Disclaimer: I do not have anything to do with Bleach and Code Geass.
People were walking by and going on about their day. Suddenly there was a bit a rain with some fog that had occurred. This surprised people and wondered what was going on as it disappeared quickly. People looked around and looked up in the sky. In the sky, Shirley with her Honryugasumi in hand and Mao looked on and was upset as he clenched the hilt of his Oborome.
"How?" Mao asked, "How are you able to do this? Are you really going to just ignore what has happened and what you did? You really are ignoring what Lelouch has done?"
"I'm not ignoring any of that," Shirley said, "but the thing is that I spoke to my father."
"What do you mean?" Mao asked.
"When I helped restore the world," Shirley said, "I actually spoke to my father before he departed."
As the world was being restored due to the effect of Jikangetsu, Shirley and her mother Susan faced Joseph and Joseph smiled and then he hugged his wife and his daughter.
"Shirley, I want you make sure that I know," Joseph said.
"Father?" Shirley asked.
"I just want you know that I'm proud of you," Joseph said.
"Father," Shirley said.
"I know you have a tough road ahead of you," Joseph said, "and I know that you want to be with him."
"Father, I…" Shirley spoke with a bit of worry.
"No, no, you don't need to say anything," Joseph said as he let go of Shirley and Susan.
"Dear," Susan said.
Joseph just looked at them and smiled.
"You made it clear that you decided to forgive and I made my decision as well," Joseph said, "I forgive him as well."
"Father," Shirley said.
"You have tough road ahead of you," Joseph said, "no matter what happens, know that I will always support you in spirit and I know that I'm very happy and very proud of you."
"Father," Shirley said feeling touched, "Father, thank you."
The world was being restored and Joseph joined the dead and headed in C's World.
Flashback End
"What you just did," Shirley said, "in the past, you may have actually succeeded to break me and that's the purpose of the power of your Zanpakuto which to show them the illusion that is meant to break the person down and build them up to manipulate them. But the thing is that I spoke to my father and even before then, I had spent years thinking about myself and what I decide to how I go about it. I decide my choices and I'll face the consequences of my choices and I won't let anyone break me or manipulate me… and that includes you."
Mao clenched his teeth in anger. Shirley used Shunpo and it surprised Mao and he barely blocked Shirley's sword attack with his own sword but Shirley's Honryugasumi caused a spray of high density water and Mao was getting cuts on his body and moved away. Mao was shaking and was upset.
"This wasn't supposed to happen," Mao said in his head.
Meanwhile in the old Kururugi Family Shrine, Lelouch and Euphie was facing Schneizel while Kanon and Suzaku looked on.
"Lelouch, you're contradicting yourself," Schneizel said to Lelouch, "You, who have denied the freewill of others, have lied and manipulate in order to have things go your way and destroyed the lives and dreams of others and now you stand there talking about how you acknowledge humanity's freewill and how you seek a better future?" Schneizel shook his head as he felt disappointed, "Well you all are just going to fail and now with my plans that you destroyed, all you have really done is doomed everyone. So you might as well just kill me here and now but know this, whatever you do from now on, when you fail, you will fail hard and then you'll wish that you had aided me instead going on your childish speeches and notions. Things may have worked well for you in the Soul Society, but it won't work for you here."
"Hmph, Schneizel," Lelouch said, "you're making quite assumptions. You have no clue… and that's sad."
"What do you mean?" Schneizel replied with a glare.
"There won't be failure on my part and not on any of the others," Lelouch said, "and even if we do fail, then we'll simply try again. Failure is not always the end."
"You may have restored the world and freed it from the clutches that was created by Charles and Marianne," Schneizel said, "but do you think that people in general will just accept you? The truth of what you done in the past are out and Euphie here may be forgiven you but on the other hand Lelouch, there is no way people will be able to forgive you. You'll have no place in this world."
Lelouch sighed as he knew what Schneizel just said and he nodded.
"Maybe so," Euphie spoke up and she went and stood next to Lelouch, "but even with that the case, I'll stand with him and not just him, we're committed to stand with Lelouch."
"And it's because of them," Lelouch said, "I'll stick around and I'll stand with them as well as Nunnally, Sayoko, Jeremiah, and the friends that I still have."
Schneizel narrowed his eyes and then he looked at Euphie.
"Are you sure about this Euphie?" Schneizel asked, "Lelouch had already ruined your life before. Now you're willing to stand with him after everything he had done."
