Rosario + Newcubus

Chapter 15

Co-Writer GreyKing46

We do not own these characters. All rights belong to Akihisa Ikeda, Gonzo Studios and Funimation.


Shooting Star Dragon 3000: Ha, ha. Sigh That'd be too easy.

ajjr12: I chose her from mythology, as far as I know Sirens exist in this universe, but they only appear in Season 2 in the manga.

ChaosSonic1: Here's the thing: I have read the manga so I know about ANTI-THESIS, but I can't remember if Grey has; also that part of the manga was still in production when the second season was announced so they went off the rails a little.

MegaMacho: Okay, due to Tsukune's lineage, being hidden/diluted over generations and mixed with humans, when the incubus blood mixed together it caused a spark and reignited the dormant genetics. Kind of like Desmond Miles in the AC universe.

Here are some reviews from our own GreyKing46:

MegaMacho: It is from the human blood. It has passed down so many generations in different ways from the different families. And so when they interacted and combined in Tsukune... boom.

Guest chapter 14 Jun 3: Japanese song's don't 'flow' as well when translated to English.

ajjr12: As far as I know it was born in fanfiction and is a reoccurring fan thing.

Shooting Star Dragon 3000: Why a fedora?

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Dear Mum, Dad and Kyouko

I've gone through a lot of changes being at Yokai Academy. I've made a lot of friends and felt better being here than at another school.

I'll write again soon.

Love Tsukune

Tsukune was walking to the Newspaper club...and was stopped by the precision of students in the hallways that lined up for a group of other students. All wearing black and white uniform wearing a white band with an unusual symbol on it. Tsukune didn't know what to think of these guys...but they seemed to command fear. Nothing but pure fear and intimidation

He flinched, trying to hold back fear

As the march of these terrifying students left, Tsukune and the other students disbanded going to their clubs and classes.

Tsukune was frozen, a deep-seated fear lay in his core, telling him to 'RUN! Run as fast as you can!'. His body was torn between running and frozen in terror, so he had to run to the Newspaper Club.

Mainly because of one member of the group. The second he saw him, his body wanted to run away


Tsukune ran into the Club's room, panting and sweating, shaking like a leaf.

"Tsukune, don't you-! T-Tsukune? What's wrong?" Shizuka snapped before she saw how scared he was, terrified out of his mind.

"I-I don't know."

Shizuka knelt down and hugged him, trying to calm his nerves, stroking his back in worry.

Acting like a mother cat to her kittens

Ten minutes passed and the Newspaper club came in, worried as soon as they saw him but by then he had mostly calmed down.

"Are you feeling better?" Mizore asked while rubbing his back

Tsukune nodded. "I don't...I don't understand. Why did I freeze like that? That-that's never happened before." He panted nervously.

Ruby thought for a second and then spoke up. "Tsu-." She thought before she locked the classroom door and checked the windows. Seeing if anyone was spying on them

"Ruby? What's going-?" Yukari asked

"I-I think I know. WHY Tsukune was...was scared like that." Ruby whispered. "It's because he's an...a Newcubus." She whispered

"A what?" Tsukune mumbled

"A 'new incubus'." Ruby answered. "Yukari. You know the book that Mistress gave you? And what she said?"

"Yeah, I...We were ALL there." Yukari answered

"What's going on?" Tsukune asked

"The reason for your terror...It might be because whoever was there...might've been a Youko." Ruby explained

The girls soon realised what that meant...and it answered exactly why Tsukune was afraid.

"A Youko? What're you talking about?" Tsukune asked, to which he had his answer.

It took a few minutes, but Tsukune was caught up on his heritage. How the terror of that vile and inbred Youko lord struck fear into Tsukune's very core. It was a defence mechanism. The aura of a Youko was akin to at the very least an S-Class Super Monster. The slaughter of Tsukune's ancestors was so ingrained into his being, he had no choice BUT to run. Like how a person with acrophobia is afraid of heights and chooses never to go near them, this was the same thing.

