Shinobi of Lust

Disclaimer: don't own Naruto

A/N: I apologise for the long hiatus of this fic and I noticed how much popular it is. So wait no longer for I have returned to write this fic again. Enjoy this fic.

Next day: outside Training Grounds 44 (A.K.A Forest of Death)

The second exam is almost ready to start. All of the remaining Genin are waiting out of the fenced up forest each in their own team. Naruto waits casually with his teammates Sasuke and Sakura, the others also wait either eager to get the exams started or feeling scared and regret of making it this far after seeing the fenced up forest and the giant snakes, leeches and centipedes crawling in the outgrown trees. Also the echoing roar of tigers and other ferocious beasts that reside deep within.

The candidates' expression is a mixture of fear and determination, but Naruto feels confident, he passed the first exam with no problem and is sure to pass this second exam. Sasuke is too or rather arrogant to show his fear due to his pride as an Uchiha. Sakura however, well you know the pink haired kunoichi isn't eager to go in the forest for obvious reasons.

"Alright maggots, listen up good coz I'm only going to say this one," said Anko getting the all the genins' attention. "This is here the second exam takes place, Training Ground #44. But everyone calls it the Forest of Death. Reasons for that is… well, you get the idea"

Anko pulled out a rabbit carcass and tosses it in the forest where a giant centipede lunges out of the trees to catch it in its mandibles. Most of the Genin saw this and shuddered and gulped in fear.

"Wow, and I thought normal sized insects are weird" stated Naruto casually and calm until a kunai wisp pass his cheek and left a cut on it. Naruto felt the cut and touches it while it bleeds slightly.

"You think giant insects is all you'll face in the forest of death?" said Anko who appeared from behind Naruto. Her arms wrap around his chest, her breasts press on his back and she starts licking blood off the wound. "There are many dangers that lurk in the forest of death, many dangers will kill you in an instant if you're not careful"

Naruto then noticed Anko sliding one of her hands down his pants and starts massaging his soft long cock.

Anko then move her lips close to Naruto's ear to whisper seductively," But the main predator you need to watch out is me, Naruto-kun"

"Not if I hunt you first, Hebi-chan" whispered Naruto to his beautiful snake mistress. "Who know when you'll get caught in my snares and bound up my vine traps nice and tight"

"Oh, you know how to turn me on" said Anko

"Naruto quit acting tough around the proctor!" screeched Sakura, the flirting moment for Naruto and Anko just ended from the pink haired banshee's wailing.

"If you want to survive the Forest of Death, girl," suggested Anko while pulling an angry but creepy tone including a sadistic Cheshire smile. "You quit the screeching or you'll attract hungry beasts and hostile men who will LOVE to have their way with you."

Sakura shuddered at Anko's expression and shut her mouth up.

Thank Kami thought Naruto and Sasuke in relief of Sakura's recent silence and also the relief of their poor eardrums. Anko sneaked a kiss on Naruto's wound when suddenly a Ninja from Kusa sneaked from behind, alerting Naruto and Anko who turned sharply with their Kunai out but noticed what the Kusa nin's intentions are.

"My apologies for sneaking up like that but I was just returning your kunai, Proctor-san" said the Kusa ninja who is holding the kunai with his tongue. Sakura saw this and is freaked out at this, Naruto also freaked but tries not to show it despite the fact the Kusa ninja is extremely creepy.

"Why thank you," said Anko as she reclaims her kunai from the Kusa nin. "And next time, don't sneak up on a Jonin if you value your life"

"Oh I'll keep that in mind" said the Kusa ninja before he returns to his teammates, who are also creepy looking and somewhat sinister in Naruto's point of view.

The flirting between Naruto and Anko ends as the proctor returns where she once stood, she hold out a sheet of paper and explains while the exam sentinels pass each a copy of said paper.

"Now before we start, I need you all to read this and sign this sheet here" said Anko

"What is it?" curiously Temari asked before a sentinel gives her one.

