I wanted to write this fanfic for a long time with Jon grows up in Essos and then becoming commander of the Golden Company. I was very much inspired by the fanfic A Dragon Will Take Us Home, which is one of the best I've ever read. This is also my first fanfic of this fandom and also the first fanfic I ever write.

Before you start reading, I want to tell you that English is not my mother tongue and that it may have grammatical and syntax errors. I tried to write it with what I remembered from schools and what the internet has to offers.

This story will have a relationship: Jon Snow/Daenerys Targaryen/Rhaella Targaryen

His true name'll be revealed as the story proceed.

I posted this story also on Ao3 and Wattpad.

Chapter 1: Fall of the dragons

283 AC

Battle of the Trident

While lying on the ground dying, with the armor smashed by the war-hammer of Robert Baratheon, the Prince thought back to the happy moments of his life: the birth of his children Aegon and Rhaenys, the happy moments spent with his mother Rhaella, trying to make her smile after the mistreatment suffered by his father Aerys, and finally the last days spent with his beloved Lyanna who now would have given him another child, whom he will never be able to see. He remembers his promise to Lyanna before he leaves: to return to her.

"I'm sorry, Lyanna. I couldn't keep my promise. "

And so dies Rhaegar of House Targaryen, son of King Aerys II and Queen Rhaella, The Last Dragon.


While Rhaella was sitting in the room on the painted table, she thought back to the events that lead to this chaos. The growing madness of her husband reached its peak with the killing of the Warden of the North and his heir, putting half the kingdom against our house.

And Rhaegar's actions were no different, choosing love instead of duty, running away with the daughter of the Warden of the North and betrothed to the Lord Paramount of the Stormlands, one of the main pretender to the throne. And all this to make true a prophecy that someone wrote in a book hundreds years ago.

Looking at the narrow sea from the window of the room and thinking also of the child she has in her lap, with the corner of her eyes, she saw coming the Master of Dragonstone.

"Your grace, a crow has arrived from King's landing."

Rhaella immediately took the scroll and read it.

My Queen,

Prince Rhaegar fell at the hands of Robert Baratheon, the loyalist army are on the run. The lannisters had sacked the city. The bodies of Elia , of Princess Rhaenys and little Aegon lie maimed at the foot of the Iron throne. The rebels are divided, because Lord Stark is disgusted by these atrocities. Furious stormed out of the throne room, despite the screams of Robert, to search for his sister and I believe they will March with his army out of D ragonstone .
Thanks to this distraction, I implore you, your grace, flee from Dragonstone and escape to E ssos soon.

Your trusty servant

Lord Varys

Master of whisperers

Rhaella felt the tears begin to fall and told everyone in the room to leave her.

When everyone had left the room, she let herself be overcome by the emotion and cried with all her strength, thinking of little Aegon, little Rhaenys, and poor Elia, victims of this chaos.

King's Landing: throne room

Eddard Stark was in the throne room with all the lords of the north, looking with horror at the mutilated and lifeless bodies of Elijah and his children. Then he looked at Robert and saw that he was indifferent, and even though he didn't smile, he was satisfied.

"Robert! You can't let this thing pass without justice." He said aloud and angrily. "The Mountain and its men must be sentenced to death for what they did, just as the Lannisters must answer for having sacked the city and killed innocent people."

"Innocent!" Robert said, raising his voice, "there are no innocent people fighting on the side of the dragons, murderers and rapists. What do you think Rhaegar did to your sister, eh? Kidnapped, raped and who knows what else. "

"If you do not condemn them for the crimes committed, you are not better than the mad King."

"How dare you, damn you," Robert said, taking his hammer and charging them.

He unleashed Ice, barely parrying, and heard swords draw, those of the Northern lords and of Storm's Ends lords.

Then he heard Jon Arryn shout "Enough! I have raised you both and I will not allow you to kill each other. The Seven Kingdoms have bled enough. "

"I thought you were a better man Robert." Eddard said, looking at him with contempt. "I'm going to break the siege of Storm's End and then look for my sister. I advise you to send the bodies to Dorne, so that they may have a proper burial, and if you want that there is peace in the Seven Kingdoms. "

Eddard left the throne room, furious, despite Robert's curses and shouts.

Outside the red fortress, he saw Lord Varys waiting for him to say two words "Joy and Dorne". Then he left.

Storm's End

When Eddard arrived at Storm's End, he didn't even have to fight because Mace Tyrell immediately gave up.

Then he meets with Stannis Bartaheon in the camp command tent erected outside the Storm's End.

"Thank you, Lord stark, for breaking the siege."

"You are welcome Lord Stannis."

"Is the news from the capital true?"

"Yes, and that's why I broke my friendship with Robert. He is no longer the boy I knew, or maybe mine has been just an illusion, and the real Robert had always been like that. "

"He has always been like that. But maybe the crown will put him in line. "

He nodded and said "Lord Stannis can you give me a moment with my Lords."

Stannis nodded and I leave the tent.

"My Lords. When I was in King's Landing, I received news that my sister is at the Tower of Joy, in Dorne. I'm sure it will be defended by the three best royal guards, since they were not at the trident, nor at King's Landing, and neither at Dragonston. I ask ten volunteers to come with me, but I want you to know that there is a possibility of no return. "

He saw Howland Reed, William Dustin, Ethan Glover, Martyn Cassel, Theon Wull, Mark Ryswell, Brandon Snow, Rickon Flint, Bowen Karstark and Thorren Norrey.

"Thank you, my lords. Lord Umber, Lord Bolton, make sure the army returns to the North safe and sound, and that my family joins me in Winterfall. I recommend, my lords, the information about my sister's location information must not leave this tent."

They all nodded and left the tent, starting to give orders to dismantle the camp.


Rhaella was sitting in front of the painted table.

"What news from the Seven Kingdoms?"

"Lord Tyrell has surrendered to Lord Stark, the Baratheon fleet is blocking Dragonstone, Robert Baratheon is at the King's Landing and the coronation will take place in a month."

Rhaella nodded and asked that everyone leave the room except Willem Darry.

"Lord Darry, I want to ask you a favor."

"I listen to you, your grace. I would do anything for House Targaryen. "

"When the baby is born, I want you to take him and Viserys and the baby to safety."

"But your grace, you..."

"I'm sure I won't survive this birth. And I want to make, sure, my children survive. You have to take them to Essos. "

"I give you my word that I will protect them with my own life and that I will raise them as if they were my own children, your grace. And when the time comes, I will help them retake what is rightfully theirs with Fire and blood.

Rhaella nodded and saw Darry bow and leave.

She then leaned against the chair and looked from the window to the horizon, sighing.