He clenched how fists, closing his eyes

"Tsukune. I'm so sorry." Moka whispered, apologising for him.

"It's not like we can do anything about it." He grumbled

The girls frowned, awkward that Tsukune was afraid...but also not sure about switching things to the newspapers.

"So. Why where those weirdoes here at the club room?" he asked

"They...they told us to close up." Mizore frowned

"What?" Tsukune asked as he heard that. "Why? On what grounds?"

"Because THEY said so." A somewhat unfamiliar voice spoke as it walked in. It was Ginei, the club president and local pervert werewolf.

"Ginei? What're you-?" Kurumu asked

"Those 'weirdoes' as you called them; first of all, DON'T let them know you said that about them. Second. They're basically Yakuza." Ginei answered honestly and bluntly.

"Gine. I-I know that-." Ms Nekonome frowned as she heard this, feeling guilty about knowing this.

"Wait, what's going on? Ms Nekonome, you KNEW?" Yukari asked

"Those...Bastards extort, torture...bullying. That's the tip of the iceberg." Ginei frowned

"Why haven't they-?" Tsukune asked

"Because any who say anything against them are broken." Ginei frowned, looking at Ms Nekonome who rubbed her neck sadly.

"They-?" Tsukune looked at her and then Ginei.

"Someone we cared for...left." Ms Nekonome whispered solemnly.

"What?" Moka asked as her eyes flashed red, Mina speaking through the pinkette showing HOW pissed the white haired vampire was

Ginei flinched in fear, recalling Mina from before. But he nodded. "My senpai, the former club president, quit. Because we got too close."

"To what?" Mizore asked, looking at Shizuka

"To exposing them." Shizuka frowned. "They had gathered clues, trying to expose them...but the other clubs backed out. Said that 'they did no such thing'."

"Lying through their teeth...Because of THEM." Ginei frowned, growling as his wolf fangs started to show. "THEY made her life a living hell...unless she left the club."

"But-But WHY?" Tsukune asked as he turned to Shizuka. "If they're doing all this bullshit, WHY haven't they been expelled?"

"They have control of the board of governors." Shizuka snarled, the group shocked to see her get angry

"They-? HOW?" Moka asked

"The head of the 'Public Safety Commission', Kuyo; his father is the head of the board of Governors." Shizuka explained lightly

"And the board's head has...'persuaded' us to ignore his son's actions." She spoke with shaking hands. "If we want to keep our jobs."

The group stood and stared in shock

"Can't-? Can't the headmaster-?" Kurumu began to ask

"He doesn't know, they made it so NONE of their shit gets to him." Ginei frowned "And they will know if anyone is approaching him to report them."

"So the's a massive prison." Tsukune whispered, horrified that even THIS place had monsters like that.

He couldn't believe it

"What can we do?" Mizore asked

"Honestly? Nothing. There's nothing we *can* do." Ginei answered with a frown. "They run the school."

"... We can do our job." Kurumu said confidently

"Kurumu?" The group asked

"We do our job. We don't back down. And we show them we WON'T be intimidated!" Kurumu answered. "We will reveal the truth!"

Shizuka and Ginei looked at her, seeing how determined she was...And smiled gently. Their fellow club member was giving them a slight amount of hope. That was enough to get them back to work.

*time skip*

"School paper? Care to read about the latest human fashions?" The girls and Tsukune passed out the free papers as people walked around, some of them took a copy, others seemed to ignore them.

"Free paper!" A different voice called up, from further on. "Yokai Observer! First issue!"

"'Yokai Observer'?" The group asked in shock and went over, with Tsukune standing guard over their stall.

The girls went over and saw that there were other girls, wearing skimpier uniforms to grab the attention of the guys, the 'Yokai Observer' was a competing newspaper.

"Free copy? Printed in colour. Updated content inside." A girl spoke

"Printed in colour?" Yukari frowned

"Hey! What're you doing here?" Kurumu shouted up as she strode forward.