"Term and Conditions of the exam" said Anko "You all should know that the chance of death is high and this sheet proclaims that you all volunterally enlisted to take the exams and to Konoha will not be hold responsible for any accidents or deaths. Besides, a Shinobi life does prone with death, be to you or the enemy.

Now while we sigh the sheets I'll explain the details of the second exam."

Anko pulls out a pair of sealed scrolls, one white and the other black. The white scroll bears the Kanji "Heaven" while the Black scroll bears the Kanji "Earth".

"Your team will be given one of these 2 scrolls, the objective is to obtain both scrolls and reach the tower at the centre of the forest". Said Anko "Now for the rules, you will be given a time limit of 10 days to obtain 2 scrolls and reach the tower. It you reach the tower when the time is up, your team fails. If one of your teams is unable to participate or die, your team will fail the exam. But, and this is quite important, if you open up the scrolls before reaching the tower, then you immediately fail the exam. The purpose of this exam is obtaining and delivering classified information which your Village Head or Client is allowed to see. Any questions?"

"You said 10 day, what are we gonna do for food!"

Anko scoffed at the question, no doubt asked by none other than Choji Akimichi, and it's no surprise since the Akimichi are notorious gluttons and their thoughts are always on what their next meal will be.

"The forest has plenty of food be it fruits, fish and live game, but I suggest you be cafeful on what you eat, for there are some things that are poisonous and also bite back." said Anko

Mostly everyone gulped at this, greenhorn genins who never had any experience on the wilderness will most likely screw up by eating toxic berries or poisonous mushrooms, hell if they drop their guard they'd be food themselves by the predators lurking in the forests.

"Any other questions?" said Anko

"Well yeah, what if you happen to read the scroll by accident" said Kiba, thinking that he can get away of peeping into the key items. Unfortunately for him, that question earned him a smack from Hinata. "Ow!"

"Baka" said both Hinata, and Shino has more common sence than the feral genin.

"Oh trust me, you don't want to know what will happen if you open that scroll without entering the tower." said Anko with a sadistic smirk, causing Kiba to gulp and immediately regret asking. "Alright, if there aren't anymore questions..."

"I have one" said Naruto raising his arms.

"Naruto! Put your hand down!" said Sakura "No one wants to hear your stupid questions."

Naruto ignored Sakura and started to answer his question.

"So what can we do when we encounter an enemy team, be them ambushing us or vise vera." said Naruto.

"Well, now that you mentioned it" said Anko as she starts to wave the sheet around. "it's all written on this sheet, just be sure to read it and sign it."

"Huh, why?" said Sakura

"This IS the forest of Death, and you can quest why" said Anko "The T&C will be acting as a contract for those particpating the second part of the exam. I'll leave the moments to read it before you return them sighed. Those who don't will be disqualified."

Naruto took his sheet and starts reading it.

"I hereby agree to participate the second part of the Chunnin Exams and will not be responsible for any actions committed within the Forest of Death. Actions such as:















Use of Explosions

Use of Jutsus which may result in death of opponent

Environmental attacks



and Rape..."

"Excuse me, Rape?" exclaimed Sakura in an outrage.

"Surely you went on those kunoichi defence lessons back in the academy." said Anko "And also learned about using sex as a weapon against your enemies."

"...You're saying you're permitting anyone to commit rape?" said Sakura, she doesn't know if she want to feel sick...or disturbingly feel happy about this."

Anko and Naruto doesn't like what Sakura is implying, even Sasuke is backing away from the pink haired kunoichi.

"I said you will not be hold responsible for committing it IN the forest of death, but I wouldn't suggest it." said Anko

I wouldn't either, this is no doubt of a part of the exams thought Naruto as he stares at the T&C sheet while frowning. Giving us to commit even the atrocious act for everyone to exploit and even expose our true nature.

