed the lump forming in his throat when Krillin looked slightly downward at him, the guy starting to become alarmed at his friend's sudden nervousness, "...I...Eighteen...kissed me..."

His eyes just about popping out of their sockets at that, in a split second Krillin had grabbed Gohan around the shoulders and pulled him out of sight behind a nearby boulder, the blonde whom they needed to talk about raising a confused eyebrow at them before turning her attention to Bulma as she joined the group, "...Wait a second! Repeat that for me real quick!..." Krillin said nearly shaking, the biggest smile spread across his face as he talked to the youth he now held against the large rock, "...Eighteen...that cute as hell blonde android girl...she kissed you?..." The young half saiyan slowly nodding up and down, he knew how much his friend liked the girl, Yamcha too for that matter, so because of it he felt more than a little guilty that she had… "...Gohan! That's...that's awesome, bro!..."

Blinking several times in confusion, the boy had been expecting something more along the lines of distress or possibly even anger from his friend for his confession, but no...he should have known better, Krillin instead was happy for him...just as any friend should be, "...I can't believe...she kissed you? I mean she...her lips...on you? I'm getting this straight, right?..." Asking the question as his excitement was starting to reaching the boiling point, one more nod of confirmation from Gohan did it, "...WOW! That's amazing! What did I tell you about perks, huh? A kiss...that...that's huge!..." Quickly darting back around the boulder to make sure that no one was coming to check on them, luckily enough none of the others had seen them earlier so none suspected anything was up...everyone save for a certain Namekian with a killer sense of hearing that is, "...But how? What did you do that would make her?...Not that I think you don't deserve it, heheh..."

Gohan smiling up at his fellow martial artist and close friend, how could he ever think anything less than this of Krillin? Standing up a little from where he had been shoved up against the rock, he nervously started rubbing the back of his head, "...Well, you see, Krillin...I...apologized to her..." The little half saiyan grinned bashfully, the kid still feeling a small amount of shame for the prize the blonde felt he deserved, "...I told her I had been staring at her...uhh...boobs and said I was sorry for it..." That pink tint to his cheeks growing just a bit darker still at even saying that word the blonde had practically nailed into his head the night before, he waited. The seconds starting to tick by, the lucky punk was just about to ask Krillin if he was still feeling alright when suddenly he felt a pair of strong arms wrap around him, his best friend grinning from ear to ear.

"...Gohan, Has your Dad ever told you about the crazy luck that runs in your family?..." Tilting his head to the side as he pulled away from the half saiyan, still holding onto his shoulders to make sure he heard everything he said, "...Because if he hasn't, just know that Kami be damned you deserve every last ounce of it!..." Staring up at the bald fighter in surprise, Gohan smiled back at him, the pair from Namek's battles sharing in the Son boy's great achievement for a moment, "...Now, uhhh...if you could just work some of that magic of yours with her evil twin sister we'd be golden!..." The sounds of laughter igniting from behind that large boulder a few yards from the rest of the group, everyone else simply shook their heads, even at a time like this some of them were still finding things to laugh about.

But while all anyone else heard from the guys' conversation was a series of random cheers followed some inane laughter, Piccolo heard so much more. 'Hmmm, so the kid finally got his first kiss, huh?...' The Namekian warrior asked himself, those dark eyes of his turning to Eighteen as the conversation around him started to pick up, the blonde herself standing there as the wind blew around her, thin pale yellow strands of hair breezing across her face, '...Heh...Far be it for me to get what it is that the others think is so beautiful about her, but...' Watching as the girl's attention turned towards the rock, Krillin and Gohan each walking out from behind it, it was small, yet Piccolo still managed to pick it out, a smile...a tiny smile spread across Eighteen's lips when she saw the boy, '...Well...I did say you would be on your own, Gohan...' He chuckled to himself as his only true student dashed over to stand beside the woman again, his jaw moving to presumably explain where he had been.

"...Okay! So we're all here now?..." Bulma said looking around the group gathered around her, each of them nodding in unison to what she was saying, "...Good! Because the androids are somewhere down there, but luckily your genius bestie figured out a way to find them!..." Reaching into one of her orange vest pockets, the bluenette pulled out a gray cell phone sized square shaped device, holding it up for everyone to see, "...Using the parts our pal Krillin gathered for me last night I can use this to target the androids' energy signatures!..." More than a few eyebrows being raised to what on Earth Bulma was talking about, ironically it was the one guy who probably should have had one more of an idea than the rest of the Z Fighters that spoke first.

Raising his hand more out of his own hard taught manners than anything else, Tien took a step forward as he spoke, "Ummm, I'm sorry, not to be rude, Bulma..." The triclops said the best way he possibly could, the man holding his hands out at his sides addressing the group, "...But if you could design a device like this then why didn't you do it when we first found out about the androids three years ago?..." The somehow profound realization spreading out over the remaining Z Fighters clustered for the hunt, Tien had a very good point, if it only took Bulma about a day or so to design and then build her new android tracker, then why wait until they became active to look for them?

Well one deciding new factor was a good enough reason, turning that famous Bulma Brief scowl onto the former Crane School acolyte in an instant that was making him regret speaking up, "...Uhhh, because three years ago I had no way of even knowing what to look for!..." She barked at him from where she was standing, all too close to shout back at the level she was 'talking' at, "...Three years ago I didn't have a living, breathing android with hot energy to detect flowing through her!..." The three eyed man feeling an elbow jab into his right side at that last detail Bulma had spelled out for them, he merely rolled all three of his eyes at Yamcha as he heard the man utter some comment or other to the effect of 'yeah she's a whole new level of hot alright' before ignoring him once more, "...Now though after doing a thorough full body scan of Eighteen..."