"I am," Euphie said with determination, "I refuse to turn my back on him. I've been with him for years since my time in the Soul Society and I will continue to stand with him and nothing you or anyone else says or do will change my mind and it's the same for the others in our group."
Lelouch looked away to the side and smiled as he felt grateful.
"Lelouch, we should go," Euphie said, "We have things we need to do, most importantly, finding them and stopping them."
"Yeah, I agree," Lelouch said.
Lelouch and Euphie walked away Schneizel frowned as he was not happy.'
"So that's it," Schneizel said, "you two are just going to walk away," Schneizel then turned to Lelouch and Euphie, "I'll just try again myself and rebuild. Even if I don't have the FLEIA blueprints anymore, I can still find ways to rebuild the weapons."
"And if you do, we'll simply break them down and destroy them again," Lelouch countered, "no matter what you do Schneizel, we will be able to stop you. No one wants to deal with you threatening the world again."
"Lelouch, Euphie," Suzaku said.
Euphie and Lelouch stopped and then they turned to Suzaku.
"Suzaku," Euphie said with a sad expression.
"Suzaku, don't bother," Kanon said strongly.
Suzaku looked at Kanon and he looked at Schneizel who just glared.
"Schneizel, know that if you come after us, we will respond in kind," Lelouch warned, "and you won't like our response."
Lelouch and Euphie walked away as Schneizel, Kanon, and Suzaku looked on.
"What an utter failure this was," Schneizel said upset.
"Your Majesty," Kanon said, "shall we head back?"
"Yes, nothing more we can do," Schneizel said, "for now. Suzaku, we're leaving."
Suzaku looked at Schneizel and then after a bit of pause he bowed to Schneizel.
"Yes Your Majesty," Suzaku said.
"Now as for them," Kanon said.
They looked at the soldiers that were on the ground from Lelouch's counterattack. Meanwhile Lelouch and Euphie arrived at the bottom of the stairs that led to the old shrine and they were met by Jeremiah who had a car.
"Master Lelouch," Jeremiah said, "Lady Euphemia."
"Jeremiah," Lelouch said with a smile.
Lelouch, Euphie, and Jeremiah got in the car and Jeremiah drove the car. In the car, they were discussing how things went.
"I never expected that His Majesty would attempt such a thing," Jeremiah said, "but I should have known that he would."
"Doing whatever it takes to win," Lelouch said, "that's how he goes and it's no different."
"It's true," Euphie said.
"Euphie, thank you," Lelouch said, "for what you said earlier."
"Oh Lelouch," Euphie replied with a smile, "You don't need to thank me. It was just what I and the others said in the Wandering Spirit World."
"Yeah, but still thank you," Lelouch said with a smile.
"Hmm, your welcome," Euphie said happily.
Jeremiah was happy in what he was hearing. Meanwhile Shirley and Mao were still clashing their blades and in the sky and Mao were frustrated that he was not able to put the pressure on Shirley. Mao just couldn't understand how Shirley was skilled in what she was doing. Everything Mao did, Shirley was able to counter whether it was with Kido or the use Hoho. Suddenly Shirley appeared right in front of Mao and struck him with a punch in the gut. This shocked Mao as it knocked the wind out of him. Mao was wide eyed and looked at Shirley as he was trying to catch his breath.
"Damn you," Mao said.
"We should end this Mao," Shirley said.
Shirley swung her sword and bit of water was shot toward Mao and Mao was shocked again as he screamed no. Mao was struck which caused Mao crashed to the ground. Mao slowly got up and found himself at an open plain. Shirley landed on her feet on the ground. Mao was livid and had hatred towards Shirley.
"You need to die!" Mao ranted.
Mao raised his left hand ready to use a high level Kido but Shirley used Shunpo and reappeared behind Mao with the blade of her Honryugasumi on Mao's neck. Mao was shocked once again and he couldn't believe what was happening.
"You are so blinded with anger and rage that you lose focus," Shirley said.
Mao glanced back at Shirley.
"Do you know what the real problem is?" Shirley asked.
"What?" Mao replied.
"You're too short-sighted," Shirley said, "even with the use of your Geass, you're too slow to react."
"What do you mean?" Mao asked.
"This whole thing," Shirley said, "this whole thing for your revenge against me, your revenge against Lelouch and trying to prove that you're better than him just really hinges on your Zanpakuto's ability. But I was able to break through your illusion and if I was able to do it, you can bet that Lelouch would be able to do the same and then what? What do you do when that happens? How do you fight a captain class Shinigami?"
Mao clenched his teeth in anger.