Naruto noticed some very pleased expressions on the genin's face as if they've been given their most wanted birthday gift. Thinking they can get away with it like it was nothing.

Ninjas kill that's true, but we do not do it for the pleasure of it, but only when its necessary thought Naruto as he continues to read the sheet. And besides, it isn't rape if they're willing.

"All these acts will be permitted until the end of the second part, but committed afterwards will result in an immediate disqualification and an immediate arrest with crimes placed on your permanent record.

Do you agree with the terms and conditions?

If yes, please sign your name blow."

Naruto signed his name on the bottom of the sheet and waits for his teammates to sigh their sheets also, they give their sheets to one of the exam proctors in exchange of a the "Earth" Scroll.

"You best not lose that, Dobe" said Sasuke

"Oh I won't" said Naruto putting the Earth Scroll in his pouch.

Minutes later, everyone has signed their sheets and each given one of the 2 scrolls by random. Neither of everyone knows who got the other scroll they need, so they'll have to think of a plan once they enter the forest. Each teams are spreadout throughout the fence surrounding the forest, each 10 metres apart so they will not see each other and make their encounter to soon and easy. They wait for a while until Anko gives the word, slowly every minute becomes intense.

"Alright,maggots, the exam starts...NOW!"

With the gates open, the teams enter through the thick foliage of the deadly forest. Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura wasted no time laping on the branches so they can get a distance incase anyone got lucky and found them. Little do they know that there are a couple of certain teams have them marked, well mostly Naruto marked by the Kumo team and Iwa Team.

Iwa team

The Iwa team are still leaping through tree to tree, the black haired kunoichi is very determined while her 2 male teamates are looking ahead.

"Alright you know the mission" said Kurotsuchi

"Yeah, yeah, kill the blonde, got it." said Deidara

"Do not underestimate him" said Kurotsuchi looking back at her blonde teammate. "If he's much like his father, then you'd be a fool to drop his guard."

"It's surprising that they kept this a secret for so long" said Akatsuchi "And for good reason I imagine."

"I don't know, by the looks on those villagers when they see him, I reckon they don't know about him being the son of the Yondaime"

"It doesn't matter, the mission remains" said Kurotsuchi as she frowns deeply when the thought of Naruto enters her mind, gritting her teeth as the throughts become lewd, causing her to growl. Her crotch is becoming itchy and hot, making her more furious and blames Naruto even more.

"He never leaves this forest alive"

Kumo team

Karui, Samui and Omoi gained some distance and stopped to hide in a nearby cave, they make camp there and starts formulating a plan for their mission."

"Ok, the target is not far if he's planning to get the other scroll" said Karui "So I'd say we spring a trap for him once we know of his whereabouts."

"And how pray tell are we gonna figure out where the boy is?" said Samui as she give herself a good stretch to help her aching back due to her huge heavy breasts. "Damn this backache."

"I say we scout the perimetre and return here," said Karui "After that, we'll set our trap nearby"

"I reckon we gather the right bait first" said Omoi smirking behing his lollypop. "Give us some practice against them fools in Ame."

"For once he makes a good point," said Samui "We can't risk our own scroll should we fail."

"Fine, I'll keep the scroll with me while you two gather the bait" said Karui while patting the pouch above her black shorts hugging her ass. "We'll regroup in a few hours, got it?"

"Hai" said Samui and Omoi before they leave the cave and went their separate ways.

Karui was about to leave also, but suddenly she starts to feel warm around the collar and undid a few buttons on her top to reveal her mesh undershirt covering her cleavage.

"phew, it is really warm in here." said karui was she starts to feel the heat. At first she blamed it on the fire and starts to keave immediately so she can cool off. But little did she know is that the source of that heat will not go by just simply cooling off outside.

Back with Team 7

Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura finally stopped and found a good place to rest. The 3 genin pants tireless after their sprint up on the treetops, and out of the 3 Sakura is mostly tired while Naruto and Sasuke bearly broke a sweat.