Tien wrapping a well placed hand over top of Yamcha's mouth before he could say another word to potentially get them both killed by the one good android around, Bulma kept on talking, "...I know just the type of energy the androids will run on and how to find them...speaking of which..." The blue haired mother turning to the one person who had been able to make even the idea of her newest invention a possibility, she gave the blonde a gratuitous wink, "...Thanks a ton, Eighteen! Without you none of what we're about to do would be half as easy!..." The rest of the Z Fighters gathered around in turn giving an approving nod at the blonde, Gohan just looked up at her with a grin, the kid happy to see everyone else giving the girl their proper thanks. They had a way now, thanks to her, a way to track down the androids, find their power, read it's level...and…

"...Actually, about that energy tracker you made, Bulma..." All eyes turning to the eternal hero and savior of the Earth as he took a couple steps forward, not that the guy never had a puzzled look on his face, but… "...I've been wondering ever since Eighteen and I fought the other day, exactly just how strong is she?..." Asking the question everyone had been asking themselves for some time now, for whatever the reason it had always seemed that Goku was the one actually doing what all others only thought about doing, "...I know I wasn't going all out either, but even then she made all the power she was sending at me seem so easy..." The saiyan looking the blonde's way as he spoke, she merely continued to stand there, leaning back against the mountain peak a small ways from the rest of the circle, arms crossed over her chest, and eyes unmoving from where they were looking out over the city.

Those pale blue eyes suddenly shifting to the left though, there was only one person who the android girl ever felt she really needed to listen to, and that was Gohan, "...Yeah, my Dad's right, Bulma..." He said looking directly at the bluenette in the middle of everyone, "...And then both of the times Seventeen attacked us she was able to beat him too..." The others nodding in agreement to that, even though half of them had only shown up to witness the tail end of the fight at Capsule Corp. even still it was pretty clear Eighteen had won, and that was while incurring only a small amount of damage to herself, "...So at the very least she's a little ahead of him. Can't you use that to help compare her to my Dad?..." The breeze blowing over them, it seemed as if it had been the perfect moment for a joke, though for some reason Yamcha wasn't saying anything, the man avoiding the android girl's gaze whenever her icy blue eyes fell on him.

"...Weeeeell...without converting Goku's power level into nuclear energy readings I can't, but..." Eighteen still staring into the rest of the group from the sidelines, she could have helped them with their comparisons, but really it didn't matter to her. One way or another she was going to be the one to stop both 17s and herself to complete her mission, with or without the Z Fighters, "...As you mentioned, I can use Eighteen as a baseline to compare her to the other androids..." Bulma continued on unabated, everyone moving in a little more to hear her better even while the blonde felt a change in the air, "...Then it's back to the old method of each of you fighting Eighteen to see how strong you are against her and guessing the rest..." Holding her hands out to either side as she finished speaking, the former dragon ball hunter smiled, "...That is if you guys are really that insecure about a girl saving your asses again..."

Krillin and Yamcha rubbing the backs of their heads with a light tinting of pink at Bulma's reference to their earlier years, it was then that the sound of a fist smashing into an open palm sucked them back into reality! "...ALL RIGHT!..." The overenthusiastic leader of the gang shouted, his ki already rising at just how eager he was to get out there and into the fight, "...I can't wait to fight the real androids! I just—" Pausing mid-sentence, the Son man closed his eyes as a wide blush spread over his face, Goku rubbing the back of his head as well now when he caught the blonde girl's gaze, "...No! Uh...Sorry, Eighteen. I didn't mean to say you're not a real android heheh...Every last piece of you looks real to me—" Said android rolling her blue eyes back as she held up a hand to make him shut up, the barely restrained laughter coming from Yamcha was the only thing anyone could hear, the others getting the joke, but keeping enough maturity not to loose it over it, "...Heheh...well then I think we're all ready to go, Bulma..." Goku finished, the poor guy practically sweating as he turned to his oldest friend.

The bluenette blushing even more than anyone else, she didn't know what more to be surprised of, how calm the blonde had been to the joke, or the fact that Goku of all people, Mr. Marriage is a food had in fact just made a joke about Eighteen's huge tits being real, 'Hmmm, was that just a coincidence or did he actually pay enough attentionto a woman's body to know what he said?...' Thinking on it for a West City minute, Bulma just about jumped out of her clothes when she felt a strong finger tapping her on the shoulder, the bluenette turning to see her oldest friend giving her a curious look, she put on the best smile she could before starting, "...Ah...right, we should probably get going..." Flipping open the screen on her new device, she turned it on, the machine starting to beep and whir, the screen itself was just starting to turn green when…


A soot covered Brief woman standing there in shock as the bits and pieces of her latest invention fell down around her, the rest of the group sweat dropped, "...Well that went about as predictably as possible..." Piccolo said unfolding his arms from over his chest, the Namekian shaking a gear off of his boot before stepping into the middle of the circle, "...By the looks of things we're going to have to do this the old fashioned way..." He said looking across everyone, comrades, all of which had been his mortal foes at some point or other, past or future, "...So before we take off let's split into teams of two, that way in case one of us is attacked backup is already there..." The green man getting a nod from most of his teammates while Bulma bent down to start scraping up what she could of her precious machine, "...To that end we should choose our partners more based on comparative strengths than just who we want to hang out with..."

Once more getting confirmations of agreement around him, Piccolo was just about to name his partner when suddenly someone else spoke up first, "...Then in that case I call our badass lady, Eighteen!..." Yamcha called out with that signature giddy grin spread across his lips, they hadn't even set out for the androids yet and already he was doing his best to get killed by one, "...Sorry to disappoint you all, but according to Piccolo she's the only partner for me!..." A few weary looks being exchanged at that comment, the Namekian was just about to get back to the real discussion when the former bandit continued, "...Just think about it, I'm the weakest fighter here, and Eighteen is the strongest..." Grinning as he folded both of his arms over his chest, Yamcha looked around, each of his friends obviously having trouble admitting that really, his logic was pretty...sound, "...Great! So what do you say, Double D? Let's you and me find some nice place and—"

"...One more word about my breasts and it really won't matter when you lose your towel in front of a woman..." Eighteen said as she got up from where she had been leaning against the rock, her light blonde hair blowing slightly in the breeze even while the look on Yamcha's face could only be defined as soul crushing, "...Now if you all are done wasting time, the androids are definitely down there by now..." Turning to her left, her eyes instantly locking with Gohan's, he knew before she even said another word what she was about to say, the boy nodding, she started to float into the air, "...I did not come all the way back in time just to fail my mission because you all couldn't stop talking long enough to act..."