"It's our debut paper, we've got permission to be here." A girl answered

"But this is the Yokai Gazette's-" Moka began to speak before being interrupted

"Do we have a problem here?" A different student spoke up. It was a long purple-haired girl, D-Cup breasts, wearing the school's uniform and standing tall.

"Yes, we do, you're here in OUR spot!" Kurumu answered

"Really? Well, I've gotten a notice here, signed and seconded for the 'Yokai Observer' stall to be here." The woman answered.

"What? Who by? Who are you?" Kurumu snapped

"My name's Keito, a member of the Public Safety Commission." The student introduced herself, making the surrounding area freeze.

The normal students looked on in fear

The Gazette girls gulped as they heard that, but they stood their ground.

"We. Aren't. Moving." Kurumu spoke up shocking the police.

Keito looked down at Kurumu and sighed gently, composing herself from hitting Kurumu. "Well. I'm sure. We can 'work something out'. Share and share alike?"


"Fine." Keito responded as she turned her back to them and then let them leave.

The girls glared and then headed back to their stand, determined to sell more papers than the 'Yokai Observer'.

"We've got to be better than them. I KNOW it." Kurumu spoke

"But what with? Colour and skimpy clothing?" Yukari asked

"I don't-oh." Kurumu answered before blinking, seeing Tsukune sell more papers, mostly to girls and she grinned.

*time skip*

Tsukune was standing out at the Yokai Gazette's stand, wearing an open shirt and small little shorts

Meanwhile the others were dressed skimpily as well.

"New edition of the Yokai Gazette." Tsukune spoke as he passed out papers to women, getting a few wolf whistles by them and butterfly kisses.

"Yokai Gazette, new edition!" Kurumu waved as the girls all wore maid dresses

"This is so embarrassing." Moka whispered and blushed as she passed newspapers.

"Yeah." Yukari nodded nervously

"But it's worth it!" Kurumu whispered with confidence

The girls were talking about the different articles, how they showed the different clothing styles, what cafes were nice. It was very girl-specific right now. Not a total girl magazine, there were pages for male readers too.

... And then they noticed the other newspaper had the girls wearing bikinis!

"What on Earth?" Tamao gasped as she saw the girls, seeing how they were demeaning themselves and how... Well... Yeah

"Now that is not fair." Tsukune frowned

"I know, maids are WAY sexier!" Kurumu pouted and huffed

"I meant they're...Yeah." Tsukune answered. "Let's go."

"Aren't we going to-?" Kurumu asked

"I honestly don't want to see you girls stripping off just to sell more papers." Tsukune answered seriously. "Plus, I know how guys like that think. It's just a bait gimmick."

Kurumu frowned, putting her papers onto their stall sadly

"Kurumu, we're not giving up." Moka answered. "We just won't sink to that level."

"I know." she nodded

"We'll make some more copies and try after lunch. Okay?" Mizore added

"Yeah, sure." Kurumu nodded again, a little bit slower this time.

"I'll go get something for you." Tsukune offered as he walked away.

The group decided to pack up for today and bring their stuff to their classroom. But there was something taped to the front door, with the symbol of the Public Safety Commissions.

"What is this?" Yukari asked as it was ripped off the door by Kurumu

She quickly scanned over the letter. "...They're closing down our club." She whispered

"WHAT?" Mizore snapped

"They-they're closing us down! 'On the grounds of indecent clothing and propaganda, the 'Yokai Gazette' Newspaper club is to be-' BULLSHIT!" Kurumu shouted


"They can't do that!" Yukari answered

"They have done!" Mizore accidentally shot an ice shard into the floor.

"'All copies must be burned to prevent...' That's just salt on the wound." Moka frowned as she looked at the letter.

"I don't care. They're not taking our paper!" Kurumu answered as she grabbed several arms full and took off running

"Kurumu, wait!" Moka and the others called out, losing sight of her.

"Which way-?" Tamao frowned in confusion

Tsukune frowned and took off on his own, the group going their own directions

'Kurumu. Where could've you gone?' He thought as he ran, trying to think of where she might've fled and he found her standing near the furnace.