"Ok, we need to start planning on getting that other scroll" said Sasuke

"Hai" said Naruto lifing his hitai-ate a bit so he can wipe off the sweat. "So do you have a plan?"

"...I'm thinking about it" said Sasuke, trying to cover the fact that he has no plan what so ever and maintain his cool persona.

But Naruto isn't fools, he sighed with sweatdrop by his temple.

"Well I might have something" said Naruto

"Why didn't you say?" Sakura exclaimed.

"Because of them" said Naruto before tossing a few kunai at the overgrowth, causing a scream of pain to yell out and exposed one an Ame ninja with a white bodysuit and a rebreather over his mouth.

"You son of a bitch!" exclaimed the Ame ninja when a a kunai lodge in his shoulder.

Sasuke and Sakura suddenly pose for combat but Naruto slowly approached the Ame ninja.

"Think you can sneak up on us and take our scrolls?" said Naruto as he then pose in his taijutsu stance while pulling a kunai in hand. "I'm afraid you just fell right into my trap."

"H-How did you know?" said the Ame ninja.

"I'd be foolish to tell you" said Naruto when suddenly his Shadow Clones drop down and surrounds the Ame ninja, shocking him, Sasuke and Sakura.

"Where did they come from?" said Sasuke

Naruto tapped the side of his nose and grinned, Sasuke only scoffed and returned his focus on the Ame ninja.

"Damn it, I thought I'd be catching easy prey while leaving leaving my team so not to arouse suspiction" said the Ame ninja "Big mistake"

"Indeed" said Naruto "So give me your scroll and I might left you go in one piece."

The Ame ninja then smirks underneath his rebreather.

"ha, you think I'd be carrying the scroll while going on my own?" said Ame "You're not so clever than you thought."

Naruto sighed calmly at this, this confuses the Ame ninja.

"Ah...Shame" said Naruto before knocking out the Ame ninja. "Sasuke, you got any ninja wire"

"Here" said Sasuke tossing a spool of ninja wire to Naruto.

"Thanks" said Naruto as he starts to hogtie the unconscious ninja.

"Naruto...what the hell are you doing."

"Tying the ninja up, you want him to warn his friends?" said Naruto as he finished with the tying. "There, that'll hold him."

"So what now?" said Sasuke

Naruto turns to Sasuke and pulls his trademark grin.


"Uh, wha...what just happened" said the Ame ninja as he starts to regain conscious but his vision is still groggy. Oh that blond bastard, when I get my hands on you I'll..."

"You'll do what to him?"

Huh?" said the Ame ninja when the Iwa Team suddenly arrived in the area, but something is strange of his vision...until he realised something. "Oh damn it, they strung me unpside down and...why is it cold all of a sudden?"

"I think they took your gear, clothes and all" said Deidara

Deidara is right, Naruto stole everything including his Ame jumpsuit, Hitai-ate and rebreather.

"AH DAMN IT" exclaimed until suddenly Kurotsushi placed a kunai around his neck, immediately shutting the strung up Ame ninja up.

"Where is he?" said Kurotsushi dangerously as she starts to press the sharp edge of her kunai hard that it broke the skin.

"I...I don't know, I swear" said the Ame ninja "I tried to ambush them and take their scroll but he sensed me before I could get the change. But he couldn't be far, I'm sure."

Kurotsuchi moved her face close until her pink eyes leer angrily at the scare widen eyes of the ame ninja.

"For your sake, he better be" said Kurotsuchi before moving away. "Deidara, scout the area."

Deidara starts to stuff both hands in his pounch and leaves them there, in the pounches you can hear chewing. After a minute, he remove his hands from the pouches and opens them, revealing a pair of chewing mouths on his palms. The hand-mouths open and small white birds fly out.