"You didn't think about it that if it occurred because you still see us as we were before when you first met us," Shirley pointed, "and you never bother to consider that there was a chance of that ever happening and you never bother to really train yourself as a Shinigami. You managed to make your way as the 3rd Seat but just stayed as you were and never bother to improve. Not even Kusakabe went that route and I bet he still believes that he can take us anytime."
"You don't know anything," Mao said angrily as he moved away and pointed angrily at Shirley, "you're nothing more than a conniving witch and Lelouch is just scum. That is all you two are! I know you two, I still have my Geass and I know all there is about you. You think this is over? Ha, it won't be over until I say it is," Mao had a deranged expression, "if I can't break you down, then I'll go break someone else down. Maybe I'll pay a visit to your friends… or maybe your dear mother and while I'm at it, I might as well break Nunnally down afterwards. Even if I can't get Lelouch personally, I can get him through Nunnally since he cares too much for his sister."
Shirley was wide eyed and Mao laughed a bit.
"I'm not done," Mao declared, "this far from over!"
There was a sudden slash and Mao was shocked as he felt the slash as Shirley moved passed him.
"You really are a sick person Mao," Shirley said, "absolutely twisted."
Mao looked and realized that Shirley had just slashed him and then Shirley followed up by cutting Mao down and spilled his blood. Mao couldn't believe it happened and was surprised as he fell on the ground dead. Shirley looked at the dead Mao and then she deactivated her Zanpakuto, sheathed it, and turned to leave via Shunpo.
Clovis, Bartley, and Nina were leaving the Toromo Agency and they met with Lloyd, Cecile, and Cornelia.
"It's done," Clovis said.
"Excellent," Cornelia said, "thank you for doing this."
"Well with done, your part of this is done," Lloyd said, "but do you think this will be done for sure?"
"We can only hope," Cecile said, "because I doubt Emperor Schneizel will just give up."
"Even if my brother does, we'll just crush it again," Clovis said, "we won't allow him to threaten the world again."
"I agree," Cornelia said, "I've always believed in our brother and I always believed he would be best fit to be Britannia's ruler, but now…"
"Sister," Clovis said with concern.
Cornelia sighed sadly, "I'm sure things would have been different if it wasn't for the various events that had occurred."
"Maybe, who knows," Clovis said.
"So Bartley and Prince Clovis, what's next for the two of you?" Lloyd asked.
"A meeting," Clovis said.
"With Euphie, Lelouch, and everyone in the group," Cornelia said.
"Yes there are several things we're going to discuss in what to do moving forward," Clovis said.
"Would one of them is finding Father and Lady Marianne?" Cornelia asked.
"Yes," Clovis said.
"Um Prince Clovis," Nina spoke.
"Yes?" Clovis replied.
"Would it be okay if I attend this meeting you will have?" Nina asked.
"Hmm, you want to be involved?" Bartley asked.
"Yes," Nina replied although she was a bit nervous, "if it's okay."
"Nina, I don't that it would be necessary for you to be there," Cecile said, "this seems to be something discussed among Shinigami and Arrancars."
"Actually it might not be a problem," Clovis said.
"Clovis?" Cornelia asked.
"In fact, I'm sure it won't be a problem if you all join us," Clovis said.
"Oh, would it really be okay?" Lloyd asked.
Bartley and Clovis looked at each other and nodded.
"Sure it won't be a problem," Bartley said, "in fact there will definitely be others in the meeting."
They went on their way on the flagship to head to Japan. Somewhere on the ground, there were people that were watching the flagship leave. The people that were watching were Kewell, Marika, Lilianna, Sancia, Lucretia, and Dalque. The three Hollowified girls and the three Arrancars looked at the agency. Kewell stepped up a bit and then he turned to the girls.
"Let's go," Kewell said.
The six individuals went on their way as they used Sonido.
1960AD, Human World
Within the designated area for the field training, the sixth year students that made up the barrier unit were prepared and kept watch.
"It's begun," One of the sixth year students said, "maintain barrier strength. Often dummy Hollows can attract the real thing."
"Right, right," Another sixth year student said, "but this is a safe zone so it won't likely happen."
"Just the same, make sure you don't let your guard down," The first sixth year student said, "This is part of our training as well."
"Okay, okay…" The other sixth year student said.
A huge shadowy figure approached them and barrier unit students and they didn't see nor did they feel its presence as the creature was sneaking up on them. Meanwhile, a dummy Hollow was making its way and Renji was chasing it until he stopped.