Watching the blonde starting to take off, there was no way that Goku was going to let her be the first one to get at the androids, not after how long he'd waited to meet them, "...You heard her, everyone! Grab a partner and let's get going!..." A surge of white ki flaring up around him, before Krillin could say a word he was being drug up into the air alongside his old comrade, "...Oh, and just in case! If you find the androids power up as much as you can so the rest of us can come help!..." The others, Tien and Piccolo, joining up, everyone took off into the sky before turning back downward towards the island's capital of Sasebo leaving just their one non-fighter...and the weakest standing there atop the mountain.

"...Damn, and to think I really thought that idea of yours was going to work too..." Bulma said with a smirk as she turned to walk back towards her hover car and by her ex boyfriend, "...Might've even passed the Piccolo test if you hadn't reminded her of how big her tits are..." Dumping what she could find of her destroyed android tracker back into her car, she looked once more at the rather down man, a sympathetic expression crossing her face, "...You know...at least the two of us know Eighteen's comment about you wasn't true..." The dark haired man spinning round in surprise at hearing his ex say such a thing, Bulma simply smiled at him, he may have cheated on her and ruined their relationship, but they would always be friends, and friends picked friends up when they were down, "...Between you and me...I wouldn't mind you dropping your towel in front of me sometime...even if it's only to hang out for the view..."

The bluenette winking at the dazed man even while his jaw was busy burying itself into the rock below his feet, she shut the door to her hover car before taking flight as well, "...We...well that was nice of her to say..." Yamcha said to himself as he merely stared at Bulma while she flew off after the others, making sure to keep her distance in case the battle started, but close enough to see it all happen, "...Heh...I guess Bulma still misses the old wolf fang, heheh..." Rubbing beneath his nose for a few seconds, already he was feeling his usual energy coming back, so what if he'd flashed Eighteen his stunning stallion body and still didn't see hers naked; that was no reason to stop trying!

"...Who needs a partner during the day anyway?..." Grinning to himself the more he thought about it, the image of a moonlit sky cast over the buxom blonde as he kissed her, reaching behind her back to at long last undo her bra, his face dropping in awe at the sight of her huge pale white globes bouncing out before his very eyes in his fantasy land, "...The best time to have a partner is at night...when the moons look even bigger!" His power, or what little there was of his amazing human strength compared to titans like Goku, Eighteen, and Piccolo, flaring up, Yamcha took off after the others in search of the androids! The hunt was on for Androids 17 and 18 of the present timeline, but little did the Z Fighters know, that the pair they were after were still no where to be found, instead, lurking amongst the denizens of Sasebo, were two of the androids Trunks had found decrepit in Dr. Gero's future lab.

The Sky Over Sasebo:

"I thought by now we would have found at least one of the androids..." Gohan said shielding his eyes from the glare of the sun overhead as they scanned across the city streets for the future destroyers of their world, "...By what Piccolo said he heard we should have heard explosions a long time ago..." The young half saiyan continuing to scour the endless array of buildings and skyscrapers below them, it was in this lull in any form of action that his mind reverted to that previous night's events, "...Even if not on behalf of all men...just one caring means a lot..." Eighteen's softly spoken, yet intensely personal words resonating in Gohan's mind, as nice as they were to hear her say...still just thinking about them made him a little sad.

The strong ocean breeze rushing through his hair, sending the long black locks flying all over the place as he flew alongside his protector, Gohan was no longer even looking for the androids as he thought, '...I don't know what it is...but...Eighteen sounded like I'm the only guy who cared about her...' His youthful face scrunched up in concentration, the Son boy let his gaze wander down to the girl flying by his side, '...She was with her brother, Seventeen the whole time she was in the future, right?...They must have been friends before...' His expression instantly souring as the possible realization hit him, Gohan could already feel the guilt beginning to run over his face when everything came together, '...Before they were forced to start fighting over...me...'

Staring down into the never ending sea of structures far far below them, Gohan was sure he was right, what Eighteen meant about no man caring about her...she must not have counted Seventeen anymore because of what has happened between them now, '...I can't believe it...no matter what I do, I always seem to mess everything up for everyone else...' The young fighter feeling more and more down on himself with each second that passed after his epiphany, Gohan kept his eyes on Eighteen, though now with the most compassionate look she'd gotten since arriving in the past, '...All she had in the future was her brother...and now...all because of me...she has to fight him...no wonder she is so mad all the time...' The heartache gnawing at his chest only growing stronger while his mind kept spiraling further and further down into darkness, it wasn't until the boy felt a small yet firm hand grasp his shoulder that he looked up,

"Hey...Gohan, are you alright?..." Eighteen said, her face showing concern for young man she was programmed to protect, even though she was only supposed to feel it when he was in physical danger, "...Is something wrong? You look like you're about to start crying your eyes out..." Watching as he finally turned his eyes up to look at her face, his dark orbs instantly seemed to perk up when they met those stunning light blue sapphires of hers, "...I know today's important, but there's no reason to cry over it..." Despite having been staring at the girl beside him this entire time, it was only when he looked into her eyes, eyes full of compassion and reassurance that he felt his morale go back up again, "...There...that's much better..." Eighteen said, Gohan's eyebrows going up as he felt her let go of his arm before bringing it up, to push some silky blonde bangs out of her beautiful eyes, "...You're not the kind of guy who looks good frowning anyway..."