"Kurumu? Are-?" Tsukune walked over carefully, hearing that Kurumu was crying. He frowned and knelt behind her.

He held her close, rubbing her back

Kurumu froze as she felt Tsukune hug her, but she looked around and cried into his arms.

"Oh~, isn't this sweet?" A harsh voice smiled as the figure walked towards them. "I thought you were meant to disband."

Tsukune froze and looked at the source of the voice

"Keito." Kurumu gulped as she saw her. "You...You've no-! HMM?!" She stood up and was instantly stopped by spider-webbing shot at her mouth.

"Never learn; do you?" Keito smirked as she shot that webbing from her hands.

"That's against the school rules!" Tsukune called out and glared at her, seeing her openly use her powers.

"Oh. You don't know do you?" Keito asked with a cocky smile. "We on the Public Safety Commission can use our powers openly. For the safety of the Academy, of course." As she was now wearing a black and white uniform with her centre buttons exposed and poking out black and yellow spider legs coming from her stomach.

"Oh, good god!" Tsukune flinched as he saw those.

"Keito's a Jorogumo, a spider-woman Yokai who traps and mystifies mento eat them. Whee~!" The bat from earlier flew by.

"Another one who manipulates for sex?" Tsukune asked

"Something like that. And I DON'T like threats." Keito answered. "And I've heard quite a lot about you, Tsukune Aono."

"Yeah?" he asked nervously

"Your harem of girls. Your...-unusual- means to sway them. I want a taste of you~." She gave a toothy grin and licked her lips.

Tsukune blinked and looked at Kurumu, unsure what to say for a moment

She was still struggling to get the webbing off, but she shook her head, not wanting to lose him. Thinking on the fly, Tsukune said this. "How about a bet?" He asked

"A bet?"

"Yes." He nodded, trying to think of the terms of the bet. "If you know so much about me...Then you know I can make several girls climax, right?"

"Correct." She nodded.

"So...If you make me cum once before I make you climax...two, three...eight times, we'll close up the Newspaper Club." Tsukune responded

"Hmm?" Both Kurumu and Keito smiled at that.

"Interesting. What happens if you make me cum that many times?" Keito asked cockily, tapping up his still exposed chest with her fingers.

"You leave us alone. Rescind that trumped-up order and stop harassing us." Tsukune answered after he gulped, trying to compile himself

He knew his skills might be pushed to the test, since he's never had to do this under a bet before, but he had to

Keito began to chuckle. "Very well. If you can manage to make me climax that many times...I accept."

"How many are we agreeing to?" he asked

"Well, since you suggested it. One for you and...four for me. I think eight might be TOO much for either of us." Keito answered

"I can get you there, but yeah you would probably be passed out by then." he sighed happily

Keito blinked at him. "THAT confident, are you?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I've had a good amount of practice." He answered

"Well then. Maybe we can have your...-'friend'- be our audience." Keito smiled and webbed up Kurumu to an open space.

"HMM!" Kurumu snapped, as she was caught in the webbing.

Tsukune frowned and reached for his underwear

"I really hope you don't disappoint." Keito smiled and her jaw dropped as she saw it


"You're bigger than my boyfriend."

Tsukune didn't rise to that, not wanting to cut him down. "I bet he tries, right?" He asked honestly.

"Kuyo isn't that romantic and cares more about fucking me than making me feel good." she said without thinking, getting more eager and excited

"K-Kuyo?" Tsukune gulped in worry, the cold shiver going through his soul.

But at the same time that idea got him harder

He was going to fuck that dictator's girl

"Not *scared* are you? I'd be -so- disappointed." Keito pouted and stroked his cheek

Tsukune smiled and started, kissing her deeply

Keito gasped as she felt his lips on hers, shuddering by his touch and felt like she could cum right then, which shocked her.

Tsukune cupped her cheek, his second hand reached around and held her hips as he felt her breasts press against his nude chest.

Of course the 'hips' was an awkward grab since she had a spider thorax and legs for legs

Keito shuddered and fell into his chest, blushing as she stroked his cock, imagining him penetrating her.