"Damn," Renji said as he stopped, "all right Momo, it's coming your way!"
The dummy Hollow continued on and then it saw Momo with her hand out to it.
"Hado#31: Shakkaho!" Momo said as she shot the spell and saw that the dummy was able to move out of the way of the Kido spell and kept moving in a fast pace, "Izuru, I missed it!"
Izuru appeared and slashed the dummy Hollow vertically with his sword and destroyed it and Izuru sheathed his sword. Renji and Momo went to Izuru.
"Good job Izuru," Renji said.
Izuru nodded, "Thanks, you too. We succeeded because we worked together. We couldn't do it on our own as we are now."
"Nah, by myself, I would have done it much faster," Renji said with a grin, "In fact, they should let me fight real Hollows instead of dummies."
Momo just looked at Renji with an annoyed expression.
"Huh, you're nothing but talk Renji," Momo said.
"Hey, I'm serious," Renji insisted.
"Yeah, let's go," Momo said as she was pushing Renji to move.
"Hey, don't push me Momo!" Renji complained.
"Yeah, yeah, let's go Mr. Tough Guy," Momo said.
Momo, Izuru, and Renji went on their way to the rendezvous point for the Advance Students. Not far from the students, there was a blurry silhouette stalking the three students.
2024atb, Japan, Human World
In Tokyo, Japan, someone was coming out of their house and it was Naoto Ohgi. Following suit was his father, Kaname Ohgi and his mother Villetta Ohgi.
"Kaname, are you sure you want to do this?" Villetta asked with worry.
"Yes, this may be the best chance," Ohgi said and then he smiled, "don't worry, you and Naoto go ahead. I'll meet up with you two."
"Dad," Naoto said.
"Hey son," Ohgi said smiling at his son.
"Are you going to be okay?" Naoto asked.
"Yes, I'll be fine," Ohgi assured.
"Do you know where they will be?" Villetta asked.
"Yes, I have good idea where they will be," Ohgi said, "in fact, they are using that place as a temporary residence for the moment."
"Dad, what are you going to do when you get there?" Naoto asked, "Can you make up with your friends?"
Kaname and Villetta were looking at their son and Villetta looked at her husband as Kaname looked away with a frown and then he smiled at his son and patted his head. Meanwhile at the building that once operated as the government bureau for Britannia as well as the palace for an Area's Viceroy, Nunnally and Sayoko were in a room and Nunnally was making origamis. It was a colorful display of origami and Nunnally and Sayoko smiled happily. The door opened up and Lelouch, Euphie, and Jeremiah entered in the room.
"Oh Lelouch, Euphie," Nunnally said happily, "welcome back you two. Welcome back Jeremiah."
"Welcome back you three," Sayoko said.
"Glad to be back," Lelouch said with a smile.
"So did you talk to Suzaku?" Nunnally asked.
"Yes, we talked to him," Euphie said as she sat next to Nunnally.
Euphie and Lelouch told Nunnally and Sayoko what had occurred at the old Kururugi Shrine.
"I see," Nunnally said and then she frowned, "it doesn't surprise me that Schneizel would do that."
"No, but at least we were ready for him," Lelouch said as he stood next to Nunnally.
"I'm glad," Nunnally said with a smile.
"Master Lelouch," Sayoko said, "about this meeting you all will have…"
"Yes, it's been two months since we came back and restored the world," Lelouch said, "we need to talk about what we need to do moving forward."
"So with that, we should get prepared," Euphie said, "the others will be here soon."
"Nunnally, are you sure you want to be part of this yourself?" Lelouch asked.
"Yes, I want to help as much as I can," Nunnally said determined.
"We desire the same thing," Sayoko said as she and Jeremiah showed determined expression.
"I think it's okay," Euphie said.
"…Okay," Lelouch said with a nod.
Pendragon, Holy Britannian Empire
Within the Pendragon Imperial Palace, Schneizel was sitting in a conference room and was looking a monitor and was speaking with someone from the Toromo Agency that was in Cambodia and Schneizel was frowning when the person informed him of what he was told and that the new Damocles was being built was destroyed and the FLEIA warheads and the blueprints of the warheads were destroyed at the hands of Clovis and Bartley. Schneizel cut the transmission and was in a foul mood.
"It's not just with the Toromo Agency in Cambodia," Schneizel said as he was upset, "they struck at other places that I had," Schneizel clenched his teeth, "they think they can come back and destroyed everything I worked for and built for…"
There was a sudden knock on the door and the door opened and it was Kanon.