Feeling a tinting of bright pink beginning to spread across his cheeks, Gohan quickly looked back down again at the city below, trying his best to not concentrate too hard on what she'd just said, "...O...Okay...Eighteen...th—thank...you..." Stuttering out the words in a half mumble, the young man was only then realizing what his companion had just meant. Because even while all he could feel was guilt over her losing her brother as a friend, just looking into her sparkling blue eyes had made him...smile. Reaching up to feel the wide, happy smile stretched across his features, if she hadn't said something Gohan never would have noticed he was smiling...merely meeting her gaze had made him...smile. The air rushing across their bodies the longer they flew over the portion of the city they were set to search in for the androids, even still, Gohan couldn't shake the nagging thought at the back of his mind.

"...Actually...Uhhh...Eighteen...do you mind if I ask you something?..." The half saiyan nearly freezing up entirely when he saw her turn those light blue eyes of hers back to him again, he swallowed the lump forming in his throat, "...It...It's about...your brother, Seventeen..." The kind, caring look that had previously been warming his cool spirit only moments ago now having not a trace left of it on Eighteen's face, all she did was slowly nod before he went on, "...I...I was just thinking...about...about last night...you...said I was the...the only guy that cared about you..." Unable to keep looking her in the eyes while he asked her his question, as much as he knew she cared for him, he couldn't handle that expression which now haunted her beautiful eyes, "...B...Before you had to start fighting him...be...because of me...were you and him fr...friends in the fut—Uuuaaahhmmmph!"

Gohan at last getting out the question that had been nipping at him this entire time, it was only when he'd finally asked it that he suddenly felt that pair of small hands grab him! His entire world going dark just as he felt the rush of a bright blue energy ball shoot passed his side, as much as he tried, Gohan couldn't even move from the vice like grip Eighteen had on him, "...Just stay still, Gohan...I promise it'll be okay..." Was all he heard her say from the darkness that met his gaze wherever he looked, the blonde having registered the attack faster than even he could, she'd quickly pulled him out of the line of fire, holding him protectively against her smooth belly, "...Just do exactly as I say and don't even try to fight..." Unable to do anymore than nod, even with the battle beginning around him, all Gohan could feel was his blush getting that much darker when the top of his head rubbed against the two incredibly soft globes hanging off of Eighteen's chest, "...Just concentrate on finding Krillin's ki signature..."

No longer concerned in this moment of urgency at the sensation of Gohan's head touching her, the one good android quickly started scanning the clouds above them to see where that blast had originated from, "...O—Okay, Eighteen...I'll try!..." Gohan's muffled voice coming out of her stomach, meanwhile Eighteen kept turning her own head back and forth the longer she looked for the one android that blue energy ball could have come from, "...There's just so many people down there...I...I'm not sure if I can..." Focusing everything he had on singling out his best friend from amongst the thousands of people populating Sasebo below them, finally Gohan honed in on the bald fighter, "...AH! Eighteen, I found him! Now, what do you want me to—doooooooooooo!?" The young half saiyan locating his friend not a moment too soon, it was just as he called out to her that he felt his body being flung up into the air before suddenly being sent hurtling down towards the ground.

A barrage of glowing blue ki balls pummeling the blonde android mere moments after she had thrown Gohan away from her, Eighteen had just enough time to raise her arms up to block the blasts before they hit her! His body falling down and down out of the sky, all Gohan could do was watch as his protector was hit again and again until she disappeared into a cloud of smoke, "...NO! EIGHTEEEEEEN!" Screaming her name at the tops of his lungs the further away from her he went, despite what she had said about staying by her side no matter what, he knew he had to listen to what she'd said now. At long last gathering enough of his thoughts to stop himself from smashing into the ground, Gohan turned his gaze back up at the smoke cloud high above him, "...Please...Eighteen...no matter what...please...don't lose..." His expression forming into one of determination for the first time since setting off that morning, Gohan suppressed his ki as low as it would go...before running to where he had last felt Krillin's energy.

The residue from the ki blasts that had been shot at her finally dissipating into the air around her, Eighteen slowly opened her eyes to find her brother's smug smirk beaming at her from ten feet away, "Well...fancy meeting you here, sis..." He said with a chuckle, his cold blue eyes staring right back into hers even as she frowned at him, not at all fazed by the angry look on her face, "...Oh? Why do you look so unhappy to see me? I am your only brother after all..." Merely enjoying the way she was glaring at him, Seventeen smiled, showing his teeth in a predatory grin while he let his eyes start to wander up and down the rest of her body, "...And you are definitely my sister..." Making his approval of what he was seeing in front of him abundantly clear solely with his gaze alone, the fact that he was looking at her that way made Eighteen's skin crawl.

"...And every time I think I've seen you at your worst you get even more disgusting..." The blonde replied in kind, her voice low and lacking any of the previous emotion that it had when she was talking to Gohan before she threw him into the city. Letting the breeze rush through her silky platinum blonde hair, Eighteen continued to glare at him, just seeing him at this point making her heart burn with anger, "...Why did you come back? Didn't I give you enough of a beating last time?..." She said, not even flinching as the breeze made her shirt flutter along her exposed midriff, her slightly older twin brother's eyes still running over her body, "...Or are you as much a masochist as you are a sadist?..."

Standing there in midair just listening to his sister taunt him, all Seventeen did was grin, enjoying just how much of a rise he could get out of her with the smallest of comments, "...A little bit of both, I guess...though you're hardly one to talk about mental problems..." Crossing his arms over his chest he let out a small sigh before shaking his head from side to side, clearly more full of himself than even Vegeta, "...Who was the one who freaks out every time someone mentions her body?...I can't seem to remember..." Gently tapping at his chin in mock thought, Seventeen looked up into the sky, pretending to think about it, that smirk of his still plastered on his lips, "...I recall it being this blonde chick...Heh, she got so mad she blew up a whole high school when one of the seniors called her a stripper. Hahaha!..."