"Drones are primes and ready" said Deidara as she remove his fringe to reveal a building scope where his right eye use to be. He presses his right temple where a few series of tiny buttons are located, he pressed it and the scope glows blue. "Now linked to their visuals."

"Deploy them" said Kurotsuchi as the tiny white birds fly out into to scourer the outer area. "And be quick about it! I want that fucer DEAD!"

Akatsuchi and Deidara winced at the aggressive tone in Kurotsuchi's voice.

Is she alright?

Back with Team 7

Naruto is getting changed in the bushes, the Ame jumpsuit and rebreather he "borrowed" will help him on retrieving him the other scroll. Sasuke and Sakura are waiting for Naruto on the other side of the bush, the Uchiha remains calm while Sakura is very nervous.

"I don't know about this." said Sakura "You sure this will work?"

"It wouldn't hurt to try" said Sasuke "And to be honest, this si surprisingly a good idea."

"I heard that" said Naruto exiting the bushes now in the Ame jumpsuit and rebreather. "And even if it doesn't, we still have plenty of time to try again."

"Hn" Sasuke "So you're ready?"

"Hai" said Naruto nodding at Sasuke "Just give me a few minutes head start, then chase me."

"Got it" said Sasuke as he lefts Naruto leave and play the part of fleeing. Sasuke waits for a few minutes while leaning on a tree. "I hope this works."

"What if it doesn't?" said Sakura

"Then we'll think of another plan to get a scroll" said Sasuke "Just have a little faith in Naruto"

"But..I..*sigh* fine" said Sakura

Few minutes later

Naruto has now acting the part of a wounded ame ninja, he held on his "wound" while leaping on the rooftops. He hoped that the others in the Ame ninja's team can find him and perhaps rescue him, after a few minutes he drops on his knees and feigns pain.

"Guh, damn those Konoha punks" said Naruto "They got lucky."

"You think you can escape from me" said Sasuke

Naruto turns to see Sasuke and Sakura both with kunais in their hands, Naruto narrowed his eyes and turns to face them.

"So you managed to catch up, but you will NOT get your scroll back from me!" said Naruto as he exposed the Earth Scroll. I hope this will convince the other Ame ninjas to show themselves, they wouldn't dare give up such a prize.

Sakura is getting nervous as she has to play along with this charade, she is trying not to act all inconspicuous until the other 2 Ame ninjas reveal themselves.

This isn't gonna work, this isn't gonna work, this isn't gonna work!

"CHA, IT BETTER WORK YOU BAKA!" exclaimed Inner Sakura clutching her fists with anticipation.

Suddenly they arrived, 2 Ame Ninjas came out of hiding to assist their wounded comrade. Sasuke smirks at this, the plan worked. Naruto smirked under his rebreather that he grabbed one of the Ame ninja by surprise and placed a kunai by the neck.

"What the..."

"Alright, you Ame pricks, surrender the scroll now or we'll take it from your corpse" said Naruto

"That's a bit morbid, Naruto-ku…I mean Oh knock it off, you Baka!" said Sakura

Sasuke sweatdrops at this, also."

"Heh, you don't have the guts, kid" said Ame ninja held in Naruto's grasp. "I can don't sence any intent to kill in you."

Naruto frowns at the Ame ninja and starts to mentally chat with the Kyuubi.

Could ya give me a hand, Kyuu-chan? Thought Naruto

"Got it, Naruto-kun" said Kyuubi as she channeled a small portion of her chakra in Naruto's system.

The Ame ninja suddenly felt that and starts to shudder in fear.

"Alright, alright, take it!" said the now scared Ame ninja. "Left pouch, scroll's in the left pouch."

"Thanks you very much" said Naruto as he goes for the left pouch and pulls Earth Scroll. "Ah shit, wrong one."

"Damn it" said Sasuke

"There you've got what you wanted, let us go!" said Ame

"No" said Naruto before knocking down the Ame ninja like before. And before the third Ame ninja could react, Sasuke knocked him out with a flying kick and sent him crashing into the trees.