She felt so overly wet

'Second Yokai who isn't 'humanoid'...Guess I'm learning.' Tsukune thought gently, sliding his hand down to her breasts and teased her nipples.

His fingers on her breasts, playing with them skilfully

Keito broke the kiss and gasped, feeling her body shudder and climaxed from her front half.

She came, and he hadn't even neared her vagina yet

"Did you just cum?" He asked

"N-No. Yes." She blushed, trying to deny it and then nodded shyly.

"One of four." he smirked

"S-Still three to go." She answered, trying to save face.

"Fine." He nodded. "Quick question. Where's your vagina?" He asked

"My front." she stuttered, her hands in front of her hips "Right. Right here."

Tsukune nodded, giving her a gentle kiss before kneeling down.

Kurumu was still tied up, but she WAS enjoying the show, seeing Tsukune pleasure this woman...but still pissed off at her for being this bully.

She wanted in on this

"Wh-what're you-? Ah~!" Keito asked before gasping, arching back gently and felt her vagina being teased like this.

Her eyes rolled up in shock, feeling this guy lick her pussy. The first guy ever to do so

Tsukune continued to lick Keito, pleasuring her with his tongue and even with his thumbs, rubbing her clit to make her cum again. But this wasn't an inexperienced person, this was a woman with a boyfriend.

... Although it seems like said boyfriend had never done this for her before

'Does he only do what he feels good for him?' Tsukune thought as he continued, teasing Keito's pussy.

The Jorogumo woman panted, arching back as her thorax and legs shudder, she couldn't believe how much Tsukune was doing to her. 'S-So much! So good!' She thought and climaxed

Two out of four

Keito tried to lean back up; looking at Tsukune with determined, but heavily ecstasy, eyes. "M-My. Turn."

"No, no. Not yet." He answered as he groped her breasts. "I've still got one more move." And he slid his fingers into her pussy, rubbing her walls and searching for her G-Spot making her shriek in pleasure.

"Hmm~." Kurumu hummed as she heard her climax, even feeling her own juices flow.

"Was that three?" Tsukune asked

"H-How? How are you-?" Keito panted as she almost collapsed onto the floor.

"How am I what?"

"So good? Y-You've made me cum...Three times." Keito panted

"Experience. Up to two years experience." Tsukune answered "Correction, way more than that. But I'm just being nice."

"F-Fuck me. Satisfy me!" She panted, begging for Tsukune's cock. "Please! Please! I need it so bad!"

"Okay." He smiled, looking at Kurumu and...she was twitching, wanting to see Tsukune fuck this girl, squirting gently.

He nodded, pushing into the spider girl's pussy

Jolts of pleasure sparked up through her body, feeling a massive cock deep within her, the strong and hard member kissing her womb.

"Ah~" she moaned

"So tight. You've been unsatisfied for a while; right?" Tsukune asked as he hugged her, her breasts in his face, giving her pleasure with his experience.

He moved his hips, biting and sucking her nipples

"AH~! F-Fuck! Yes! Yes!" Keito moaned, clamping down on Tsukune's cock. "Harder, harder!"

"How about faster?" he winked and moved his hips faster and faster, getting deeper

Keito gasped and felt the vibrations and pushes deep into her womb, feeling her body shudder happily and she climaxed over his cock.

Four for four

And Tsukune was not finished, still thrusting away

Tsukune smiled as he continued, going to try something out.

He grabbed a set of her spider legs and pulled them up. Pushing her back and allowing him to thrust at a different angle

Keito gasped, collapsing to the floor, with Tsukune still inside her and free to fuck her. Kuyo wasn't this experimental, he just wanted a fuck and be done with it. This was ecstasy incarnate. 'How can he do these things?' She thought in love, especially as he grasped one of his spider legs and licked the tip of it sending pleasure through her body

"AH~!" Keito arched back as she felt her legs licked like this. Kuyo didn't even do this, hardly anyone knew of her g-spots

But this Tsukune somehow did

Orgasm six had hit her hard

'What happened to orgasm five?' I hear you ask; well that happened before Tsukune licked her legs but after he lifted them up for that angle.