Laughing so hard he threw his head back, dark shiny strands of black hair flinging across his face, after several seconds, finally Seventeen calmed down, returning his attention to his not at all amused sister, "...I told you never to bring that up again..." Eighteen said, the blonde glaring at him now despite how nonchalantly he was grinning back at her, her anger which in the future had frightened entire cities unable to even make her brother flinch, "...Even with everything we've done, you know how much I regretted doing that..." Recalling the hundreds of expressions of sheer terror that had stared up at her as she rained down blast after blast of pink ki down upon the students gathered outside for their senior prom, she had still slaughtered them all without care, "...They were just kids...kids that I killed on the best night of their lives..." While her mind would eventually find it 'fun' to kill innocents, that incident which had happened when she still had a conscience haunted her.

"...Heh. Yeah, that's right, they were just kids...kids that had a point..." Chuckling to himself as he met his twin's fiery gaze again, he could tell she already knew what he was going to say, and that made it all the more fun to rub it in, "...You would make one hell of a stripper, Eighteen..." Seventeen said keeping his arms folded across his chest as he gestured one hand towards a particularly popular part of his own sister's body, "...With those huge tits of yours I bet you'd bring home a few thousand zeni a night..." Seeing her glare only intensify at that last remark, the evil one of the two androids grinned all the more, relishing ruffling his little sister's feathers over her overly developed body, "...What? It's one thing to forget I'm your brother, but there's no way you don't notice those heavy milk jugs bouncing around whenever you so much as move..."

Watching her while he let his comments set in, the wind billowing across their bodies, while it was a hot sunny beach day far below them, because of how high up they were the air was cool, or more like cold to be precise. It was a fact that Seventeen didn't need his built in thermometer to realize when he looked at his sister, "...Heheheh...Sorry, I know that's a sore spot...what with your body issues and all..." Uncrossing his arms to hold them out to his sides while he shrugged casually at the blonde, the male android closed his eyes only to reopen them with even more of a sadistic stare than before, "...It's too bad...because I can think of a couple reasons you should be proud of what you've got..." Smirking at her, while all he got in return was that same steely glare she had been giving him since she'd last spoke, even while she wasn't saying a word, Seventeen knew he was getting to her.

"...There aren't many chicks out there that can say they are as well-endowed as you are...and even less than that can say they're...natural..." Not even attempting to hide the perverted way he was leering at his own twin sister's especially large breasts, Seventeen slowly licked his lower lip as a disgusting image he'd thought of for a long time returned to his mind, "...I should know...Even after fucking every hot bitch we came across; none of them had half as much boob as you have crammed inside that tiny shirt of yours..." Feeling the wind blowing his dark bangs across his tanned skin while it did the same to his sister's blonde hair around her much more pale features, as much as she would never admit it, he had her blushing like a school girl at his words...a school girl like the hundreds she murdered that night.

His eyes moving briefly from her stuffed white t-shirt to slide down her arms, somehow he found the way her clenched fists were shaking with rage just as enticing as the rest of her, "...See? And here you've always said I don't say anything nice to you..." Letting his arms drop down to hang by his sides, even with how clearly angry Eighteen was, Seventeen was as calm and composed as Goku at the start of a serious battle, "...Tell you what...since because of a certain annoying blue haired whore, you and me are enemies now..." Letting his words trail off as he started to float closer to the blonde, their equal height doing nothing to downplay just how intimidating and creepy the man appeared as he neared her, "...I might as well let the cat out of the bag..."

Floating even closer than he had been before, the distance between their faces soon becoming little more than two feet, though the rest of them were several inches closer due to Eighteen's anatomy; while the blonde glared at him all Seventeen did was smirk, "...See, after having every...single...slut I found open her legs to me as we tore the Earth apart city after city...I slowly started to realize one thing. That even after seeing dozens upon dozens of women naked..." The proximity of the two androids causing multiple invisible clashes of synthetic energy to flare up and flash around them, the intensity of them only increased as Seventeen once more let his gaze fall down to his sister's large breasts, "...Not a single one of them made me as rock hard as the thought of ripping your clothes off and seeing everything you try so hard to hide from me..." The expression on the blonde's face suddenly transforming from one of hate to outright disgust at what her own brother had just said to her, still the darkness in his tone made a twinge of fear shot through her body.

"...Even as I fucked their brains out, all I could think about was seeing my blonde little sister's huge fat tits bouncing around underneath me..." Letting his gaze slide over every soft, perky inch of his own twin sister's supple flesh, the deep valley of pale cleavage that shown through the top of her shirt a mere footnote compared to the vast expanses of boob he knew was stuffed into the round globes in the fabric below, "...You know, you really do fit your number...Eighteen...Because there is no way a girl under that age could have a body half as...heheh...developed as yours..." Resisting the overwhelming urge to cross her arms over her chest, to cover her body from the unrelentingly lecherous gaze of her older brother, instead Eighteen continued to listen, keeping track of Gohan's ki signature until he was safely out of range, "...So now that you know my dirty little secret...How about a trade?..."

The blonde keeping her eyes locked on the brother she once loved so much who had fallen so far from grace in the years that they had spent terrorizing the Earth, she could feel Gohan less and less the longer she waited, just a little more… "...I'll leave your cute little baby, Gohan alone for the rest of his pathetic life..." His grin widening as Eighteen's eyes shot back up to his from where they had been seemingly spacing out the last few seconds he slowly floated just a bit closer, so close their faces were mere feet apart, "...And in return...you let me have the one thing I've always wanted...What every man that's ever laid eyes on you has desired the moment they saw you..."