"Well, that was a bust" said Sasuke

"Yeah, but I was a good plan though" said Naruto taking off the rebreather and Ame Hitai-ate.

"Hai, but what we lack is info" said Sasuke "if we can figure out who's got a Heaven Scroll, then we can think of a plan to retrieve it from them and then later head for the tower."

" can I get out of this, because I'm starting to sweat in this" said Naruto

"Make it quick" said Sasuke

"Cheers" said Naruto as he heads for the bushes and get changed back into his own clothes.

"*sigh* that was disappointing" said Sakura "I thought it'd be easy."

"Wouldn't be an exam if it was" said Sasuke "At least we know what went wrong and remedy it next time."

Naruto is finally dressed and exits the bushes once again, he adjusts the hitai-ate around his forehead and sighs in relief.

"Let's hope I don't get to do that again" said Naruto

"Well it depends" said Sasuke "On who's got the Heaven scroll"

Little do they know that one of Deidara's white birds is perched on a branch and spies on the genin, but mostly at Naruto.

Team Iwa

"Target located, a 50 metres due west" said Deidara "Fortunately they're close enough for one of my C4 birds to make a critical move on him."

"Stand by, he's mine" said Kurotsuchi, causing Deidara to look at her in confusion.

"But wouldn't it be simple just to blow him up?" Deidara

"I will not be denied of the pleasure of killing the blonde bastard myself" said Kurotsuchi before turning to Deidara and leering at him in a hostile way. "and if you do, I will burn you to a fucking crisp."

Deidara held his hands up in defence while backing up.

"Fine, fine, you kill him" said Deidara "Can we go before we lose him."

"Hai" said Kurotsuchi in a low predatory growl before dashing off to the direction of Naruto.


Anko is bored, ever since Naruto entered the Forest of Death she is becoming lonely and bored without him.

"This will be the longest 10 days, in may live" said Anko while sitting on a tree with a cup of tea and a stick full of syrup coated dango. She ripped one of the dango off the stick and chews it. "*sigh* and I thought the past 5 years was worse"

Suddenly the sentinels Kotetsu and Izumo appears through a shunshin and pants tirelessly, Anko wasn't paying attention as she proceeds in with her snack and tea.

"Anko, we have a problem" said Kotetsu "some bodies are found littered in the field and dumped by the jizo statues."

Anko finished up her dango and washes it off with her tea.

"So why inform me, wouldn't you be informing the Hokage about this?" said Anko

"Normally we do...but something's wrong with them." said Izumo

"So what, apart from being dead?" said Anko with a confused look on her face.

Forest of Death

Team 7 is now high up on the trees so they can stop for a break, draping themselves with camoflauge cloaks keep them both warm and hidden from any opposing teams who are after an Earth Scroll. The reason of them being high up is because Naruto created a dozen Shadow Clones and scattered them to find and spy on said opposing teams.

With Shadow Clones, Naruto can receive the memories from them if ever dispelled, perfect for recon. Suddenly Naruto reacted when one of the memories from his clones was received.

"Found possible target" said Naruto "She's alone though."

"She?" said Sakura

"Kumo kunoichi, dark skin, red hair, yellow eyes" said Naruto "Nice ass too."

"ok, didn't need to know that last feature." said Sasuke with a sweatdrop. "if she's alone, no doubt her comrades aren't far away. It could be a trap."

"Hai, especially when her Heaven Scroll is exposed" said Naruto "Baiting anyone to attack."

"but we're gonna attack, anyway" said Sakura

"of course" said Sasuke "but we need to play this smart, incase she springs an ambush on us"

"You got a plan?" said Naruto

"I might, if you're willing to confront her" said Sasuke to Naruto.

Naruto sighed as this is typical and not surprising.

"You know Sasuke, it's times like this that make me wonder" said Naruto "That if you're afraid of women, or not really interested in them."