"Your Majesty," Kanon said, "there's someone here to see you."
Schneizel frowned, "Kanon, I specifically said that I was not going to see anyone. Why did you and guards let them in?"
"Well I didn't," Kanon said, "he was able to just let himself in."
"It's good to see you," A male voice said and the person walked in and it was Luciano, "greetings Your Majesty."
Schneizel was surprised to see Luciano.
"Luciano Bradley," Schneizel said, "I didn't expect you. Why are you…?"
"Why am I here?" Luciano asked, "Or you wondering how did I get here?"
"So why is the former Knight of Ten here honoring me with his presence?" Schneizel asked.
"Well the thing is that I understand that things have not gone exactly as you hoped for," Luciano said, "mainly due to the interference of your siblings."
"And what would you know about that?" Schneizel asked.
"Your Majesty, no need to be suspicious," Luciano said, "after all, I came back to offer my assistance."
"Your assistance," Schneizel said.
"Yes, I have the abilities to help you out," Luciano said, "I have the skills to counter against their abilities as Shinigami."
"What are you a Shinigami as well?" Kanon asked.
"No, I'm actually better than a Shinigami," Luciano said with a smile.
"Better than a Shinigami you say," Schneizel said.
"Yeah and believe me, you'll like having me around," Luciano said with confidence.
Human World, 1960AD
Most of the freshmen as well as the three sixth year students were at the rendezvous point.
"I think that everyone has returned safely," Aoga said.
Kanisawa nodded, "So the exercise was a success."
Shuhei spoke in his communicator, "This is Hisagi at the rendezvous point. Barrier unit, what is the situation there?"
The area where the barrier unit students were stationed had blood that was dripping on the ground and the students there were all dead.
"Barrier unit, acknowledge," Shuhei continued from his communicator, "Barrier unit, can you hear me? Report in at once! Barrier unit, report!"
Back at the rendezvous point, the three sixth year students felt that something was very wrong.
"What could have happened?" Kanisawa asked.
"I don't know," Shuhei said, "it certainly is strange for them not to answer."
Kanisawa turned and saw something that shocked her, "Oh no!"
"What is it?" Shuhei asked as he turned and saw what Kanisawa saw and was surprised.
Meanwhile with Renji, Izuru, and Momo, they were heading back to the rendezvous point and having conversations when all of a sudden, they heard screams. This surprised them and they were concerned.
"What was that?" Izuru asked.
"Let's go," Renji said.
They rushed to get to the rendezvous point and when they got there, they were shocked as they actually saw a real Hollow and the Hollow was huge. The Huge Hollow just got pushed by a bit by Shuhei, Aoga, and Kanisawa and the three sixth year students jumped back a bit with their swords in their hands.
"What is that thing?" Renji asked, "It's huge!"
The Huge Hollow swung its talon at Kanisawa but Kanisawa herself was able to avoid the swing and countered with a Hado spell.
"Aw damn it!" Shuhei said in his head, "It's a Hollow and a big one! But why didn't we sense it approaching?"
"You bastard, how dare you!" Aoga said angrily as he charged towards the Huge Hollow.
Aoga, no!" Shuhei pleaded.
"No stop!" Kanisawa pleaded.
Aoga charged at the Huge Hollow, only to be forced to dodge the swing from the Huge Hollow and nearly lost his footing.
"Aoga!" Kanisawa shouted.
"Freshmen, get out of here!" Shuhei ordered when he turned to the freshmen, "Run as fast as you can!"
The freshmen panicked and did what Shuhei ordered and they fled.
"So that's what a real Hollow looks like," Renji said and then he noticed Izuru was just frozen and he went and grabbed his arm, "C'mon are you deaf? Let's go!"
"Uh, right…" Izuru responded as he and Renji fled.
Meanwhile Momo looked on and was shocked and had her thoughts about the situation.
"What are we doing?" Momo asked herself in her head, "Someone should actually stick around and help them fight."
Seireitei, Soul Society
Maki was walking and had his right hand over his right ear and had a serious expression. Maki nodded and put his hand off his ear.
"I better hurry," Maki said.
Maki picked up the pace to go where he needed to go. Maki was seen by Kusakabe and he was confused about Maki.
"Maki Ichinose," Kusakabe said, "As I recall, he's in the 3rd Division and he's still loyal to Kozuki. Wait, is he heading to…" Kusakabe was wide eyed, "the Senkaimon. But there's no order for someone in the 3rd Division to go to the Human World."