His smirk only widening as the realization of what he was demanding of her spread across her delicate features, he went all the way with it, "...You take your clothes off and show Big Bro that amazing body you've been hiding from me...Show me those big perfect tits that embarrass you so much..." Seeing the unadulterated fear that was flowing through his sister's eyes as he said that, Seventeen opened his mouth in a wide, excited grin while he stared back at her, "...C'mon, Eighteen...You don't know how long I've been dreaming of memorizing every...last...plump inch of those huge bouncy titties of yours while I squeeze them with my own two hands..." Her blonde hair blowing around her face as the energy between them exploded in a sea of pink and bluet, just as the female android thought her own brother was about to reach out at her, he let out a loud painful scream.

"...You heard me! Hurry up and strip your clothes off like a good little sister before I change my mi—AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!" The man suddenly wrapping his hands around the top of his head, fingers clutching at his own hard raven haired skull instead of Eighteen's plump white flesh, the pain shooting through his very being was horrendous! "...AAAAAGGGGGHHHHH! WHAT...WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING!?..." Seventeen yelled, grasping at his hair, even pulling out several strands of dark silk as he struggled to handle the pain coursing through his body, each pulse like another bolt of electricity burning his very mind, "...I...I CAN'T FEEL...I CAN'T FEEL MY!..." The male android doing everything he could in his power to stay afloat as shock after shock of lightning coursed through his body, while he had no idea what was happening...Eighteen...did…

A small smile starting to replace the fearful one which had just started to take over her beautiful features, Eighteen knew exactly the kind of pain he was going through...and why, "...Heh, I don't know what's more pathetic..." She said, now the one who was smirking between the two of them, Seventeen at long last feeling the last pulses of pain leaving his system, looked back at his sister, glaring at her with as much anger as she'd had before, "...The fact that you're obsessed with your own sister's breasts or that even that idiot Yamcha could kick your ass right now..." Brushing some of that flowing silky blonde hair out of her bright blue eyes as she met her brother's gaze, it didn't take her more than looking at him to see just how weak he was, "...Hearing you talk just know I thought you had truly become scum, but now I know you're not even that..."

That previously confident leering expression he'd held only seconds before transforming into one of pure rage, Seventeen didn't hold back his words as his anger started to boil over, "...What?! What the fuck did you just say to me, Cow Tits?..." Sweat drops sliding down his tanned face while he continued to pant as he got over the pain that had been tearing his mind apart, he was far too mad to notice just how much their roles had reversed so suddenly, "...The hell do you mean I'm not even scum!? I am stronger now than you'll ever be!..." Clenching his fists so tight blood was beginning to seep out from where his short nails were puncturing his palms; Seventeen quickly brought his hand up in front of his sister's face, charging up as much energy as he could muster just to feel...nothing, "...Huh?...Wh—what? What the fuck...Why can't I?..."

His eyes staring down at his hand, they suddenly shot back up to meet Eighteen's cold blue eyes as he felt her smaller, yet somehow infinitely stronger hand wrap around his wrist, "...I already told you you're not even scum..." Eighteen said, her cool, calm gaze an ironic contrast to Seventeen's shaken one, his face twitching every other second the longer his pin prick sized pupils stared into her frigid sapphires, "...When you offered that disgusting deal you went against the old man's orders..." Her grip on his wrist suddenly tightening, somehow despite how much more powerful he knew he had to be than her, Seventeen grimaced as he felt his bones starting to shatter in his sister's slender fingers, "...Now you are no more powerful than one of the other men I've killed for taunting me over my body..."

Not even flinching as Seventeen started to pull and yank at her clenched fist, struggling to make even one of her thin feminine fingers to budge off of his slowly shattering wrist, it was all he could do to now pray that she didn't let go as he felt his ability to stay in the air fading fast! "...Look at you...you're so powerful you can't even fly without your little sister holding you up..." Keeping her cold steely gaze on his terrified shaken face, Eighteen slowly raised an eyebrow at him, just as her scowl turned up into a taunting smug smirk, "...Tell you what though...since you're obviously so obsessed with my breasts here's a new deal..."

Grinning down at him with the same smug sadistic smirk that Seventeen had, had minutes ago as he verbally abused her, a look she knew damn well he had never been on the receiving end of his entire life, it made it all the more gratifying when suddenly his expression perked up with what she said next, "...I'll let you play with my big natural breasts you seem to want so bad...If..." Smirking at him as she started to raise him up even higher in the air, his grimace quickly getting more and more scared with how little ease she was handling him, Eighteen winked, "...You can keep yourself in the air long enough to grab them..."

Shooting her older brother a teasing wink just as she finished her offer, the blonde let him go, his body falling passed her own so fast he didn't even have a chance to register how easily he could have won had he only reached out to grab her quick enough! Powerless to keep himself in the air as he plummeted down towards Sasebo, Seventeen suddenly grit his teeth together in panic as Eighteen appeared flying beside him, "...Aw...That's too bad...and here I thought you had been dreaming about squeezing my 'huge jiggly titties'..." Keeping pace with him while all her all powerful older brother could do was grasp at the thin air passing through his helpless fingers, Eighteen grinned when he looked over at her, the desperation so many had held in their eyes as he murdered them meeting his own cold gaze in her blue eyes, "...Oh, well...Maybe next time...though if it makes you feel any better...you're right, big brother..." Eighteen said, smirking at him one last time as she reared her fist back passed her side, locking eyes with him as it shot forward, burying itself right into the center of his stomach, "...They're real and way more spectacular than anything you'll ever see!"

The force of her clenched fist slamming into him the worst blow to a strong fighter since Goku's first punch on an overconfident street boxer as a kid, Seventeen didn't even have a chance to brace himself as the full force of her punch hit him. A shock wave reverberating out from between them in the milliseconds following the hit, the evil android was sent hurtling through the sky, his battered and crippled body soaring towards a forest miles upon miles away. Staring off into the distance at the quickly disappearing figure of her older brother, it was only once his meager power level of five left her sensors that she turned away.