After that, Naruto vanishes in a swirl of leaves, it took Sasuke a moment to figure out what Naruto said to him until it hit him. Both he and Sakura scowls at Naruto for his snide remark.

"That damn womanizing Dobe, for that, I hope she kicks your ass" said Sasuke before he and Sakura follows the blonde.

If didn't take long for Naruto to reach the area where he spotted Karui, she is located in by a spring, trying to cool off her face when this heat within her is still lingering. Naruto hides behind a boulder by the stream, keeping quiet so not to alert Karui. He waits for Sasuke and Sakura to arrive so he can explain this new stratergy to get the Heaven Scroll, which is laying by Karui's kneeling legs while she tries to cool off.

Karui continues to splash cold water on her face, she sighs in relief by this until she suddenly smelt something. She narrows her yellow eyes but remains gazing at the flowing stream before splashing her face again.

Come on, Sasuke thought where the hell are you?

Suddenly he noticed some sparks flickering on the zipper of his jacket, at first he is confused but then his survival instincts kick him and rolls away before a bolt of lightning strikes the boulder.


Holy shit, that was close thought Naruto in relief from that surprise attack.

Naruto escaped the attack but that only exposed him to Karui, the red headed kunoichi chuckles while not looking at Naruto as she stands up and pick up her Heaven Scroll.

"I knew you'd show up" said Karui "And all alone too."

"So it is a trap" said Naruto as he pulls out his kunai, but he then sees the sparks flicking on it and tossed it aside in panic when another bolt of lighting strikes it. "Damn."

"Ha, ha, aw poor little Uzumaki" said Karui in a mock teasing tone as she starts to perform handsigns before covering herself in an eletrical current. "Kunais and shuriken will not help you, unless you want to get the worst shock of your life."

Naruto frowned at this, suddenly he a dome barrier made of flowing electricty entraps him and Karui. He turns to around to see the electric current, and that's when he saw something placed on the trees.

"Seals" said Naruto as he sighed while palming his face. "Sasuke's not gonna let me live live this down. "So what now, I give you the scroll in exchange for my freedom?"

Karui smirks at Naruto before she charges at him, Naruto dodges a punch from her but only to get a graze on his cheek and also a stock by the electric current flowing around her body.

"Guh!" said Naruto gritting his teeth with he got zapped by Karui's electric jutsu. Karui chuckles darkly at Naruto before she turns to him.

"Lightning Style: Armour" said Karui "Bee-Sensei was kind to teach me this, especially around you."

Naruto still grit his teeth as the stinging sensation from that zap still lingers.

"Damn, will not be easy" said Naruto Hurry the hell up, Sasuke!

Meanwhile with Sasuke

But unfortunately Sasuke and Sakura was in a fight of their own, ambushed by a lone Kusa Kunoichi standing on the head of a giant snake. Sasuke and Sakura are overwhelmed with fear, for their oppoent intent to kill is too great.

"Let's see if you live up to your reputation, Sasuke Uchiha"

End of Chapter

Naruto's Harem/ Fetish

Hinata – domination

Hanabi - Incest

Ino – Foreplay/ Anal/ Stuffing

Anko - BDSM

Kurenai - Exhibitionist

Mei Terumi

Haku- Exhibition

Hana Inuzuka – Foreplay/Doggy Style

Tsume Inuzuka – Foreplay/Doggy Style


Tsunami – Maid







Lust-Style Jutsu

Shinkeigan: Nerve Eye

Juuni-Te: Twelve Arms

EkiAiyoku: Liquid Lust

Yokubo no Kiri: Mist of Lust

Sexy Illusion

A/N: I'm back!

I do apologise for the long wait, but I do have other fics to write and I didn't have the time to go back on this. But now I am focused on this fic now.

Also, I wouldn't waste my time on writing your Pms on Fanfic, because I have a Discord Channel with my name on it. So please join my channel at