"M-More~! More!" Keito moaned, kissing Tsukune to melt into this pleasure.

Her eyes rolling into her head, her tongue hanging loosely from her mouth as her mind was slowly reduced to mush

She could barely remember that arrogant bastard's face anymore

Tsukune smiled, kneading her breasts as he fucked her squirting pussy.

He pulled her nipples slightly, gently biting the tip of one of her feet

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH~!" she shrikes as she came for the seventh time

'One more. Should sate her.' He thought tenderly, pulling out of her pussy.

"W... What?" she asked, her pussy quivering and gaping from his intense fucking

"Last one. Oral, anal or pussy?" He asked giving her the last option.

"Tell me what you want." he urged and licked her neck

"Taste. Want. Want to taste." She begged, looking at Tsukune's wonderful cock.

"Oral it is." He nodded as he got into position

"Say, 'ah~'." He smiled, sliding his cock into her mouth.

The spider woman moaned, tasting her pussy and his member at the same time

"How do you like your taste?" Tsukune asked as he held her head

Keito moaned, salivating over her taste and his cock. His member was so good, moulding her mouth around it; she had no idea that he was THIS experienced.

She felt her pussy tightening from this sucking alone!

"K-Keito. I'm. Gonna cum." Tsukune panted, warning her.

'Do it! Do it!'

With the last few thrusts, Tsukune climaxed into Keito's mouth, but only after she gave her list climax from playing with herself; given this much pleasure and love, she couldn't *help* but cum for the eighth time.

Exclaiming in relief, Tsukune left his seed in her mouth, letting her salivate the taste and swallow it. She always had Kuyo's cum to taste...but Tsukune's was different, almost on another league.

Her body was limp, the pleasure being too much for her.

Tsukune sighed gently and let her fall onto the floor, he climbed up the tree and tried to get Kurumu out. "Sorry for the wait, Kurumu." He apologised.

"Ah~, it-it's okay. I loved watching your work." She gasped for air, feeling better as she was getting free

She hugged him, kissing him lovingly

"We can tell the others, not to worry now." Tsukune chuckled with a smile

Kurumu nodded in agreement. "I love you." She smiled at him.

"I love you too." Tsukune kissed her back.

Elsewhere, somewhere in the school, the School Safety Commission were gathered, discussing their 'weekly activities' and who had been 'good little sheep'.

And all of them discussing the different clubs at the school. Kuyo, the leader was sitting and listening. 'Father will be pleased.' He thought to himself as he looked at the clock and frowned. 'Where is Keito? She should be back by now.' He thought with disappointment.

As they began to adjourn, an underling spoke up. "Lord Kuyo, Sir. I have some news about the Yokai Times Club."

"What is it?" Kuyo asked

"Well, Sir; Miss Keito is...near the furnace. In an indecent state." The toady gulped nervously but answered honestly


"What?" he snarled, racing out of the room.

The toady gulped in fear and stood perfectly still as their leader raced out and ran to the furnace.

Kuyo's eyes widened in shock as he arrived at the sight, seeing his 'girlfriend' on the ground and looking in horror at her figure

"Keito! Keito!" He grabbed her and shook her to wake her up, thinking of only who did this to her.

Seeing the sperm all over her body and leaking from her lips, the blissful look on her face

"Who did this?" He hissed, letting her go in anger.

But he wasn't mad that his girlfriend may have been violated, no.

To him, she was a slut. Someone who he just got with to get his dick wet. But the fact was she was HIS property.

He was pissed someone played with HIS toy!

That the bitch had CHEATED on him and acted like she was WORTH something!

"Who did this?" He hissed venomously. "Huh? Who did this?"

"Tsukune... More..." she whispered happily

"'Tsukune'? 'Tsukune' who?" He shook her, but got nothing."TSUKUNUE WHO, YOU FUCKING BITCH?!"

To be continued

If you have any comments please leave them in reviews