"...Well...I guess the cat really is out of the bag..." She said to herself, thinking about the things her own brother had admitted to wanting to do to her body with a look of pure disgust, "...Suddenly Yamcha and Krillin's childish jokes don't seem so annoying anymore..." Going over the multiple homicide attempts she'd made on the two young men's lives, she closed her eyes, deciding that maybe she had gone a little overboard… "...Hmmm...perhaps when things finally start to cool down...I'll give those idiots the apology I owe them..." Opening those light blue eyes of hers once more, Eighteen breathed a sigh of relief, the blonde looking down at the city below again. At least that was one android dealt with, though why she suddenly felt an annoying beep in her head just before she'd done away with Seventeen she couldn't understand...

The Streets of Sasebo:

"Hmmm...it's not what I'd call a decent city, but it'll be good enough for our purposes I suppose..." Wrinkling his mustache as he looked out at the bustling streets around him and his partner, Android 20 would have smiled if he believed in doing such a ridiculous act, a holdout from his old life he reasoned, "...At any rate if everything goes according to plan then it won't matter so much the size of the city as how little of it we leave behind..." The gentle chatter of the many passersby making their way to either lunch or to a store to do some shopping around the pair, the androids paid them no mind, neither did they react to the many comments and finger pointing they got for their rather unique outfits, "...Son Goku will come to save the day...that much is certain..." Clenching one fist just at the mere thought of the boy now a man who had ruined his life, his dreams, he knew he would kill him today.

Taking a few steps forward to stand nearer to his superior, Android 19 turned first left, then right to scan across the people walking by them, his vision turning red as all of their stats scrolled over his mind, "Yes, Son Goku does not like to see innocents hurt..." He said plainly, his yellow waistcoat blowing slightly when he moved his pinstriped orange pants into the wind now that he wasn't behind his creator and master, "...All calculations predict his arrival within one point seven five three hours at this location..." The fatter android's clown-like ivory face drawing just as many odd looks and stares as 20 did when people saw him, he paid them equally no mind, his focus entirely on continuing to scan for the target of 20's hatred.

"...That sounds like an accurate enough number to me, Android 19, though perhaps within two hours would suffice..." His cohort nodding at him before directing its gaze straight ahead again, Gero knew that the numbers for once did not matter when it came to today, not with how well he had prepared for the satisfaction he'd longed so long for, 'Goku...you destroyed my work...everything that I ever held dear to me in my former life...' Recalling those old days with the Red Ribbon Army, an army with a mission, a goal of taking over the world and ending the ridiculous current kingdom headed by that dog, King Furry, '...We had all worked so hard...toiled and slaved away on our work for Commander Red and a vision of a superior society...' The organization a busy hub of military activity, crime, as well as research the likes of which the world just wasn't ready to accept they could have achieved so much...however.

One day it had all come crashing down, the towers fell, one by one they lost their heroes, General Blue, Staff Officer Black, and even the Commander, '...Your assault on our headquarters ended everything and even killed...' A surge of emotion not befitting a true machine rushing over Android 20, his brow dipped and insides churned at the memory of it, his only son going out into battle against that savage child before he too was lost like all the others, '...Son Goku...you took away my research...my life...my dreams...and my son!' His large black hat moving up with the rest of his head as he suddenly looked up in anger, in a flash of light he shot two yellow bionic punisher lasers out of his eyes, the beams easily slicing through several building before causing them to explode in a cloud of fire and smoke!

"...Let us go now, Android 19! The day that Son Goku finds himself another victim of the great Red Ribbon Army is today!..." Quickly firing off another shot of his deadly eye beams at the people dashing for cover all around them, none of them caught in the line of fire stood a chance at survival! The glow enveloping men, women, and children alike it its heat, they were all equally incinerated before the evil stare of Androids 19 and 20, "...Son Goku won't be able to keep himself from rushing to protect all of these lesser beings..." The oddly overweight machine nodding at his statement, it then turned before firing off a couple beams of its own, the energy attacks making quick work of a gas station nearby, the fires erupting from it killing dozens in the vicinity.


A cloud of fire and smoke erupting several stories high into the air seemingly out of no where, all of the Z Fighters felt it, that spike in power somewhere in the South of the city, but luckily one of them was close enough to witness it and respond! Hurtling down from where he had previously been floating overhead, Yamcha landed right as the flames subsided, the silhouettes standing before them no doubt the androids he was looking for. "HEY! What the hell is wrong with you two?!..." He yelled at Androids 17 and 18, even with his many near death experiences with the girl alone, he was still having trouble believing that a girl as good looking as Eighteen could be so evil, "...Yeah! I see you androids! There's no running from here! Turn and face me because we already know your goal in the fu—Gah!"

His eyes growing to the size of dinner plates as he was suddenly lifted up into the air by his neck, a hard, cold hand clenching tightly to his throat while he felt a round bump press against his skin, "...Ah, so you know that we're androids? Tell me, Yamcha how did you come by information such as that?..." The former bandit now hero staring down in shock at the figure holding him, Android 20 merely gazed back lifelessly into his eyes, the mechanical man uncaring in how he treated the weakling. Yamcha struggling just to breath, he let out a loud bellow of agony as suddenly he started to feel all of his energy being drawn out through that bump against his throat.

"...AGGGGHHHHH! HAAAAAAA! AAAAAHHHHHH!..." The pain never stopping no matter how hard he screamed though, bit by bit the warrior could feel his strength tapering away, as if it were being sucked out against its very wishes, 'I...have to...tell...the others...' He thought to himself, the man's mind soon starting to become hazy at just how much energy he was losing, his brain getting to the point that he could barely stay conscious in a matter of seconds, '...I must...warn Goku...and...' Remembering what Bulma had said before she took off, the fact that the very girl who had said such a really awesome thing just after he'd felt his manhood disintegrate around him might also be in the line of fire, he gathered everything he had, '...If...if there's even a chance in hell of another night with Bulma I...am not...dying...before it happens!'

