Author's note: Hey everyone, FireSlash here and welcome to the first omakes chapter of this fic. This is something I've had in mind for all my MHA fanfics in that every fifth chapter, I'd write a few short omakes. An actual chapter will follow this :-). Just a heads up, all the omakes will be either be cannon or non-cannon. I'll have them marked accordingly.
Oh, and in case you haven't heard, I am currently working on a crossover with GloriousSanity and their story 'Iron Maiden'. I'd urge you to check it out if you like this story :-).
Anyways, let's get right to the omakes. Hope you enjoy :-).
Black-Out (Cannon: Takes Place before Chapter 1)
A thirteen year old Izuku stood outside, ready to test his latest invention. Compared to the Mark II he was currently wearing for protection, the invention in his hand looked like nothing special. To an outsider, it would seem that all Izuku did was make a replica of a medieval throwing hammer. However, in reality, just like the hammer of a certain Norse God, this hammer was an extremely powerful conductive, capable of absorbing and generating its own electricity. People seriously underestimated those with electricity quirks and having a weapon that utilized the element to his advantage was definitely beneficial. Especially since he could potentially one-shot most quirk users if he charged the hammer enough.
"J.A.R.V.I.S, begin recording."
"Alright, test one."
Raising the hammer so that it was pointed towards the sky, Izuku began absorbing electricity.
"So far so good..." Sadly, things only got worse from there. The hammer began to quickly absorb more than it should. "Crap! J.A.R.V.I.S, shut this thing down!"
"I would, had you installed me into the hammer," J.A.R.V.I.S snarked, causing Izuku to groan. Of course he forgot to do something as basic as installing his A.I into his invention. For a supposed genius, Izuku unfortunately had moments of pure stupidity.
"I can make a new source of energy, yet I somehow messed up what should've been something easy."
With how much lightning the machine has stored up, there was no way he was going to be able to turn it off without accidentally blowing it up.
"Looks like I have to do this the hard way..." Izuku shot a torrent of lightning into the sky. Thankfully, he managed to expel everything his hammer had absorbed. Before it could overload again, Izuku shut it off. "Well, test one failed. At least nothing really happened."
"There is currently a blackout spanning the entire city," J.A.R.V.I.S responded.
A quick look around showed Izuku that his A.I was indeed correct. "Well... crap."
"Detective Tsukauchi and Chief Tsuragamae will be here in ten minutes."
"...At least they like me." Izuku was their main provider for surveillance equipment after all. As long as his machines didn't kill anyone, he was free to build whatever he wanted, under police supervision of course. With a genius like Izuku, it was best to keep an eye on them in case he turned rogue.
"They won't be happy. May I remind you of the time you aimed to make a pair of robotic stilts
"Don't remind me! I'd rather forget about those... abominations. Those were dark times..."
A New Upgrade (Cannon: Takes Place After Chapter 4)
"Izuku! I found someone who wants to make babies with us!"
"Hm?" Looking up from the laser cutter he was working on, the boy had to do a double-take to make sure he was seeing things correctly. Currently, his friend was lugging around a small boy with purple hair under her arm as if he were a suitcase.
"Mei, we talked about this. You can't go around kidnapping children and try making them test subjects..."
"What?! I'm not a child!" The boy Mei took hostage shouted. "I'm part of the hero course! Have you seen my uniform?"
Looking closer, Izuku could see that he was indeed wearing the uniform worn by the hero-course students. "Well, now I do. So..."
"Minoru Mineta," the boy introduced himself.
"Mineta, how'd Mei get you?"
"Well, I overheard her talking about wanting to make 'babies' so badly and I offered her my assistance like any law-abiding hero!"
It was clear to the young genius that the boy took Mei's proclamation in a perverted manner. It wouldn't be the first time this happened.
Izuku sighed. Part of him wanted to know how such a blatent pervert was allowed in the hero course. However, with violent bullies like Katsuki also being allowed in the hero course, such a idea wasn't as farfetched as he once thought. Well, he didn't know Minoru that well, so it was too early to judge whether he was a nice person despite the fact he seemed to be the type to ogle at women without shame. He should probably work on that. "When Mei talks about making 'babies', she means inventions. You're a hero student, right? You have any support gear that you want?"
Minoru took a second to think about his decision. True, he only came because he thought he was getting some action with Mei, but now that he was here, he might as well get some stuff to help him. "Well, my quirk's called 'Pop Off' and I can take off the purple- ball shaped objects on my head. They're really sticky. I, uh, tend to throw them at people but I want to see if there's a way I can launch them farther..."
Taking in the information received, the young genius nodded. From Minoru's description, his quirk was extremely useful in trapping opponents. Depending on how sticky his purple-ball like objects were, he could actually provide immense support against enemies who excel in close-quarters combat. As for how to increase the range of his quirk, that was easy.
"Mei, think we can make a gun for him?"
"A gun?!" Minoru asked, worried. A gun wasn't something he exactly felt comfortable wielding.
"Not an actual gun," Izuku said, dismissing his fears. Taking out a piece of paper, the young boy made a quick drawing of a hand gun, except that the bullet hole was much larger and that some sort of claw-like item was attached to the exterior of the hole. "The claw will grab your purple balls-" Izuku ignored the snicker from the shorter boy- "and then all you have to do is pull the trigger. I'm thinking of adding a silencer to it since your quirk is best used in ambushes."
Minoru nearly frowned at the idea of using stealth tactics. He preferred to be at the center of the stage. However, Izuku did have a point, his quirk was best used to capture people before they could see him. Instead, he gave the boy a smile. "Thanks. Hey, you think I could customize it? Make it look cool?"
Izuku shrugged. "Go ahead. It's your gear."
As Minoru began giving instructions on how he wanted his gun to be designed, he couldn't help but feel happy that he decided to come to the support lab. Sure, he didn't get laid, but an upgrade to his costume was almost as good...
Pulling out Minoru's costume file, Izuku cringed. 'What kind of costume is this?'
A Drinking Problem (Semi-Cannon)
"Oh Izuku, I have some great designs for some babies!" Mei shouted, kicking down the door to his lab. What she was greeted with was the sight of the boy chugging down some drinks. "Damnit, not again. IZUKU, WE TALKED ABOUT THIS!"
"What? It's just apple juice..."
"You have an unhealthy addition to that stuff."
"I do not!"
"Yes you do! I'm not even obsessed with my babies the way you are obsessed with that crap."
Izuku gave her a deadpaned stare. "First off, really? Secondly, what do you mean 'crap?' This stuff's great."
"Mei, how could you?"
Author's Note 2: Disclaimer- alcoholism is a serious issue. Those struggling with it should go and get the help and support needed. Tony Stark in the comics is an alcoholic himself. His most famous story where he tackles his alcoholic issues is in the amazing book 'Demon in a Bottle'. It may not have all the action one might expect in a comic, but it is easily one of Iron Man's best stories. I'd check it out if I were you :-). However, what Iron Man story would this be if I didn't at least reference it somewhat? Also, I'm the guy writing 'Immortality Sucks,' 'Lunar Knight', and 'Instant Pain', so a little dark humor is to be expected sometimes in my stories. Of course, I won't go too far (well, except in 'Immortality Sucks,' 'Lunar Knight', and 'Instant Pain' where I'll be pushing the bar occasionally). I thought I'd put a disclaimer just in case :-). I do plan for one of my stories to tackle substance abuse in the future in a more serious light, but not this one as it just won't fit the mood of the fic.