Kusakabe narrowed his eyes and was suspicious of Maki and decided to go report. On the other side, Shin looked on seeing Maki heading to the Senkaimon and then he observed Kusakabe going somewhere guessing what Kusakabe was going to do.
"It won't matter," Shin said with a smirk.
2024atb, Tokyo, Japan, Human World
People were heading to the building that was once Britannia's Viceroy Palace. Todoh, Chiba, Senba, Asahina, and Urabe arrived and looked at the building.
"Ironic that we'll be all meeting here," Asahina said.
"Hmph, life does move in interesting ways," Senba said.
"With this, we'll discuss the issues at hand and what we can do about what is going on," Todoh said.
They heard sound of a motorbike and they looked and saw Rivalz who was driving the bike and Milly who was riding in the passenger seat. Rivalz stopped the bike and he and Milly took off their helmets. Rivalz and Milly saw Todoh and the Four Holy Swords and were a bit nervous.
"Uh, h-hello," Rivalz said.
"Hello again," Milly said.
"Greetings," Todoh said with a nod.
Chiba was nervous and her hellos.
"So I guess you two came by for the meeting as well," Asahina said.
"Y-Yeah," Milly said, "we talked to Lelouch and he said that we could come if we wanted so here we are."
"Oh, you two are planning to attend as well?" Tamaki's voice asked.
They looked over and there was Tamaki, Minami, and Sugiyama and they were accompanying Kaguya and Rakshata.
"Oh so you guys are here as well," Urabe said.
"We're just curious and wanted to see if we could help," Kaguya said.
"To help huh," Anya said.
Anya and Gino showed up and Shirley just arrived as well and they all greeted each other. At the landing pad at the top of the building, the flagship arrived and Clovis, Bartley arrived and followed them was Cornelia, Nina, Guildford, Cecile, and Lloyd. Waiting for them is Darlton and his five sons and they smiled as they arrived. Not far from the old Viceroy Palace, another flagship was heading to the building and in that flagship were Rai, Alice, Akito, Leila, Ryo, Ayano, and Yukiya. At the other side, there was a plane that was that was coming close to the building. As the plan arrived on the landing pad, four people came out and it was Xingke along with Tianzi, Hong Gu, and Xianglin. In one of the rooms, Lelouch was looking out of the window. The door opened and Euphie entered.
"Lelouch," Euphie said.
"Okay," Lelouch said as he turned to Euphie.
Two other people showed up and it was Kallen and Naoto.
"Hey," Naoto greeted with a grin.
"Hey," Lelouch said with nod and smile.
"So we're really going to do this," Kallen said walking towards Lelouch.
"Yeah, we know what we have to do," Lelouch said, "and it would be best to get everyone's input on this."
"All right, let's do this," Naoto said.
"Right," Euphie said.
"Oh by the way Lelouch," Kallen said.
"Yes?" Lelouch replied.
Outside of the old Viceroy Palace, someone was looking at the building and it was Diethard.
"That's where they are gathering," Diethard said.
"So it is true," Ohgi's voice said.
Diethard was surprised and he looked and saw Ohgi.
"Ohgi, what are you doing here?" Diethard asked.
"I'm here the same reason you're here," Ohgi said.
Diethard chuckled a bit, "I'm not sure if you actually are here the same reason as me but if you really are, do you really think that they would be willing to even talk to you?"
"The same can be said about you Diethard," A female voice said.
Diethard and Ohgi looked and saw that it was CC.
"CC," Ohgi said.
"I got to say that you two are quite bold," CC said.
"Oh I agree," A male voice said.
Diethard and Ohgi were surprised again and then someone suddenly appeared and it was Kajiro. Meanwhile on the open plain, Mao was still laid dead on the ground and then someone suddenly appeared and walked over and stood next to Mao's dead body. The one standing next to Mao's body was Amatsuki.
"Well now, what do I have here," Amatsuki said, "one of Sumeragi's former allies. As I recall, he's obsessed with that woman called CC, "Amatsuki kneeled down, "I have some use for you."
Back in the former Viceroy Palace, people were in the conference room and Lelouch stood in front of people and looked around.
"Okay everyone, it's time," Lelouch said, "We have a few topics to discuss. We need to talk about what we do since we have come back. We need to talk about what we all go from here. Then we talk about if we can and do regarding about the Soul Society," Lelouch frowned, "especially when it comes to Sosuke Aizen and his followers."
That's it for this chapter. Next chapter: The group discusses things and what they can and will do and students in the other Human World gets help against the Huge Hollow.