Pulling whatever ki he had left that had not been drained out yet into his core, Yamcha screamed as he let it all out, his body surging with a yellow aura while his power level spiked, the sudden flash of energy in the middle of an empty city giving all of the other Z Fighters all they needed to find him, "...Hmmm, what a useless gesture, however heroic it may have appeared to be in your mind..." Android 20 said callously as he finished drawing what was left out of his victim, the barely breathing martial artist quickly slumping to the cold hard ground when he let go of him, Yamcha's breathing coming in slow, hard pants, "...Regardless, if one of Son Goku's friends is here then that can only mean he isn't too far behind..." Turning his attention to Android 19 by his side now, Android 20 nodded at him, the not so jovial clown swiftly looking at a small store across the street, but just as his eyes started to glow with energy he paused. Both of the androids looking up above them, now even his wishes to remain an emotionless machine couldn't escape Android 20 when he saw him, "...So the day has finally come, Son Goku...Are you ready to face your punishment?"

The dramatic figure of his arch rival floating in the sky over him, before long he was joined by Krillin, Tien, and Piccolo, the Z Fighters glaring down at the monster who had attacked their comrade, "...The only person facing any punishment today is going to be you!..." Goku responded, the full blooded saiyan feeling every ounce of his race's desire for vengeance flowing through him as he locked eyes with the cretin grinning at him, the body of one of his best friends at his feet, "...And for the record, I don't care that you don't look like the androids we were looking for..." Slowly descending until he set down before the new threats, the others joined him in facing off against 17 and 18 now that they had at long last appeared, albeit looking different than expected, "...Or that you destroyed the future...all I care about, is destroying you for what you did to my friend!..."

Energy spiraling up around the saiyan of Earth in a brilliant column of white ki, he glared at them, every ounce of goodness in his heart begging for justice against the monsters standing in front of him, "...But not here..." Pointing up towards the sky he then signaled out in the direction of the wastelands, a place where there would be no people at risk of their fighting, "...We're going to change locations...so that no more innocent people need to die today, you got that?..." Waiting for the androids to reply, they didn't, Android 20 merely continuing to grin, he slowly nodded his head at him, "...Then follow me..." His orange gi fluttering in the wind as he took off once more, one by one the others flew after him, 19 and 20 together, then with the rest of the Z Fighters in close pursuit. The battle was on against the androids of the present time, but even as tempers flared even higher than power levels, there were more questions now that 17 and 18 had appeared than anything else. Though by far the biggest was 'where is Eighteen?'

A/N: And we are back on track with another chapter of one of my favorite stories that I've written! It is such a blast to write Eighteen, I guess I've always been a sucker for girls that are so well-endowed, yet so self-conscious of their bodies. Lucy Heartfilia obviously fits that bill...poor girl always seems to be ending up naked no matter how much she tries to keep herself covered up! Another would be Yui Kotegawa from the To Love Ru series, being able to expand upon and really hone in on those character traits is a joy and Eighteen in this fic lets me do just that! I pray you all liked the chapter, this one had me a bad case of writer's block for the longest time and was the reason this story stalled for so long. Initially it was a struggle to write the first set of scenes before the group takes off to find the androids. It was dull, clunky, and more of a necessary plot chore than something new and exciting to elaborate on. It still probably is, but no where near as bad as it was at first, nor is it the whole chapter.

Plus being mostly that, the chapter was quite short and extremely uneventful, though by far the thing that dogged me the worst was finding a way to separate Gohan and Eighteen prior to 19 and 20 arriving. I didn't want a fight to start in the city early which likely would have happened with Eighteen there at the start, so getting them apart was the problem. Thankfully the obvious solution in Seventeen showed up and with it, his full admission of everything so many have been wondering of the sadistic android from the future. I think it's natural to a degree to look at your sister's big boobs or ass with a 'wow' sort of reaction, perhaps even a little more given it's still the female anatomy. Seventeen, on the other hand, takes all of that to the next level and several beyond that with the things he wants to do to his little sister…

Anyway, keeping it kind of short since I already updated once this week, or I guess last week given it's Sunday today… I slept most of Saturday after being up thirty hours including being clocked in for 18 HOURS on Friday...I was utterly exhausted. Feeling much better now and looking for more things to do, trying to finish something I've had sitting around half finished for months now...it's spectacular right now, but where I left off is just getting SOOOOOOO hot! Leaving it off now with the results of the last poll, which while being rather short lived DID have some interesting results. When I asked which DBZ guy deserved to have a night alone with Maron, Krillin's ex-girlfriend, I rather expected people to say Yamcha, or Gohan of course...Gohan seems to be the go to when it comes to getting laid in this series haha! But low and behold the poor young man was edged out at the last second by none other than the Master of anime perviness, MASTER ROSHI! Maron is all fan service and all thicc and natural so I guess Roshi is bound for the time of his life if he manages to bed her...kinda wish I still had my story of them getting it on...oh well, it was a rip off anyway.

Next poll is up now, or currently updating if it isn't showing on my profile just yet. I have been reading some of my unedited works and they've really given me a mad itch to write some FAIRY TAIL! Nothing in the world makes me happier than poor unlucky Lucy losing her clothes and having those big bouncy melons she gets so embarrassed of bouncing around in all their natural glory! So in the spirit Lucy losing her clothes on a regular basis throughout the series, I have a question for you all. 'In Fairy Tail Do You Think Lucy Secretly Likes Natsu Seeing Her Naked?' I've always been wondering, and as much as I write things like that where they are in a relationship, they aren't officially in the series. And in the series Natsu has seen Lucy naked A LOT, often times those big bouncy boobies her fellow guild mates seem to comment on so often, and a few times completely naked. But since Lucy seems to like him as more than just a best friend...do any of you think she actually likes it when Natsu gets an eyeful of her? Let me know in my poll, and if you liked this chapter, please let me know in a review, I will see you all in the next update, stay safe, maybe this read made your stay at home a little more tolerable. Later, I love you all! (Special hugs for Lucy fans! ;) )